Dr. Conspiracy
I hinted that I was working on some research related to the Lucas Smith Kenyan Birth Certificate that I hoped to be finished yesterday or today. It’s taking longer than expected although I have hopes to be done tomorrow. At this point I don’t know whether it will amount to anything or not. One thing I learned is that I am not cut out to be a detective. On TV they move from hot lead to hot lead. It seems that in real life, you strike out most of the time.
One of the things on my mind is just what to call the document. Epectitus, in his hilarious (but obviously aporcyphal) YouTube video of Smith in Mombasa, calls it the “POSFKBC.” I haven’t been able to find the origin or derivation of this acronym although “KBC” almost certainly stands for “Kenyan birth certificate.” I guess I will muddle over choosing a name for a little longer.
Ruminations about credibility were also part of my day. The Post & Email blog says that they talked to Heltan Maganga who told them that the POSFKBCwas not authentic — or did they? I never saw that article personally and it’s not there that I can find right now. The Post & Email blog is not high on my credibility list anyway, although I tend to believe the interview they had with Mr. Omolo back in 2009. Is this confirmation bias?
I checked site statistics. We average about 2,200 visitors a day here at Obama Conspiracy Theories; that’s about the population of my home town when I left it back in 1972. Site stability seems good, although it is still not as fast as I would wish — partly because the pages are so darned large. While I was fooling around, I added an experimental US Flag widget (lower right). It will show when the American flag should fly at half staff.
Thanks Doc, we appreciate what you do. Actually we have become addicted to your site. What’s strange to me is the the “birther” thing was started as a means to prevent/remove Obama form office. In that they have failed, so why are they still at it, brain damge does strange things to a birther. Who was it that said “doing the same thing over and over and expect different results is a sign of insanity”.
Some of the birthers believe that if the country just wakes up to their version of the truth, Obama can be removed from office. Certainly the Congress could remove him, but it’s not going to happen. The other reason is that there is a presidential election next year, don’t forget.
I attended the University of Hawaii 1961/1965, That’s where I met my Japanese wife, she was a foreign exchange student. My room mate (across the hall) was John Fahey, a great guitarist. I spent a lot of time with foreign students (because of my future wife). I knew most of the foreign students, including an African whose white wife just had a baby boy. I forgot about that but my wife reminded me, she said “…it must have been Obama, how may African students had a white wife, just one I think.” This African student had been to my place many times, I don’t remember if he brought his wife, though me wife says yes. I campaigned for Sen. Dan Inouye, a war hero, who was supported by Neil Abercrombie.
As a side note, if you asked an African exchange student his race, he would never use “Negro” or “Black”, those were American terms, he would answer “African”. My daughter’s COLB shows Japanese race for Mother and Polish race for Father. That’s the way she answered the questionnaire. So go ahead and tell me Polish is not a race.
another side note: I never wore a pair of shoes during my tme at U of H.
And how was the ‘air’ on the north side of the big island back then?
POSF stands for Piece of Sh*t Fake…
…you already know the rest
I spent my time on Oahu and Kau’i and, never went to Hawai’i (big island)
though I did meet Hilo Hattie (she may have come from Hawai’i), the favorite entertainer of the time was Kui Lee (his songs made Do Ho famous)
I just came back from a week’s family visit in Hawaii, things have changed quite a bit.
That was my hypothesis, but I couldn’t document it.
POS also stands for point of sale. It might be appropriate for Lucas’ fake.
My guess would be:
President Obama’s Second Fake Kenyan Birth Certificate
(the first fake being the one based on an Australian template)
Let me add I have some expertise in backronyms – I can usually tell the mnemonics behind our internal passwords. 😉
OK, here’s one for you. These two signs posted for the check out cashier at a discount department store. The store name was TG&Y.
Others beat me to the punch on deciphering the acronym. However, I think I shall throw in one stray thought.
Birthers claim that President Obama is ineligible because he was not born to two U.S. citizen parents. Setting aside the fact that Chester Arthur was also born under the same circumstances and this requirement not being listed anywhere in the Constitution, let me say this:
Barack Obama’s father was not a United States citizen at the time of President Obama’s birth. This is not speculation, or some secret dug out from the dark depths of his past. This is established, publicly known FACT. Yet in spite of this FACT, nobody in Congress, nobody in the FEC, nobody in charge of placing his name on any of the 50 state ballots, nobody in the judiciary, ever said “HEY WAIT A MINUTE!”
