Monthly Archives: May 2011

Reply to Douglas Vogt

Douglas Vogt, president of a company that sells scanners and scanner software, published a letter claiming to have proved that Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate is a forgery, and for that matter that Barack Obama is a criminal. I … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Lounge | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 344 Comments

Report on birth certificates from the Congressional Research Service

The Congressional Research Service, a division of the Library of Congress, is the research arm of the United States Congress. CRS legislative attorney Jack Maskell wrote a previously unpublished report in March of 2010, titled Birth Certificates of Presidential Candidates … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Congress, Lawsuits | Tagged , | 20 Comments

Call for birth certificates

If you have a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth printed since 2001, I would appreciate hearing from you! Please leave in the comments the following information: [ordered_list style=”decimal”] What is the date your certificate was printed? Does the registrar’s stamp … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Lounge, Research Notes | Tagged | 15 Comments

Chicken v egg

Why do some people believe Barack Obama was born in Africa? Well, there are some who believe it because they have seen what they believe is a Kenyan birth certificate. But there were birthers before that! Some believe it because … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | 18 Comments

The strawman strawman argument

This one made me chuckle. It’s from an article by Mario Apuzzo that I found over at Obama’s Enablers Put Forth Another Straw Man Argument: One’s Parents Do Not Have to Be Born in the U.S. to Be a … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, Mario Apuzzo | Tagged | 24 Comments

Is the seal bassackwards?

Update 3: After further study, I will agree that Miss Tickly is half right. While there are optical illusions that make an embossed seal appear to be an impressed seal, I asked folks with real Hawaiian birth certificates what the … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , | 61 Comments