Zombies and birthers

One characteristic of birther myths is that even when a stake is driven through their hearts and they are nailed in the coffin, they just keep coming back like zombies.

This thread is dedicated to zombies and birthers.

See also:

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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57 Responses to Zombies and birthers

  1. Slartibartfast says:

    G: It is up there as one of their dumbest threads of meaningless pursuit.I believe crazy Orly was the originator of bringing the SSN nonsense claims.Their obsession with a dude born in 1890 somehow being part of a vast conspiracy is just completey wack-a-doodle silly.

    My favorite chuckle from the story you posted is this statement they make:

    Wow…particularly when their report ends with the data they have specifically listing his death in June 1981.

    So, in their crazed conspiracy minds, who knows why when faced with these records, they merely view him as only “presumed” dead…

    …are they hinting that somehow there is either a walking zombie corpse running around in the shadows or that he is a still living 121 year old man who faked his death 30 years prior in order to help facilitiate the vast “Kenyan Ursurper conspiracy” upon America?Gee…maybe they will look at his background as being “French” as part of the conspiracy…yeah, that’s it…the French have been behind this dastardly plot the whole time…give me my Freedom Fries! [It’s all Lupin’s fault…] LMAO!


    I have to take issue with your post – ‘zombies’ and ‘corpses’ are two separate and distinct groups, the latter showing a distinct lack of animation and the former showing an insatiable appetite for brains (I wont get into the distinction between naturally deceased undead Americans and naturalized undead Americans…).

  2. G says:

    Slartibartfast: G,
    I have to take issue with your post – ‘zombies’ and corpses’ are two separate and distinct groups, the latter showing a distinct lack of animation and the former showing an insatiable appetite for brains (I wont get into the distinction between naturally deceased undead Americans and naturalized undead Americans…).

    LMAO! 😉

  3. Bovril says:

    Best not or we then will rapidly descend into the depths of the taxonomy of zombies….

    Is a “28 days later” fast rage zombie a REAL zombie or just a drunken Welshman writ large?

    “Multi-Tasking in a Z world”…Where does The Umbrella Corporation zombie fit as the virus, kills, mutates the zombie as well as re-animates it.All things for all Z’s

    “Shambling, thy name is Romero”, “Classic” v “New Age”

    “Would sir like brains with that”..the anatomy of a Foodie Zombie, offal or prime cut?

    “Shaun of the Dead”…Does video game play reduce homicidal impulses in your zombie best friend?

    “Birthers….are they philosophical zombies?….Discuss”

  4. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Bovril: Best not or we then will rapidly descend into the depths of the taxonomy of zombies….Is a “28 days later” fast rage zombie a REAL zombie or just a drunken Welshman writ large?“Multi-Tasking in a Z world”…Where does The Umbrella Corporation zombie fit as the virus, kills, mutates the zombie as well as re-animates it.All things for all Z’s“Shambling, thy name is Romero”, “Classic” v “New Age”“Would sir like brains with that”..the anatomy of a Foodie Zombie, offal or prime cut?“Shaun of the Dead”…Does video game play reduce homicidal impulses in your zombie best friend?“Birthers….are they philosophical zombies?….Discuss”

    You forgot about the Walking Dead

  5. G says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): You forgot about the Walking Dead

    My current favorite!

    Can’t wait for season 2…gotta get all the larger compiled TPBs someday…I love how they release them in episodic “arcs”…(although I’ve kept fully appraised and current on the full comic storyline and can’t wait to see which elements they keep in the TV series and which they expand or take in different directions. I’ve been happy with both the similarities and interesting divergences in characters and story on the TV show so far and think each format stands as quality on its own.)

    I have really grown to love zombie movies. What is strange is that I wasn’t really into them when I was younger and pretty much developed a deep appreciate for them starting sometime in my late 20’s. I’ve since caught up and seen most of the standards and their offshoots. 28 Days Later is also a strong favorite of mine. Shaun of the Dead was hilarious. The Dawn of the Dead remake was one of the best remakes to come out. It really stood up on its own merits. Looking forward to World War Z in eventual movie form.

  6. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    G: My current favorite! Can’t wait for season 2…gotta get all the larger compiled TPBs someday…I love how they release them in episodic “arcs”…(although I’ve kept fully appraised and current on the full comic storyline and can’t wait to see which elements they keep in the TV series and which they expand or take in different directions. I’ve been happy with both the similarities and interesting divergences in characters and story on the TV show so far and think each format stands as quality on its own.)I have really grown to love zombie movies. What is strange is that I wasn’t really into them when I was younger and pretty much developed a deep appreciate for them starting sometime in my late 20′s. I’ve since caught up and seen most of the standards and their offshoots. 28 Days Later is also a strong favorite of mine. Shaun of the Dead was hilarious. The Dawn of the Dead remake was one of the best remakes to come out. It really stood up on its own merits. Looking forward to World War Z in eventual movie form.