It makes no sense. I could try to run for president in 2012, except I’ll only be 31 at the time of the election. My birthdate of March 27th 1981 is no deep dark secret. Could I even get past the first filing with that notable lack of eligibility?
don’t forget to say “thank you for shopping at TG&Y”
2nd one ?
One thing about birthers that amuse me most is a belief held by Orly Taitz that Congress should stop trying to stop Obama politically, but rather that they should prove his ineligibility, because doing so would instantly invalidate everything Obama has done since he took office, and give America one mulligan.
And let’s not forget the whole “new elections within six months” nonsense that she peddles to her followers. That one always did make me laugh.
The second one took me a couple of days.
The FEC has no responsibility as to candidate eligibility. This was argued by the FEC in Berg v Obama,
I don’t think Thrifty was claiming they had responsibility, but rather that no one in the FEC noticed what birthers claim is a grievous error in eligibility.
If I was a director of the FEC, and I noticed the Democratic party putting forth an ineligible candidate for POTUS, I would have mentioned it to somebody…..
There was an FEC related lawsuit that went to the Supreme Court: Beverly v FEC, but the FEC’s sole responsibility is campaign finance not presidential eligibility. That is the responsibility of the Chief Elections Official in each state (usually the Secretary of State) plus the District of Columbia. An even better question for birthers is why didn’t even one Chief Elections Official in any heavily Republican state raise the issue of the Democrats putting up an “inellgible” candidate?
The US does not have a national election, we have fifty one state and federal district elections to determine the electors who decide who is president.
It is interesting that there are currently no FEC commissioners who were appointed by Democratic Presidents.
> If I was a director of the FEC, and I noticed the Democratic party putting forth an ineligible candidate for POTUS, I would have mentioned it to somebody….
Birthers (deliberately or stupidly) ignore the difference.
They cannot force the FEC to “vet” a candidate because it’s not the FEC’s official duty.
From that they conclude that the FEC simply ignored an obvious ineligibility, or that they took part in the conspiracy of “just keep quiet about it”.
As you state, these are two different things. Even if they weren’t legally obliged to, they would have said something if there had been something to say.
But I wouldn’t worry much; in order to keep their wild stories consistent, birthers already have to count pretty much the entire world into “part of the conspiracy”.
> An even better question for birthers is why didn’t even one Chief Elections Official in any heavily Republican state raise the issue of the Democrats putting up an “inellgible” candidate?
No, it wouldn’t. The birther majority has already settled for “the entire GOP is in on the conspiracy” and “McCain threw the election on purpose”.
It they hadn’t, the question why the former Republican authorities in Hawaii confirmed Obama was born there would have ended their folly already.
Dr.Conspiracy, Mr.Smith,
concerning the Historical Flaws I would like to point out that Heltan is now Maganga’s official name according to the Republic of Kenya and not just to various Kenyan news sites.
In 2011 The Gazette of Kenya has published
first of all you need to know what ithe Lw of Kenya
(Cap. 253)
it is explained here:
the above law also exlains that there is an official regiter of precticing doctors and that
5. (1)For the purpose of this Act, there shall be a registrar of Medical Practitioners and Dentists.
(2) The Director of Medical Services shall be the Registrar, and shall perform such duties in connection with the register as are prescribed by this Act.
(3) The Registrar shall keep a register of medical practitioners and dentists in the prescribed form. ”
now let’s go to the “official” register signed by the official registrar
Dr. Francis M. Kimani
Director of Medical Services
Ministry of Medical Services
(also found here: http://www.statehousekenya.go.ke/government/medical_services.htm)
something about the medical board not just any online directory (quoted from the above site)
“The Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board is a statutory authority established under Cap 253 Laws of Kenya to regulate the practice of medicine and dentistry in the country………………
Medical Practitioners & Dentists Board Functions ….
1.To direct and supervise the compilation and maintenance of a register and all records required to be kept under sections 6,13,14,15 of the Act.
2.To regulate private practice.
3.To such things as are incidental to the performance of all or any of the foregoing functions.”
here is the specific name listed
So according to the Government of Kenya Heltan is the correct spelling
Yeah I thought I knew that already. I should have replaced FEC with “(insert name of governmental body in charge of certifying presidential candidate eligibility here)” and the same point would have stood without making myself look foolish.
