Ken Bennett
In a Phoenix NBC affiliate interview, Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett examined a copy of President Obama’s published Certification of Live Birth and said that its contents meet the requirements of the Arizona birther bill, HB2177, which was passed by the Arizona house last Thursday and is headed to the governor for signature. Bennett stated the hospital, physician and witness signatures mentioned in the bill are not absolute requirements, but only required “if applicable”. Bennett stated that as important as the birth certificate itself is, the accompanying certification of the copy is equally important. [The copy Bennett was shown lacked a visible seal and the stamp on the back was not reproduced.]
The language Bennett used most likely references what is called an apostille birth certificate, the type of certificate he works with in his official capacity. The apostille birth certificate is a certified copy of a birth certificate accompanied by an additional certification letter from a competent authority (typically a secretary of state in the US). Apostille certificates are normally issued for legal documents used internationally. Bennett in his role as Arizona Secretary of State would be familiar with birth certificates and apostilles, unlike the average state legislator.
Bennett expressed concern, however, over lawsuits. Under the Arizona bill, any citizen could bring a suit over the Secretary of State’s decision. No matter what Bennett does, it is virtually certain that some citizen (or many of them) would file a lawsuit trying to overturn his decision. Given the tight time frame in the preparation of the ballot after candidate filing deadlines, Bennett could see a problem if there were lengthy legal battles.
I find the birther bill in Arizona remarkable in that it doesn’t trust the candidates, the political parties, nor even the state’s own Secretary of State. Also check out a related interview with the bill’s sponsor Carl Seel (who believes Obama has spent millions hiding his birth certificate while John McCain released his — both false).
I think it’s worth pointing out that Bennett is a Republican. And thus his determination is, in no way, determined by any partisan attitudes toward Obama.
(Cue Birthers claiming that Bennett has been threatened or bribed…)
what will the Donald say, poor guy!
I guess I shouldn’t have been mildly surprised by this interview, because secretaries of state deal in legal certification of documents. It’s just refreshing to listen to a politician who knows what he is talking about.
If Obama’s certificate is accepted, there is about a 100% chance that some birther will sue in State Court to have that decision overturned, and it is equally certain that the Obama campaign would sue should the document not be accepted. Part of a birther argument would be that the certificate is not a “long form” (an argument I don’t agree with). One way (MAYBE) to avoid lawsuits would for Barack Obama, following the “spirit of the law” (nasty as it may be), to submit the certified hospital photocopy.
They neglected to define the term “long form” in the bill.
A court could construe a long form to include anything larger than a wallet sized card of the type issued in some border states to people who may have their birht status checked a lot of the time.
I do not know for sure, but I tend to think that the bill was drafted by the ideologue legislators themselves, not by the professional legislative counsel (“ledge counsel”) on the staff of nearly every legislature who draft bills for a living, and usually cover all the technical points, like statutory definitions of controversial and ambguous terms.
I agree. It’s still not very clear and potentially unconstitutional. The SOS said Hospital and Dr.’s name are not mandatory, but it isn’t stated in the law.
Indeed. During the House committee hearing on this bill, legislative counsel expressed a good many concerns about the constitutionality of certain provisions and raised an issue whether DoJ approval might be required under the Voting Rights Act.
In related news, Governor Brewer of Arizona hints at a veto of the birther bill:
Kinda like the old joke about a camel being a horse made by a committee. Except this is a horse made by ideologues and propagandists:- a sloth.
Gee, what’s the fun of that?
I left this comment at the East Valley Tribune:
The states fully covered by Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia. Also covered are various townships and counties in California, Florida, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, and South Dakota.
See essay below on Arizona and the Voting Rights Act:
I might become deeply disappointed in Governor Brewer. I expect my paranoid right wing wackos to be consistent.
She was the former AZSecretary of State for 6 years and she knows former HI Gov Lingle. That could explain her finally taking a more sane position. She actually has some real understanding of the issue here and therefore may want to do the sane thing and prevent her fiscally suffering state from a bad law that guarantees they pay for an endless amount of lawsuits that puts them on the losing end again.
