Abercrombie meets Obama

In a new video interview with Hawaii News Now, Governor Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii expands on previous statements relating to him seeing the infant Barack Obama. Abercrombie said that he first laid eyes on baby Barack Obama a few days after he was born.

We not only saw him and were with them, but were introduced to him of course at our gatherings, our student gatherings. And of course over the years then as he was raised by his mother and his grandparents we of course saw him frequently because he was with his grandfather all the time.

Abercrombie had some unkind words for Donald Trump, who he described as a “serial bankrupt”.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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6 Responses to Abercrombie meets Obama

  1. Slartibartfast says:

    Well, this seems totally consistent with obot speculation regarding Governor Abercrombie… I predict that the fallacious birther spin will begin almost immediately.

  2. The Magic M says:

    > I predict that the fallacious birther spin will begin almost immediately

    When it comes to Abercrombie, I think they’ve given up spinning and just stick to the “he’s lying” broken record.

  3. Lil' Red says:

    Abercrombie has already demonstrated that he will change his story if it benefits Obama.

    In an interview with Mike Evans (shortly after Obama’s inauguration), Abercrombie was asked when he first met Obama. Abercrombie was specifically asked; “When was the first time you set eyes on Barack Obama?” At that interview, Abercrombie never stated anything about meeting Obama when he was an infant.


    Abercrombie’s new-found memory is just too convenient. Obots will surely believe him, but anyone who has ever impeached a witness will question the reliability of Abercrombie.

  4. Suranis says:

    Lil' Red: Abercrombie has already demonstrated that he will change his story if it benefits Obama.

    In an interview with Mike Evans (shortly after Obama’s inauguration), Abercrombie was asked when he first met Obama. Abercrombie was specifically asked; “When was the first time you set eyes on Barack Obama?” At that interview, Abercrombie never stated anything about meeting Obama when he was an infant.

    And his answer was “Well, of course, that was after he was born!”

    Go back to your closet, troll.

    That’s a really nice interview actually.

  5. G says:

    Dr. C – the video does not open. The link you have may have been removed or moved. Can you fix the link?

  6. G says:

    The Magic M: When it comes to Abercrombie, I think they’ve given up spinning and just stick to the “he’s lying” broken record.

    Wow…it only took 12 minutes for the Lil Troll to prove you right!!!

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