The occasional open thread: it’s spring!

Post your Obama conspiracy theories comments that don’t fit the current articles here.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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130 Responses to The occasional open thread: it’s spring!

  1. I’m going on a 4-day trip starting this afternoon, so my participation will be limited.

  2. Sean says:

    I found this comment on Amazon discussions

    “2 million dollars is nothing to the people who installed Barack HUSSEIN Obama as president. Probably less than pocket change to people who could convince the whole US government, the supreme court, all the republican politicians in the USA, Hillary, McCain and Palin…all to just ignore the whole eligibility subject.

    Everyone has been bought and paid for…… Barack is going to be around for at least two more terms.

    I bet even the tea party is in on the conspiracy…..”

    I then accused this commenter of being in on the conspiracy.

  3. Robert Clark says:

    There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.
    Could Obama be adopted?
    Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family and the Obama Sr. family to see Barack is related to either of them?


  4. richCares says:

    In June 2008, National Review conservative blogger Jim Geraghty, after debunking a number of conspiracy theories about Obama floated by fellow conservatives, asked the Obama campaign to return the favor and just release his birth certificate to the public to put to rest questions about both Obama’s birth and whether, as enemies claimed, his middle name was Mohammed.ť

    A few days later, the Obama campaign did exactly that.

    They posted Obama’s certificate of live birth on their Fight the Smearsť website and gave a copy to the liberal website Daily Kos. It was greeted with immediate cries that it was a fake.

    But Geraghty was satisfied, writing “this document is what he or someone authorized by him was given by the state out of its records.” Barring some vast conspiracy within the Hawaii State Department of Health, there is no reason to think his [original] birth certificate would have any different data.”

  5. richCares says:

    “Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family \”
    just when you think stupidity has hit a low point along comes silly Robert. Now what if Robert is guilty of child molestation, should we turn him in.

  6. richCares: just when you think stupidity has hit a low point along comes silly Robert. Now what if Robert is guilty of child molestation, should we turn him in.

    Nothing new here.

  7. Passerby says:

    Oh the smell of fresh trolling in the morning…
    Still confusing possible with the plausible I notice…

    Robert Clark:
    There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.Could Obama be adopted?Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family and the Obama Sr. family to see Barack is related to either of them?


  8. Sean says:

    Obama is not related to anyone. You can’t be related to anyone when you don’t exist.

    There is zero evidence that Obama is even a real person. Nobody has ever come forward to say they’e ever met him, ever.

    I see the images on my TV, but I can’t be sure that’s not 3D animation.

    Robert Clark:
    There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.Could Obama be adopted?Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family and the Obama Sr. family to see Barack is related to either of them?


  9. Greg says:

    Robert Clark: There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.

    Quick, find me photos of the following pregnant women:

    Barbara Bush
    Virginia Dell Cassidy
    Dorothy Walker Bush
    Nellie Wilson Reagan

    The lack of evidence is only compelling if one would expect to see such evidence. That’s why there was no “Curious incident of the cat in the night.”

  10. Robert Clark says:

    “Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family \”
    just when you think stupidity has hit a low point along comes silly Robert. Now what if Robert is guilty of child molestation, should we turn him in.

    If you are we should turn you in.


  11. Scientist says:

    Robert Clark: Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family and the Obama Sr. family to see Barack is related to either of them?

    As Tonto said to the Lone Ranger, “What do you mean ‘we’, Kemo sabe”? Do you know how to do DNA testing? I do, by the way.

  12. bjphysics says:

    Lil' Red: And I find a lot of things that you state to be offensive and irrational. Welcome to the debate.

    Dr. Conspiracy: Welcome to the door. You’re banned.

    Is Lil’ Red really banned? I have always thought many of the contributors on this site were like the Harlem Globetrotters with Doc playing the part of Fred “Curly” Neal and Lil’ Red was part of the Washington Generals lineup. Who will the Globetrotters play now that the Generals are one player down? Will a new player just show up? Can Bob Clark call in a replacement player? Should we put an add on Free Republic?

    Lil’ Red, your confirmation bias, motivated reasoning, and unrivaled ability to ignore facts with links will be missed. Nobody could lose an argument like you could.

  13. Here are some terrific photos that the birthers should really enjoy:

    I look forward to many, many more over the next six years.

    They will be national treasures to be enjoyed by true, proud Americans everywhere.

  14. Sean says:

    Here’s a racist comment I got from Amazon discussions:

    “Expect Obama to do the same at the peril of the US and no cooperation with new president – expect Obama will steal the WH furniture, WH will need a real cleansing not only in the bathroom”

  15. bjphysics says:

    “Challenge to President Obama’s Eligibility to be Heard by 9th Circuit Court”

    Not sure this is real because the only links I can find are birther sites echoing each other.

    It is fun to read the birther comments. Every time something like this happens there are the inevitable “this is it”, “our moment has arrived”, “republic restored” types of comments; then they get shot down and respond with comments about the court and judges: “traitors”, “hang them”, “they all will pay”, blah, blah, blah. Their like dogs chasing a car – cracks me up.

  16. Sean says:

    “Challenge to President Obama’s Eligibility to be Heard by 9th Circuit Court”

    Not sure this is real because the only links I can find are birther sites echoing each other.

    It is fun to read the birther comments. Every time something like this happens there are the inevitable “this is it”, “our moment has arrived”, “republic restored” types of comments; then they get shot down and respond with comments about the court and judges: “traitors”, “hang them”, “they all will pay”, blah, blah, blah. Their like dogs chasing a car – cracks me up.

    This will take place May 2nd.

    Does anyone want to take bets on how quickly it’s thrown out?

  17. Slartibartfast says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’m going on a 4-day trip starting this afternoon, so my participation will be limited.

    With all of the improvements to the blog of late, you deserve a break – hope you’re doing something fun!

  18. nemocapn says:

    Robert Clark: Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family and the Obama Sr. family to see Barack is related to either of them?

    I can pretty much predict what would happen. Many Luo’s belong to a subclade of the E haplotype. Some people think Obama is E1b1b. Hitler is also E1b1b. If tests confirmed that Obama is E1b1b, the rumor on the internet will be that Obama Sr. was Hitler’s secret love child by a black woman.