I don’t like it when paranoid right wing wackos have “real understanding…” 😉
To be serious for a second, I think that it’s virtually guaranteed that Governor Lingle has informed the Republican National Committee to stay away from the birther issue. Those Republicans who haven’t received the memo are just placating the birther cohort on the extreme right.
I hope he doesn’t, but merely submits whatever form of certificate Hawaii provides when he sends in his $10 + request in 2012. (He’ll need a new paper copy to submit to the AZ authorities).
Otherwise he is playing right into a discriminatory legislative scheme — he’ll pass the hurdle whereas other present & future candidates may not have the ability to call up an old family friend who happens to be the sitting governor of the state where they were born, and see whether some strings can be pulled or the legislature be nudged into passing special legislation.
He should simply say that he is happy to submit whatever official form is issued by the state of Hawaii and meets federal requirements, as well as copies of his current US passport.
How will this satisfy the people who want to know if he was circumcised in a tribal ritual or in a clinic? I’m now fully convinced that the whole birther thing has been about this all along. Suppressing his “kindergarten records”, indeed.
This really was hell week for the birthers… I’d love to see a poll of birthers regarding their feelings about The Donald and Arizona.
What fraternity/sorority are they pledging?
Most of America’s racism against blacks is all about penis envy anyway.
N Γ M (i.e. Nu Gamma Mu)
or N X M (i.e. Nu Chi Mu)
(sorry for the confusion.. when you want the Greek alphabet butchered, see Northland10).
The Certification of Live Birth that was photographed by Factcheck is currently admissible in Hawaii and all federal proceedings. I assume that it would be admissible in all state proceedings throughout the US other than Arizona’s presidential ballot access (and it may even be sufficient for that purpose). It is also capable of receiving an apostille from the State of Hawaii, which would make it admissible in the proceedings of all Hague Convention countries (though some would require a translation and a certification of the accuracy of that translation). The birthers, meanwhile, insist on a situation where such documentation, issued and certified in the USA for use in a great many countries, somehow remains inadmissible in proceedings of 49 states and the District of Columbia.
And what about the “Full Faith and Credit Clause” found in Article IV, Section 1, U. S. Constitution:
Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.
Such a bill, or similar bills, will endorse anarchy between the states. Why should Arizona accept a Florida divorce decree? Child custody decree? or any other document, er such as a drivers licence, ad infinitum.
Which is probably what the state sovereignty types want to see happening.
Arizona Governor is a RINO and the RINOs are doing everything they can to block TRUMP , and this is a Clear example of this , but its also a Dereliction of duty by a Officer of the Court to uphold the constitutional authority that is bestowed a Elected Official to defend and honor and up hold the Constitution of the USA which Means they have to Do what the will of the people want or face impeachment from Office in this REPUBLIC !!!!!
they evidence of the reason why we the people demand this Constitutional authority be upheld is right here ; http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2011/02/attorney-mario-apuzzo-all-presidents.html#comment-form
Gee, looks like there are more RINO’s in the GOP than real Republicans – governors, senators, and even the speaker of the house.
I think y’all oughta send those RINO’s a message by voting straight Democrat in 2012; that’ll show ’em. lmao
Considering that the RW base has gone completely off the deep end in the past few years, the term RINO is no longer an insult, except to the deranged.
It is a mark of sanity and should be considered a badge of honor.
The Republicans created their own Frankenstein monster by letting these nutjobs run off at the mouth with all this nutty stuff without them saying anything about it. Now, there are only two possible outcomes – either they kill the monster or the monster kills them.
Pass the popcorn, please.
Two questions for you, END:
1. If Brewer is a Republican in name only (RINO), what is she really?
2. How did you come to comment about it here?
You are so right!
