As you know, I have spent many hundreds of hours on this web site and elsewhere debunking conspiracy theories and fringe views about Barack Obama. Today, in appreciation, I received the following email from BHO himself:
From: Obama <>1
Subject: You retarded white trash, inbred, S***-eating2 moron!
I WAS born in Kenya, and I am proud of it.
I just like telling lies to you stupid white trash super f*** morons.
You retarded idiot. Your mother should have aborted you, in the outhouse when she had the chance.
Whenever, you get tried of sucking my d*** and s*** out of my a**, you might want to wake the f*** up.
Yours Truly,
1The real White House Internet domain is
2I thought the original email was inappropriate for general audiences, so I put some asterisks in.
Ahhh….Birthers….classy with a K.
And while we’re at it, we can spot them the other to Ks to complete the set.
ahh… THAT’s comedy
Ha ha.
So is still a porno site? I remember this confusion between and coming up back around 1997 or 1998.
No, it’s a domain squatter now.
it has been said that birthers are less educated and earn less than normal, these kind of people will always lash out with ignorance, a basic birther trait. Their latest that Elvis has the original Keyan BC won’t gain traction, even big foot aknowledgeed Obama’s Hawaiian birth. (or was it big foot lover?)
“. . . so I put some asterisks in.”
Well, it is your as–te–risk!
No. At one point it was running real estate ads. Then Dan Parisi tried to turn it into a political opinion site, but it never caught on. Now it provides a service to find personal disability lawyers.
Hmm… who do we know who is an ambulance chasing lawyer?
Nope… No racism here. No Sir!
hearing from the sickos there is a new one, how could Dr Sinclair sign it(BC), he died in 1958,
This claim made even though the story on the doctors family clealy stated Dr. Sinclair died at 81 in 2003. Hating Obama is a serious mental illness.
There’s a great summary of outstanding birther bills on Salon:
The most disturbing one is from Nebraska:
“If enacted into law, the bill would not only require presidential and vice-presidential candidates to submit original copies of their long-form birth certificates to Nebraska’s secretary of state — but would also require candidates to prove that their parents obtained U.S. citizenship prior to his or her birth. Nominees would then have to sign a sworn affidavit to that effect and additionally swear that they were not born dual citizens. Nebraskans who vote for a candidate that has not met these criteria would be guilty of a class IV felony.”
If I had to guess, they’re either making this up out of whole cloth and repeating it because it sounds good (more likely) or there was another Doctor Sinclair (possibly even with a different first name) who *did* die in 1958 and they’re getting confused.
who’s lying now?
CCN (communist news network chief) Joe Klein said in 2009 that “photoshopo” aka obummer vital records did not exist in HI , because if they did ever exist then “HI went paperless in 2001”. So…..where did this fifth, and latest, photoshop computer enhanced version come from ??? Who’s lying now ???
BTW all this “silly distraction” was caused by stench of BO in the first place and it doesn’t prove he’s an NBC, actually if taken at first value it proves
a) he’s not a NBC due to his father being a Brit subject
b) he has dual allegiances
c) he never was adopted ?!!
d) his mother was raped at 17 by a polygomist “African”
e) his white grandmother signature was placed on all the certs to date by
forensic and handwriting analysis
deal with it you dEATHErs
It must really be hard to type on a keyboard while wearing a straitjacket.
Those of us who actually get emails from our President know this is fake.
only a sick and twisted liberal would find any humor whatsoever in their
immoral minds regarding the original subject matter
of this thread by OP
shows the low life mentality
the manager of this site should be ashamed of posting such garbage
It’s still you.
I didn’t realize that one of Joe Klein’s official duties was to speak on behalf of the Hawaii DOH….oh wait, that’s right. It isn’t, and the DOH has always contended it was on file. And there have only been two copies. So again, it’s still just you who is lying.
No, it was cause by little bigots like you, and the COLB proved he was a NBC two and a half years ago.
Still immaterial
No evidence of adoption, and still immaterial.
Well, this is a new one. Just for the sake of argument, can you show me where in the Constitution that a child that product of a rape or a polygomist marriage, or African, is not eligible for President? Oh yeah…you just like saying pretty disgusting things about dead people. You really are a resprehensible litte piece of trash, aren’t you?
I think someone’s been hitting the moonshine pretty hard these past few days. You hallucinating now.
Dude, you need some serious meds.
Wow, that NE bill is completely heinous…
Some of these state birther congress creeps might be feeling more determined to push this crap as an initial tantrum reaction to being upset at Obama’s press release.
As the dust continues to settle, I’m inclined to think that the threshold for tolerance of this silliness will continue to diminish and there will be increasing pressure in local, state and national media for these fools to drop this crap and for governors to really look foolish if they don’t veto this.