    For evidence this would happen, see here:

  19. Slartibartfast says:

    Robert Clark:
    There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.Could Obama be adopted?Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family and the Obama Sr. family to see Barack is related to either of them?


    Only after you’ve undergone mental health testing and released the results…

  20. James M says:

    Majority Will:

    Here are some terrific photos that the birthers should really enjoy:

    Proof that he is reflected in mirrors is proof that he isn’t a vampire?

  21. James M says:

    Robert Clark:

    There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.

    Do you have a fetish or something?

    How do you know there are no photos of her?

  22. richCares says:

    “How do you know there are no photos of her?”
    you should ask him why he has brown spots on his thumb.

  23. Slartibartfast says:

    Seeing as how Dr. Dunham was involved in miscegenation (something still illegal in several states at the time) and that she was married 3 months after getting pregnant, I hardly think that a lack of pictures of her pregnancy is surprising in any way…

  24. misha says:

    Slartibartfast: Seeing as how Dr. Dunham was involved in miscegenation (something still illegal in several states at the time

    I believe it was 16 states at the time. My marriage was illegal in Maryland until 1964.

  25. misha says:

    Read the comments from the Daily News:

    Especially Bennett_Goodman “Deniro is obsessed with black poonie. He is only into black women.He must have moor blood flowing through his body. I hope his wife doesn’t kill him for his money.” You should read what Bennett_Goodman has to say about us.

    Race doesn’t have anything to do with it.

  26. bjphysics says:

    misha: Read the comments from the Daily News: Bennett_Goodman “Deniro is obsessed with black poonie. He is only into black women.He must have moor blood flowing through his body. I hope his wife doesn’t kill him for his money.” You should read what Bennett_Goodman has to say about us. Race doesn’t have anything to do with it.

    Bennett_Goodman appears to be all over the map at that link; ranging from sounds-anti-black, to clearly-anti-jewish, to clearly-anti-gay, to pseudo-anti-rightwing, to pseudo-anti-Fox, etc. Sounds mentally disturbed to me but probably not a threat as long as Bennett has a keyboard and stays locked in the basement.

  27. Keith says:

    Robert Clark: There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.
    Could Obama be adopted?
    Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family and the Obama Sr. family to see Barack is related to either of them?


    The Birther Movement peaked a long time ago.

    It is now officially scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

  28. bjphysics says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’m going on a 4-day trip starting this afternoon, so my participation will be limited.

    Excellent, I always do my best worst when there’s no adult supervision.

  29. Slartibartfast says:

    Keith: The Birther Movement peaked a long time ago.

    It is now officially scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

    It depends on your metric. By the numbers it will probably grow a little bit bigger before slowly declining as true believers give up, by publicity we’re living in the ‘Golden Age of Birtherism’ (and it’s a loooong steep downhill grade staring the birthers in the face…), and by credibility your comment was incredibly generous to the birthers…

  30. Northland10 says:

    Robert Clark:
    There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.Could Obama be adopted?Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family and the Obama Sr. family to see Barack is related to either of them?


    After time off for Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday and the necessary recovery time (church musician), I am scanning through comments and find this. Could they become anymore absurd? I am not surprised that birthers would think it but even many of them would think before saying it.

    If any proof was necessary that birthers will accept no proof (including the long form), this statement says it all.

  31. Sef says:

    I just wanted to let Dr. Who fans know that Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith) died on Apr 19. The latest Dr. Who episode on 4/23 was dedicated to her. I am truly saddened and shocked.


    Shepard Smith: “Fox News Can Confirm That The President Of The United States Is A Citizen Of the United States, Period”


  33. G says:

    FUTTHESHUCKUP: Shepard Smith: “Fox News Can Confirm That The President Of The United States Is A Citizen Of the United States, Period”

    Good link. Kudos to Shepard Smith for being so forthright in saying that. He’s always been a true reporter of integrity. Too bad that he’s saddled on a network that is otherwise, mostly a bastion of propaganda.

  34. G says:

    Sef: I just wanted to let Dr. Who fans know that Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith) died on Apr 19. The latest Dr. Who episode on 4/23 was dedicated to her. I am truly saddened and shocked.

    Sad and shocking news indeed! Thanks for the FYI.

  35. Robert Clark says:

    Shepard Smith: “Fox News Can Confirm That The President Of The United States Is A Citizen Of the United States, Period”


    So am I. They are trying so hard. Why don’t they just ask him to release the thing.


  36. Rickey says:

    Robert Clark:
    There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.Could Obama be adopted?

    My mother had seven children.

    I have never seen a photo of my mother which was taken while she was pregnant.

    Could I be adopted?

  37. Slartibartfast says:

    Hey guys, don’t bother Bobbie right now – he’s enjoying the string quartet playing on deck and thinking about how wonderful the Titanic is…


    Fox news debunking the birthers was a predictable consequence of our theories (as soon as they saw birthers as hurting Republican electoral chances [although I doubt that they can muster the integrity to do it to Trump’s face on air…]). Did you see this coming? Why not? Are there currently enough birthers to overthrow da ebil usurper? Where do you think more are going to come from? (By the way, ‘straw man’ is a figurative term – don’t think that because birthers excel at misrepresenting arguments that they have an army of brainless minions to command. The birthers are the brainless minions…)

  38. Greg says:

    Robert Clark: So am I. They are trying so hard. Why don’t they just ask him to release the thing.


    1. Obama sent his money in.
    2. Obama got his COLB.
    3. Obama released his COLB.
    4. 69 million people voted for Obama.

    He should release it so that you birther-concern-trolls will shut up?

    Can you swear on a bible, right now, that if Obama released the long form that you would 1) vote for him and 2) work to see him reelected?

  39. Sef says:

    Robert Clark:
    There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.Could Obama be adopted?Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family and the Obama Sr. family to see Barack is related to either of them?


    Will the answers to these questions lead you to vote for President Obama’s re-election?

  40. Robert Clark says:

    Greg: 1. Obama sent his money in.
    2. Obama got his COLB.
    3. Obama released his COLB.
    4. 69 million people voted for Obama.

    He should release it so that you birther-concern-trolls will shut up?

    Can you swear on a bible, right now, that if Obama released the long form that you would 1) vote for him and 2) work to see him reelected?