I think you should work to IMPEACH her. And any other RINO who doesn’t fully support the BIRTHER bills. /s
Wow.. shocking nonsense. vague speculation, no real facts. Yes I can see why the main stream media is ignoring this.
And Elvis is still dead…
ROTFL funny how they eat their own….
Yeah what about this FEMA Site ???? Looks Like BIG Government is Involved
Do you believe that US Navy HAARP program caused the Japanese quake?
The only one who could beat Obama in ’12 is Romney, and Trump is destroying him.
Do you understand what FEMA’s job is? This is exactly the sort of thing that they are supposed to be doing… preparing for potential disasters.
Use Benzedrine recently?
You know I’m always struck by the fact that although we do have our share of fringe lunatics in France, they seem to be positively sane when compared to your own brand of crazies.
We had county elections recently which brought out quite a few angry commenters on the local blogs, but there was nobody even remotely insane as END the FED.
How do these folks actually manage to go about their daily lives is a mystery to me.
I don’t know. What do you do with your crazy people in France? We have laws here in the US that prevent people from being confined to mental hospitals unless it can be shown that they are a danger to themselves or others. Plus that free speech thing that means by definition, merely being crazy or illogical on the internet is protected.
> and this is a *C*lear example of this , but *its* also a *D*ereliction of duty by *a* *O*fficer of the *C*ourt to uphold the constitutional authority that is bestowed ** *a* *E*lected *O*fficial to defend and honor and *up hold* the Constitution of the USA which *M*eans they have to *D*o what the will of the people *want* or face impeachment from *O*ffice in this REPUBLIC !!!!! *they* evidence of the reason why we the people demand this Constitutional authority be upheld is right here
16 errors in two sentences. Whow. Either you are a North Korean agent or you are so full of hate you can’t even type straight.
‘A bridge too far”. Brewer is blocking the Arnhemization of Arizona.
It does look like the Charge of the Mascara Brigade has come to nothing. “Scandal Queen” Orly (WBUH) was already celebrating Agincourt (with samba dancing), but now faces Isandhlwana.
And, of course, Michael and the other Ozzie minions of the Scandal Queen are bogged down at Gallipoli.
The birfers may still send in some Navy Seels, however.
Quite right. I’m just saying that I simply don’t see that degree of “crazy” here, even in our extremes.
We have had a few truly loony “sects” but they tend to be “religious” in nature, not concerned with politics.
Ad in Washington Times asks whose SS# is Obama using?
What U.S. President in History Has Multiple Sources in a Foreign Country Saying He Was Born There?
I’m sure that the Moonies appreciate your patronage.
Oh and your link is dead.
I’m curious how the SOS accepted his BC when he hasn’t presented it yet…in fact, according to Hawaii DOH, it would have been impossible to have done so.
The only thing Obama has presented is a Certification of Live Birth. This ONLY certifies his live birth, NOT his birth date, NOT his birth location, NOT his birth mother, NOT his birth father. It simply certifies that there was a baby born alive….period.
According to Hawaii DOH, if you need a BC now, they no longer issue long-forms (which is totally opposite of their regulations), but nevertheless, a new wrinkle in the scenario, but they do issue a short -form called Certificate of Live Birth. This is the short-form BC…notice it is NOT a certification, but a certificate. There is a difference – actually a huge difference.
If you ask for a Certification of Live Birth for a deceased person, you get exactly what Obama has shown…with no notations, because you are only requesting certification that at some point the deceased person was born alive. If you ask for a Certificate of Live Birth for a deceased person, you get a short-form BC with the notation stamped across it – DECEASED.
So…now we all know that Obama was in fact, born alive. We also know from deductive information requests, that his original BC has been amended. What, if any, of the information contained on his Certification was alterer from the original? That’s the real question.
I think Fukino and Okubo have perjured themselves enough that it’s hard to take anything they say seriously, and this latest comment from the Hawaii DOH about suddenly not issuing long-forms when just last month several long-forms were requested and received, speaks volumes about the cover-up going on in Hawaii.
