I enjoy predicting the future because when I’m right, people are impressed, and when I’m wrong, nobody remembers. So here is my prediction: the name of the lawsuit that will finally result in a Supreme Court definition of presidential eligibility will be Greene v Obama. Remember, you heard it here first (if it comes true, and if not then forget it).
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- Made in the U.S.A. – FactCheck.org
- Nordyke twins birth certificate
- Obama Certificate of Live Birth – Gurhrie Photo
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I assume you mean Democratic Senate candidate from South Carolina? Is he running for the Democratic nomination for president? Personally, I think this scenario (which, in my opinion, would have a great chance to achieve standing…) is far too likely to be effective to be attempted by the birthers (they’re either too stupid to figure it out or smart enough to know it has a chance of success [and thus bring about the end of the birhter movement for all intents and purposes…]).
I have not heard that he is.
Well I don’t think the republicans will find it worthwhile to bankroll his ballot placement like they did last time
Dude, don’t just leave us hanging. You gotta explain your prognostication and the reasoning behind it.
Okay to explain this further. A run for President in a primary for Alvin Greene would require a lot more than the $10,400 filing fee he needed to get on the primary ballot. My understanding is he would have to do it in every state he expected to be on the ballot. With little name recognition he won’t be able to pull off absolute luck. It’s just not an investment that would have dividends like say south carolina where an incumbent was somewhat vulnerable and you took out the candidate who had a chance to beat him.
That might be the case in a federal court, but not in a state court, and not in a primary race. A potential candidate might sue the state party in state court, saying Obama should not be on the primary ballot. Such a lawsuit might even be a friendly suit just for the purpose of establishing the candidate’s legitimacy.
My prediction is not based on any inside information; it is just a mental thing.
The birthers already had a chance to appeal to the Supreme Court in the Ankeny case. Any of the birther legal eagles could have called the plaintiffs and offered their services pro bono. Whomever Greene might be, his mere ability to pass the standing bar in a Federal Court would in no way mean that the case would actually be heard in the Supreme Court. In fact, assuming the lower court found Obama eligible and Greene appealed, it is highly likely the Supreme Court would simply decline the appeal, as they do with >99% of the cases appealed to them (and as they would almost certainly have done with Ankeny) .
And even if they heard arguments and decided the case 9-0, what makes you think that would shut the Vattel birthers up? They would be perfectly free run around saying that the Justices were wrong, or that Obama threatened them with Gitmo or that Soros bribed them. Fundamentally, it’s a political question, not a legal one . No court decision would prohiibit any voter from not voting for Obama because they don’t like that his father was from Kenya.
Does anyone know what happened with his indictment?
Any thoughts on the Powerball numbers? 😀
i know one of the people who won the recent $319 million jackpot. After splitting it 7 ways and paying taxes, he gets a $19 million lump sum. He’s a very modest, nice person and will donate a large % of the amount to various good causes..
That’s great! All the best to him.
With a fairly high probability I can give you a list of PowerBall numbers, NONE of which will be in the winning list. I’m pretty consistent doing this.
Consider this:
“Bill Ayers wrote ‘Dreams From My Father,’” Trump told me. “I have no doubt about it. That first book was total genius and helped get him elected. But you can tell Obama did the second book himself because it read like it was written by somebody of average intelligence with a high school education.”
For Trump, the theory feeds into his belief that Obama is unfit to be president.
“He is the most overrated guy. It’s unbelievable. Obama is worse than Jimmy Carter, and I put Carter at the head of the pack for bad presidents.
you deathers
handle the truth
you ?
what truth? that the fact that trump stated his opinion/speculation?
i’m pretty sure i’m not having a problem handling that.
A candidate could challenge Obama’s place on the ballot in state court. Ankeny proves that you don’t even have to be a candidate to do so, at least in Indiana. Greene would likely get a ruling similar to Ankeny. He could appeal to SCOTUS, as Ankeny could have. The question is not whether there is a federal question (there is) but whether there is sufficient likelihood of the state court having erred to make review worthwhile. I suspect the Justices would find there is not, as the question is settled law (except in the “minds” of birthers), but anything is possible.