    G I’ve kept up on the comic as well. I’m just waiting in anticipation how much of the actual storyline they will put on TV. Can’t wait to see the governor introduced. I like some of the zombie video games that have come out. There’s this one Zombie Island I’m going to try out

  7. Slartibartfast says:

    Best not or we then will rapidly descend into the depths of the taxonomy of zombies….

    Is a “28 days later” fast rage zombie a REAL zombie or just a drunken Welshman writ large?

    “Multi-Tasking in a Z world”…Where does The Umbrella Corporation zombie fit as the virus, kills, mutates the zombie as well as re-animates it.All things for all Z’s

    “Shambling, thy name is Romero”, “Classic” v “New Age”

    “Would sir like brains with that”..the anatomy of a Foodie Zombie, offal or prime cut?

    “Shaun of the Dead”…Does video game play reduce homicidal impulses in your zombie best friend?

    “Birthers….are they philosophical zombies?….Discuss”

    BAH! I’m going to go play some ‘Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel Without a Pulse’ and pretend I’m changing birthers into mindless Obots by eating their brains… Mmmmm, brains…

  8. thisoldhippie says:

    Look for a new zombie movie “Followed” filmed in Macon, GA that my daughters are a part of. It is based on a short story by Will McIntosh. It is different from any other!

  9. G says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): G I’ve kept up on the comic as well. I’m just waiting in anticipation how much of the actual storyline they will put on TV. Can’t wait to see the governor introduced. I like some of the zombie video games that have come out. There’s this one Zombie Island I’m going to try out

    Here is a good resource I like:


    Agreed about the Governor… also, can’t wait to see Michonne and her two katanas and to see it they intro her in the same shocking way with the 2 leashed zombies in tow. Also, I can’t wait to see winter weather become a factor on the TV show…as it has had such a reoccurring impact of adding to the mood and threats within the comics. The TV show city scenes came close to what I imagine when I think of the hordes…but knowing how they grow in size and threat…can’t wait to see that play out too.

    I really liked the TV’s addition of additional characters so far as well as the whole CDC and hints at what happened that were added and a key part of the last 2 episodes of Season 1.

  10. G10388 says:

    thisoldhippie: Look for a new zombie movie “Followed” filmed in Macon, GA that my daughters are a part of. It is based on a short story by Will McIntosh. It is different from any other!

    Awesome! Thanks for the headsup. I started to look into it and found some good links to share:



    The trailer and official info can be found on IMDB:


  11. gorefan says:

    thisoldhippie: It is different from any other!

    I understand the there might be a movie based on “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith.

    And I almost positive that Grahame-Smith’s novel “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” is scheduled to make it to the big screen. In fact, I think they have actually cast that one.

  12. thisoldhippie says:

    gorefan: I believe you’re right on those. The James Kicklighter movie “Followed” is actually a “take care of your planet” zombie movie. It puts zombies and their purpose on this earth into a whole new realm. My daughters were extras and the oldest one can be seen on the movie poster. There’s a great book of zombie short stories that this one is in called “The Living Dead.”

  13. G says:

    Thanks for creating this thread for us, Dr. C!

  14. G says:

    Huh…somehow I temporarily became “G10388” on a post above when the thread moved.

    Darn, and here I was hoping for THX1138… 😉

  15. G: Thanks for creating this thread for us, Dr. C!

    All work and no play makes for dull Obots.

  16. thisoldhippie says:

    Or zombified ones! Sometimes I feel like I’m just shuffling through life that way. Thanks!

  17. I may have fire up “Plants vs. Zombies” when I get home…..

  18. Slartibartfast says:

    Huh…somehow I temporarily became “G10388‘ on a post above when the thread moved.

    Darn, and here I was hoping for THX1138

    Good movie, but no zombies… I do think that zombies are a good model for birthers – though no one has ever figured out how to prevent a birther meme from coming back to un-life…

  19. Bovril says:

    I’m still going with

    “Birthers….are they philosophical zombies?….Discuss”

    Cack, out of general nosiness I googled the pahrase and someone has wiki’ed it…..


    A philosophical zombie or p-zombie is a hypothetical being that is indistinguishable from a normal human being except that it lacks conscious experience, qualia, or sentience.

    Fits ’em to a “T”…… 😎

  20. Slartibartfast says:

    I was too lazy to find the open thread, so I’ll say I’m posting this as an example of a zombie meme (though not a birther meme, it did come from Dr. K(h)ate’s cesspool of intolerance and sedition…).

    This exchange was from the latest thread at Dr. K(h)ate’s, [bracketed and bold comments mine]:

    Quantum Leap
    March 15, 2011 at 2:03 am
    OT check this:
    The next target will be the New Madrid fault line in the South- Midwestern United States, according to threats originating from the Nazi George Bush Senior faction of the U.S. government

    The horrific earthquake weapon HAARP (which can also cause spacequake) attack on Japan on March 11, 2011 which resulting in 10 meter tsunamis along much of Japan’s coast line came from rogue elements of the U.S. government located in underground bases in New Mexico and Nevada, according to pentagon and CIA sources

    [‘Spacequake’? I would ask Quantum Leap what that is, but I fear that listening to the answer would lower my IQ… plus I doubt I could get through the moderation. There was a video that went with this which you can find at the site (linked below), but I warn you that it is 7 minutes of your life you wont get back…]

    True Patriot
    March 15, 2011 at 8:59 am
    Thanks QL This is good as always. Will pass it on.