Obama would NOT be able to get his passport with the Certification of Live Birth that he posted; however, the State Dept will accept a Certificate of Live Birth. The first is NOT a BC, but the second one is.
Sally, the sex change hoormones must have messed with your head. Of course the COLB certifies location, date of birth and the father and mother. When a form is certified everything on the form is certified. And it meets all the requirements for a passport.
Sally, when they cut the thingy off, did some brain cells go with?
> What U.S. President in History Has Multiple Sources in a Foreign Country Saying He Was Born There?
Maybe “Dutch” Reagan?
Why do you believe Kenyan officials (who won’t confirm (haha!) their statements) over Hawaiian officials (who have confirmed their statements multiple times)?
Why do you cite WND which openly lies when it claims Abercrombie said “he can’t find the birth certificate” (which he never did, under not even the craziest word-twisting you could apply)? WND has *no* credibility at all.
Why do you have to mix obfuscation (saying Kenya is one’s “home country” does not mean it’s the birth country, it means it’s the country of one’s ancestors) into those examples?
Guy Madison is turning somersaults in his grave.
So, you think that no one in Hawaii has gotten a passport since they started issuing the short form?
Quick, what does the stamp say right above Alvin Onaka’s signature?
The Evidence that Obama is an Imposter staggering here at these Links . This makes Nixon & Clinton look like saints !!!!
The Evidence that Obama is an Impostor staggering here at these Links . This makes Nixon & Clinton look like saints !!!!
Here’s Elvis’s birth certificate, “Standard Certificate of Birth”:
It was obtained nearly 22 years after he died. It’s not marked “deceased.” He’s alive! He’s alive!
Not so much “evidence,” as it is bullish*t.
Fixed that for you.
I easily got a passport with my “certification of live birth” less than 4 years ago. My daughter has been enrolled in school, sports, etc., and gotten a passport with her “certification of live birth.” It is a valid, legal, and sufficient legal document, Anyone who believes otherwise is clearly mistaken.
If any of the birther bills do manage to pass, Obama will provide his documentation, and he will be on the ballot with incident. He has far more proof than any past president, and I bet he has already provided more proof than any other candidate will provide.
I know he’s alive. I saw him in the frozen food isle, talking to Orly Taitz.
Sorry, don’t know how to delete the first post. I fixed a typo.
Good. All the more reason to vote a second time for Obama. Obama will be re-elected, and Cory Booker will follow. Better get used to it.
Mr. Kerchner is an angry man with a crank legal theory. A little independent checking will show that those links point to a bunch of hooey.
When a certified copy of a birth certificate specifies the place of birth, date of birth and parents, then that information is certified. Your NOT, NOT, NOT is silly.
Imaginary dialog: “I’m sorry, but before I sell you liquor, you have to present proof of age. That Drivers License is just proof that you can drive a car, the date of birth on it is NOT proof of age.”
I easily got a passport with my “certification of live birth” less than 4 years ago. My daughter has been enrolled in school, sports, etc., and gotten a passport with her “certification of live birth.” It is a valid, legal, and sufficient legal document, Anyone who believes otherwise is clearly mistaken. If any of the birther bills do manage to pass, Obama will provide his documentation, and he will be on the ballot without incident. He has far more proof than any past president, and I bet he has already provided more proof than any other candidate will provide.:
You are aware of the fact that Hawaii DoH refuses to confirm that they issued a copy of birth certificate to Obama on June 6, 2007 (as shown on the image presented by FactCheck), aren’t you?
You keep saying that. Don’t you think it’s a little early to be making prognostications for al election 5 and a half years from now?
You are aware that this is irrelevant, aren’t you?
Hawaii DoH will not issue a document that shows the same information as presented on FactCheck document. The “Amended” part is missing.
Boy, the lunatics are out in force today.
Sometimes coming here is like going to a jazz concert and stumbling into a KKK reunion.
The Hawaii DoH DID issue the document FactCheck presented. Duh.
this Link explains Obama perfectly …..
and goes with his Plans perfectly ….