Many of their initial motives have been cut off at the legs – the AZ birther bill making it to the Gov’s desk was probably the impetus of encouragement that caused many of the newest Birther bills to start up in places like LA, IN, PA, etc.
However, the VETO and subsequent death of that same bill, by the same AZ Gov that was seen as a strong supporter of other recent crazy RW bills… I have to think that has a chilling effect too. Any other Gov faces less support and encouragement to move forward on something that even Jan Brewer could easily and vocally come out and denounce…
For the slow-mind of the birther mind set…what Obama did this week obviously takes a lot longer to sink in at *any* level than it does for the rest of us. At some point, it will dawn on even them that much of their bill language can no longer stop him and that starts to remove their whole reasons and motivation for why they are really pursuing this legislation in the first place…
I can’t see any state AG not getting nervous about any crazy extra-Constitutional demands of parents info or “2 citizen parents” nonsense. These folks will understand better what a costly disaster of a losing battle it would be to have to defend such legislation and will be motivated to encourage a Gov to veto any such bill that would come to their desk…
Then why did you send it?
theFarleftView has had his butt handed to him over and over again.
At this point, he must be a spoofer.
A very tenacious one.
do you want a reference to a mental health facility>
These folks simply repeat any stupid thing they hear. They never check on actual info to validate it, even when that info is right in front of them.
I mean seriously, how often have we had birthers come here and make some crazy argument and once we press them for an actual source (other than just some useless P/E or WND article) the source that they finally come up with COMPLETELY DEBUNKS their own point!
That has happened so often, I would have to say such utter Bizarro-world level disregard for reality is the norm for Birthers. As richCares so often and aptly says, “hating Obama causes brain damage”.
New billboard:
Now that Obama has released the “long form vault copy” of his birth certificate where’s the apology from the Birthers?
Really though, birthers are dishonest, Constitution hating, and kooky, but most of them are not as outright hateful as this guy. Shouldn’t he be banned or put into moderation?
Only a sick & twisted afterbirther would have sent it.
I’ve always thought “IT’S IN HAWAII” in big block letters and the same color scheme as the infamous “WHERE’S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE” billboard/bumper sticker, would be a nice touch.
GOOD ONE! Excellent point & idea. I totally agree.
“WHERE’S THE APOLOGY?” should become a regular tag-line & retort. Especially when directed at WND.
Considering the quality of your last post, I suppose you are the resident expert on sick and twisted immoral minds.
That’s un-Constitutional, and would be struck down. Of course, when did something un-constitutional stop conservatives? Just look at Shrub and Cheney.
“Nebraskans who vote for a candidate that has not met these criteria would be guilty of a class IV felony.”
Wow. That’s the part that gets me. Just …. wow.
How could they prosecute that? Are they doing away with the secret ballot?
That part just freaks me out.
As a note on both the foul hatred of the Biferstan as well as how badly they react to people saying “Hey I was wrong” this charming littel example from Dr K(H)ates site.
A classic example of the vitriol level aimed at believers who fall by the wayside along with the ramp up and reinforcement of the rest of the herd.
Dr. Sinclair also signed Alan Booth’s 1981 BC and his mother, the birther, Miki Booth is upset that her son and the President were delivered the same doctor
The example that comes to mind of these vermin, they would have been the ones to both make and force everyone to drink the Kool-Aid at the Jim Jones compound
If you’re not a regular reader of the “Saturday Hate-Mail-Palooza” column that Markos posts each weekend on DailyKos, you should be. Same kind of stuff that your “White House” e-mail contains, right down to the fascination (projection, really) with homosexual erotica.
I was a kibbutznik. You do not know what communism is. This is really make your head explode: Golda Meir was a Marxist.
1st Amendment. The owner of this blog lets you post drivel. You should be thanking him.
Does that idiot have any idea who Golda Meir was? All he know is what Glenn Beck tells him.
How about posting the header of that email so we can see where it came from?
Hey everyone: Ann Dunham was violated by a negro.
That reminds me of what I say about my ex-wife: After the divorce, I heard she was violated. Knowing my ex-wife, it was not a moving violation.
I always read it. Fascinating. Here’s one hate mail I got:
I think that is a perfect correlation to the cult mindset at play here and how they eventually devour their own for ever-increasing “purity tests”…particularly as their movement begins to collapse on itself.
You & I have already discussed this particular exchange elsewhere, but I wanted to point out here for everyone else, just how telling this is about how these folks operate:
So, there you have it. Within a matter of 2 hours, a simple friendly “goodbye friends, I’m done and moving on” message becomes a reason to brand him as a traitorous Obot and completely BAN him by his former allies on that board, including the board moderator.
As Bovril, Slarti & I have been discussing, this is the same pattern that you saw happening on PUMA sites in increasing fashion, once the watershed moment of the 2008 election happened and again in the months after the Inauguration of Obama had finally set in. Many of those former PUMAs moved on to become hardcore Tea Partiers and Birthers, of course…but the actual “PUMA” core sites and posters have pretty much shriveled up and are near ghost towns, haunted by only a handful of utterly sad and eternally bitter and despondent hold outs.