    Just as we all suspect it is HAARPS doing this.

    [Personally, I find QL’s position in this community fascinating from an anthropological perspective…]

    Quantum Leap
    March 15, 2011 at 2:40 am
    OT again. part 1
    There’s a week long training exercise that ends on May 20th in the New Madrid area. Scary too, that all gas pipelines that furnish the whole USA run right through the New Madrid fault area. Coincidence, or Planned? Congress is also out of the office that week…anyone want to keep an eye out to see how many leave the country before the end of May?

    [I wonder what he’ll be saying about this on June 1st…]

    Cort Wrotnowski
    March 15, 2011 at 6:12 am
    Frankly, I am skeptical of the information presented above. It is thin on facts, long on emotion laden images of disasters with sad music in the background.

    I don’t know enough about the science of HAARP other than my fascination with Tesla. I figure that if there are other facilities around the world, they would have been more forthcoming in what they find in their work.

    The projections are presented in the same horror inducing way as was done with global warming. So, I’m not there.

    [This is where I decided that I really needed to share this with you guys…]

    True Patriot
    March 15, 2011 at 9:05 am
    @Cort This is true on HAARPS. there have been interviews with the original inventor of HAARPS son, who has said his father never mean’t for this technology to end up in the hands of evil government.

    It will be to your family’s detriment if you choose not to educate yourself on this real threat. Yes, it sounds so Sci-Fi, but it is true.

    Global Warming is and was always a hoax. A complete scam by the fraud Al Gore to make millions, and his minions.

    Do not compare or confuse the 2. HAARPS is real, Global Warming is a Hoax.

    [Amazing how they can ignore actual evidence and be completely convinced by lack of evidence…]

    Quantum Leap
    March 15, 2011 at 12:17 pm
    I don’t know enough about the science of HAARP

    That says it all.
    Mute the music if ya don’t like it. Grow up. You seem so obotty. whine whine whine snivel.

    [QL does some bullying to protect his alpha-poster status…]

    March 15, 2011 at 7:47 am
    I am a Physicist.

    The statements made about HAARP in the above video are ridiculous and should be removed from this site. Total Spam Trash. Fear Mongering. It is not good for our movement to have anything to do with this trash garbage fake baloney.

    [Apparently Ken’s scientific objectivity doesn’t extend to birtherism, but HAARP and ‘spacequakes’ *snort* are too much for him.]

    March 15, 2011 at 8:00 am
    Well, I’m the illegitimate grandson of Albert Einstein and I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

    [The natives start getting hostile to the newcomer…]

    Quantum Leap
    March 15, 2011 at 12:22 pm
    Hog wash. You are a physicist my arse…….and I am GOD……
    Don’t come here and dictate what people can post. It’s not your blog. Like who are you? HAARP is one of the topics here..right Heather?

    [You go girl…]

    March 15, 2011 at 12:40 pm
    Kenny boy, as a physicist, then you should know we are talking about atmosphereic geoengineering, weather manipulation, and the effects of a 1 billion watt microwave pulse sent by HAARP (a real project of the military) into the atmosphere.

    So, with this kind of documentation available, I conclude you are total spam trash and should be removed from this site. And take your fake baloney sandwich with you.

    [Dr. K(h)ate rides in to vanquish another Obot]

    Quantum Leap
    March 15, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    Obots are under foot.
    They hate it when we change the subject. They love to make fun of so called birthers and it kills them when they can’t track back on that.

    [Since Poe’s law always has to be considered ‘in play’ at Dr. K(h)ate’s, I honestly don’t know if Ken was on the level or not…]

    March 15, 2011 at 12:52 pm
    roflmao. This is the kind of fun, and discussion, that occurs between the lines…and it has the added benefit of bringing out the obots. LOL.

    [You tell ’em Dr. K(h)ate!]


  21. G says:

    Slartibartfast: I was too lazy to find the open thread, so I’ll say I’m posting this as an example of a zombie meme (though not a birther meme, it did come from Dr. K(h)ate’s cesspool of intolerance and sedition…).

    Well, it definitely demonstrates brain-dead thinking…so I think it qualifies!

    To sort of extend the topic…if birthers are brain dead zombies…do they also fall under other supernatural categories such as being ghosts?

    The reason I ask… well, the birthers had their panties all moist about their big media stunt they were going to pull on Sunday, March 13th where “millions” of birthers pulled over on the side of the road everywhere hoping the media would notice…

    Well, the 13th has come and past and I haven’t heard a single mention of anyone reporting on it, let alone even a mention of any unusual pull-overs on the road that day.

