Palin buttresses birther base

While admitting that she believes Barack Obama was born in Hawaii (and presumably that the sun rises in the east), Sarah Palinn nevertheless supports Donald Trump’s claimed investigation in Hawaii. There must be something wrong or else Obama wouldn’t have spent $2 million to keep whatever it is hidden. She praises Trump for getting involved and hopes that he, with his significant resources, will “get to the bottom of it.” She said this in a Fox News interview:

The loopy Fox News interviewer lent credibility to the totally debunked $2 million myth by saying that she had heard it.


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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31 Responses to Palin buttresses birther base

  1. Slartibartfast says:

    This is good news for the Obama Campaign – Caribou birther Barbie might be even better than The Donald at driving a wedge between independents and the Republican base…

  2. Greg says:

    That Palin doesn’t acknowledge that McCain spent millions on legal expenses, in proportion to what he raised in the election proves either she: 1) is lying about the $2 million, knowing that Obama’s spending wasn’t out of line with McCain’s; or, 2) she’s an idiot who had no clue about the campaign that was going on around her!

  3. Scientist says:

    Sarah is so yesterday’s news. All her tiptoeing and winking and nodding to the birthers was for naught. Her Canadian wishy-washiness was no match for the New York chutzpah of Trump. The problem for Trump now is to maintain enough pretentions to sanity that the mainstream media will still have him on, while being loopy enough to still appeal to the birthers. There are definite signs of squishiness by the Donald-he has admitted it’s “possible that the President was born in the US” and in fact that he “hopes it’s true”. That probably lost him a chunk of birthers, who think it’s impossible and hope it isn’t true. And, so far, he has failed (as far as I know) to trot out any Swiss/Prussian philosphers at all. He’s in serious danger of being outflanked by a Vattelist once his “investigators” decide to terminate their beach vacation after finding bupkis.

  4. Sef says:

    That Palin doesn’t acknowledge that McCain spent millions on legal expenses, in proportion to what he raised in the election proves either she: 1) is lying about the $2 million, knowing that Obama’s spending wasn’t out of line with McCain’s; or, 2) she’s an idiot who had no clue about the campaign that was going on around her!

    I’ll go with 2.

  5. Slartibartfast says:

    Scientist: He’s in serious danger of being outflanked by a Vattelist once his “investigators” decide to terminate their beach vacation after finding bupkis.

    Trump can’t go the Vattel route (assuming that he’s in this for the publicity) – the abstruse and soporific legal argument would be no help in attracting viewers to his show. (If Trump does go this route, I would take it to be evidence that he’s a true believer…)

  6. Origuy says:

    Trump can’t go de Vattel; his mother was born in Scotland. Although I don’t know if she became a citizen before he was born. That question might split the de Vattelists.

  7. Horus says:

    Sef: Greg:
    That Palin doesn’t acknowledge that McCain spent millions on legal expenses, in proportion to what he raised in the election proves either she: 1) is lying about the $2 million, knowing that Obama’s spending wasn’t out of line with McCain’s; or, 2) she’s an idiot who had no clue about the campaign that was going on around her!

    I’ll go with 2.


  8. Horus says:

    I still think Trump is going to have a “Coming to God” moment where he claims to have seen the light and now believes Obama was an NBC.
    In reality he has NEVER believed anything he has said about the Birth Certificate.
    Trump is NOT that stupid!

  9. Bovril says:

    I’ll go with

    3. Both the above

  10. Slartibartfast says:

    I still think Trump is going to have a “Coming to God” moment where he claims to have seen the light and now believes Obama was an NBC.
    In reality he has NEVER believed anything he has said about the Birth Certificate.
    Trump is NOT that stupid!

    I agree – I think it will happen if the fire gets too hot or when this season of ‘The Apprentice’ is over…

  11. JoZeppy says:

    Horus: Trump is NOT that stupid!

    I’m no longer so convinced of that.

  12. misha says:

    OK, I’ll say Sarah Palin is a closet anti-Semite.

    Wright went on a tirade, and it poisoned Obama? Fine. Palin’s church preaches that the Jewish people are to be punished forever because we don’t accept their lord. Palin’s church preaches the Holocaust is divine retribution.

    She has heard that garbage since she was 16, and it’s safe to say she believes it.

    Kettle, pot.

  13. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    JoZeppy: I’m no longer so convinced of that.

    I’m starting to think the tribble on his head has formed a symbiotic relationship

  14. misha says:

    Palin is a shallow, poorly read, ignoramus. She ridicules science, and reveres fairy tales.

    I’ll give her this: she loves college so much, she went to six of them.

  15. obsolete says:

    Sarah Palin refuses to confirm or deny that she was the porn actress in the “Nalin’ Palin” series of adult videos. It sure looks like her. And with the same last name… Why won’t she just answer the questions or have a press conference denying it is her? What is she hiding?
    Perhaps she could submit a photo of her breasts for expert comparison to the actress in the videos to settle this matter.

  16. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Sarah Palin refuses to confirm or deny that she was the porn actress in the “Nalin’ Palin” series of adult videos.

    If I were a Carpenter…

    I think all brakes should be off. If Palin thinks there is something in this birther business, let her prove that she was not born in Canada – by providing a written affidavit from every Canadian hospital that she was no born there.

    Of course, if she cannot get all these affidavits, I am willing to accept a circumcision certificate.

    Apart from that, what about showing us the birth certificate of her last kid.

    I want proof that neither she nor her husband ever applied for, or received Russian citizenship.

    And then there are the how much questions. How much did she receive from Koch Industries since 2006? How often did she undergo an exorcism? Total cost of all the glasses she broke shooting baby seals from a helicopter.

  17. Joey says:

    The birthers over at are very upset with the Chairman of the Republican National Committee Reince Priebus for being a vocal anti-birther and anti-Trumper.

