Jerome Corsi
Well cut off my legs and call me shorty! Jerome Corsi actually quotes yours truly in his new book Where’s the Birth Certificate? (# 139 on Amazon.com today). Writing on page 73, Corsi said:
“Even loyal Obama supporters, such as “Dr. Conspiracy” posting on the pro-Obama Web site ObamaConspiracy.org, have been forced to admit that the existence of Sun Yat-Sen’s Hawaii birth certificate “remains as an indictment of the reliability of Hawaiian birth certificates.”
Since Corsi didn’t ask permission to use my quote, I won’t ask his permission to use his either. Mine comes from a February 2009 article, Hawaiian Birth Certificate: It’s a fraud! Back in the early days, this blog had a more sensationalist style. The remark Corsi quoted was a wisecrack. It was meant to be so absurd that no one would take it seriously. I never gave any significance to the Sun Yat-Sen certificate beyond the fact that it demonstrates that it is possible, in any jurisdiction, for someone to obtain a birth certificate through fraud. However, the fact that the birthers could come with only one example of fraud in over 100 years, and none since statehood also speaks volumes about the real reliability of Hawaiian vital records.
I hope (vainly) that readers of Corsi’s book will check out the full article because it is very informative on this Sun Yat-Sen incident.
References in Corsi’s book to this web site:
- Hawaiian Birth Certificate: It’s a fraud!
- The African Race
- The Law of Nations and the Law of the United States
- John McCain’s fake birth certificate
Maybe I need to get back to work on my article linking Jerome Corsi to Arab oil interests.
Because how Hawaii (or any other state in the US), has not changed how they keep vital records since 1904. I truely do not understand how birthers think. The arguments are beyond moronic. I can only conclude (and with Corsi, I have no doubt whatsoever), that they are intentionally dishonest. I don’t see how anyone espousing birther beliefs can anylonger be given the benefit of the doubt. They are liars, and they know they are lying.
You’re not the only one who helped with his book, Doc C-
“Pro-White” Radio Host Claims He Helped Jerome Corsi With Birther Story
“The host of a self-described “pro-white” radio program has claimed that he helped WorldNetDaily reporter Jerome Corsi with a story related to Corsi’s new book, Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President.
James Edwards writes today that Corsi “personally e-mailed me a few months ago for some assistance on a story closely related to the contents of this book. I was happy to oblige and work behind-the-scenes with both Dr. Corsi and World Net Daily on this matter.” ”
Every day I wonder what in the world can I write about on the blog, but it’s just one damned thing after another.
Hannity cancels radio spot with Corsi. (not supporting the link but saw it referenced)
Hey, Jerome, hint for you. Sun Yat Sen had a “Certificate of Hawaiian Birth.” Obama presented a “Certificate of Live Birth” and a “Certification of Live Birth.” There’s a difference, or so the birthers used to say.
Where’s your birth certificate, Jerome? Corsi is Italian. Google Corsi and Mussolini and what’s the first thing that pops up? Benito Mussolini. Coincidence, I think not.
Just to be clear, I meant to have [swiftboat] tags around my second paragraph. I don’t really think Corsi is Mussolini although he’s never denied it, so I can’t say.
Doc, did you at any time conclude what Corsi quotes you as concluding, that the Sun Yat-Sen document “ REMAINS as an indictment of the reliability of Hawaiian birth certificates.”?
Dosen’t make sense. Assuming that the records vetting process in 1904 in a recently-minted U.S. territory might have been lax, how can anyone say that almost a half cenury later in the new state of Hawaii, the records process must have been similarly lax?
It’s trite to say, I know, but gimme a break!
Sorry my math misfired. More than a half century, 57 years to be precise, elpased between the Sun Yat-Sen certificate of 1904 and the Obama certificate of 1961.
