Old News. Here is the Hawaii Department of Health’s 2001 policy on the issuance of certified copies. This is linked to on the Health Department’s Obama FAQ page. It clearly states that they will not provide certified photocopies of records. The policy was issued under the authority of the Director of Health, then Bruce Anderson. Since the Director made the policy, the Director can waive the policy, which was done in the case of Barack Obama.
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Quick Reference
- Birther aggregator
- Congressional Research Service report on presidential eligibility
- Donald, You're FIred! – FactCheck.org
- Hawaii Department of Health Obama FAQ
- Hawaii verification of birth certificate
- Jack Ryan document collection on Scribd
- Made in the U.S.A. – FactCheck.org
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Press
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – White House
- Obama Certification of Live Birth
- Obama presidential library
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Dr. C. –
Just curious if you have an idea what “items of information” appear on the long form the disclosure of which would be restricted by statute.
Maybe the more detailed medical information you described as being on another part of the document?
That would be my best guess. There’s more on the long form than we’ve seen.
I just received my new Michigan BC copy. I asked for a copy for ‘Personal Use’ not geneology or anything specific. My mother’s name is spelled incorrectly (actually both her first and middle names are spelt wrong), they have not been corrected as I asked them to do in 1982 (which they did manually on the negative image I received at that time), it is not marked amended. I may write to them to ask about this.
Anyway, what I got was the entire long form INCLUDING the medical section photocopied onto security paper. The seal is not embossed using a sealing press, but is printed on as part of the security paper itself, the seal is not multcolored, but is printed with blue ink that is noticibly raised above the surface of the paper (same as the securtiy border pattern actuall). Although the medical section is present on the document, it is not filled in.
I was born in 1951.
Fields 1 through 20 are pretty much the same as Obama’s, but in a different order, and mine has no time of birth field. Place of birth is field 1a, b, and c; Mother’s residence is field 2a, b, c, d, e. Child’s name is field 3a, b, c. The Father’s detail fields are identical to Obama except that they are fields 7 thorugh 11b. The Mother’s details are fields 12a, b, c through 16a, b, c. Michigan didn’t record details of the mothers occupation, but they recorded details of previous children instead (in field 16a, b, c). Field 17 is the informant, 18a, b, c, d is the attendant (who signed it the next day). Field 19 is the registration date (the day after the attendant signed it, the second day after I was born), and Field 20 is the registrar’s signature, except it is typed, not signed.
The medical fields are:
21a Length of Pregnancy (in weeks)
21b Weight at Birth (Lbs Ozs)
22 Legitimate (yes/no)
23 Have eyes of child been treated with one percent solution of silver nitrate? (yes/no)
24a Was mother’s blood tested for syphilis during this pregnancy? (yes/no)
24b Date of test
24c If blood not tested, state reason
25a State any complications of pregnancy and labor
25b State any operation for delivery
25c State any birth injury
25d State any congenital Malformations
There is also a date stamp on the upper left corner with a date corresponding to 26 days after my birth, and a couple of illegible hand notations.