    I would say most if not all birthers do not like Obama. This is just one of the many other issue they have against him. Without this issue they still wouldn’t like him. However, there are many people on the fence. It’s possible they would vote for him if they didn’t have this doubt about him.


  41. Robert Clark says:

    Rickey: My mother had seven children.

    I have never seen a photo of my mother which was taken while she was pregnant.

    Could I be adopted?

    I gather your family didn’t take many photos.


  42. Slartibartfast says:

    Robert Clark: I would say most if not all birthers do not like Obama

    No – all birthers are prejudiced against him. It’s the defining characteristic of birthers (except the con men…).

  43. Slartibartfast says:

    Robert Clark: I gather your family didn’t take many photos.

    My family took a lot of pictures and movies, but no pictures of my mother pregnant with me exist.

  44. G says:

    Robert Clark: I would say most if not all birthers do not like Obama. This is just one of the many other issue they have against him. Without this issue they still wouldn’t like him. However, there are many people on the fence. It’s possible they would vote for him if they didn’t have this doubt about him.

    I guess it all depends on how you perceive and define “many”.

    Sorry, but I seriously doubt there are enough “people on the fence” who would cast their vote for him if “only he showed some long form” to even merit any statistical significance.

  45. Greg says:

    It’s possible they would vote for him if they didn’t have this doubt about him.

    Is it possible that the people who believe that Obama was born here view birthers as complete nut bags and would be LESS likely to vote for Obama if he catered to their delusions?

    More people think Obama was born here than don’t. More independents think he was born here than don’t.

    With the above can you think of ANY reason why Obama might not release the long form that doesn’t equal “has something to hide?”

    This is more of an IQ test than anything else.

  46. misha says:

    Robert Clark: I gather your family didn’t take many photos.

    Not true for me. Here’s a photo of my parents.

  47. Rickey says:

    Robert Clark: I gather your family didn’t take many photos.

    My father was an avid photographer.

    I don’t know how old you are, but once upon a time many people considered it unseemly to photograph a woman while she was obviously pregnant. Also, in 1961 photography was a relatively expensive hobby, particularly for two college students.

  48. Lupin says:

    I have come across this article on Digby’s blog:

    If you don’t want it to get even harder for a U.S. citizen to get a passport — now required for travel even to Canada or Mexico — you only have until Monday to let the State Department know.

    The U.S. Department of State is proposing a new Biographical Questionnaire for some passport applicants: The proposed new Form DS-5513 asks for all addresses since birth; lifetime employment history including employers’ and supervisors names, addresses, and telephone numbers; personal details of all siblings; mother’s address one year prior to your birth; any “religious ceremony” around the time of birth; and a variety of other information. According to the proposed form, “failure to provide the information requested may result in … the denial of your U.S. passport application.”

    The State Department estimated that the average respondent would be able to compile all this information in just 45 minutes, which is obviously absurd given the amount of research that is likely to be required to even attempt to complete the form.


    What the h*** is wrong with your country?!

  49. Lupin says:

    Lupin: What the h*** is wrong with your country?!

    I did some further research and some folks have pointed out that this questionnaire would only be used if the applicant could not provide a regular birth certificate, in other words as a replacement. I’m not quite sure how all this would replace a BC though, and who would spend the time checking the veracity of all this.

    More here:

    There’s some concerns about “mission creep” and/or race discrimination. OTOH maybe there’s some overreaction as well. Who knows?

    Still the fact we’re having this discussion at all is bothersome; I still think there’s something deeply wrong with all this.

  50. misha says:

    Lupin: What the h*** is wrong with your country?!

    The perfect storm of religion mixed with politics. See Ronald Reagan.

    GOP + religion = fascism

  51. Robert Clark says:

    Rickey: My father was an avid photographer.
    I don’t know how old you are, but once upon a time many people considered it unseemly to photograph a woman while she was obviously pregnant. Also, in 1961 photography was a relatively expensive hobby, particularly for two college students.

    Sorry, I’m skeptical of all of those statements.
    Get a “brownie”.


  52. Suranis says:

    misha: The perfect storm of religion mixed with politics. See Ronald Reagan.

    GOP + religion = fascism

    Actually I go with Mussolini’s definition of fascism, government run by and in service to Corporations.

  53. misha says:

    Was Orly a streetwalker in Moldova? She never denied it.

  54. Eglenn harcsar says:

    Sadly, there are photos of Stan Ann ( some say) taken around Christmas time in the home of FMD. She is wearing his wife’s pumps and little else. Technically, if she only arrived in hawaii in 1960 after high school, she would be pregnant. I have not come across any analysis that refute those private bedroom pictures photos as photoshopped.

    Btw anyone else see the photos of her dad apparently greeting barack o sr at the airport when he first arrived in hi. Big crowd, big smiles, naval escort, travel cases and a float of leis.

    Humph, float of lies more like it. To the regular crowd, have fun beating up the newbies. With doc away don’t let the rage cloud the rhetoric.

  55. Greg says:

    Sorry, I’m skeptical of all of those statements.
    Get a “brownie”.

    Your skepticism is a poor substitute for facts.

    Show us a picture of someone, anyone, pregnant in 1961.

  56. misha says:

    Eglenn harcsar: Sadly, there are photos of Stan Ann ( some say) taken around Christmas time in the home of FMD. She is wearing his wife’s pumps and little else.

    Where are these photos? Who is FMD?

    “photos of Stan Ann ( some say)” Who are “some”?

  57. Sef says:

    Eglenn harcsar:
    Sadly, there are photos of Stan Ann ( some say) takenaround Christmas time in the home of FMD.She is wearing his wife’s pumps and little else.Technically, if she only arrived in hawaii in 1960 after high school, she would be pregnant.Ihave not come across any analysis that refute those private bedroom pictures photos as photoshopped.

    Btw anyone else see the photos of her dad apparently greeting barack o sr at the airport when he first arrived in hi.Big crowd, big smiles, naval escort, travel cases and a float of leis.

    Humph, float of lies more like it.To the regular crowd, have fun beating up the newbies.With doc away don’t let the rage cloud the rhetoric.

    If those actually exist (BIG if) and they were taken before her 18th b’day, the FBI might be interested. IOW, run away very, very fast.