    So, maybe they are all just ghosts and their massive birther gatherings are just invisible to us here in the real, physical world. 😉

  22. Daniel says:

    It can be proven that zombies have more brain power than birthers, since when you shoot a zombie in the head… it stops.

    Also rumour has it that zombies are rare to extinct in birhter states. apparently they starve to death.

  23. Slartibartfast says:

    G: Well, it definitely demonstrates brain-dead thinking…so I think it qualifies!

    To sort of extend the topic…if birthers are brain dead zombies…do they also fall under other supernatural categories such as being ghosts?

    The reason I ask… well, the birthers had their panties all moist about their big media stunt they were going to pull on Sunday, March 13th where “millions” of birthers pulled over on the side of the road everywhere hoping the media would notice…

    Well, the 13th has come and past and I haven’t heard a single mention of anyone reporting on it, let alone even a mention of any unusual pull-overs on the road that day.

    So, maybe they are all just ghosts and their massive birther gatherings are just invisible to us here in the real, physical world.

    I’ve been on the edge of my seat waiting for the news reports of the massive impact of the protest on Sunday. As near as I can figure, the birthers all got distracted thinking of ways to blame the Japanese earthquake on President Obama…

  24. G says:

    Daniel: It can be proven that zombies have more brain power than birthers, since when you shoot a zombie in the head… it stops.Also rumour has it that zombies are rare to extinct in birhter states. apparently they starve to death.

    LOL! Great points. Kudos.

  25. Eglenn harcsar says:

    Hi Dr C and those that joined me in prayer.

    Though not to diminish the continued need for concern and assistance for the people of Japan, I report that my immediate family of aunt uncle and cousins are safe, and that extended family of my cousins wife weathered the earthquake and tsunami in the southern islands.

    Slartbartifast, I like your analysis of the haarp comments on dr Kate s blog. Sometimes its the comments where all the fun of the narrative takes place. Do you think that the cort who posted his doubts is the very same ct court from the early NBC cases. Or someone using this name for purposes unknown?

    Either way HAARP is real enough. You can view the facility on google maps easily enough. But I’ll leave it to the dead and undead alike to determine if the chile and japan earthquake were caused by the comet elenin or just timed to coincide with its alignment with the earth and sun just like wtc7 was timed to align with planes flying into other buildings. More tasteless humour, yes, but it’s invited given the zombie theme. That day I was able contact family, even though they were part of the dust covered irradiated walking dead out of manhattan. Other friends were simply memorialized as they were otherwise atomized. (Google wtc7 and watch the live BBC report that it had fallen while it still stands in the background. We are all out of Berg’s suit indeed!)

    Dr c we have been bandying that birtherism is a tool to distract and dismiss critique as hate fueled bigotry against a man. But its really not about the man. As you put the nails in the bc coffin, the conspiracies to explore I fear are raging outside the interests and expertise of your blog. If you read there, bribery, blackmail, murder, technology, mythos, and simple thuggery work to unseat government, enslave people through debt and dependence, control mood with chemicals and electricity, and bring a new order out of the chaos of collapsing infrastructure, natural resources, and both natural and man made disasters. Whew! What doom! If read correctly we are not exactly the philosophic zombie as mentioned above, but we are all dead man walking nonetheless.

    My joyful prayers for hopeful redemption abound.

  26. G says:

    Eglenn harcsar: Though not to diminish the continued need for concern and assistance for the people of Japan, I report that my immediate family of aunt uncle and cousins are safe, and that extended family of my cousins wife weathered the earthquake and tsunami in the southern islands.

    Glad to hear that your family are all safe and my heart continues to go out to the people of Japan during their time of crisis and loss.

  27. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    G: Here is a good resource I like:http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/The_Walking_Dead_WikiAgreed about the Governor… also, can’t wait to see Michonne and her two katanas and to see it they intro her in the same shocking way with the 2 leashed zombies in tow. Also, I can’t wait to see winter weather become a factor on the TV show…as it has had such a reoccurring impact of adding to the mood and threats within the comics. The TV show city scenes came close to what I imagine when I think of the hordes…but knowing how they grow in size and threat…can’t wait to see that play out too.I really liked the TV’s addition of additional characters so far as well as the whole CDC and hints at what happened that were added and a key part of the last 2 episodes of Season 1.

    They need to cast Danny Trejo as The Governor

  28. G says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): They need to cast Danny Trejo as The Governor

    That would be PERFECT! Good call.

  29. Black Lion says:

    From Dr. K(h)ates site they birthers have really gone over the edge….

    Quantum Leap
    March 15, 2011 at 2:03 am
    OT check this:
    The next target will be the New Madrid fault line in the South- Midwestern United States, according to threats originating from the Nazi George Bush Senior faction of the U.S. government

    The horrific earthquake weapon HAARP (which can also cause spacequake) attack on Japan on March 11, 2011 which resulting in 10 meter tsunamis along much of Japan’s coast line came from rogue elements of the U.S. government located in underground bases in New Mexico and Nevada, according to pentagon and CIA sources


    And when someone calls this poster on his SiFi nonsense….

