Call for birth certificates

If you have a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth printed since 2001, I would appreciate hearing from you! Please leave in the comments the following information:

[ordered_list style=”decimal”]

  1. What is the date your certificate was printed?
  2. Does the registrar’s stamp have the words “OR ABSTRACT” on it?
  3. Is the registrar’s stamp on the face of the certificate or on the back?
  4. When viewing the seal so that the words “Department of Health – State of Hawaii” appear normally (not reversed), are you looking at the face or the back of the certificate?
  5. When viewing the seal so that the words “Department of Health – State of Hawaii” appear normally (not reversed), is the seal embossed (raised above the paper) or impressed (lowered into the paper)?
  6. Is the word “OF” in “DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH”  on the seal centered at the very top of the seal or a little to the side?


Thank you very much for your assistance.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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15 Responses to Call for birth certificates

  1. Hawaiiborn says:

    I’ll start this off,

    1) I have one from August 8, 2006 and one dated July 13, 2010

    2) Yes on both. the same stamp used at least for the last 10 years

    I certify this is a true copy or abstract of the record on file in the Hawaii State Department of Health</blockquote

    3) Both COLB's have the stamp on the back

    4) Honestly, on both forms, I can barely make out the words on the embossed seal. So I can't answer either way

    5) Also as per 4, I can't read the words within the seal to say that it was reversed or backwards.

    6) Same as 4 and 5, on my COLB's the seal is undreadable as to what words appear in it.

  2. richCares says:

    my daughter’s COLB, requested in 2008, is exactly the same as Obama’s

  3. Thrifty says:

    richCares: my daughter’s COLB, requested in 2008, is exactly the same as Obama’s

    You named your daughter “Barack Hussein Obama” and she was born in 1961?

    *dodges thrown rotten fruit*

  4. richCares says:

    “You named your daughter “Barack Hussein Obama” and she was born in 1961?”
    no, she was born 1965, the rest is a major coincidence. (name and all)

  5. arrrogantlyignorant says:

    1. Dec 10, 2003

    2. Yes.

    3. Back

    4. Back

    5. Impressed

    6. A little to the side.

  6. gorefan says:

    Pure speculation, but I think they use a “deboss” stamp when the registrar signature is on the back of the document and an “embossed” stamp when the registrar signature is on the front of the document. That way, the lettering is always in the correct orientation with the registrar signature and the vital statistics side always has a raised seal.

  7. Joey says:

    Call, write or fax Janice Okubo, Public Information Officer for the Hawaii Department of Health at:
    Phone:(808) 586-4442
    Fax:(808) 586-4444
    1250 Punchbowl Street Room 326
    Honolulu, HI 96813

    If you don’t come off like a rude birther with an accusatory tone, I’m sure she would be happy to track down the details on embossed/debossed stamps.

    I suggest beginning with: Dear Ms. Okubo, I’m really sorry to be bothering you with this but…

  8. BuckeyeTexan says:

    The following link has scanned images of FReeper Danae’s COLB:

    The following link has photographs of all of FReeper Danae’s Hawaiian documentation, including a long-form birth certificate: (Apologies for the link to WND.)

    Danae’s COLB was printed on March 6, 2007.

    The registrar’s signature stamp does include the words “OR ABSTRACT” and is stamped on the back of the document.

    The text of the seal reads properly from left to right on the back of the document.

    The seal is debossed (lowered/impressed) on the back of the document.

    I don’t know the answer to the last question regarding the placement of the word “of” because it isn’t my document and I don’t want to pester Danae further for details. She’s been given enough grief by the birthers.


  9. BuckeyeTexan: (Apologies for the link to WND.)

    No apology required. WND is part of the world I blog on.

    Thanks for posting this information. The position of “of” isn’t all that important. It appears, though, that there are at least two stamps, one with “of” top-dead-center and one with it off of to the side. I think the off to the side one is older.

  10. Joey: I suggest beginning with: Dear Ms. Okubo, I’m really sorry to be bothering you with this but…

    I did ask her something once and she replied. However, I felt guilty about it. I would rather let her get on with her life.

  11. Dr. Ron Polland says:

    Or, you could go to the Polarik collection:

  12. Sef says:

    Dr. Ron Polland:
    Or, you could go to the Polarik collection:

    It appears that “Iamanidiot” is not the password for this Photobucket collection.

  13. Daniel says:

    Dr. Ron Polland:
    Or, you could go to the Polarik collection:

    Yeah there’s not quite enough there.

    Could you ask Polarik to manufacture a few more for us? Maybe a few of the easter bunny as well. Never know when made up images of fictitious characters will come in handy.

  14. Kupuna says:

    I’m late but want to reply. Mahalo Doc for prompting me to ask my daughter if I could look through the files she has for her family. To my surprise, she still has her original 1978 black & white BC that looks like the Nordykes’. While she was away for college on the Mainland she’d asked me to get a new copy of her BC so I’d assumed she lost the first. It was issued 12/21/78 & the seal is embossed, unlike all the other green ones we have which are impressed. The “of” is at about the 12:30 position on a clock, like all the others we have. Her seal is far more readable, perhaps because it’s on photo-quality paper. All the green ones have a “dot-matrix” look to the seal which also makes them harder to read.

    Answering your questions:
    1) 8/6/08 & 7/26/10
    2) yes x 2
    3) back x 2

  15. Kupuna says:

    Sorry, I hit send but I’d not finished yet.

    4) back x2
    5) impressed x2
    6) at about tyhe 12:30 position you’d see on a clock

    The copy I got on 1/30/84 for a BC from 1951 has the registrat’s stamp on the back with “of” at about 12:30 also. The seal’s also impressed & the word “abstract” isn’t there. The 1978 edition has this statement on the front ” THIS CERTIFIES THAT THE ABOVE IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL RECORD ON FILE IN THE RESEARCH AND STATISTICS OFFICE HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH.” The 1984 form has on the back “I CERTIFY THIS IS A TRUE COPY OF THE RECORD ON FILE IN THE HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH”.

    The ’08 & ’10 forms differ, with the 2010 form now showing the STATE/COUNTRY OF BIRTH for both the mother & the father in the right lower quadrant.

    So… governments revise the format of their official documents through the years. What a shock “:roll:” Earth-shaking information for a Birther who sees conspiracists at every corner.

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