The occasional open thread – April Fool edition

What's fooling?

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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39 Responses to The occasional open thread – April Fool edition

  1. Montana says:

    The only party that is desperate are the Republicans, but its to “kill the middle class”, they will lose!

    Let me just say that Trump may just be “rattling the Birthers cages”, he can run or he may have grown accustomed to media attention this non-issue would create.

    Our current President travelled under a USA passport long before he was elected President, but I guess the quacky BIRTHERS, must believe that the USCIS – United States Passport was in on the lie, please, grow up, you are wrong!

    The Birthers just HATE and can’t debate!
    Have any of the quacky BIRTHERS presented any credible proof that will standup in court? Answer: No
    Have any of the quacky BIRTHERS won any Court Cases? Answer: No
    They are just mainly backward, uneducated, white people who HATE our half black President.

    The majority of the voting public ask “where the proof”, show some proof BIRTHERS or the voting majority will continue to see you as dumb, stupid or racist, maybe all three. Can you blame them?

    Still, I really hope one of these retreads and blowhards runs for president, not because they have a chance of winning but because I like to see the train wreck that they will cause.

    Faux News Candidates:
    former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ”The I graduated Early”,
    former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga. “The I Love The Interns”,
    former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee “The Huckster Reverend”,
    former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. “The I Love the Gays”,
    former UN Ambassador John Bolton “The I Love The War ”

    I Finance Myself:
    real estate celebrity developer, Donald Trump, “I took my Casino into Bankruptcy, just imagine where I can Take the US”
    former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney “The Flip-Flopping Fudger”,
    former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush “The I Am Not My “Dumb Ass” Brother”,

    Employed Long Shots:
    Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. “The History, I Don’t Need No Stink’n History”,
    Mississippi Gov./ former tobacco lobbyist, Haley Barbour “The last White Hope”

  2. Sean says:

    The only party that is desperate are the Republicans, but its to “kill the middle class”, they will lose!

    That has me scratchin’ my head too. They create boogie men: gays, blacks, Muslims, Latinos and now……………working people? How do you play that? You tell your own constituents that they’re the problem? The force through laws to take their rights, money and jobs away? What’ll they do come election day?

  3. Can Donald Trump Be Elected President? Did the Little Piggy Cry Wee, Wee, Wee, All the way Home?

    Donald Trump declared his intentions yesterday to enter the GOP primaries in 2012 to be the President of the United States. As usual for Trump, he did it in a quirky way. The TV networks and talk radio are reporting his initial advertising campaign appears to be a take-off on TV commercials done by an auto insurance company.

    An advance copy of the first commercials has been given to the press. Many of the pundits are skeptical. Here are the initial TV ads:

    “Can Donald Trump be Elected President? Was Eddie Haskell the most obnoxious character on TV and still loved by millions?”

    “Can Donald Trump be elected President? Did John McCain become a national war hero after spilling his guts to the North Vietnamese about the U.S. Pacific Fleet?”

    “Can Donald Trump be elected President? Did Dick Nixon got elected twice and you didn’t like him either!”

    “Can Donald Trump be elected President? Did Sarah Palin become a front runner for the GOP 2012 primaries thinking that Indianapolis was the capitol of India?”

    The final commercial titled: “The Trump Card” states: “This is the United States of America where even a fat, tasteless, and obnoxious person can be elected president. God bless America and God bless egotistical rich guys!”

    At the end of the press conference, a reporter asked Trump how he expected to do in the primaries. Trump replied, I expect to win,” he paused and chuckled, “by a hair!”

    In related news, one TV network is reporting that Trump is considering purchasing the states of Iowa and South Carolina in early 2012.

  4. Paul Pieniezny says:

    According to this Russian LiveJournal,

    Orly is the Queen of the Infusoryas, who’s getting the Republicans into trouble.

    Infusoryas are little bugs, which in Soviet medicine were used to clean wounds. Is Orly the bug who’s actually helping the Obama presidency?