    March 15, 2011 at 7:47 am
    I am a Physicist.

    The statements made about HAARP in the above video are ridiculous and should be removed from this site. Total Spam Trash. Fear Mongering. It is not good for our movement to have anything to do with this trash garbage fake baloney.

    Predictibly the crazy and insane birthers don’t like the fact that they believe in nonsense…

    Quantum Leap
    March 15, 2011 at 12:22 pm
    Hog wash. You are a physicist my arse…….and I am GOD……
    Don’t come here and dictate what people can post. It’s not your blog. Like who are you? HAARP is one of the topics here..right Heather?

    March 15, 2011 at 12:40 pm
    Kenny boy, as a physicist, then you should know we are talking about atmosphereic geoengineering, weather manipulation, and the effects of a 1 billion watt microwave pulse sent by HAARP (a real project of the military) into the atmosphere.

    So, with this kind of documentation available, I conclude you are total spam trash and should be removed from this site. And take your fake baloney sandwich with you.


  30. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Black Lion: From Dr. K(h)ates site they birthers have really gone over the edge….Quantum LeapMarch 15, 2011 at 2:03 amOT check this:The next target will be the New Madrid fault line in the South- Midwestern United States, according to threats originating from the Nazi George Bush Senior faction of the U.S. governmentThe horrific earthquake weapon HAARP (which can also cause spacequake) attack on Japan on March 11, 2011 which resulting in 10 meter tsunamis along much of Japan’s coast line came from rogue elements of the U.S. government located in underground bases in New Mexico and Nevada, according to pentagon and CIA sourceshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2cxVuhy8eQ&feature=player_embeddedAnd when someone calls this poster on his SiFi nonsense….KenMarch 15, 2011 at 7:47 amI am a Physicist. The statements made about HAARP in the above video are ridiculous and should be removed from this site. Total Spam Trash. Fear Mongering. It is not good for our movement to have anything to do with this trash garbage fake baloney.Predictibly the crazy and insane birthers don’t like the fact that they believe in nonsense…Quantum LeapMarch 15, 2011 at 12:22 pmHog wash. You are a physicist my arse…….and I am GOD……Don’t come here and dictate what people can post. It’s not your blog. Like who are you? HAARP is one of the topics here..right Heather?drkateMarch 15, 2011 at 12:40 pmKenny boy, as a physicist, then you should know we are talking about atmosphereic geoengineering, weather manipulation, and the effects of a 1 billion watt microwave pulse sent by HAARP (a real project of the military) into the atmosphere.So, with this kind of documentation available, I conclude you are total spam trash and should be removed from this site. And take your fake baloney sandwich with you. http://drkatesview.wordpress.com/2011/03/15/the-pathetic-pretender/

    I should go over there and post about unicorns. But i think they already banned me

  31. Black Lion says:

    March 15, 2011 at 3:46 pm
    Before Bingham’s 14th was added in 1868, in 1866 he emphasized in Congress the 2 US citizen parents/born on US soil definition of NBC, that the 14th’s “born in USA subject to jurisdiction” was meant to grant citizenship to former slaves, and did not alter the definition of NBC. All 2nd generation or better from former slaves could also run for president. Then in 1874 Minor held that no 14th-er is ever a NBC. They were struggling to both properly give citizenship to former slaves “born subject to jurisdiction” but not allow someone just born in the USA without citizen parents to become a citizen, and certainly not a natural born Citizen.

    The Constitution does define NBC.
    1. Congress/Senate has to be age 25 and 7/9 years a “Citizen” but POTUS has to be age 35, a NBC and 14 years a “Resident”.
    2. Article II differentiates “Citizen” from “Natural Born Citizen” via the grandfather clause.

    So the Constitution says that Citizen is not NBC, and that NBC is not “Citizen” for the purposes of the Constitution. Otherwise it would have said age 35, NBC and 14 years a Citizen. The Constitution makes clear you can’t be both. You can’t start out a Citizen then become a NBC.
    There’s a generic umbrella meaning to citizen as belonging to a nation and then the Constitution makes it clear that insofar as its purpose the two terms are distinct. Citizen is not NBC and vice versa.

    Around the 1776-1787 era, there were no oath-naturalized Citizens until well after the ratification, and so a Citizen was someone made so by the Declaration of Independence, a former resident who supported the revolution who willingly became a citizen. Well after the ratification, oath naturalization laws were implemented for foreigners and others.

    That the term Citizen before ratification could only mean a naturalized citizen by way of the Declaration of Independence, rules out any argument that Citizen only means (in the Constitution) oath-naturalized only. It means a person becomes a citizen by man-made rules. That’s it.

    And since a natural born Citizen is what a Citizen is NOT…what a Citizen is NOT is “made by nature”. The Boston Globe article concurs. So in a way, Citizen is synthesized, natural born Citizen is organic — the Berkenstockers will like that analogy.

