I am fully and completely tired of Donald Trump and his birther phase, and having to write about it. Finally, a few in the media are starting to wake up and smell the [expletive deleted]. Credit to Bill O’Reilly for his derisive Fox News interview with Trump. CNN’s Lisa Costello called him a joke (video).
Now MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell takes a closer look at the particulars in Trump’s recitation of rumors he got off the Internet, and concludes that Trump should spend time fact checking instead of on his hair. Sarcasm aside, the MSNBC piece is really well done and factually accurate. I learned something.
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
It is an excellent piece. However, The Last Word is on MSNBC not CNN.
If ONLY CNN would actually have people on like this. I actually watched Wolf Blitzers show the other night out of curiosity and it was just terrible.
The birthers made me do it.
The State of Hawaii can make all the press releases they want about Obama being born in Hawaii but the only thing they can produce are notations. To date, Hawaii has never been able to provide and cooborating information to prove Obama was born in Hawaii – No hospital, no doc, no nurse, no midwife, no witness, no marker, NOTHING.
[James, the reason we register births in this country and issue certified copies of birth certificates is so that people don’t have to dig up 50-year-old records and bother former hospital workers in nursing homes. Those like you, filled with anti-Obama prejudice, won’t accept documentation that suffices for everybody else. Doc.]
Great little piece- explains facts calmly and clearly.
I’ve been checking with Soros HQ to see if Trump is one of ours, but it appears the true answer is above my pay grade.
Whenever Anderson Cooper covers the issue for CNN, he does a fairly good job. Until Lawrence O’Donnell’s excellent piece here, I’d have to say that AC was probably doing the best consistent job of debunking the birthers.
And yet, Trump must believe that “Two poor people, a man, and a woman…” spent thousands of dollars to travel 11,000 miles around the world (22,000 round trip) in order to give birth in a foreign country, further spending thousands of more dollars in order to bribe the right officials and smuggle the baby into the country, and then commit crimes in order to get a certain type of citizenship so that the baby could run for President 50 years later.
Remember, Barack Obama, being the son of an American Citizen, living on U.S. Soil was entitled to automatic Naturalization no matter where he was born. So, there was no reason to do the crimes unless Stanley Ann Dunham wanted her son to have the possibility to run for President…
What did you learn Dr. C?
Rockefeller put a birth announcement in the newspaper?
O’Donell said nothing new that is relevant to Obama’s eligibility.
Not surprisingly… neither have you.
If he was born abroad Obama would not have been US citizen at birth. According to the US law in effect in 1961 chid born broad to a foreigner and a US citizen would be considered US citizen at birth only if the US citizen parent resided in the USA for at least 5 years after the age of 14. At the time of his birth his mother was too young (18 years old) to automatically confer her US citizenship to Barack if birth took place outside the USA.
It’s just an old, and sad, story. There is no limit to how much the human mind will debase itself when it emotionally needs something to be true. The Internet, for all the good things it does, also brings such dysfunction out in open on its fruitless quest for self vindication.
That;s interesting because you believe he was born in Kenya and added to his mother’s passport in order to return to the US, which could only be done for a child who was a US citizen. So the responsible officials at the time believed that he was a US citiizen even according to your story. Of course, you could just go with the simple story that makes sense (and is therefore true)-that he was born in the US. If it makes you feel better, you can still say he was born at home in Hawaii or even in Seattle.
And regarding citizenship laws in generall, I suppose you are a great legal expert who can unfailingly predict how courts would rule, even though you predicted wrongly the other 70 or 80 times.
He was talking about what the Donald had been saying, and showed quite conclusively that everything the Donald has been saying is total rubbish.
Donald just recently said he wants us to make Iraq to be the 51st US State.
you left out the part that this would only be true if the mother was legally married.
I do think nc1 was born in Kenya just by her behavior. I think it’s been one big projection.
Her/is language use says Balkan. I guess it is Kosovenya. Rhymes with Slovenya.
Her language use says Balkan spy with a pathological addiction to dark, heavy and whorish eye makeup. She knows more about war crimes in her native country than her new found hatred for American laws.