Obama’s Agenda: Overwhelm the System
But the Truth shall set the Imposter & Chief FREE on May 2nd , 2001
the USA shall prevail with truth and Justice for all !!!!!
Opps …is this what TRUMP has found out to be the truth ? http://www.thepostemail.com/2010/01/12/his-name-is-steve-dunham/
FAIL! You are a liar.
There is no “amended” part. The Obama birth records were NEVER amended in any way, shape or form and you have no proof of any such fictitious “amendment.”
“The president was, in fact, born at Kapiolani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact. It’s been established. He was born here.”–Governor Linda Lingle (R-HI), May 2, 2010
“It’s crazy,” said Janice Okubo, director of communications for the Hawaii Department of Health. “I don’t think anything is ever going to satisfy them.”
Okubo, who said that she gets weekly questions from Obama Birthers’ that are “more like threats,” explained that the Certificate of Live Birth reproduced by Obama’s campaign should have debunked the conspiracy theories. “If you were born in Bali, for example,” Okubo explained, “you could get a certificate from the state of Hawaii saying you were born in Bali. You could not get a certificate saying you were born in Honolulu. The state has to verify a fact like that for it to appear on the certificate. But it’s become very clear that it doesn’t matter what I say. The people who are questioning this bring up all these implausible scenarios. What if the physician lied? What if the state lied? It’s just become an urban legend at this point.”–The Washington Independent
Obama proved a black man can be elected, and a pattern has been established.
Remember, you heard it here first.
In the four years since President Obama posted his Certification of Live Birth on the internet, haven’t you even bothered to look at it? It lists his time of birth (7:24 pm), his City of Birth (Honolulu), his County of Birth (Honolulu), the Island of birth (Oahu) and the state of Birth (Hawaii).
The state of Hawaii has confirmed over and over again that a Hawaii COLB is accepted for EVERY legal purpose under both federal and state law including the issuance of a passport.
Are you aware that a document that has a state seal on it is self-authenticating? See Federal Rules of Evidence.
“Shortly after we posted this document on June 12, 2008, some PolitiFact readers questioned its authenticity.
“You have shown a Certificate of Live Birth — not a birth certificate,” one e-mailed. “There is a difference. Look at state laws regarding the completion of both forms.”
Another wrote: “I have serious doubts about the purported ‘birth certificate’ you were sent.”
To verify we did indeed have the correct document, we contacted the Hawaii Department of Health, which maintains such records.
“It’s a valid Hawaii state birth certificate,” spokesman Janice Okubo said June 13, 2008, after we e-mailed her our copy.
Okubo said a copy of the birth certificate was requested in June 2008, but she wouldn’t specify by whom. But as we know from our attempts to get the record in April 2008, Hawaii law states that only family members can access such records.”
I’ll have some paper and carbons over here for your written apology to the 50th state of the United States for lying about them 50 times a day.
this Link explains Obama perfectly …..
and goes with his Plans perfectly ….
Obama’s Agenda: Overwhelm the System
But the Truth shall set the Imposter & Chief FREE on May 2nd , 2001
the USA shall prevail with truth and Justice for all !!!!!
Opps …is this what TRUMP has found out to be the truth as to why The Imposter won’t release the Document ? http://www.thepostemail.com/2010/01/12/his-name-is-steve-dunham/
Only in the Birther Universe. The rest of us have to deal with reality.
Thanks for reminding me that I forgot to take my anti-depressants today.
Why do birthers have such a hard time understanding simple English.
A certificate is a document.
A certification is what the document does.
If you want written certification of a fact or facts, you get a certificate. The certificate certifies the facts. Certifying is the act of certification.
A document which certifies is a certificate, or a certification, and both, depending on whether it sits on a shelf, or is handed to someone.
when entitling such a document, the terms certificate and certification are often used interchangeably, and correctly so.
There, do you birthers have all that now? If you still have problems, I can type slower, and use smaller words.