    Of course, infusorya is also a reference to Tea Baggers (and tea bagging as I know it from Sex in the City). Being an opponent of free translation, I’d prefer Orly to be known as the Koroleva Urodov but you cannot have it all. Not even today.

    One commenter on the site claims Orly looks like an aging porn star. Another one says she looks like princess Di selling her home-made fruit and vegetables at the Honore Balzac street market in Kiev (no, that was not Lupin intervening).

  5. Thrifty says:

    About a year ago, I read Judge Clay Land’s ruling when he sanctioned Orly Taitz for $20,000. Is ruling the right word? I’m referring to the 43 page document at

    I read it, and was incredibly amused. It had a very Zucker/Abrams vibe to it. Judge Land was this straight man, delivering mundane news in a deadpan style, with the occassional snarky comment, while all this absolutely insane shit was going on in the background. It was pure comedy gold. I never expected to be so amused by a legal document.

    This remains my favorite part:

    One can readily see the wisdom of entrusting the elected representatives of the people with the ultimate decision as to whether a President should be removed from office rather than litigating the issue in our courts. Although counsel’s present concern is the location of the President’s birth, it does not take much imagination to extend the theory to his birthday. Perhaps, he looks “too young” to be President, and he says he stopped counting birthdays when he reached age thirty. If he refused to admit publicly that he is older than the constitutional minimum age of thirty-five, should Ms. Taitz be allowed to file a lawsuit and have a court order him to produce his birth certificate? See U.S. Const. art. II, § 1, cl. 4. Or perhaps an eccentric citizen has become convinced that the President is an alien from Mars, and the courts should order DNA testing to enforce the Constitution.*

    *The Court does not make this observation simply as a rhetorical device for emphasis; the Court has actually received correspondence assailing its previous order in which the sender, who, incidentally, challenged the undersigned to a “round of fisticuffs on the Courthouse Square,” asserted that the President is not human.

  6. Slartibartfast says:

    Sean: That has me scratchin’ my head too. They create boogie men: gays, blacks, Muslims, Latinos and now……………working people?How do you play that? You tell your own constituents that they’re the problem? The force through laws to take their rights, money and jobs away?What’ll they do come election day?

    Yet this is exactly what the Republicans are doing in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Michigan…

  7. Slartibartfast says:


    I’m not sure what I said, but I think my comment got caught in your spam filter…

  8. What the heck has Obama done so far?

    Developed by several talented college students.

    Impressive list and impressive work. Obama/Biden 2012.

  9. Slartibartfast says:

    I saw this comment over at Dr. K(h)ate’s and just had to share:

    ARMY D.A.V.
    April 4, 2011 at 1:03 pm
    Obama Announces Reelection Bid

    Bluff .

    I wonder if he’ll still think it’s a bluff on election day…

  10. gorefan says:

    Slartibartfast: I wonder if he’ll still think it’s a bluff on election day…

    He’ll probably still think it’s a bluff on Inauguration Day. By then I’m sure birthers will be quoting polls that say 90% of Americans believe the President was not born in the US. We will be able answer, “And they didn’t give a rat’s a$$ about it..”

  11. G says:

    Slartibartfast: I saw this comment over at Dr. K(h)ate’s and just had to share:I wonder if he’ll still think it’s a bluff on election day…

    And that is even more reason to think that Obama will be reelected in 2012. The birthers and their ilk are their own worst enemies (in more ways than one) and many of them are too blind to see it.

    Just as many did not take seriously that someone like Obama could become president in 2008, they still are unable to even conceive that his re-election is very possible.

    Thus, they are doomed to continue to underestimate him and his support base and will be willfully blindsided in a complete unbelieving stupor if he is re-elected.

  12. Slartibartfast says:

    G: And that is even more reason to think that Obama will be reelected in 2012.The birthers and their ilk are their own worst enemies (in more ways than one) and many of them are too blind to see it.