Obama would have been eligible for immediate Naturalization upon return to the United States, being the son of an American Citizen, living on U.S. Soil. He would not have been a Natural Born Citizen, but he would have been eligible for immediate Naturalization. So, under your theory, the only reason that they’d have to do the fraudelent registration is under the belief that it’s worth it to break the law so that their son has a 0.000001% chance of becoming President. It just doesn’t make sense, NC1.
Why do so many birthers ignore the first word in sentences like that?
That’s what you have to do when you’re just making stuff up.
Say, for example… If Obama was secretly going on midnight killing sprees covered up by the Secret Service, he would be impeached.
If Obama had been born in Kenya, then his parents had their marriage annulled, would he be a natural born citizen? Since the marriage legally never existed?
The likelihood of official birthplace story being true is very slim. Abercrombie would not have stopped to at least mention that the long form birth certificate is in the archive.
We can only speculate – thanks to corrupt government officials who have been preventing the release of public information that would tell us for sure the circumstances of Obama’s birth.
Why are you asking me this question? I put it there so that there is no confusion – it was a response to the false claim that Obama would have been citizen at birth regardless of the place of birth.
He did mention that the records were in the archive. You have seen the birth index. you know it was there. You’ve seen the paper announcements, the Birth cert, yada yada. There’s more evidence of Obamas nativity story being true than mine and certainly more than yours. There’s no way you could bring as much evidence to the table as Obama has and I certainly could not.
And no “nativity story” does not mean I’m calling him the messiah. But hey us foreigners, foreigners like NC1 and me, know that as we have our secret language.
Lies or you cant read. What you resonmded to was
nc1: Remember, Barack Obama, being the son of an American Citizen, living on U.S. Soil was entitled to automatic Naturalization no matter where he was born.
He didn’t say citizen at birth. You are either lying or you can’t read.
Oops messed up my copy and paste above. That second quote was from dunstvangeel
What you were responding to was not a claim that Obama would have been a citizen at birth regardless of the place of birth. You were responding to dustvangeet’s observation that even if he was born in Kenya he would have been eligible for immediate “naturalization” on return to USA with his mother.
That’s why your answer to dustvangeet made no sense. This is what you do time and again nc1. When presented with a reasonable, logical point you pretend the poster is saying something else and hope you can then obfuscate long enough that people will get fed up and forget that you had no reasonable answer.
So let’s try again….even if Obama was born in Kenya he would have been eligible to become a naturalized citizen with minimal delay on return to USA with his mother. At that time naturalized citizen children were not disdavantaged in any way relative to natural born citizen children, except for living with the knowledge that they could never be President (which of course so many parents of black children in 1961 realistically expected their children to become).
Under those circumstances does it really make sense to you that the mother and family would engage in massive fraud and undertake abnormally difficult physical difficulties in getting her child back to USA, simply to ensure that he would be an nbc instead of an nc?
The State Archives and the Department of Health vital records are not the same thing. Abercrombie knew before he started his quest that Obama’s birth record was at the Department of Health and that he could not release it. His quest was to find something he could release which automatically excluded a birth certificate from the get go. He apparently found some notation about Obama’s birth in the state archives, which the Hawaii AG told Abercrombie was not available for release either.
Confusing the State Archives with the Department of Health vital records makes it hard to understand what Abercrombie is saying.
I suspect they found the original handwritten index books from 1961.
The latest birther attempt to invalidate the corroboration supplied by the Obama birth announcements:
That could well be the case. However, I want to emphasize that “written down” does not imply handwritten.
I understand that but reading birther sites, they tend to talk about written down as handwritten. Of course, it’s not like they been right very often.
Something that monumentally important should have been written in blood, preferably of a virgin sacrificed under a full moon.
This article is so ridiculous and contains so many lies that it was like reading a work of fiction….Some excerpts below…
“In his investigation, Crosby found confirmed and easily accessible evidence that neither of these choices apply to Obama’s records. In fact, the explanation is far less sensational and simple that it reveals that Mr. Obama (Soetoro) simply benefitted from a commonly used practice in the state of Hawaii applied for thousands of births which were registered there, but which did not occur there.
“The birth announcements were printed from unconfirmed information provided to the Newspapers by the Department of Health without the DOH or newspaper editors confirming the actual location of the birth with any hospital in Hawaii,” says Crosby in a phone call from Oahu, “I found thousands of birth registration records of children born outside of Hawaii who have their announcements published in these two newspapers by cross referencing the announcements with the U.S. Department of Health Vital Records Report for Hawaii.”