  58. bjphysics says:

    Robert Clark: There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.Could Obama be adopted?Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family and the Obama Sr. family to see Barack is related to either of them?Bob


    You are close to the truth but not quite there; Obama was not adopted he was a foundling. The Dunham family took him in as an infant and pretended he was their young daughter’s child. Obama admitted this in public, on camera: Note how he made it seem like a joke but still shielded himself against possible impeachment charges by making the statement for all to hear.

    Not only is he the Greatest Black* President America has ever had, he is also twelve chess moves ahead.

    *One drop of blood rule

  59. sarina says:

    Oh oh bad day for the birthers! Take a look at this new video:

    Truth prevails birthers!!

  60. Jes Beard says:

    Robert Clark:
    There are no photos of Ann Dunham pregnant with Barack.Could Obama be adopted?Could we do DNA testing on the Dunham family and the Obama Sr. family to see Barack is related to either of them?


    What difference does it make? If he was adopted in Hawaii, the logical assumption would be that he was most likely born there, and most likely to citizen parents. It is a non-issue, and in fact if it could be shown he was adopted in Hawaii after being born there to US citizens, most of the theories that he is not a “natural born citizen” are rendered moot.

  61. Jes Beard says:

    misha: Where are these photos? Who is FMD?

    “photos of Stan Ann ( some say)” Who are “some”?

    FMD would be Franklin Marshall Davis, an adult black male Obama’s grandparents had him spend time with, allegedly to serve as a role model. The photos….. and these are NOT SAFE FOR WORK…..

    And other than trying to embarrass Obama, I see no relevance whatsoever of the photos or whether they are or are not of his mother. The personal relationship Obama had with Davis is more significant, in that Davis, who had political views more than a bit outside the mainstream, but while it may have been important to consider before the 2008 election because it might help provide insight into how Obama might govern, even that is of little to no significance now. Obama has a governing record now. What he might have learned or absorbed from Davis makes little difference.

  62. Whatever4 says:

    Rickey: My father was an avid photographer.

    I don’t know how old you are, but once upon a time many people considered it unseemly to photograph a woman while she was obviously pregnant. Also, in 1961 photography was a relatively expensive hobby, particularly for two college students.

    I’ve been looking though my family pictures, and I only see 1 of my mother as obviously pregnant. This was 1957 to 1964. I think it’s because Mom was the one in the family who took all the pictures.

  63. Obsolete says:

    Birther scumbags bring their poor, sick attempts to slander the President’s late mother here.
    I hope there is a hell, just for evil low-lifes and birther trash like Jes Beard.

    How do you earn money since being disbarred, Jes Beard? I’m sure there is nothing too low for you to partake of.

  64. nemocapn says:

    Democratic Underground mentioned Pat Buchanan and reminded people that Obama graduated “Magna cum laude.” I had to laugh at this response:

    “‘Magna cum Laude’ is just the short form, show us the long form!”

  65. todd says:

    This is worth a read:

    Standard results with most people believing that Obama was born in the US.

    The kicker was that the pollsters asked the same question about Trump:

    “For what it’s worth, not everyone is convinced Trump was born in the USA either: 43% say he definitely was born here, and 20% say he probably was; 7% say he definitely or probably
    was born in another country. Nearly three in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.”

    So Trump dragged 2 BCs out and 37% don’t know enough to say or says he was born in another country?

    The poll had a 4% margin of error which means that there were no statistical differences between Trump and President Obama in terms of how many say that “definitely/probably born here.”

    I thought it was worth a chuckle.

  66. G says:

    todd: This is worth a read: results with most people believing that Obama was born in the US.The kicker was that the pollsters asked the same question about Trump:“For what it’s worth, not everyone is convinced Trump was born in the USA either: 43% say he definitely was born here, and 20% say he probably was; 7% say he definitely or probablywas born in another country. Nearly three in 10 say they don’t know enough to say.”So Trump dragged 2 BCs out and 37% don’t know enough to say or says he was born in another country? The poll had a 4% margin of error which means that there were no statistical differences between Trump and President Obama in terms of how many say that “definitely/probably born here.”I thought it was worth a chuckle.

    Yes, I saw it… thanks for bringing it up here. Hilarious!

    Oh… and technically, Trump dragged 3 forms out in regards to his birth – although I agree not all would be considered a BC.

    Yeah,utterly hilarious to see those poll results on where he was born, despite his very public spectacle of doing all that!

    The irony of that reality and those results speaks volumes… not only about Birthers and how people pay attention to info, but about polls in general.

    Great stuff!

  67. Slartibartfast says:

    If anyone would like to see the reaction over at Dr. K(h)ate’s (mostly furious denial and goalpost moving), here is ‘Katie’ breaking the news to the hatriots (the fun continues from there…):

    p.s. I think the clear loser in all of this is the Doc – WORST. VACATION.(timing) EVER.

  68. JoZeppy says:

    Slartibartfast: If anyone would like to see the reaction over at Dr. K(h)ate’s (mostly furious denial and goalpost moving), here is â€Katie’ breaking the news to the hatriots (the fun continues from there…): I think the clear loser in all of this is the Doc – WORST. VACATION.(timing) EVER.

    Now that is some funny stuff….some of the comments just show how cluess these folks are….now pushed even further into the “we’re really crazy people that should not be allowed anywhere near a computer or sharp objects” catagory.

  69. Slartibartfast says:

    JoZeppy: Now that is some funny stuff….some of the comments just show how cluess these folks are….now pushed even further into the “we’re really crazy people that should not be allowed anywhere near a computer or sharp objects” catagory.

    Yes, we can only hope that the nice young men in their clean white coats arrive soon to give the remaining birther faithful their huggy-huggy jackets (you know – the kind that fasten in the back…). The fact that they don’t understand that the birther movement was just completely marginalized is hysterical (which just highlights that Orly and the White House are not playing this game at the same level – we just saw the equivalent of an NFL all-pro killing a Pop Warner quarterback with a blitz [really President Obama just hit the birthers so hard that he killed the whole team…]). The aftermath of this is going to be fun to watch…

  70. Wile E. says:

    JoZeppy: Now that is some funny stuff….some of the comments just show how cluess these folks are…

    I particularly liked this one…
    “””This has to be the worst faked doc that I’ve ever seen…..The COLB looks like it was done by Picasso compared to this piece of crap….This one looks like it was done by a third grader…..Look at all the freakin “white blocks” surrounding all of the text…..It looks like someone typed this piece of crap out at home and then added the green background in later…..Also, what’s up with the document plastered onto a fake background, as in having the appearance of one piece of paper sitting on top of another sheet of paper?”””