    There’s always the potential of a late game-changer, but I certainly think that if the birthers are a factor, they will help to reelect President Obama.

    Just as many did not take seriously that someone like Obama could become president in 2008, they still are unable to even conceive that his re-election is very possible.

    Some of them believe that fix is in and President Obama will be reelected through fraudulent means (not that they have any more evidence of this than they do for their other assertions…).

    Thus, they are doomed to continue to underestimate him and his support base and will be willfully blindsided in a complete unbelieving stupor if he is re-elected.

    It’s the ones who don’t go into a stupor that worry me – they’ll be talking about second amendment remedies and many of them will feel like they don’t have anything left to loose… I wouldn’t be surprised to see some attempted birther terrorism if President Obama is reelected.

  13. G says:

    Slartibartfast: It’s the ones who don’t go into a stupor that worry me – they’ll be talking about second amendment remedies and many of them will feel like they don’t have anything left to loose… I wouldn’t be surprised to see some attempted birther terrorism if President Obama is reelected.

    Sadly, I feel that is inevitable, regardless.

    All we can try to do is be vigilant and hope the authorities are as well. Some of these nuts (see Walt Fitzpatrick for example) are destined to snap and cause harm.

    I have no doubt that we’ll see incidents leading up to the next election as well as after it. I’m sure there will be an increased uptick in secessionist talk as well. We cannot allow such craziness to prevail nor to deter us from correcting the lies and speaking the truth and pushing for a restoration of sanity in our politics.

    We must continue to expose these hatriots and their lies whenever possible and report them, when it appears necessary.

  14. The Magic M says:

    > Some of them believe that fix is in and President Obama will be reelected through fraudulent means

    I think they fell down in three equally strong groups (until Obama announced he would run in 2012 the other day):

    #1: “He will not run again” (“because he knows he can’t win”, “because he knows he’ll be exposed”)
    #2: “He will run again but fail to meet the birther bills’ requirements”
    #3: “He will run again and win by election fraud”

    I expect they will quickly all shift to #3.

    I just wonder how they’ll spin their “91% are behind us” in that context. After all, it is absolutely impossible to turn an (at most) 9% vote into an (at least) 50% vote without anyone noticing. But you can suppose they will count all the research institutes (exit polls) among the conspirators as well (including those whose “bad approval ratings for Obama” they’ve been quoting for months now).

  15. The Magic M says:

    > there will be an increased uptick in secessionist talk as well

    If someone asks me if there’s anything I’ve learned from following the birther issue (apart from “how narrow-minded can people be?”), my answer will be:
    As a non-native speaker, I’ve learned the difference between “sedition” and “secession”. 😉 I always thought the former was synonymous with the latter.

  16. Slartibartfast says:

    Hey Doc, you got mentioned by Dr. K(h)ate!

    April 5, 2011 at 10:41 pm
    Just another sign of how the wheels are coming off the wagon. In my blog stats I see that the usual hate blogs just can’t stay away from this site…the fogbow, obamaconspiracy…ROFLMAO. They have nothing but hate for our Country and their fellow Americans, and what is true is that the caliber of their writings in defense of Obama are at the third grade level…just about where Obama is today.

    She likes you, she really likes you! 😀 (and you got called a ‘hate blog’ by the Harridan of Hate herself… kudos!)

  17. Slartibartfast says:

    I posted this reply to Dr. Kate (it’s up for now, but I think the over/under on how long it lasts is about 15 minutes…

    evil obot
    April 6, 2011 at 10:50 am
    Dr. Kate,

    As one of the people who regularly post links to your site over at Doc Conspiracy’s, I thought that I would let you know why I do it. Mostly, it is because I find the flawed reasoning and confirmation biases on display here to be very amusing. Although, as far as hate goes, no one over at Doc C’s can come close to the hate you and the others here seem to feel for President Obama (and the First Lady), liberals, and the US Constitution (the real thing, not your skewed vision of it), among other things…

    Anyway, I’m sure you will ban my IP (and probably delete my comment as well) – why is that? I believe it is because you know that your arguments cannot stand up to scrutiny and rational debate…

    And as for political impact of the birhter movement, this is one time (and probably the only time) I agree with Karl Rove – keep pushing this cause… it’s going to help President Obama get re-elected (and he will be on the ballot in all 50 states and DC, by the way – any law passed will either accept the COLB as proof of natural born citizenship or it will be obviously unConstitutional).