    The only omitted permutation of birthplace and parentage and terminology from the 14th and all laws of naturalization is that for the “organic citizen”, i.e. 2 US citizen parents, born on US soil=NBC.

    A natural born citizen, is what a citizen is not!

    And for any lurking Obats–
    Have you ever seen this? Thomas Jefferson changed the term “subjects” to “citizens” in the draft of the Declaration of Independence? SO MUCH for stupid obot idea that America was under British Law! Jefferson desperately wanted to separate the USA from that notion altogether. See, they try to conflate natural born subject, which is jus soli only, with natural born citizen, which is jus soli jus sanguinis both parents. Just more proof they fail.

  32. Rennie says:

    Here’s the latest “source” I got posted from a brain-dead birther:

    From the Obama File:

    Harold says, while looking at copies of Obama’s Certification of Live Birth (COLB) on the DailyKos and Obama’s FightTheSmears websites, I noticed something I have not seen commented on before. At the bottom of the form it says:

    This copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding.

    “The fact of birth.” It’s funny how I missed this important point. The COLB is intended ONLY to attest that the person was born — nothing else. In a sense, it affirms what we can logically assume simply by looking AT Obama. If he’s standing there he must have been born. The COLB is not useful, as evidence, outside of the birth itself, and not the circumstances, such as father, mother, attending physician or nurse, or even the date.

    Words are everything when it comes to legislation. Courts wrestle with them when a case hinges on the interpretation of legislative intent. What did the legislature mean when it used a certain word rather than another? Cases can be decided one way or another depending on whether a judge believes that Congress intended something that is otherwise unclear in the legislation itself.

    I am struck by the fact that the disclaimer uses “fact of birth” rather than “facts of birth.” The latter would encompass far more than the latter and could be interpreted to mean the name of the father and mother, doctor, date, etc. Again, words are everything, so I assume that when the Hawaiian legislature passed those statutes they meant “fact” rather than “facts” for a reason.

    Personally, I believe that the COLB was intended only to provide an individual with a basic document establishing bona fides. That is, it shows that the person whose name is on the document really was born and is not a fictitious individual. I wonder if I had printed out that COLB on appropriately marked paper and took it into a bank if they would accept it as proof that I was Barack Obama. I doubt it.”


  33. Rennie (quoting from The Obama File): “The fact of birth.” It’s funny how I missed this important point. The COLB is intended ONLY to attest that the person was born — nothing else. In a sense, it affirms what we can logically assume simply by looking AT Obama. If he’s standing there he must have been born. The COLB is not useful, as evidence, outside of the birth itself, and not the circumstances, such as father, mother, attending physician or nurse, or even the date.

    If such an interpretation were true, one asks why the State of Hawaii would issue such a generally useless document as their standard form of birth certificate.

    One also asks that if Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, how could the State of Hawaii certify that he was born?

  34. Rennie says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: If such an interpretation were true, one asks why the State of Hawaii would issue such a generally useless document as their standard form of birth certificate.

    One also asks that if Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, how could the State of Hawaii certify that he was born?

    You’re asking me to use logic with a birther?

  35. The Magic M says:

    > I wonder if I had printed out that COLB on appropriately marked paper and took it into a bank if they would accept it as proof that I was Barack Obama.

    I wonder if you had Barack Obama’s “original long form” birth certificate and took it to a bank if they would accept it as proof you were Barack Obama. For example if you were just 18 years old.

  36. G says:

    Black Lion: evergreen posts a bunch of crazy birther hooie…

    evergreen is ever dense.

  37. Black Lion says:

    More attempts at humor by the Post and Fail….

    Who Should be on Trial…Theresa Cao or Barack Hussein Obama?


    On Tuesday, March 15, 2011, at 9:30 a.m., a trial is scheduled for Theresa Cao, who shouted “Except Obama! Except Obama!” on January 6, 2011, when the U.S. Constitution was read aloud by the newly-sworn-in House of Representatives and Rep. Frank Pallone read the section defining requirements for the presidency.

    Cao was then arrested and charged with unlawful conduct. But did she break the law? Is exposing treason against the law? Should it be?

    Since Obama’s father was a British citizen, Obama was born a British citizen. Regardless of where he was born, his citizenship is British. How, then, could he possibly be considered a “natural born (U.S.) Citizen” as required by Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution?

    In a report dated April 3, 2009, the Congressional Research Service equated a person simply born in the United States to that of an Article II, Section 1, clause 5 “natural born Citizen” (page 4). It states that the citizenship of the parents is not a factor unless the parents are foreign diplomats:

    On page 11, the CRS document falsely states:

    Despite the absence of any formal or administrative or legal requirement or oversight at the federal level, or specific state requirement to produce a birth certificate for ballot placement, it may be noted here briefly that the only “official” documentation on record that has been presented in the matter of President Obama’s eligibility has been an official, certified copy of the record of live birth released by the Obama campaign in June of 2008…The copy of this certificate states on its face, as certified by Hawaii health and vital records personnel, that President Obama was born in Hawaii, in the city of Honolulu on the Island of Oahu, at 7:24 P.M. on August 4, 1961. Under Hawaii law, an officially certified copy of such health record is to be considered for all purposes the same as the original,’ and is “prima facie” evidence of the facts asserted…

    With respect to requests to evaluate’ evidence of a foreign birth, it may be noted briefly that there appear to be no official documentary records, or copies of such records, which might be subject to such evaluation…

    Governor Neil Abercrombie has stated that Hawaii has no original birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama, contradicting his predecessor, Linda Lingle, who said that her health department director had “seen it.”

