Bible says: “Obama not eligible”

We talked a little about Herb Titus, a lawyer who made a recent video saying Barack Obama is not eligible to be President. His argument was based along the lines of natural philosophy. However, I learned that his real objection comes from the 17th chapter of the Bible’s book of Deuteronomy. The passage goes:

15you shall surely set a king over you whom the LORD your God chooses, one from among your countrymen you shall set as king over yourselves; you may not put a foreigner over yourselves who is not your countryman.

According to Religion Dispatches magazine, Titus has been pushing this concept since 2009.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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16 Responses to Bible says: “Obama not eligible”

  1. Tarrant says:

    So in his mind, how foreign does one have to be to be a “foreigner”? Generally when I think of “foreigner” I think “non-citizen”, which seems to be how the US Government looks at things. But Obama is most definitely a citizen. Now of course the Constitution for President says natural born, but he’s also a born citizen so that’s not an issue either.

    So one assumes that he’s trying to stretch Vattel into the Bible. Man, first birthers claimed that the Founders used a Vattel translation not seen until after the Constitution was written, now suddenly that version was available back even before Vattel wrote it! Truly an amazing guy.

  2. richCares says:

    using religion to spew hate, who’d a thunk it?

  3. UnionJack says:

    Under Jewish, Dueteronomic law, descent was always matrilinial: that is, when your mother is part of the “Tribe,” – you are part of the Tribe, – since one always knew at birth who your momma is (but might not know who’s your daddy). So, Obama is not a “foreigner” (or “stranger”) under Deuteronomic law, but is one of the countrymen. Crazy birther FAIL, again.

  4. Scientist says:

    UnionJack: Under Jewish, Dueteronomic law, descent was always matrilinial: that is, when your mother is part of the “Tribe,” – you are part of the Tribe, – since one always knew at birth who your momma is (but might not know who’s your daddy). So, Obama is not a “foreigner” (or “stranger”) under Deuteronomic law, but is one of the countrymen. Crazy birther FAIL, again.

    Quite true. Under Jewish law, had Stanley Ann Dunham been Jewish, the President would be Jewish, Matrilineal descent actually makes a lot of sense, since the identity of the mother is always clear, while the father’s may not be.

    As far as who is a foreigner, I know of not a single country in the world where the child of a citizen parent born in the country is not a full citizen eligible for any office his fellow citizens choose to elect him or her to.

  5. richCares says:

    in BirfirStan, the parental requirement goes back 9 generations, however they can exclude the all those below the first if you are a Christian. Most BirfirStanis know this, except for those that don’t. What they do not take into consideration is that Obama is not a citizen of BirfirStan. His BirfirStan BC was forged in Ireland just a few days ago.

  6. misha says:

    My dog is Jewish, but not observant. When I order a club sandwich, I give her the bacon. However, when she is with male dogs, she prefers the ones circumcised.

    And now, a Bark Mitzvah:

  7. misha says:

    “Meet the Christian Reconstructionists Behind the Latest Birther Theory — Religion Dispatchs”

    Sarah Posner is Jewish. This is a dangerous mix of religious nuts and Orly Taitz.

    Want an example of how dangerous?

    The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin took place on November 4, 1995 at 21:30, at the end of a rally in support of the Oslo Accords at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv. The assassin, Yigal Amir, ,a right-wing religious Zionist strenuously opposed Rabin’s peace initiative and particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords.

    Plus, he dared to shake hands with Arafat on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

  8. train111 says:

    By Herb Titus’ standards Jesus couldn’t be considered ‘natural born’ either. Wasn’t he descended from Rahab –a prostitute–and also Ruth a Moabite.

    Herb Titus–using the Bible to ‘proof text’ his political views since 1996



  9. misha says:

    train111: Herb Titus–using the Bible to proof text’ his political views since 1996

    Look at the schmucks following Harold Camping.

  10. Rickey says:

    misha: Look at the schmucks following Harold Camping.

    The similarities are striking Camping has announced that his calculations were off by five months, and now it is going to happen on October 21. Right in the middle of the World Series!

    One of Camping’s most visible followers, Marie Exley, has comments on her Facebook page which indicate that she has become estranged from her family over her nutty beliefs. An MTA worker in New York blew $140,000 of his life savings and billboards and other ads. I wonder if Camping is going to make good on his guarantee? Probably around the same time Joseph Farah makes good on his promise.

    Just as with the birthers, the overwhelming evidence that the rapturists are wrong does not dissuade them. They just move to goalposts and kick the can down the road.

  11. katahdin says:

    These nutty peoples’ theories have another name: the Divine Right of Kings. Our founding fathers rejected this ancient principle of governance quite specifically in the Declaration of Independence when they stated that “government are instituted among men.” The founders specifically did not wish to countenance the idea that rulers were sent by God to rule over us. That’s why they made the presidency an elected office instead of a hereditary right.
    The Christian Reconstructionists are profoundly anti-American and anti-freedom. They are a dangerous viper in our midst and need to be exposed.

  12. SueDB says:

    I guess Irish isn’t “american”, nor AUSTRIAN

  13. SueDB says:

    These assholes think they are the High Kings of Narnia – high is the right for it.

  14. SueDB says:

    Well then for moderation, these massive rectal cysts think they are the Hight Kings of Narnia – the word “high” is the operative word here.

  15. SueDB says:

    Does that mean that only an American Indian can be president??? After all he is the “only’ true native born American.

  16. richCares says:

    “Does that mean that only an American Indian can be president??? ”
    Only if he doesn’t speak Hindi!

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