Ain’t that a shame. [That’s all folks.]
Hey everyone, I have a comeback GUARANTEED to make the teabaggers blood boil! Courtesy of Eugene Robinson.
“He is smarter, richer, luckier, and better looking than you, and he is your president. And he is black. Deal with it.”
This make them go nuts!
Hey thefarleftView,
Obama whipped out his long form and shoved it down your throat. Was it as at as good for you as it was for Obama?
There will be someone in the voting booth, to make sure you vote for the right candidate.
You MUST see this:
When they find that everyone in a precinct has voted for President Obama’s re-election they’ll just arrest everyone who voted.
LOL! That IS a great line to use! Thanks for sharing.
I never believed the Birthers actually really doubted that Obama is eligible. Their goal is to, first and foremost, insult the president and, secondly, to harass.
The president took the insults and the harassment AND released the birth certificate (after all, he’s their president too).
How many times did we hear “If Obama wants to end this all he has to do is release the birth certificate” from the Birthers? Now the Birthers aren’t keeping up their end of the bargain. Political beliefs aside, they’re creepy beyond belief just on a basic human level.
LOL! Classic.
More than just creepy. Reprehensible, shameless and loathsome. Utterly contemptible. Petty, sad and small-minded.
The email came through the contact form on the site, so there is no header, not that I would have disclosed it if there were.
You are so not a gracious loser.
I looked at the actual proposed bill, and it looks like the author of the Salon article didn’t understand the bill. It says:
“It is unlawful for any presidential elector from Nebraska to cast his or her electoral college vote for a candidate who is not certified by the Secretary of State as constitutionally eligible to serve in accordance with section 32-620. Any presidential elector violating this subsection shall be guilty of a Class IV felony.”
It’s Nebraskan electors not Nebraskan voters who would be charged with a felony.
Quite the pitiful tantrum.
It seems doubtful that President Obama would use such colorful language – even in private. Of course, many probably thought the same of Nixon, until the Watergate tapes came out – and made the term “expletive deleted” a household phrase.
*chuckle* Yeah, Miki Booth is frantically trying to find ANYTHING she can to claim the long form is a forgery. She must be bathing in lysol every hour at the thought that the same hands who delivered her son (and came near her private parts) also delivered Obama as well.
Karma can be so much fun.
Judging by The Donald’s latest tirade in Las Vegas, this e-mail sounds like his work.
Well, maybe it is a little classier than his usual output, but still…
Anyone skilled enough with video editing to mix this into Obama’s BC press conference?
This is one Nebraskan who says come and get me. Seriously, I really doubt that this will pass or that even our governor will sign it. I keep hoping he has the same amount of common sense as Governor Brewer.
The Republican Party’s commitment to fascism is now complete. I have to say, it took a lot less time than I expected.
A long, handwritten letter to your governor explaining the offensiveness and unconstitutionality of the bill would seem to be in order.
GOP + religion = fascism
You are aiming far too low.
Just because Jan ‘headless corpses in the desert’ Brewer saw the futility of one bill and listened to what ever sanity is left in the Arizona Republican party doesn’t mean she has a lick of common sense.
You’ve been consistent with your integrity Doc & that’s appreciated. This post sure sounds like a Birther on a Topix thread that has been particularly juvenile & obsessed. Any chance this came from Kentucky?
Perhaps some obot might convince her that Obama’s forged long form was based on her son’s? Her friends at the P&E can take off on that until 2012, to keep them occupied & help Obama win the Independent vote with their lunacy. It will also prevent a national shortage of lysol & clorox.
They’re one short step away from a lynching a poor hapless African American or a gay man who might cross their path one Saturday night when they’re drunk. Scary.
It’s already happened. Read about Vincent Chin:
“Ebens instigated the incident by declaring, “It’s because of you little m******f******* that we’re out of work!” referring to U.S. auto manufacturing jobs being lost to Japan, despite the fact that Chin was not Japanese.
Chin tried to escape, but was held by Nitz while Ebens repeatedly bludgeoned Chin with a baseball bat. Chin was struck at least four times with the bat, including blows to the head.
They served no jail time, were given three years probation, fined $3,000 and ordered to pay $780 in court costs.
Chin’s mother, Lily Chin, stated: “What kind of law is this? What kind of justice? This happened because my son is Chinese. If two Chinese killed a white person, they must go to jail, maybe for their whole lives… Something is wrong with this country.”
In September 1987, not wanting to be reminded of her son’s tragedy, Vincent Chin’s mother, Lily Chin, moved from Oak Park, Michigan back to Guangzhou, China where she had grown up.”
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