Do the delusions hurt less when you try to shut out reality with SPAM?
Danny its not about the Birth certificate , its about the fraudulent use of Social Security numbers … The truth will set FREE the Impostor & Chief on May 2nd 2011
Not if the birthers have anything to say about it.
Danny try to open your mind with Gods help to understand the truth ….
You guys can’t even define fraud, much less identify its existence.
I you really think that Oily’s fail attempt at an appeal is goin to go anywhere, or even that her deluded accusations of mythincal SSN fraud are even going to be permitted to be entered, then you have more serious problems than I could hope to address.
You need professional help.
But please do come back after May 2nd so we can rub your nose in yet another birther failure
God and I are quite intimate already thanx. My relationship with God is solid.
You might want to check out what God has to say about false witness, before you go preaching to others though.
The name is Daniel, if you please.
Well, all you’ve done here is SPAM this site with a bunch of nonsense, worthless delusions and links to bogus conspiracy claims.
So far, you’ve demonstrated that you are excessively paranoid delusional and probably seriously mentally ill. Seek professional help. This blog is not a therapy session for you.
Greg I agree with you on that , the Conservatives are going to have to ditch the Republican RINO establishment party due to what you said . Thanks for making that distinction between what party has the Diligence to seek truth and those who just are looking out for the ideologues and what they are promising the sheeple to gain and stay in power
I am heartened to hear that you agree you have no clue what fraud is, and that you cannot recognize it.
I expect that, admitting this deficit in your legal reasoning, you’ll immediately desist from claiming that Obama has committed fraud.
The RINOs would be smart to stop supporting your festering nutbags who have taken over the GOP and turned it into a mockery of a party, which has been overrun by the crazy, ill-informed and bigoted frothing elements. You are just the latest reincarnation of the John Birch Society…except even less sane and more extreme than they were.
You folks are not Conservatives in any sane sense of the word; you are merely backwards tools, easily duped by lies and driven by petty fears and hatred.
You are a pathetic joke and a shame on the party. You are a cancer, which will inevitably bring the GOP down.
Hopefully, something more sane will emerge over time from the eventual ashes.
I thought Orly said she was going to have Obama out of the White House in 30 days? Wasn’t that 2 years ago? That and what ever happened to that trial she said she was going to have? And her appeals? All the way up to the Supreme Court.
Notice a pattern here? Orly can’t even manage to submit a filing to a court that complies with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. She is not remotely a competent attorney. I have seen more lucid pro se plaintiffs than her. Orly’s social security number b.s. is completely delusional. I made a typo on my wife’s ssn on our tax return this year, and it was kicked back by the IRS and state the next day, but I’m to believe that President Obama has been using the ssn of a guy born in the 1890s for some 35 years, and no one noticed? Yeah……
Please stop spamming us with birth b.s. links. If you have something worthwhile to contribute, go right ahead. But we’re all very familiar with the garbage you’re throwing at us. Your efforts in pointing us to the trash heap are quite wasted.
If the far right nut jobs ditched the conservatives in the republican party. There would be no party.as both sides of the republican party are equally nutty
END the FED,
Why wont you confirm that you are neither an ignorant bigot nor an stupid bigot? I implicitly make these accusations in my previous sentence, yet you have completely refused to take a simple step that would end this controversy. What do you have to hide? Is it true that you are, in fact, a idiotic, ignorant bigot?
this is all about following the rule of Law , and these questions of authenticity of Obama are still unanswered and the cover-up continues …… like why now all of a sudden is there No More Long-Form Birth Certificates ?
If this was all about following the rule of Law, then you birthers wouldn’t exist.
You would accept the laws of the state of HI and every other state in regard to their birth certificates and accept that when they say the COLB is all you get, that is it.
You would accept the ruling of the courts, which have tossed out every frivolous birther suit that has come forward.
You would accept the voting and election rules of the US, which elected Obama in overwhelming numbers and certified his election with zero dissent.