I used Amazon’s look inside feature to get a feel for Corsi’s book. My impression is that there’s nothing new in the book. It’s a rehash of what can already be found on the internet. I found a review by a conservative from Orange County, Florida on the Examiner web site that came to the same conclusion: “except for few minute tidbits the book presents nothing new as to the why and what Obama is hiding.”
I’m sure the “few tidbits” will be out on the internet soon. I see no reason to buy it except for the fact that Dr. Conspiracy is mentioned.
Yeah, the birther disappointment is growing quickly. There is nothing new in the book- most birthers already have all the book’s info in a text file for easy cut n paste into forums and comments sections.
Hell, most of the birthers wrote the material. Corsi is the one who did the cut n paste job.
It should be placed in the How-To section of the bookstore:
Where’s the Birth Certificate?
How to make a living off of the ignorance and fear of the moldy fringe
by Jerome Corsi
Next month, Corsi is coming out with a new book, “Birth Certificates for Dummies.”
I can say that Corsi never denied being an accessory after the fact, to Glenn Beck’s rape and murder in 1990.
#Not intended to be a factual statement.
Corsi is actually of Corsican descent. Know who else was? Napoleon. Coincidence?
very hard to believe, book released and no marching out by Obama, didn’t he read the book?
> didn’t he read the book
More importantly, the Frog March Division of both the Marines and the FBI didn’t read it either. Orly’s harrassing minions to the rescue!
But I’m sure they’ll read it “any day now”. Heck, if the world really ends on May 21st, there might even be truth to the statement “you birfers will never get Obama removed, not before Judgment Day!”. 😉
In a side note, Hell is said to freeze over about half past ten on May 22nd. I have it from someone who knows for a fact Satan did not pay his bills.
The remark Corsi quoted from this blog was a wisecrack. It was meant to be so absurd that no one would take it seriously.
So, no, I never gave any significance to the Sun Yat-Sen certificate beyond the fact that it demonstrates that it is possible, in any jurisdiction, for someone to obtain a birth certificate through fraud. However, the fact that the birthers could come with only one example of fraud in over 100 years, and none since statehood also speaks volumes about the real reliability of Hawaiian vital records.
Is this a joke?
BREAKING: Jerome Corsi’s Birther Book Pulled from Shelves!
❝In a stunning development one day after the release of Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, by Dr. Jerome Corsi, World Net Daily Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah has announced plans to recall and pulp the entire 200,000 first printing run of the book, as well as announcing an offer to refund the purchase price to anyone who has already bought either a hard copy or electronic download of the book.❞
. . .
Here’s a bizarre “development:” Esquire magazine at esquire.com is reporting that Farrah is going to recall and pulp the entire first printing of “Where’s the Birth Certificate.”
I personally think that this story is a hoax but its on Esquire’s website?????
Oops! “great minds think alike,” Bob!
Thanks, Doc! I was convinced that the quote didn’t literally represent your views. but I couldn’t figure out what to make of it. The fact that Corsi used a 57-year-old example to “prove” that Hawaii’s official birth-recording system in 1961 was lax speaks volumes about him, and those who still accord him credibility.
It is tagged “humor”. Also, any suggestion that Farah would do the right thing has to be a joke.
However, it’s a great rumor to get people to rush out and buy a copy before they are destroyed.
And I’m fairly certain this book doesn’t exist, yet……”Capricorn One: NASA, JFK, and the Great “Moon Landing” Cover-Up”.
Your comment points out that sometimes these things need explaining. I have changed the article above to add my response to you. Of course, I can’t change the 2009 article because the birthers would scream “scrubbed.”
Well, WND calls the piece libel, and threatening litigation (funny how many times the threaten litigation but never act on it. And of course, Farah is behind the book 100%. I mean seriously…does any really believe the line “I cannot in good conscience publish it and expect anyone to believe it” every past the lips of Farah?
Media Matters has done a pretty good job of discrediting Corsi, but the writers could use some educating on what Vattel actually wrote. Perhaps Lupin could e-mail them with the facts?