The initials for that body are NIL.
The political system is adversarial in nature. If there is a flaw with a candiidate, whether eligibility, flip-flopping on the issues, general idiocy or an extra-marital affair it’s up to opposing candidates to find them out and make hay with it. That’s why we have campaigns that drag on and on and on..
Perhaps the most ridiculous thing aboout Lucas’ story is that if a genuine Kenyan birth certifiicate for Obama were available for $ 5,000, you can bet your life that Hillary’s campaign or that of one of the other Democratic candidates or the Republicans would have happily forked it over long before Lucas appeared in Mombasa (or, actually, didn;t appear in Mombasa).
Further to my previous post about Maganga’s official name being Heltan:
pulished in accordance to
(Cap. 253) LAw of Kenya
does NOT draw names from online articles but from official forms filed by the practioners themselves and undersigned by public officers as can be found here
The Medical Board, on whose site I have found the Retention Register is a Government instituted body in charge of maintaining the Register as is clearly stated in the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act:
““The Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board is a statutory authority established under Cap 253 Laws of Kenya to regulate the practice of medicine and dentistry in the country………………
Medical Practitioners & Dentists Board Functions ….
1.To direct and supervise the compilation and maintenance of a register and all records required to be kept under sections 6,13,14,15 of the Act.
2.To regulate private practice.
3.To such things as are incidental to the performance of all or any of the foregoing functions.” and furthermore…..
““The Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board is a statutory authority established under Cap 253 Laws of Kenya to regulate the practice of medicine and dentistry in the country………………
Medical Practitioners & Dentists Board Functions ….
1.To direct and supervise the compilation and maintenance of a register and all records required to be kept under sections 6,13,14,15 of the Act.
2.To regulate private practice.
3.To such things as are incidental to the performance of all or any of the foregoing functions.”….
…” 5,2 2) The Director of Medical Services shall be the Registrar, and shall perform such duties in connection with the register as are prescribed by this Act.
As you all can see the list provided through the link to the Medical Board of Kenya is undersigned by the official Resistrar the Director of Medical Services
Now it’s official, the name is Heltan (allthough he wasn’t yet Chief Administrator on Feb 19th 2009)
Is it ‘Mary’ or is it ‘Merry’? And is it ‘Jeniffer’ or is it ‘Jennifer’?
1. Dr ‘MARY’ Othigo
2. Dr Othigo, Jeniffer ‘MARY’ (also not the spelling of ‘Jeniffer’ is not the same as above in example number 4)
or is it…..
3. Othigo ‘MERRY’ J. O. (Dr)
4. Dr. ‘MERRY’Jennifer Othigo (also not the spelling of ‘Jennifer’ is not the same as above in example number 2)
Tell me, what is the correct name(s), and correct spellings those name(s) for the Kenyan doctor Othigo (or Othiga) that you claims was the the Chief Admin on Feb. 19th, 2009 at Coast Province General Hospital?
Dr. Conspiracy, please proceed with extreme caution before answering, or, in your next blog report about it.
Is it ‘Mary’ or is it ‘Merry’? And is it ‘Jeniffer’ or is it ‘Jennifer’?
1. Dr ‘MARY’ Othigo
2. Dr Othigo, Jeniffer ‘MARY’ (also not the spelling of ‘Jeniffer’ is not the same as above in example number 4)
or is it…..
3. Othigo ‘MERRY’ J. O. (Dr)
4. Dr. ‘MERRY’Jennifer Othigo (also not the spelling of ‘Jennifer’ is not the same as above in example number 2)
Tell me, what is the correct name(s), and correct spellings those name(s) for the Kenyan doctor Othigo (or Othiga) that you claims was the the Chief Admin on Feb. 19th, 2009 at Coast Province General Hospital?
Dr. Conspiracy, please proceed with extreme caution before answering, or, in your next blog report about it.
Gee look who is back a few hours after he said he wasn’t returning
What does this have to do with Heltan Manganas name being on your certificate when he wasn’t administrator at the time
Shocking. Who would actually trust him on his word anyway? Desperate birthers who have no need for the truth?