Exactly, so why do you birthers refuse to follow the rule of law?
They’ve been answered. You just don’t like the answer, so you pretend it doesn’t exist.
Because OBama’s Lizard Men Illuminati Overlords have decreed that it is necessary as a step in their vile plans to transform everyone in America into slaves of the evil Betelgeuse IV invisible spotted Unicorn cartel.
Seriously though, if you depend on the Post and Fail for your information, it’s no wonder you’re so screwed up in your head.
Looks like the Post and Fail is down for the count. All 12 birthers must have tried to post at once.
Obama needs to produce this exact same thing
Why? You just did it for him.
Obama’s Agenda: Overwhelm the System
and what the UN Marxists and Soros Bolsheviks have going on goes with his Plans perfectly ….
Posted: 18 Apr 2011 10:03 AM PDT
By: AJ
President Obama placed our soldiers under UN NATO control for his war in Libya without consulting the United States Congress. Using our soldiers and our military assets according to what the “international community” global elites decide is clearly what Obama is interested in doing.
read more at the Links above ……..
So you are admitting to being a stupid, ignorant bigot?
Why should anyone pay attention to what someone as dishonest as yourself says?
God Loves you Staribartfast , ask for forgiveness and the Lord shall bless you and relieve you of your sins . You will feel an Up lifting sensation once you take this course of action
Matthew 7:1-6
Sorry, but I can understand and accept my place in the universe without resorting to ancient myths and fairy tales – but if the god you claimed to believe in truly exists, he would be horrified by the actions you take in his name. Why do you continually feel the need to bear false witness upon the Constitutionally legitimate POTUS? Is breaking your religion’s fundamental rules something that is acceptable to you? What other laws do you think you have the right to ignore? (You are certainly willing to $hit on the US Constitution at a moment’s notice…) It is people like you that continually bring shame and dishonor to your religion.
God Bless you all , and know that like all things that are of Gods creation the truth sooner or later sets them free . Take care .
Please try to stop violating the tenets of your religion – or does your God want his people to be hypocrites?
Fairy tales.
Every time lie about the President, you make God cry.
Are you claiming that a law has been broken? What law, by whom, and when? What is your evidence to make this accusation? Are you prepared to accuse someone of a crime, by testifying as a witness in a criminal court?
Because if you are not so prepared, then you must acknowledge that the rule of law has been followed.
The passport office, school registrar, etc. did not call the states in which my daughter or I were born to confirm that that they issued a copy of our certificates to us, yet we got passports, enrolled in school and sports, etc. with no incident.
I am more certain that Obama was born in Hawaii than I am that I was born where my BC says. I don’t have any government officials vouching for me.
Check your Bible to see what God has to say about attributing false witness, which is what birtherism is built on, to God.
You might want to be careful about telling God what He has to believe. God is historically impatient with people who use a facade of holiness to promote their sins.
If you are hearing voices in your head and think that is God speaking to you…then seek medical attention.
If you are experiencing strange sensations…then seek medical attention.
More fairy tales. Hitchens is right.
What did Jesus say about giving to Caesar what is Caesars
Bush was hearing The Gods of Big Oil telling him to Invade Oil rich counties , and so is Obama .
But in Bush’s whole term, he signed 66 executive orders. Obama has been Prez for a little over 2 years and has already signed 77 executive orders. The Progressive/Communists are pushing Obama to sign more, even orders that he stay in power-indefinitely. He just signed another executive order to ‘keep the White House Czars in power’. This is not Russia, we are not supposed to have Czars. All of that Czarist over-stretch of power began under FDR, the Progressive.
Current List of President Obama’s Executive Orders
Oh no, a birther preacher! Are you a Manningite (a hatriot minion of the minister of hate) or an Orlyist (insane follower of the bat$hit insane Queen hoping to some day get his just reward [or punishment] in the ‘Dental Chair O’ Luv’) or are you a member of some new sect who’s goal is to be indistinguishable from a spam-bot spewing pseudo-religious birther word salad all over the place? You should call yourself ‘The People’s Front of birtherstan or maybe ‘The birtherstani People’s Front’…
???Huh??? “Finite element”…what the…? What are you, some bizarre Flat Earther religious nut? You are more insane than I thought and desperately ignorant on basic science.