  71. Joey says:

    I love the smell of birthers in the morning. They smell like………………………………VICT’RY!

  72. Bovril says:

    Joey: I love the smell of birthers in the morning. They smell like………………………………VICT’RY!

    N’aaaaahh they stink like CHICKEN…….

  73. Slartibartfast says:

    By the way, this phone call:

    means that all of the birthers who were complaining about ‘Kapiolani wont verify that he was born there!’ never actually tried calling Kapiolani and asking if the President was born there…

  74. G says:

    Slartibartfast: If anyone would like to see the reaction over at Dr. K(h)ate’s (mostly furious denial and goalpost moving), here is â€Katie’ breaking the news to the hatriots (the fun continues from there…): I think the clear loser in all of this is the Doc – WORST. VACATION.(timing) EVER.

    Wow…just wow… how sad and utterly predictable.

    The funniest irony is these are all on comments of Dr. K(h)ate’s latest article wailing about how there IS no long form BC…and then just hours later – WHAM- Obama drops this bomb on them… LOL!

    The comments themselves are so telling – most of them are immediate outcries and wails of *fraud* with all the lamest excuses in the world and claims that just about *everybody* is in on the conspiracy…blah, blah blah…. Coupled with a lot of delusional demands that he be immediately “frog marched” out of the white house for having released this… *facepalm*

    Surprisingly, it is Borderraven, of all people who is the one to chime in and tell them “its over” and trying to urge them to now focus on the 2-citizen parent nonsense. He’s pretty much the only one there pointing out that the LFBC is legit & the stuff they are complaining about on it is all normal…*shocker*

    The rest are still all wailing *fraud* and *treason* but ALSO blathering about Vattel on top of it…and quite a few are claiming that somehow, this now gives Terry Lakin “standing”… ok, yeah…whatever. *sheesh*

    One of the craziest conspiracy claims of fraud has to go to commenter “bdwilcox” @ 7:20am who in part says this:

    My feelings on this are such. The Iranians were probably tapped to counterfeit a birth certificate. They, along with the North Koreans and Israelis, are probably the best counterfeiters on Earth. Obama has dealt Iran many favors by eliminating their opposition in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. I imagine they were brought in to make this airtight.

    …*facepalm* Ummm…yeah… because we’re so tight with the Iranians and DPRK…and of course both would be working hand-in-glove with their close “pals”, the Israelis… *double facepalm*

    and then you have this psycho-nut that Secret Service should keep an eye on (“Tenacity” at 9:13am):

    EVERY person that acts like being a citizen (native born) makes one eligible to be POTUS is complicit, a liar, a traitor, and must be called out for what they are…on the payroll of the Luciferian “banksters.” This has always been about undivided allegiance and never about a document or just about where the usurper was born.

    And “anoymouse’s” lastest delusion (9:40am) is several posts repeating a mantra claiming that:

    I pressed and pressed and pressed and not ONE single obot admits that is a BC, long or short, they’re just celebrating in a tizzy of gloat, but they don’t even know why…they think this “showed the birthers”, but they don’t know WHAT it showed

    wow…that is a whole lot of truly insane mega-crazy over there…

  75. Slartibartfast says:

    G: The funniest irony is these are all on comments of Dr. K(h)ate’s latest article wailing about how there IS no long form BC…and then just hours later – WHAM- Obama drops this bomb on them… LOL!

    Were you referring to this:

    April 27, 2011 at 5:04 am
    Excellent article! I certainly appreciate the legal definitions, which I had no idea about, but which make perfect sense. A defendant (maybe we should add that name to Barry’s long list of nicknames) can’t just hold out indefinitely on evidence that he either has and won’t produce, or can’t produce. You’d think I would have figured that out, what with the judge shows I watch! But I don’t think any of the Defendant’s court cases have gotten that far.

    I’ve been trying to come up with the second part of the best next tactic to take. Of course, you’ve hit the first part on the head in this article: Point out that Barry “Barack Obama” Soetoro cannot produce an Hawaiian birth certificate, and obviously doesn’t have one.

    The second part, it seems to me, would be to point out to the “True Believers” that they are being played for fools. If you will indulge me here for a moment, I took the liberty of looking up a few synonyms for this concept, and I’d like to list them here:

    green, or dark green
    easily taken in
    easy mark
    falling hook, line, and sinker
    kidding one’s self
    easily deceived, tricked, or duped

    This is exactly what The Powers That Be and Obama have been doing to the American people, and Americans really need to be informed, over and over again, that this is the case. A lot of you have been doing this already – thank you. I am going to make it my mission to use this type of terminology when I post – which I plan to do all over the internet – along with reminders about the Social Security fraud and whatever other information is called for, to bring it home that these True Believers, who consider themselves to be intelligent, are being played like cheap fiddles.

    It’s still not as good as the article Dr. K(h)ate wrote in praise of Judge Carter’s (?) integrity the morning he dismissed… đź€

  76. G says:

    Slartibartfast: Were you referring to this:
    April 27, 2011 at 5:04 am

    YES!!! Good catch. I truly did a spit-take of my coffee at work when I read that and LOL for real…. Oh, such delicious irony!

  77. G says:

    I’m adding this to the Open Comments thread, because it is sort of a new topic.

    With Trump’s “press conference” yesterday, he not only took “credit” for forcing Obama to release the unnecesary “long form” and but also used that discussion to both “pimp” his show and also pivoting to making new additional demands on Obama – basically assinuating “affirmative action”, poor academic scholarchip by Obama and fuel various demands for Obama’s college records.

    This came across to many as more than just pandering to birthers and sheer ego-driven hucksterism – it unseemingly appears to be crossing the line into feeding an undercurrent of basic racism.

    Yesterday, Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC called out his parent company of NBC to come clean on their upcoming schedule and not be complicit in propping up this activity.