What I love is how he somehow thinks that finding random “yellow” pages on the internet mispelling the chief administrators name somehow absolves him of having the wrong name of the administrator of his forged certificate
Lucas fancies himself as Admiral Ackbar
If ANYONE (I wont mention names) declares that Helton/Heltan name is spelled wrong by citing online references, yet when it comes to Dr. Othigo you (ANYONE), claim that it doesn’t matter that different official online sources spell her names (and sometimes wholly different names) differently, then you (ANYONE) are NOT adept or prepared to have this debate nor are you qualified to present an objective finding of facts on this topic.
I say that with respect. I don’t want you (ANYONE) to embarrass yourself like by making a move similar to those found in the playbook of the pseudo scholar Jerome Corsi.
Btw, this list is NOT exactly the same list of sources that your are referring to that I posted days before.
No its wrong because he wasn’t Chief Administrator when you supposedly went to Kenya to collect your forgery. His name should not be on that document. So again what kind of press did you use to make the certificate? You should be proud of your work
He wouldn’t understand a logical fallacy even if it bit him, made him bleed and followed him around for months explaining why.
You really made my day with your comment.
I have been saying the exact same thing for so long now. I agree with you 100%.
Sir, it appears that you are not aware of the fact that this whole debate about Helton/Heltan is based on online sources, as you said, “random “yellow” pages on the internet mispelling (sic) the chief administrators name.”
Thank you Sir!!! Finally the Obot (or perhaps honest skeptic) team understands!!!
Now maybe you can tell me how you know what the true spelling on Dr. Maganga’s name is??? (Don’t tell, let me guess, you have an official ‘online’ source?!?!)
You make me laugh Lucas. The spelling of Heltan Manganas name doesn’t matter as he wasn’t Chief Administrator when you supposedly got the certificate. Which makes your obvious forgery even more laughable. Othigo was the chief administrator you should have done your research before you signed Manganas name on it.
Stop the presses, Lucas Smith has proof positive that publications sometimes misspell peoples names. WOW. Send Dr. Othigo an email and ask her how she spells here name. And do the same for Dr. Maganga.
I once worked with a woman whose name was Wendi and the company directory listed her as Wendy. Go figure.
You have a reading comprehension problem Lucas if you think my comment agrees with you in any way shape or form.
Just wait next he’ll say that sometimes Othigo spells her name Heltan Mangana or vice versa on Birth documents.
Why do you change your story now?
Btw, how do you know that Helton/Heltan was NOT the chief admin on Feb. 19th, 2009???
Let me guess….“random “yellow” pages on the internet mispelling (sic) the chief administrators name.” Your words, not mine! hahahajajajajejejeje.
Cite your source, Sir. hahahejejejaa.
All you have is online sources. Ironic, isn’t it?
What sort of come back do you have now? Are you going to call me a ‘big fat head’ and tell me to ‘go away Mr bad person’?
Answering to Lucas Smith about Dr.Othigo.
The correct name can be found in the same official
issued in accordance to
(Cap. 253) LAw of Kenya
gazzetted and signed by the Official Registrar
Dr. Francis M. Kimani
Director of Medical Services
Ministry of Medical Services
and here is how she is registered by the Goverment of Kenya for the year 2010:
(the Medical Board owner of the site is the statutory body who keeps the register of practicing doctors)
Registrar/ Director of Medical Services
Mr. Lucas here we are speaking about official Government registers not about Online news sites, newspapers or blogs. The 2010 register was published by the Government of Kenya only a few days ago during the current month of March.
Frome the same retention Register:
Registrar/ Director of Medical Services
So Mr.Lucas you’d better start investigating for some other source with equivalent authority instead of ranting about Kenyan misspellings. Yes you are right, both Othigo’s and Maganga’s names have been spelled differently and this is why we need to refer to an official source such as a public register
I haven’t changed my story. I’ve told you several times Heltan wasn’t the administrator. We’ve already posted the source showing Othigo was the administrator up until the end of February of 2009. If you did your research before creating your forgery you would have known that. What’s the point of telling you to go away? You never follow through with your word anyway. 5 times you ran off crying saying you wouldn’t come back only to come back.
By the way I see even the Freepers at Free Republic told you Othigo was the Chief Administrator over a year ago.
Kim aka Mik,
Why are you pretending that you are citing two sources? You are citing just ONE SOURCE.
Also, you pretend that your’s is the only official source.
My sources are very official as well. I even have a HOSPITAL SOURCE.