In any event, such a review wouldn’t comprehensively defiine natural born citizen. The question regardiing a candidate such as McCain who was born outside the US to a citizen parent(s) would not be at issue in Greene vs Obama and thus would not bbe subject to review in such a case.
Well as a person without health insurance, pre-existing conditions, bed ridden and mobile only via a wheelchair, he’s certainly welcome to donate some for my degenerative spinal condition.
Even Cedars-Sinai (a non-profit) told me to take a hike.
2014 can’t come quick enough for me.
Donald Trump is a buffoon, so it doesn’t surprise me that you agree with him.
you deathers
handle the truth
you ?
Obama’s latest job approval rating – AP/Gfk, 3/24/11-3/28/11:
Approve: 53%
Disapprove: 45%
Obama’s favorability rating – AP/Gfk, 3/24/11-3/28/11
Favorable: 59%
Unfavorable: 39%
Read ’em and weep.
Gotta love trump he just reads stuff on the internet and believes it without question.
What does it say for a guy who couldn’t find oil in Texas like Bush or Trump who ran a casino into bankruptcy
That’s difficult to say. Whomever these “deathers” are that you keep referring to would have to actually hear some truth from you in order to determine if they could handle it or not.
So far, that doesn’t seem very likely. I wish you all the luck you’re entitled to though.
Intrade has Obama at 62%. Intrade has an accuracy of better than 90%.
Carter worse than Shrub? That’s rich. Shrub, a perfect case of affirmative action for the wealthy, made the worst military blunder in US history. Not as bad as the Light Brigade, but close. At least Lord Cardigan has a sweater and fashion named after him. What’s Shrub’s place in history? Still looking for them WMDs. When Clinton left office, there was a surplus of $212M. When Obama walked in the door, there was a deficit of $1T, and two wars going badly.
You want to see the birth certificate? I want to see the WMDs.
I believe that the $1 trillion deficit didn’t include the cost of the wars, either…
I’m really sorry to hear about your situation. Here in NY, they have been advertising quite heavily about this state-subsidized insurance that covers people with pre-existing conditions. I wonder if they have that in your state and if it could help you. I wish you all the best.
That’s correct. The military was run as a Black Budget, off the books. Obama is including military costs as part of the general budget, which is why the deficit has skyrocketed. Honest bookkeeping is bad for business, unless you are a defense contractor or oil company.
The cure? Money for bombs, but not books. Each one of those cruise missiles we use to secure our oil, costs $1M. Of course, that’s not socialism. Public schools and public transportation are ruining the country, not preachers.
According to amazon.com all of Trump’s books have co-authors. Take 3 guesses which one actually wrrote them. Despite their being professionally written, none have ever been called “total genius”.
By the way, what counts is the quality of the final product. If he wrote a brilliant book (in Trump’s estimation) by himself or chose a good collaborator and worked productively with him, either way, kudos to Obama. After all, hiring good people and inspiring them to do good work is exactly what a President or any leader should do. Trump, at least on his show, comes across as a terrible manager with no people skills.
hose a good collaborator
>>>since when , and in who’s right mind, is a known self admitted terrorist a
good collaborator ??
only in sick and twisted mind of obots, deathers, delusionists, lemmings, and far left whack jobs ??
busted yet again
Caravaggio was a murderer and a great artist. Gaugin abandoned his family and ran off to Tahiti. You riight-wing whack jobs need to study some history. A work of literature or art has to judged on its merits, not the artist’s biography.
The theory that Ayers wrote Obama’s first book is one of the sillyist birther claims. It is as stupid as theories that Malcom X is Obama’s dad based on nothing more than they are both black “radicals” who look somewhat similar (they all look alike to birthers).