    Have a nice day.

  18. Slartibartfast:
    Hey Doc, you got mentioned by Dr. K(h)ate!

    She likes you, she really likes you!:D (and you got called a ‘hate blog’ by the Harridan of Hate herself…kudos!)

    If you click on that hyperlink to Dr. Kate’s web site (or her link at the bottom of the page), her site statistics will show my site as a referring site.

    Far and away, the most frequent referrer to my site is Google. Every now and then I’ll get a hit from FreeRepublic and even the Stormfront forum. My guess is that there aren’t a lot of hyperlinks on the birther blogs pointing here. Of late I have been getting a fair number of referrals from TheObamDiary, that lists this site on its blog roll.

  19. Slartibartfast says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: If you click on that hyperlink to Dr. Kate’s web site, her site statistics willshow my site as a referring site. This reminds me that I probably should list her among the blogs below.

    Far and away, the most frequent referrer to my site is Google. Every now and then I’ll get a hit from FreeRepublic and even the Stormfront forum. My guess is that there aren’t a lot of hyperlinks on the birther blogspointing here.

    I can’t imagine why birther blogs would want to avoid linking to a site that effectively debunks all of their arguments… they probably just don’t like you very much. 😉 I find it interesting that Dr. K(h)ate – a compulsive linker (just look at the number of links in her article) – failed to provide links for your site and the Fogbow. I guess she’s scared of you… By the way, I see you put drkatesview in the ‘UGLY’ where it belongs. Everyone should try out the link (and be sure to leave a comment so Dr. K(h)ate knows you were there). If even a few people do this (if, say, we can clear the bar set by Dr. Kate’s Usurpathon – 3 or 4, I believe) then the reactions of the Harridan and her Hatriots should be quite fun to watch…

  20. misha says:

    Sort of related: I have said this is a taste of ’12. Here it is:

    “Poll: Birther Donald Trump Vaults to Second in GOP 2012 Field

    Donald Trumps TV ratings might be slumping, but his GOP ratings are shooting up, presumably fueled by his recent, vocal embrace of birtherism.

    But the poll is another data point in a growing mountain of evidence that a significant portion of the GOP is willing to believe that President Obama was born somewhere other than in the United States.

    All of this, as I have written before, is bad news for the serious candidates in the field. So long as Trump is a “serious” candidate, and so long as birtherism is his signature issue, people like Romney will inevitably be forced to address the issue, either looking like a nut or risking ostracizing their base.

  21. Sef says:

    misha: “Poll: Birther Donald Trump Vaults to Second in GOP 2012 Field

    We have officially entered the “Silly Season”.

  22. nc1 says:

    Dr. C

    Have you ever seen a story about Obama’s former girlfriend(s), if any?

  23. Steve says:

    nc1: Dr. CHave you ever seen a story about Obama’s former girlfriend(s), if any?

    What does that have to do with anything?

  24. Joey says:

    Dr. C

    Have you ever seen a story about Obama’s former girlfriend(s), if any?

    Doc. C.,
    Have you ever seen a story about George W. Bush’s former girlfriend(s), if any?

  25. elid says:

    Dr. C

    Have you ever seen a story about Obama’s former girlfriend(s), if any?

    As a matter of fact, yes. Why?

  26. nc1: Have you ever seen a story about Obama’s former girlfriend(s), if any?

    Next time you try to hijack one off my threads by posting off-topic issues, I’m just going to delete the comment it instead of taking the trouble to move it to one of the open threads.