Corsi claims to have proof the Obama was delivered via Cesarean section and therefore cannot claim being natural born. He actually claims to have seen the doctors report. Birthers are celebrating this but say it’s not necesarry to march Obama out as the word ends in a few days (May 21). More on this story on May 22.
Corsi’s book is gaining in sales.
Well then that settles it. As we all know, truth is determined by popularity. How much longer before we start saying “President Joe Biden”?
A fool and their money…….
Hopefully, not much longer. It would be a breath of fresh air to have a actual 100% natural born citizen born to TWO U.S. citizen parents in the White House.
So you accept Joe Biden’s birth narrative without having seen any official documentation?
What makes him different in your mind?
Selling it at half price on release day will do that. 🙂
“Hopefully, not much longer.”
not after May 21
…..and Leon is getting laaaaaaaaaarger!
Most of us in the reality based community are pretty happy with our current 100% natural born citizen President, and don’t really care about irrelevant issues like who his parents were or their citizenship. But thanks for sharing.
January, 2017 isn’t too long for you to wait.. But what if Bobby Jindal wins the Presidence in 2016? Yikes.
So, the other three birthers are spending part of their Social Security checks on garbage.
How sad for them. Maybe they can burn them when the senior home has a barbecue.
I’m definitely rooting for Bobby Jindal to run and win the nomination. Would drive the birthers nuts.
If he’s sold one more book today than yesterday that is a true statement.
Talk about damning with faint praise!
Anyway, here’s the number 1 book on Amazon right now. So, I can spend $14 on Corsi’s nonsense, or $8 on a book called “Go the F**k to Sleep.” It’s obvious what this parent is going to ask for for Father’s day.
Like Spiro Agnew?
What are you and your ilk going to to do when Romney chooses Jindal as his VP?
Exactly one of the commenters said they bought up 10 copies to give to their families.
Jindal is not a natural born citizen. His parents weren’t naturalized before he was born. He is at best a 14th amendment citizen or citizen by statute which is not natural born. He doesn’t pass the test.
Huh, that does not make sense. A ’14 th amendment citizen’ is one who is either born or naturalized on soil, reflecting the Constitutional Provisions up to that moment which declared people born on soil to be its natural born citizens.
Hilarious my friend…
exactly who were you an intelligence officer for?
Well that settles it. Your opinion obviously over-rules all prior case law and legal authority. Funny how no authority has ever said there is a difference between a natural born citizen and a 14 Amendment citizen and no one has ever said any native born citizen was a citizen by statute. Why do people post on legal blogs who have no knowledge of law.
It could almost have been true. What better way to say that the entire remaining stock has been sold out?
Then it got to the part about refunds, and I realized it was definitely a joke. Farah giving back money? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Not your test.
Fortunately for America, your test is not relevant.
Actually we would prefer you spend some time correcting your errors in fact.
A spelling mistake we can live with.
Wait ’til the price drops to where it’s cheaper than firewood. Then sales will REALLY take off.
I wouldn’t burn it in my fireplace – I’d be afraid of the fumes from the BS that’s inside!
You’re wrong. In fact, you’re wrong about a lot of things. Where did you pick up your knowledge of Constitutional law?
I don’t understand why you’re still dodging questions and the acknowledgement of answers others civilly provided to you on other threads.
Why is that?
Are you here to attempt to change people’s minds or to learn something new?
Do you have super special information that somehow the courts and Congress and every relevant legal authority has bumbled over and mistakenly overlooked?
What did your Congressman say when you shared your super special, explosive information that will undoubtedly blow the lid off this enormous Constitutional crisis?
Germany, 1933-1945.
Notice how their concept of purity matches Germany’s?
Golda Meir – Ukraine
Menachem Begin – Russia
David Ben-Gurion – Poland
I think you came here, instead of Stormfront. Check your bookmarks.
From Leo Donofrio between poker games. Or Orly, between teeth.
Extra creosote, at no extra charge.