Simple logic- When Obama was contracted to write his first book, he wasn’t President, Senator, or a celebrity. He was known for his writings in academic circles and for being the editor of the Harvard Law Review. He was asked to write a book, because he was known for his writings. Why would he be asked to write a book for that reason and then use a ghost writer? It doesn’t make sense. He wasn’t a celebrity. Think about it.
It’s like a record label that finds an unknown with a beautiful voice and sign them. They wouldn’t use “background” singers (ala Paula Abdul), because that would defeat the whole purpose of why they were signed.
One more time- It doesn’t make any sense.
Not that there’s a shred of evidence, not a scintilla of plausibly reliable info, that Obama didn’t write the whole thing himself.
The more Donald opens his mouth, the stupider he makes himself seem.
Did you know that objective people have actually compared “Dreams from My Father” with example of Ayers’ writing. Ayers’ writing was a kind of stilted educational writing that comes from someone who understands the mechanical aspects of the English language, but lacks the almost musical voice of the talented prose writer.
Face it, Barack Obama has a stone-cold gift for writing prose; he is deeply talented. The difference between the prose of Barack Obama and Bill Ayers is like the difference between Champagne and Kool-Aid. Nutty right wingers like yourself are just trying to find some real connection between President Obama and a 60s radical because the right wing is obsessed with the 60s.
And FYI, Donald Trump is playing you to get attention for his crappy reality show. Since the show runs until late May, expect him to keep up the nonsense until then.
It also didn’t account for the massive tax cuts
Or, the opposite: Milli Vanilli was a pop/dance music project by Frank Farian in Germany in 1988, visually fronted by Fab Morvan and Rob Pilatus. The group’s debut album achieved international success and earned them a Grammy Award for Best New Artist on Feb. 21, 1990. Milli Vanilli became one of the most popular pop acts in the late 1980s and early 1990s. However, their success turned to infamy when their Grammy was revoked after it was revealed that the lead vocals on the record were not the actual voices of Morvan and Pilatus.
Although Morvan and Pilatus later released an album using their actual voices, it was a commercial failure.
When Frank Farian developed the concept of Milli Vanilli, he chose to feature vocals by Charles Shaw, John Davis, Brad Howell, and twin sisters Jodie and Linda Rocco; however, he felt that those singers lacked a marketable image. He then recruited Robert Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan, two younger model/dancers he found dancing in a Munich dance club, to front the act.
Dude, there’s a national pool for people with pre-existing conditions. You can buy into it. All you’ll need is a letter of declination from a regular insurance company. I too was blackballed from all insurance because of a pre-existing condition (and it wasn’t even a PHYSICAL condition), but I was able to get health insurance through the PCIP plan. Check out http://pciplan.com/
My thoughts & prayers are with you as well, US Citizen. Hang in there as best you can.
The US health system is goddam criminal
I went to the emergency room for an ear infection on Christmas Eve. They gave me a three-day supply of antibiotics – a total of six pills. They billed my insurance company $125 for the six pills.
You would think that if you had planted those pills instead, they would have sprouted into a giant beanstalk shooting up into the clouds.
But if you think $125 for six pills is bad . . .
Health care – Prescription for waste: $1000 toothbrush
March 1, 2010
(CNN) – Imagine someone spending a thousand bucks for a toothbrush. It might be amusing – if it wasn’t your money. Consider this: for every dollar we spend on health care, fifty cents is wasted.
Could you point us to a link where we could see any of the writings Obama was known for (as you claimed) prior to the publishing of the “Dreams..” book?
I suppose if idiotic birther trolls weren’t such lazy liars it wouldn’t be such a challenge to use the most extensive research tool in the history of humanity which is obviously available to a hypocrite who posts incessant drivel on a daily basis.
Obama’s 1983 College Magazine Article.
In 1983, at the height of the cold war, Barack Obama, then a senior at Columbia University, wrote in a campus newsmagazine about the vision of “a nuclear free world.” The article in the Sundial profiled two campus groups: Arms Race Alternatives and Students Against Militarism.