  27. Steve:
    Dr. C

    Have you ever seen a story about Obama’s former girlfriend(s), if any?

    Steve: What does that have to do with anything?

    It’s a sick obsession for abused, cowardly and severely mentally ill birther trailer trash who feel the uncontrollable compulsion to vent their paranoid fears, racial hatred and blatant, disgraceful bigotry to complete strangers in a sad attempt to get attention and validation.

  28. Black Lion says:

    GOP lawyer drafts Obama impeachment

    April 7, 2011

    A prominent libertarian constitutional lawyer and civil libertarian has drafted an article of impeachment against President Obama over his attack on Libya, throwing down a legal gauntlet that could be picked up by some Congressional Republicans

    Bruce Fein, a former Reagan administration official in the Department of Justice and chairman of American Freedom Agenda writes in his 15-page argument of Obama’s course that “Barack Hussein Obama has mocked the rule of law, endangered the very existence of the Republic and the liberties of the people, and perpetrated an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor.”

    Fein is a small-government conservative who worked on the impeachment of President Bill Clinton and also called for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, and his work doesn’t represent the Republican Party line. But it comes as some Republicans on the Hill, led by Senator Rand Paul, object vociferously to Obama’s decision to strike targets in Libya without Congressional authorization.

    “He’s been more bold than any other president,” said Fein, who said Obama has failed to secure congressional approval for his military action in a much more brazen way than previous administrations.

    Fein said a number of Congressional offices have expressed interest in his proposal.

    “They actually need to defend constitutional prerogatives,” said Fein. “There’s definitely been interest on the Hill. There’s at least two dozen who have been open to the idea that this is a serious constitutional crisis.”

    Fein’s articles of impeachment discuss the run-up to the Libya conflict and conclude, “In all of this, President Barack Obama has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.”

  29. Black Lion: GOP lawyer drafts Obama impeachment

    I would ask that you respect the topics and not dump irrelevant articles where they don’t belong. I have taken the trouble to move this one to the Open topic thread, but next time I’ll just delete it.

  30. Northland10 says:

    FYI, it looks like the 10th Circuit dismissed Craig v. Holder Petition back in March.

  31. G says:

    Northland10: FYI, it looks like the 10th Circuit dismissed Craig v. Holder Petition back in March.

    Thanks for the update and link!

    The government’s motion to dismiss is GRANTED and the petition for review is DISMISSED. Mr. Craig’s request for certification to the United StatesSupreme Court is DENIED.

  32. G says:

    gorefan: Next stop the Supreme Court.

    LOL! *facepalm*

    Well, based on the courts rulings and their expressed statement back to him so far, I think we can predict with near certaintly how easily this latest EPIC FAIL attempt will go down in flames. Ah, insanity…doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!

  33. The web site has been pretty much inactive for a while, but their RSS feed shows a new article: Hawaii throws concrete life preserver to drowning birthers. I thought the caption on the image of Donald Trump was really funny. I think that image of Trump captioned “would you want this finger on the nuclear trigger” would be as effective in a negative campaign against Trump as the nuclear countdown ad was against Barry Goldwater.

  34. LawnBoy says:

    My understanding is that Hawaii law doesn’t even allow for releasing the long-form anymore. So, isn’t this line of reasoning based on a fallacious assumption that Obama? If he can’t legally get a copy of the long-form for himself, why would anyone expect him to be able to get one for everyone else?

    Am I missing something?

  35. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    This argument is ridiculous. Many states stopped issuing long form birth certificates does that mean each citizen in those states must have something embarassing in their birth records that the state doesn’t want released? Does this mean every previous president must have something embarassing in their records that not even the COLB has been released for them?

  36. Granite says:

    Those of you who are interested in whether or not Hawaii currently issues long-form birth certificates, and the WND allegation that it does, and that it has images of them, may want to help out (or attack) the poster Ellen, on this site:

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