Whoa……wait a minute now….Kim aka Mik….you are now claiming the official online hospital source that I have cited is incorrect……whoa Kim aka Mik….are you making a claim that the HOSPITAL is incorrect???
Oh…..sort of like you claim the 1961 CPGH birth certificate does not use the correct spelling.
Thank you Kim aka MIk for inadvertently making an argument in defense of the 1961 CPGH Obama birth certificate!
As always Kim, your mind is slower than mine. Be careful old pal.
Kim aka Mik,
Why are you pretending that you are citing two sources? You are citing just ONE SOURCE.
Also, you pretend that your’s is the only official source.
My sources are very official as well. I even have a HOSPITAL SOURCE.
Whoa……wait a minute now….Kim aka Mik….you are now claiming the official online hospital source that I have cited is incorrect……whoa Kim aka Mik….are you making a claim that the HOSPITAL is incorrect???
Oh…..sort of like you claim the 1961 CPGH birth certificate does not use the correct spelling.
Thank you Kim aka MIk for inadvertently making an argument in defense of the 1961 CPGH Obama birth certificate!
As always Kim, your mind is slower than mine. Be careful old pal.
Only in backwards world is that a defense of your counterfeit certificate. Once again Mangana wasn’t chief administrator when you said you took your trip. People on WND, Freerepublic and so on have all told you this over a year ago.
I’m not the one threatening to run off every night like you have Lucas.
Thank you EVERYONE here on Doc’s blog for proving me to be CORRECT!
Have blessed day everyone!
You still didn’t tell me HOW you know that Helton/Heltan was not the chief admin on Feb. 19th, 2009.
Simple minded!
Ok..go ahead…give me your “online” source!
Sore loser!
Hugs and kisses everyone!
Even for my old pal Great Kim aka Mik Taerg!
Why use the (something something) when the (something something) would do?
That’s what comes to mind so far.
Lucas, it is one source, the statutory body that registers practicing doctors in Kenya on behalf of the ministery of Health whose Director of Medical Services is also by Law the official Registrar. Not two sources, one source. Better study my posts before ranting.
Lucas, bring your passport to your April 12th Arizona appearance, show the Kenya entry and exit markings, and silence all these critics. Arizona. You. Passport.
Once again Lucas you’re the one who everyday on this blog cries and runs away only to come back. Again and again you’ve been told by WND, Freerepublic that Heltan wasn’t the administrator. You still haven’t proven you ever went to Kenya.
Even the crazies at Freerepublic ripped you a new one:
This was over a year ago.
The Daily Nation, Kenyan Newspaper:
February 26th, 2009
“The hospital administrator, Ms Jennifer Othigo, said that she was not aware of the drug shortage. In Molo, most patients treated and discharged or admitted to the sub-district hospital said they are being referred to private chemists in the town to buy drugs.”
On the bright side, all the members of Congress who saw Luca’s POSFKBC didn’t need to know who was hospital administrator or how to spell the name.
They knew it was a POSFKBC just by looking at it.
They seem to have understood, hospitals don’t issue official birth certificates. Only governments do that.
Hey Doc, I’m givin’ you all the love I can over at Fogbow. You’re listed on the blogroll on the home page, your RSS feed is on my RSS page, and a link to here is on every page of the forum, no matter where you are. Howzabout returning the favor and listing Fogbow (hopefully in “The Good”). 😀
Why use the long story when the short one will do?
That’s my guess. Perhaps to motivate the cashier to keep the line moving at the check out of a discount department store instead of chatting endlessly and annoying people (like me) who just want to pay and get on with life.
[And thanks to G for the help but only if it’s right! ;-)]
Hey, your solution sounds plausible to me! Even if it is not the right puzzle solution in this particular scenario, it would be a good one!!!
I hereby “second” the listing of the Fogbow among the links here.
I also agree with Loren’s post earlier- Lucas has an extraordinary claim, but if he can’t prove his Kenya trip, arguing the kerning (and other small details) is a waste of time.
I believe that it refers to the size of shopping bags: Why use the large size when the small one will do?
LOL! Thanks for the explanation. Shopping bags… Situationally, that makes sense now that you say it, but I never would have thought of that if you didn’t tell me.
There’s got to be a suggestive joke in there somewhere. 😀
Or there should be.