    The second paragraph is false because last September, Mr. Lucas Smith submitted to every member of Congress a detailed letter with a copy of a document which he claimed was obtained in Kenya and which states that Obama was born at Coast Provincial Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya on August 4, 1961.


  38. Black Lion says:

    Old friend Robert Laity opines on the COLB….

    Robert Laity says:
    Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 5:38 AM
    The COLB proferred by Obama has been deemd a FORGERY by competent document examiners: There is NO real proof that Obama was born in Hawaii and as Ms. Rondeau so aptly points out mere birth in Hawaii is still NOT enough. Obama’s father was a Brit. Obama, Jr. was also BORN a Brit.Indeed Hospitals IN Hawaii have DENIED any knowledge of Obama being born in Hawaii.The Congressional Research Service personnel who did the April,2009 “report” are,in the popular vernacular, AIRHEADS.


  39. G says:

    Black Lion: On Tuesday, March 15, 2011, at 9:30 a.m., a trial is scheduled for Theresa Cao, who shouted “Except Obama! Except Obama!” on January 6, 2011, when the U.S. Constitution was read aloud by the newly-sworn-in House of Representatives and Rep. Frank Pallone read the section defining requirements for the presidency.
    Cao was then arrested and charged with unlawful conduct. But did she break the law? Is exposing treason against the law? Should it be?

    Any word on how crazy Cau acted at her 3/15 court appearance?

    Did she show up in her Angel Wings?

    Did she bring her crazy “presentation” that she’s been furiously working on, like some 5th grade presentation project?

    Did she foolishly ignore the advice of her public defender (or even fire her) and turn down the “plea deal”…like she claimed she would?

    Did any of the other circus nuts show up for her this time…of was she abandoned yet again by her fellow flock of fools?

    Any updates out there on how this circus act went down yesterday? Anyone???

  40. Judge Mental says:

    Rennie: (quoting obamafile)….. “I wonder if I had printed out that COLB on appropriately marked paper and took it into a bank if they would accept it as proof that I was Barack Obama. I doubt it.”

    That irrelevant red herring is very easy to deal with Rennie….you simply agree with the birther regarding that aspect….banks almost certainly would not accept a COLB as proof that the person presenting it is the person on the COLB.

    No birth certificate (not even an “original long form”) can ever be acceptable proof on its own that the person bearing it is the person named on the certificate. A birth certificate is not intended to be a means of identification in the first place, it simply formally affirms where and when the person concerned was born. The person bearing it has to provide some other evidence that he is actually the person in the birth certificate.

  41. G says:

    G: Any word on how crazy Cau acted at her 3/15 court appearance? Did she show up in her Angel Wings? Did she bring her crazy “presentation” that she’s been furiously working on, like some 5th grade presentation project? Did she foolishly ignore the advice of her public defender (or even fire her) and turn down the “plea deal”…like she claimed she would? Did any of the other circus nuts show up for her this time…of was she abandoned yet again by her fellow flock of fools?Any updates out there on how this circus act went down yesterday? Anyone???

    Well, Cau definitely seems to meet the definition of a brain dead zombie, so I’ll answer my own question by letting everyone know that Patrick over at Bad Fiction has a great new report on the matter, and what a doozie, as the “happenings” are reported from Walter Fitzpatrick’s perspective:


    Patrick did a great job of compiling Cau’s crazy motion to dismiss… here’s his link for you to read her “demands” for yourself….


  42. G says:

    G: Well, Cau definitely seems to meet the definition of a brain dead zombie, so I’ll answer my own question by letting everyone know that Patrick over at Bad Fiction has a great new report on the matter, and what a doozie, as the “happenings” are reported from Walter Fitzpatrick’s perspective:http://badfiction.typepad.com/badfiction/2011/03/dispatches-from-birtherstan-16-march-2011.html#morePatrick did a great job of compiling Cau’s crazy motion to dismiss… here’s his link for you to read her “demands” for yourself….http://www.scribd.com/doc/50890773/CAO-Motion-to-Dismiss-14MAR2011

    Oh, while I’m at it, here was another interesting tid-bit I learned from Walt’s report:

    “Prior to yesterday’s court date, Ms. Cao had received an offer from a government prosecutor for a plea deal. Originally it was understood that the plea would be “not guilty,” but today Ms. Cao stated that it would have actually been a plea of “guilty” and would include probation. There was a second offer called an “FTO” which Cao reported would include a urinalysis.