    NBC execs have now responded to the AP that they will ignore O’Donnell’s demands and will not reveal what they know about Trump’s plans until they release their Fall schedule on May 16 and Trump has his season finale on May 22.

    Here’s the article:

  78. G says:

    For a laugh and just how kooky and vile the birthers come across to sane people, check out this YouTube mocking the Birthers. I’ve seen it before, but after yesterday’s clear reveal of what Birtherism really is, I’m seeing this making the roungs again and several places…

    “What Birthers Believe”

  79. New feature: Quick Reference, added to the blog footer. These are things I need all the time.

  80. obsolete says:

    That video is hilarious! Our more reality-challenged guests will watch it and shrug “So? I know that.”

  81. G says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: has a new article titled: How conspiracy theorists think: A journalist who spent years interviewing truthers talks about 9/11 conspiracies and the persistence of birtherism.

    obsolete: G,That video is hilarious! Our more reality-challenged guests will watch it and shrug “So? I know that.”

    If you enjoyed those links, there were quite a few interesting Birther stories linked at the bottom of that interesting article Dr. C. just provided us.

    The weirdest one had to be from AOL news:

    However, there was an abundance of riches at “The Week”. Some of which have been mentioned here or I’ve seen before and some which were new, so well worth posting them all here for your convenience:

    And last, but not least, lets end with some laughs in a collection of 22 political cartoons on birtherism … (note #5 – the perfect image to go along with Dr. C’s “cockroaches” blog post…)

  82. Majority Will says:

    Breaking news from the White House. Bin Laden captured?

  83. Majority Will says:

    Or Bin Laden killed.

  84. Slartibartfast says:

    Majority Will:
    Or Bin Laden killed.

    NBC reporting killed – Burn in hell m*therf*cker!

  85. Majority Will says:

    Slartibartfast: NBC reporting killed – Burn in hell m*therf*cker!

    U.S. action, specifically in Pakistan, led to the killing of Osama bin Laden.

  86. misha says:

    Slartibartfast: NBC reporting killed – Burn in hell m*therf*cker!

    Obama will be re-elected.

  87. Majority Will says:

    Will the birther idiots demand Osama bin Laden’s long form death certificate?

  88. Slartibartfast says:

    misha: Obama will be re-elected.

    That’s 2 devastating blows to anti-American groups in one week!

    Way to go Barack!

    excuse me, I mean:


  89. Majority Will says:

    Slartibartfast: That’s 2 devastating blows to anti-American groups in one week!

    Way to go Barack!

    excuse me, I mean:


    President Obama was able to succeed where President G.W. Bush failed.

  90. Majority Will says:

    Slartibartfast: That’s 2 devastating blows to anti-American groups in one week!

    Way to go Barack!

    excuse me, I mean:


    Mission Accomplished. For real this time.

  91. Slartibartfast says:

    Majority Will: Mission Accomplished. For real this time.

    In the words of our inimitable Vice President, “This is a BIG F*CKING DEAL!

  92. Izzybella says:

    The news has pre-empted The Apprentice. LOL.

  93. Majority Will says:

    Slartibartfast: In the words of our inimitable Vice President, “This is a BIG F*CKING DEAL!

    When Bush heard the news just now was he catching up on his collection of children’s farm animal books and asked to be left alone?

  94. Majority Will says:

    Crowds are proudly singing our National Anthem outside of the White House.

  95. Majority Will says:

    I’ll bet Gaddafi is dressed in a burka right now while trying to casually and quietly sneak out of Libya.

  96. Slartibartfast says:

    The reaction from Dr. K(h)ate’s Hatriots:

    May 1, 2011 at 7:31 pm
    Obama to unexpectedly address the nation at 10:30pm on a Sunday?

    May 1, 2011 at 7:36 pm

    May 1, 2011 at 7:39 pm
    Yes. Supposedly it’s national security related. And according a fox news talker, “something big”.

    May 1, 2011 at 7:40 pm
    Geraldo is saying Bin Laden is dead.

    May 1, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    May 1, 2011 at 7:45 pm
    Suppose this was perfect timing for obat?????
    Is this supposed to make obat a hero?

    May 1, 2011 at 7:46 pm
    yep perfect timing

    May 1, 2011 at 7:48 pm
    10:30 eastern time, that’s now?

    May 1, 2011 at 7:45 pm
    BS, BS, BS…another distraction.

    Geraldo is soooo excited he may go into cardiac arrest.

    May 1, 2011 at 8:02 pm
    Where the MSM is concerned, we’ve learned the only thing they check when Barry makes a speech, is the erection in their pants.

    May 1, 2011 at 7:46 pm
    Killed a week ago??????????????

    May 1, 2011 at 7:47 pm

    May 1, 2011 at 7:53 pm
    Wonder how much we the people had to fork over for this?
    They’re talking moral booster, I call it crap. We have know all along ever since Bush had him cornered, exactly where he was at all times, so now obat will get the credit?
    BS BS BS and BS

    May 1, 2011 at 7:48 pm
    Raise your hand all of you that believe this BS.

    May 1, 2011 at 8:03 pm

    May 1, 2011 at 7:49 pm
    Bin Laden dead…False flag? Distraction from Orly’s day in court tomorrow? You betcha!

    May 1, 2011 at 8:23 pm
    Wow, a crowd has gathered around the White House. Wonder if they were on stand by or if the SEIU can rally that many quickly?
    Still no obat on camera.

    May 1, 2011 at 7:59 pm
    Benazir Bhutto: Bin Laden was Murdered upload date: 2007

    May 1, 2011 at 8:22 pm
    The Usurper fancies himself a natural born citizen now.

    May 1, 2011 at 8:25 pm
    Too bad, we don’t share his fancies or his fantasies.


  97. misha says:

    Majority Will:
    Will the birther idiots demand Osama bin Laden’s long form death certificate?

    I will believe it when the death certificate is verified by “Dr Polarik.”

    Hey Denialists: suck it.

  98. Slartibartfast says:

    misha: I will believe it when the death certificate is verified by “Dr Polarik.”

    Hey Denialists: suck it.

    Damn straight.

  99. Stanislaw says:

    The news has pre-empted The Apprentice. LOL.

    Trump had it coming.