Recall that Hawaii Revised Statute 338-17.8 allows the state Health Department to register the foreign birth of any child as a native Hawaiian birth if the parents of that child can be proven to the satisfaction and criteria of the Director of the Department of Health only, they were residence of Hawaii within one year of the birth, regardless of the location of the birth. This law then mandates that the vital records registrar must register the birth with the vital records office in coordination with an official, original Hawaiian birth record.”
” Crosby’s says the difference between “medically verified” and “registration” are significant. He interviewed former Vital Records Adminstration, Martin Hesch in order to gain understanding of the different procedures and authorities used to create vital records and public announcements in a medical verification process as opposed to merely registering a vital event with a municipal office.
“I think people simply want to believe a simple equation to this issue,” said Hesch, when asked why he thought so many people ignorantly believe what they are told about Obama’s records.
“That is why they think that a birth announcement in a local paper is somehow an automatic indication of a local birth. Unfortunately, they wrongly accept a locally appearing birth announcement as an indication of medically confirmed local birth’ and that just simply is not the way it is in most cases in Hawaii in early part of its history. The media also wants Barack Obama’s natal circumstances and documentation to fit the traditional record model because it is too disturbing to them to think that they were so easily deceived… but we also now know they do not fit this model.”
“In fact, the evidence shows that the original medical verification, in the form of what would be a U.S. Certificate of Live Birth signed by an attending physician and attested by a hospital administrator, simply does not exist in a form or content which would promote Obama’s “natural born status”.
Hesch agreed that there is probably information in the original medical birth record which undermines Obama’s identity as a politician and that is the reason why Obama is refusing to disclose it.
“Oh, sure, he is hiding something,” he said, “that is a fact and that is the only reason NOT to disclose it. Because, if the original medical record supported his current identity, he would be stupid to keep it hidden. It would only support him in that case.”
When asked his opinion about Obama’s case, Hesch said that is a certainty in his mind that Obama’s birth documentation was subjected to administrative processes or amendments and that his medically verified natal records show information that the local vital records authority is able to protect under law under the guise of identity protection.
“Of course, it’s ridiculous,” said Hesch, “the Secret Service is not required here. This is natal information which occurred 50 years ago, not a public appearance where the president is under any threat. The only reason to hide the original record is to protect something Obama doesn’t want people to know about him and how that information adversely impacts his ability to be president. It’s plain and simple to me.”
Fox Continues to Celebrate Trump’s Birther Claims
April 01, 2011 9:12 pm ET by Media Matters staff
Fox Nation has yet again embraced Donald Trump’s birther attacks against President Obama. Today, Fox Nation posted video of MSNBC’s Savannah Guthrie and Chuck Todd hosted Trump by phone. Trump said “I feel that there is certainly a chance [Obama] was not born in this country” only to be met with laughter from the hosts. Todd call Trump’s theory “an incredible conspiracy.”
But Fox Nation headlined its video “Trump Thumps MSNBC Hosts on Obama’s Birth Certificate”:
Abercrombie used the phrase “actually written” – does it not imply a handwritten document?
Your assumption could be true only if Janice Okubo lied when she wrote that DoH did not have the original handwritten index from 1961.
True, but he really made Trump the birther look stupid by repeating the same facts that have been out for everyone to see for 2 years.
No, the archive could have them and the Department of Health not, consistent with Okubo’s statement.
Not so fast, Dr C.
The state archive claimed that the original birth index records were not kept by them but the DoH office.
If Trump continues using talking points that can be easily disproved we’ll know that he is not interested in finding the truth about Obama but boosting the ratings for his TV show.
So, when you decide to get an agreement “in writing”, you expect it to be handwritten only? This puts a new spin on “get it in writing,” doesn’t it. It would give me the upper hand, however, since nobody else can read my handwriting.
You keep trying to read exactness into a statement that is not exact. You assume details that were never included. Through a lens of bias, you filter whatever is said to make a galaxy out of a molehill. This is why you fail.
For the THIRD time he never used the phrase “actually written” I know you trust the likes of butter dezzilion et al rather than the actual article in question, but heres what the guy actually said.