– Harvard Law Review, Barack Obama, 1990.
Full-text access may be available if you are affiliated with a participating library or publisher.
Page 823 of Volume 103 of the Harvard Law Review is available in libraries and subscription-only legal databases.
Is that all? If somebody was known for their writing skills you would expect a bit more than what you presented. Merely writing an article and being known as a good writer are not the same things.
Where does it say that Obama wrote the Harvard Law Review article?
That’s it? That sounds like a bargain.
As anyone who isn’t delusional and sociopathic can see above, the idiot birther troll posted, “a link where we could see any of the writings”.
Go figure that a lazy, mentally challenged birther would scamper with the goalposts after being shown links just like a predictable coward.
Shocking, right?
To be honest, we really shouldn’t expect much from a group of people with the combined IQ of a dry magic marker.
A dry, rusty, non-functioning marker flattened repeatedly by a steamroller and buried under thousands of tons of manure.
Nc1- I should have added that the publisher was also intrigued by Obama’s personal biography and family history, and thought it would make a compelling read. But I suppose you’ve never read the book because it is “all lies” and “written by Ayers” anyway. Too bad. Whether you think Obama should be President or not, it is a very moving book.
I suppose you also don’t realize how vast and connected the publishing industry is (Obama’s home of Chicago is home to many large book publishers) and frankly, if Obama’s book was ghostwritten, it would have been known about at the time and certainly would have been exposed by now. But I keep forgetting how little of the real world birthers know, a small world where “everyone is in on it” to protect the “Marxist messiah”.
Thank you (all) for the kind words and advice.
I’m not in NY and previously came to a dead-end on the pool, but perhaps there have been changes since I last checked.
Fwiw, the operation I need cost approx $60K-$100K in the US.
In other countries (India for example), the same thing runs approx $15K-$20K.
Criminal indeed.
Thank you again. 🙂
Why did you quote only half of my sentence, genious?
You intentionally missed the important part of the question:
” a link where we could see any of the writings Obama was known for (as you claimed)…”
Examples you provided include an innspiring report and an unkown author’s Harvard Law Review artice – hardly a material that would make someone known for their writing skills. I was hoping you would provide a link to Obama’s distinguished poetry work:
UNDERGROUND by Barack Obama
“Under water grottos, caverns
Filled with apes
That eat figs.
Stepping on the figs
That the apes
Eat, they crunch.
The apes howl, bare
Their fangs, dance,
Tumble in the
Rushing water,
Musty, wet pelts
Glistening in the blue.
Here is the link for your future reference:
Did you know that the woman who really wrote Sarah Palins books is called Lynn Vincent? You see how easy it is to find who ghost wrote books, especially when the alleged ghost writer is well known in academic circles? I found out that in about 5 seconds. Ghost writers are generally well known, because the ghost writer generally is credited in the publishing industry because they like to pimp for more writing work. But the point of this is actually to try and denigrate Obama and minimize his intelligence and achievements in order to make him literally nothing, The same as the teleprompter nonsense.
Oh sorry you didn’t know that Palin’s books were ghost written, NC1? Sorry to shatter your illusions old boy. Here, have a hanky. I hate seeing someone cry.
You know, nc1, I think this “Ayers wrote Obama’s book” is a winner for your side. Keep it up. It will totally sweep a Republican into office. It’s a bigger issue than “Obama’s middle name is really Mohammed” and “Obama wrote that he wanted to be President when he was in kindergarten.”
You should totally focus your energy on this, rather than on health care or the economy.
Actually, I’m trying to figure out if these issues are more like the “tar baby,” or the “briar patch.” Whichever it is, I’m sure that Uncle Remus is involved somehow.
“Why did you quote only half of my sentence, genious?”
Beautiful self-referential irony.
The idiot birther troll reeks of desperation and fear.