NO. Sorry, You’ve already discredited yourself with all your kooky statements and trash-rag web links so far. I’m not interested in listening or reading your nutty sources. You are a total loon.
Must be a Nastran salesman.
Sef you have touched on the fact with stating the program and what we are up against is in this link …. http://dieoff.org/page1.htm
The GOVERNMENT will end up controlling YOU ALL
An interesting mix of peak oil and deep-ecology/anti-market-absolutism, a fair amount of which is actually on the mark. I must ask what exactly that has to do with President Obama’s birth, though.
I doubt he has the foggiest notion of what NASTRAN is.
And more importantly, God is not a birther… too bad for you.
It makes a claim.
It comes no where near making a case.
You would be well advised to learn the difference.
You watch way too many “B” horror flicks
If that is so, why hasn’t the State Department withdrawn the passports of everyone who has fraudulently obtained their passport using an Hawai’ian Birth Certificate exactly like Obama’s?
There must be thousands of these fraudulent passports and the State Department must have got around to canceling most of them by now. You should be able to find someone who has fallen into this trap and is happy to endure their 15 minutes of fame in order to save the Constitution from the fraudulent con-artists in the Hawai’ian government.
You have to emphasize all the fnords or they can’t see them.
I found this very engaging for the President and his Administration , what do you all think ????
That’s hilarious because what would end this controversy about where people were actually born would be either a national ID card, a computer chip implanted at birth, or both; then, there would be no question about where and when a US citizen was born, but it would mean increased government intervention in the lives of its citizens. Out of one side of your mouth, you say one thing, but out of the other you say the exact opposite.
I see this former KGB guy has no hair and is crazy. My working theory is that hair may play an important role in protecting the brain.
As someone who is bald (originally by choice, but more and more by nature) I present myself as a counterexample to falsify your hypothesis.
Is there any conspiracies you haven’t bought into? What do you think about fringes on the flag, or Admiralty Law?
What is next, black helicopters piloted by Elvis landing the Trilateral Commission on the grassy knoll?
How Fitting this be on this site for your inquiring Thoughts …..
The handbook that Obama is following , who really is in Control ???
indulge your senses , let the process of What might be happening rage in your thoughts ….
“Barack Obama and KGB”
Why did President Bush refuses to testifiy before the 9/11 commission?
one more to go with the Collection of considerations as to whats really going on ….
Barack Obama and the “Millennium Hilton” conspiracy
Is that Paris Hilton? or Nicki?
Not you, thank goodness.
do we really have to keep feeding the trool?
Hey crazy person, are you going to tell us that they are all Reptilians now too?
Go back to hiding under your bed…the shadows are out to get you…boo!
I think that israelinsider.net proves that we produce our share of crackpots. We have produced Orly, Avigdor Lieberman and Larry Klayman.
Klayman not only sued his mother, but took it to trial.
At least he’s an equal opportunity crazy
Nothing like a little high-quality crazy after dealing with pathological liars for so long 😉
I think you are dumping off-topic URL’s in the middle of discussions and being a general pest. I also think I won’t let you comment here any more.
Thanks, Doc.
Like the Anti-Pesto squad: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/23/27017528_f4fed36778.jpg
Since “God” clearly seems to be favoring Obama in the past and next election, if I were a “God”-inclined birther, I’d ask myself if perhaps I wasn’t cluelessly serving someone else’s purpose….
Could it be….. Satan?
/church lady
Maybe it only applies to former KGB agents. You aren’t one of those? Or are you????
> My working theory is that hair may play an important role in protecting the brain.
Or that testosterone weakens the natural protections of the brain?
It may also depend a lot on your starting point.