“It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down …”
So yes he used the words actually and written in the same sentence, but not together and not in any way that would IN ANY WAY imply handwritten to anybody but an idiot looking for stupid talking points. Oh look.
heh. I really should have coffee before posting. he did actually say that at the beginning… But not in any way that would imply handwritten. And frankly if you are hung u on what something IMPLIES its no wonder you guys have lost 80 court cases.
So, if Trump uses ANY birther arguments then.
Ann Dunham was not legally married to BHO Sr. He was married to a woman in his village; neither knew about each other. Trans-Atlantic telephone service had not yet begun, and when it did, it was frightfully expensive. Cables were also out of reach for average people, so the most common means of communication was the postal service. Neither Ann Dunham nor BHO Sr. were Ham radio operators, so that’s out too.
I have thoroughly debunked all of this before:
Birther above rants ans sets a standard of proof:
“The State of Hawaii can make all the press releases they want about Obama being born in Hawaii but the only thing they can produce are notations. To date, Hawaii has never been able to provide and cooborating information to prove Obama was born in Hawaii – No hospital, no doc, no nurse, no midwife, no witness, no marker, NOTHING”
Provide that for YOUR own birth please before asking it of others.
Marker (what ever that is?)
Can you do that?
Prove IT.
Birthers are demanding a commemorative plaque in Hawaii at his place of birth. Something to vandalize, I suppose.
Either that or they want a nifty yellow pen or maybe a casino’s line of credit.
Trump: “I don’t see Swedish people knocking down the World Trade Center.”
Didn’t a white guy blow up the Alfred Murrah building?
To this date, no birther has been able to provide any coroborating information to provide Obama was born anywhere else. No hospital, no doctor, no nurse, no midwife, no marker, nothing. They have been able to provide quotes from people who had nothing to do with the circumstances of the president’s birth, but that’s it.
Well, the important thing is that you directly addressed dustvangeet’s counterpoint, rather than going off on some unrelated tangent.
What a topsy-turvy world you live in that government officials doing their jobs and obeying the law are described as “corrupt”. You must have love the Nixon administration.
With Irish heritage presumably. And Trump from Scottish heritage.
Perhaps MacCombover is just looking out for the Swedish or he doesn’t care and is just whoring for TV ratings for a ridiculous reality show.
You know, the presidential front-runners for the 2064 election are likely running around nurseries and playgrounds right now, or nursing at their mother’s teat. I suppose there could be an extra old one who is, say, in high school or possibly in college right now. Regardless of who it will be, to follow birther logic, the winner has a ray of sunshine and ordination of his bright political future following him around.
He or she would be wise to give out some signed portfolio photos and business cards while helping the teacher with handing out juice boxes to classmates before nap time.
Those aren’t kindergarten class pictures. They are photo ops for future campaigns.
Unless that potential winner was born in hospital in a jurisdiction that employs electronic birth registration. Then the facts of birth will be questioned because no physical signature is filed.
Which reminds me of certain documents that confer citizenship, but where only one document is issued unless lost or damaged. I’ve heard that naturalization certificates can only be replaced if lost or damaged. The same goes for Certification of Birth Abroad. I’ve read some of the crop of birther bills that only ask for some sort of proof of citizenship be presented (including the two docs I mentioned) to show eligibility for elective office. Other birther bills insist that the certified document filed with the state elections office is kept by the state for public inspection and copying. I guess it would be hard to combine the two when only one original document is kept at a time.
I’m wondering why US jurisdictions aren’t more like some Canadian provinces. They’ll only issue one birth certificate copy per person. Each one is individually numbered and can be invalidated if lost, stolen, or damaged. It would reduce the likelihood of something nutty going on such as the Puerto Rico situation where every school, instructor, or organization asked to keep a full certified BC on file for participants. I heard that identity thieves targeted these files just for the certificates, to be sold on the black market.
Actually, TWO white guys blew it up- that means that all white guys are in on it and are terrorists.
Donald Trump’s Birther Ranting Sends “Celebrity Apprentice” Ratings Soaring
Idiots? No one ever went broke underestimating the public’s taste.
It’s all part of his schtick. Trump will never run: financial disclosure.