  100. G says:

    Slartibartfast: The reaction from Dr. K(h)ate’s Hatriots:

    What a sad, spiteful pit of unpatriotic A**holes!

    This is an announcement that not only EVERY American, regardless of political party, should be excited to hear, but also every freedom loving individual around the world!!!

    That one comment about this being a “false flag” to distract from Orly’s trial tomorrow… wow… just wow… now that is about as audacious a delusion as you can get!

    F*ck the haters. They are consigned to the dustbin.

    REAL HISTORY has been made tonight on a REAL issue and this is GOOD for America!

  101. Joey says:

    Stanislaw: Trump had it coming.

    We didn’t miss a minute of Trump on the West Coast feed.

  102. Majority Will says:

    “I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” — George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002

    Osama bin Laden, the world’s most wanted terrorist, was killed in Pakistan as the result of a U.S. military operation, President Obama announced to the nation Sunday night.

    The historic revelation comes about four months before the 10th anniversary of the devastating Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, which were executed by the Al Qaeda network helmed by Bin Laden and prompted the start of a war on terror that has dominated U.S. foreign policy.

    The announcement by Obama from the East Room of the White House came eight years to the day after President Bush announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq, the so-called “Mission Accomplished” speech from the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln. (source:

  103. Slartibartfast says:

    G: What a sad, spiteful pit of unpatriotic A**holes!

    This is an announcement that not only EVERY American, regardless of political party, should be excited to hear, but also every freedom loving individual around the world!!!

    That one comment about this being a “false flag” to distract from Orly’s trial tomorrow… wow… just wow…now that is about as audacious a delusion as you can get!

    F*ck the haters.They are consigned to the dustbin.

    REAL HISTORY has been made tonight on a REAL issue and this is GOOD for America!

    I couldn’t agree more – those f*ckwads are done – who would have thought that the birther movement could become more irrelevant than it was this morning? That’s nearly a miracle!

  104. Slartibartfast says:

    I can’t wait to see the Daily Show and Colbert tomorrow!

  105. G says:

    Slartibartfast: I can’t wait to see the Daily Show and Colbert tomorrow!

    Me too!!! 🙂

  106. Joey says:

    The right wingers at Free are really upset that Osama’s death happened on Obama’s watch. They are claiming that the President is trying to take the media pressure off his “fake” long form birth certificate announcement.

  107. G says:

    Joey: The right wingers at Free are really upset that Osama’s death happened on Obama’s watch. They are claiming that the President is trying to take the media pressure off his “fake” long form birth certificate announcement.

    *sigh* Some people need to learn to let go of their hate and petty spite and simply be happy when something good happens for America.

    During the 2004 election cycle, I was completely disappointed in GWB and did NOT want to see him re-elected, because I thought his adminstration was a complete incompetent disaster. As the election neared, a number of people who also felt that way would often say something to the effect of “what if they suddenly announce that Osama Bin Laden has been captured or killed?”

    My response was always, “That would be a great day for America!”, which shocked and even upset some that were so committed to their BDS, at the expense of everything else.

    People may have different party loyalties and ideological world views. Having a difference of opinion or how to proceed is fine. I just wish we could put sanity, humanity and our common identity as American’s first and be HAPPY whenever our leaders succeed in something that benefits our country or helps to ensure the long term future and health of the American Dream.

  108. Slartibartfast says:

    The right wingers at Free are really upset that Osama’s death happened on Obama’s watch. They are claiming that the President is trying to take the media pressure off his “fake” long form birth certificate announcement.

    What do you want to bet that the Republican party cleans house (like they did with the Birchers) within a year? (and finds that it’s not that easy to get the crazy off…)

  109. Slartibartfast says:

    G: *sigh*Some people need to learn to let go of their hate and petty spite and simply be happy when something good happens for America.

    During the 2004 election cycle, I was completely disappointed in GWB and did NOT want to see him re-elected, because I thought his adminstration was a complete incompetent disaster.As the election neared, a number of people who also felt that way would often say something to the effect of “what if they suddenly announce that Osama Bin Laden has been captured or killed?”

    My response was always, “That would be a great day for America!”, which shocked and even upset some that were so committed to their BDS, at the expense of everything else.

    People may have different party loyalties and ideological world views.Having a difference of opinion or how to proceed is fine.I just wish we could put sanity, humanity and our common identity as American’s first and be HAPPY whenever our leaders succeed in something that benefits our country or helps to ensure the long term future and health of the American Dream.

    Well said.

  110. G says:

    Slartibartfast: What do you want to bet that the Republican party cleans house (like they did with the Birchers) within a year? (and finds that it’s not that easy to get the crazy off…)

    Very prescient observation! I think the impetus has definitely been put in place and reinforced throughout this past week for them to try to do that…if they are smart enough to see that. I have no doubt that some of the more sane elements will try to do just that – as there have been some signs of trying to take just those kinds of steps.


    Your second point (and finds that it’s not that easy to get the crazy off…) is the bigger “elephant in the room” (pun intended) of the chances for the GOP sane to succeed in restoring control.

    Somehow I doubt that extreme RW fear/hate peddlers will be able to tone it down for long enough (Rush, Beck, other members of RW radio, certain Religious Right voices, certain “firebrand” political leaders, etc.) and they seem to be too used to being able to e been controll the messaging and stir up much of the base sentiment. It is like the old morality tale of the snake crossing the river on the back of another animal, who ends up biting his host, because it is his nature….

    Further, I feel that the size threshhold of that remaining GOP “base”, which has been bred on this type of mob-mentality, red-meat thinking for year after year after year is too large and too addicted to that behavior to be controlled, dismissed or “clamped down”, without taking their own part down in flames with them…

  111. G says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Cute web site: Obama’s neighborhood:

    Wow! That is really cool! Its “Google Maps Obama, HI style” meets a tour guidebook.

    Nice! …Now where was this too years ago, when we really could have used it…

  112. G says:

    G: Wow! That is really cool! Its “Google Maps Obama, HI style” meets a tour guidebook.Nice! …Now where was this too years ago, when we really could have used it…

    Meant to saw “two years ago”, obviously.

    Obviously I’m too tired…

  113. G says:

    G: Meant to saw “two years ago”, obviously.Obviously I’m too tired…

    Geez…did it again. “Meant to say.”.