  18. Wile E. says:

    The birthers over at are very upset with the Chairman of the Republican National Committee Reince Priebus for being a vocal anti-birther and anti-Trumper.

    P&E peeved at Bill-O…

    Nice little wedge-issue you’ve got there Mr. President.

  19. Keith says:

    Paul Pieniezny: I want proof that neither she nor her husband ever applied for, or received Russian citizenship.

    Why else would she be in Moscow for two years?

  20. Keith says:

    OK, I’ll say Sarah Palin is a closet anti-Semite.

    Wright went on a tirade, and it poisoned Obama? Fine. Palin’s church preaches that the Jewish people are to be punished forever because we don’t accept their lord. Palin’s church preaches the Holocaust is divine retribution.

    She has heard that garbage since she was 16, and it’s safe to say she believes it.

    Kettle, pot.

    I know you have a vested interest in this particular subplot, and it is a worthwhile subplot, don’t get me wrong. However, many of her constituency probably look on it as a strength not a weakness, and pointing it out may just defeat your purpose.

    On the other hand, her love of the Alaskan Separatist Party (remember she gave the keynote address at two conventions and a live video hookup support message while she was Governor), and its acknowledged violent hatred of the United States and everything it stands for is probably more damaging to those who profess a love for the Constitution and America and Motherhood and Apple Pie and Puppies and Kittens.

  21. Keith says:

    obsolete: Sarah Palin refuses to confirm or deny that she was the porn actress in the “Nalin’ Palin” series of adult videos.

    She also refuses to repudiate the Alaskan Separatist Movement and apologize for her and her husband’s involvement with that terrorist organization.

  22. misha says:

    Keith: She also refuses to repudiate

    You mean “refudiate.” Learn Palinese.

  23. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Keith: Paul Pieniezny: I want proof that neither she nor her husband ever applied for, or received Russian citizenship.

    Why else would she be in Moscow for two years?

    That is no excuse. I lived in Moscow for six years, I understand Russian rather well (but people have remarked my accent is hilarious) but I am not Russian and I would not qualify for Russian citizenship even under the new nationality law that Putin proposed at one time when he was President and will probably propose again when he’s again President – unless Putin adds Masurians (or Rusyns – my father-in-law was a Rusyn) to his list of acceptable Slav ethnics (the proposal also granted Russian citizenship to descendants of Finnish and other indigenous people in the Caucasus, Siberia and Alaska).,_%D0%91%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B3%D0%B8%D1%8F
    If you think the lead actress has a name that sounds like she is entitled to Russian citizenship under Putin, that is because she is (Russian Empire father). One of the writers, Pat(rick) Van Beirs is an ex-student of mine and I am, good grief, related to the composer. If you can, get the English-Dutch DVD. It also has a bonus sound track with East European style dubbing in Russian.

  24. Keith says:

    Paul Pieniezny: That is no excuse. I lived in Moscow for six years,

    I could push this ‘joke’ for a while, but I don’t want to embarrass anyone (except Palin) who doesn’t get the reference.

    Palin attended the University of Idaho for awhile. She attended 5 universities in all before getting her degree from Idaho in 1987. I have no problem with that – I did work at 4 universities and a junior colleges before I finally got my degree after 20 years – work and moves for work interrupted me all the time!.

    Interestingly, nobody remembers her at any of the schools. She did not write for the U of I school newspaper or work for the campus TV station, even though her degree is in Journalism.

    As much as I’d really like to rub it in that the woman who thinks wrapping oneself in the American flag proves she is a patriot spent time in the capital of the evil empire and received honors from the peoples paradise, I cannot.

    The University of Idaho is in Moscow, Idaho.

  25. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Keith: I could push this joke’ for a while, but I don’t want to embarrass anyone (except Palin) who doesn’t get the reference.

    I think Moscow, Idaho was also where Orly (WBUH) tried to push the birfer agenda by addressing a Supreme Court judge and pushing one of her voluminous dossies into his hands. Actually, into the hands of one of his guards who probably checked it for explosives.

    In one of my alternative universes, the guard then throws it into a telephone box near campus – because it is too big for any dustbin. Only it is the Tardis, which then, trying to find Palin being born in a Canadian hospital, wanders off lost in time to the East and delivers the dossie to the house of Supreme Justice Fuller the night before he wrote the dissent in Wong Kim Ark.

    Come on, since Orly is responsible for all the birfers’ epic fails and has helped Obama more than any Obot ever could, that dissent MUST have been inspired by her.

    (Oh, and anyone clicking on one of my links will notice that I got Keith’s joke)

  26. misha says:

    Keith: her love of the Alaskan Separatist Party

    It’s the Alaska Independent Party, whose founder was murdered when an explosives deal went bad.

  27. misha says:

    misha: It’s the Alaska Independent Party, whose founder was murdered when an explosives deal went bad.

  28. misha says:

    Keith: She also refuses to repudiate the Alaskan Separatist Movement and apologize for her and her husband’s involvement with that terrorist organization.

    The AIP are anti-Semites.

  29. Keith says:

    misha: It’s the Alaska Independent Party, whose founder was murdered when an explosives deal went bad.


  30. US Citizen says:

    So basically any web searches for “Palin butt” will come here?


  31. Slartibartfast says:

    If you wanted to know where the birther’s counterparts on the left would have gone, check this out:

    One of the things ‘noted’ in the article is that the hospital wouldn’t confirm Trig’s birth there (let alone who his mother was – their words). It just goes to show that moonbats can be just as dishonest as wingnuts (although I think that their movement still wouldn’t be anywhere near as large as the birthers are if Caribou Barbie had been elected…)

    I got the link to this article from the T room ( ) – apparently they accept all crank theories left or right…

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