    “I would have to sign a paper indicating my criminal responsibility…if I signed a form, I would be implicating myself in criminal activity,” Cao said. She has decided not to accept either offer.

    She reported that her previous legal counsel, The Rutherford Institute, urged her to take a “guilty” plea.”

    LOL! So all reasonable council has been trying to tell her that her best option is to plead guilty all along and they must suspect she’s on something, since they’ve also told her she needs to piss in a cup…

    I think that says it all…

  43. Majority Will says:

    G: Oh, while I’m at it, here was another interesting tid-bit I learned from Walt’s report:

    LOL!So all reasonable council has been trying to tell her that her best option is to plead guilty all along and they must suspect she’s on something, since they’ve also told her she needs to piss in a cup…

    I think that says it all…

    You’ve seen the video of her bizarre, seemingly non-stop ranting and then dancing, flailing and collapsing, right?


    Drugs or not and IANAD, but I don’t think she’s well.

  44. Slartibartfast says:

    G: Oh, while I’m at it, here was another interesting tid-bit I learned from Walt’s report:

    LOL!So all reasonable council has been trying to tell her that her best option is to plead guilty all along and they must suspect she’s on something, since they’ve also told her she needs to piss in a cup…

    I think that says it all…

    The urinalysis may be standard with such plea offers rather than something someone wanted specifically in Ms. Cao’s case – I doubt the prosecutors have any idea of the full depths of Ms. Cao’s lunacy (not yet, anyway…).

  45. G says:

    Majority Will: You’ve seen the video of her bizarre, seemingly non-stop ranting and then dancing, flailing and collapsing, right?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK_5zZZfvZkDrugs or not and IANAD, but I don’t think she’s well.

    Oh yeah. I’ve seen it. My favorite part is around 1:20, when she’s blathering on with that silly anti-Obama standee behind her and the black guy walks up and looks at it with a “WTF” look on his face and then gives her a crazy look and then the military vet on the other side interrupts and calls her out as a nut too.

    I think she definitely has mental illness. I wonder if the judge in this case could end up having her examined by mental health professionals and order treatment.

  46. Slartibartfast says:

    G: Oh yeah.I’ve seen it.My favorite part is around 1:20, when she’s blathering on with that silly anti-Obama standee behind her and the black guy walks up and looks at it with a “WTF” look on his face and then gives her a crazy look and then the military vet on the other side interrupts and calls her out as a nut too.

    I think she definitely has mental illness.I wonder if the judge in this case could end up having her examined by mental health professionals and order treatment.

    I can’t even imagine what kind of a scene that would cause…


    C’mon Doc, everyone has known since 1968 that if you want to stop the zombies you have to shoot them or bash them in the head

  48. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: C’mon Doc, everyone has known since 1968 that if you want to stop the zombies you have to shoot them or bash them in the head

    You know Fut I don’t think a lot of those characters in Zombie movies actually watch zombie movies. It usually takes them like halfway through to figure out you have to shoot or bash them in the head to kill them

  49. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    G: Oh yeah. I’ve seen it. My favorite part is around 1:20, when she’s blathering on with that silly anti-Obama standee behind her and the black guy walks up and looks at it with a “WTF” look on his face and then gives her a crazy look and then the military vet on the other side interrupts and calls her out as a nut too.I think she definitely has mental illness. I wonder if the judge in this case could end up having her examined by mental health professionals and order treatment.

    I had to watch that part several times. That whole group had wtf looks on their faces.

  50. Bovril says:

    My personal favourite from Madame Cao’s Pile of Orlyness….

    Wormholes and Tardis’s required…

    2. The COURT, shall produce records from every hearing in Case No. 2011 CMD 1048. All court AUDIO and VIDEOTAPES, transcripts and exhibits shall be produced before hearings or trials.>/strong>

  51. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Bovril: My personal favourite from Madame Cao’s Pile of Orlyness….Wormholes and Tardis’s required…

    Wait what? She just defied the space time continuum… Q will be upset.

  52. Slartibartfast says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Wait what?She just defied the space time continuum… Q will be upset.

    Don’t worry, Eddie will calm him down…

  53. Bovril says:

    We don’t need no stinking Socialist/Commie/Nazi/Mooslem causality

  54. G says:

    gorefan: Doc, just wanted to give you a heads up.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42193135/ns/us_news-weird_news/

    LMAO! Awesome.

    I’d warn the birthers to wrap an extra layer of tinfoil around their brains to protect them from being eaten…but then again, there is nothing there to protect.

  55. The Magic M says:

    > You know Fut I don’t think a lot of those characters in Zombie movies actually watch zombie movies. It usually takes them like halfway through to figure out you have to shoot or bash them in the head to kill them

    At least in “The Walking Dead” this is explicitly explained somewhere – in the alternate reality of the story, there have been no zombie movies.

  56. Sef says:

    The Magic M: in the alternate reality of the story, there have been no zombie movies.

    A very apt analogy. In the birtherverse alternate reality there is a completely different Constitution, a drastically different population makeup, and no POTUS.

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