    That’s it. Time for me to pack it in and call it a night.

  114. Black Lion says:

    Old pal and crazy concern troll birther Squeeky, who seems to still hate the fact that she and her racist blather was banned here….

    Sorry for two Birther Think Tank Internet Articles in one day, but this is BIG!!!

    Hell Freezes Over – Dr. Conspiracy Admits Birthers Had A Good Argument!!!

    By Squeeky Fromm – Girl Reporter

    Sometimes, The Road To Hell Is Paved With Confirmation Bias

    OH MY!!! After countless hours debating my KISS Matrix at Obama Conspiracy, aka Obotski Central,
    and being called countless names by all the GroupThinking Obotski
    there; After countless hours of me calmly and rationally explaining
    that coughing up the long form was imminently sensible; and, After
    countless hours of me logically demonstrating that, at the very least,
    no harm could come from its release— finally, Dr. Conspiracy himself
    admits the Birthers had a good argument.

  115. Bovril says:

    Shame really,

    I told Jennifer4Hillary that her opinion that Dr C was upporting her insanity was cack and lo and behold…..No answer but “tee…hee”

  116. Black Lion says:

    Bov, she is not a very rational person….As usual with her she changes the subject when she is confronted…

  117. Bovril says:

    I particularly enjoyed how the RWNJ’s there like SPG/Samual etc all say she is soooooo loved and didn’t appreciate my point that a significant proportion of the Gratewire population actually despise her.

  118. Black Lion says:

    She has about 5 delusional followers over there….That’s it….

  119. Black Lion:
    After countless hours of me logically demonstrating that, at the very least, no harm could come from its release— finally, Dr. Conspiracy himself admits the Birthers had a good argument.

    Well that was cute. The reference is to my article: Nothing to hide in which I said:

    It has been my longstanding view that the birthers only had one true argument to suggest Obama was hiding something on the long form birth certificate. I mean, the 2007 Certification of Live Birth really is legal, and it really has a certificate number, stamp and seal; it really is only issued to people born in Hawaii, the newspaper announcements came from the Health Department and on and on. None of those objections is based on a true premise. But there is one thing that is true: up until April 27, 2011, Barack Obama refused to release his long form birth certificate.

    When I wrote the article, I was somewhat uncomfortable about how this was all worded and that it might be misunderstood.

    I left the following comment on GrateWire:

    Just to be clear, I didn’t say that the birthers had a “good argument” but that they had a “true argument,” by which I meant that a premise of the argument is true. At best the argument is based on a value judgment. The argument goes this way:

    P1: People who have nothing to hide about their birth release their birth certificates (value judgment)
    P2: Obama didn’t release his birth certificate (true)
    Conclusion: Obama has something to hide about his birth

    If that had been a GOOD argument in addition to having a true premise, then it would have withstood Obama’s release of his long form birth certificate. The fact that the formerly unreleased document showed nothing worth hiding proves that the argument was not a GOOD argument.

    BTW, I don’t think Squeeky is currently banned.

  120. Scientist says:

    I have never bought the “If you have nothing to hide, then you should make everything public” argument, whether applied to politicians or anyone else. Carried to the logical conclusion, then we should all live like those on “Big Brother” or “Real Life” and be followed by cameras 24/7 as we defecate, have sex, etc. We all have a legitimate need for privacy and that should not be forfeit simply because one runs for office.

    As far as Squeeky’s point about some large percentage of those who expressed uncertainty about the President’s birthplace being won over, that was never my contention. My contention was that the President would win no votes by releasing his “long form”, since those who expressed uncertainty regrding his birth were either opposed to him for other reasons or honestly didn’t care where he was born. The polls didn’t show a significant rise in Obama’s approval in the few days between the release of the “long form” and the killing of bin Laden, So, I don’t think there is much evidence that the birthers or anything Obama released had any impact on his re-election. There are simply too many other things that go into deciding one’s vote.

  121. G says:

    Scientist: I have never bought the “If you have nothing to hide, then you should make everything public” argument, whether applied to politicians or anyone else. Carried to the logical conclusion, then we should all live like those on “Big Brother” or “Real Life” and be followed by cameras 24/7 as we defecate, have sex, etc. We all have a legitimate need for privacy and that should not be forfeit simply because one runs for office.As far as Squeeky’s point about some large percentage of those who expressed uncertainty about the President’s birthplace being won over, that was never my contention. My contention was that the President would win no votes by releasing his “long form”, since those who expressed uncertainty regrding his birth were either opposed to him for other reasons or honestly didn’t care where he was born. The polls didn’t show a significant rise in Obama’s approval in the few days between the release of the “long form” and the killing of bin Laden, So, I don’t think there is much evidence that the birthers or anything Obama released had any impact on his re-election. There are simply too many other things that go into deciding one’s vote.


  122. The Magic M says:

    > The polls didn’t show a significant rise in Obama’s approval in the few days between the release of the “long form” and the killing of bin Laden

    Of course the birfers spin that as “everyone knows the LFBC is a fake”. Then again, if that were true, quite a bit of people who were convinced Obama was born in Hawaii would have had to jump ship.

    > The fact that the formerly unreleased document showed nothing worth hiding proves that the argument was not a GOOD argument.

    Or, to the birfers, that it must be forged. The LFBC proves one thing conclusively above all: that all the blabber about “if he only releases it, it will all be over” was a lie from the get-go.

    > There are simply too many other things that go into deciding one’s vote.

    That’s why I always said such polls are meaningless unless accompanied by a follow-up question “does this influence your voting decision and how?”.

  123. G says:

    The Magic M: That’s why I always said such polls are meaningless unless accompanied by a follow-up question “does this influence your voting decision and how?”.

    Good point.

  124. G says:

    This video clip is a must see extensive collection of photos from Obama’s early life – from a baby through college.

    It should be bookmarked as a tool to shut up fools (such as Trump, etc), who try to claim that “nobody saw/knew him”, etc… and other silly attempts to erase this man’s American past.

  125. G says:

    Here’s another good video clip for all of you.

    After the events of the past 2 weeks, Bill Maher is not holding back and rips into the conspiracy nuts and the GOP with decimating force and humor:

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