Barack Obama was born in the United States to one citizen parent, and he is a natural born citizen. This has been known since before the election. Why was he placed on 51 ballots, elected, certified, and inaugurated, if he was not eligibile to be president?
Additionally, how do you know that Joe Biden’s father wasn’t actually a Russian citizen when Joe was born? For that matter, how do you know that Joe Biden was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania as he claims?
He believed me and a lot of them know he is ineligible but are afraid of the repercussions if he was to be removed. He told me if he was removed from office there will be substantial racial turmoil, mostly from blacks onto whites. They think that blacks will believe that “whitey” kicked out Obama due to some perceived racial reason. He said think of the L.A. Riots in 1992 by the factor of 50. That is what they fear and that is why they didn’t harp on Obama’slack of natural born citizenship because of his father prior to the election. I told him that the Constitution should be upheld no matter. The repercussions would be worth it in order for Article 2 Section 1 to be sustained and not usurped.
Please cite your authority for this test, preferably in the form of case law.
And please name your congressman.
Corsi’s book was ranked at 65 earlier this morning, now at 4:28pm it is at 52, a considerable jump since yesterday when it was 138. The word is getting out.
Oh. I guess you did finally answer my question. More conspiracy-nut garbage, sprinkled with the racist assumption that blacks are violent savages.
Person with the Phony Title:
Everything you say is sheer baldfaced lies, including “the” and “and”. Not a shred of truth, starting wiith your moniker and ending with the period at the end of your sentence.
The word that a book exists and is available for purchase?
I do not believe that a single word of this is true.
I also do not believe that you are a veteran or ever served as an intelligence officer.
What race of people rioted in Los Angeles in 1992?
Would it surprise you to know that the majority of people arrested during the LA Riots were not black?
What about that report that a registrar at the University of Hawaii has confirmed that Obama Sr. attended summer school in 1961 through early August. Is that solid? If so, that should nail the coffin shut on any notion of a Kenyan birth lingering in the face of the long form’s release last month. It defies rationality to believe that the father would have stayed here in America winding up the summer term while the mother journeyed to dad’s homeland halfway around the world, by herself, to give birth. The alternative, that he could have accompanied her after completing the term wouldn’t work, either.
Birthers have tried to jigger with the baby’s birth date to maintain the possibility of a Kenyan birth, but if it’s solid that the dad was in Hawaii on Aug. 4, could he have hopped a plane for Kenya with his 9-months pregnant wife, witnessed the birth — and then gotten word back to Honolulu in time for the official announcements to appear in the two dailies when they did?
The time line would have been simply impossible.
The human race.
Well said, since there is only the human race – not black, white, red, etc.
Give me the figures.
Thanks. Hatred and irrational fear motivated bigotry drives birtherism.
Why. you never give any facts. Wile E is 100x more reliable than you.
And I recommend you take the advice of the #1 book.
Sorry….I have a hard time believing anything you say. All you do is regurgitate birther lies. I don’t remotely believe you were ever an intelligence office. I don’t believe a bit of your purported conversation with your congressman. And on the law….well, you’re just dead wrong, so it doesn’t really matter.
just consider for a moment…
each book sold is another vote that could damage the GOP´s chances of getting in in 2012.
kinda ironic really…….
Over half of those arrested were hispanics
38% black……62% latino,white, or asian.
Order one of these. The price is right.
Several ethnicities participated, actually…..interesting that you seem to be purporting only one was involved.
Yup, bound to happen when you have a combination of it landing in the half price bin on release, few really important books being published recently, and Farah desperately buying copies to raise it in the rankings.
That isn’t relevant. The fact that you asserted that Congress is afraid that black people will riot en masse if they take action against President Obama indicates that you clearly believe black people are nothing but violent, reactionary savages. That you bring up this “black people rioted in Los Angeles” reaffirms it.
Well lets face it, The very fact that RIO is a birther, but only as pertains to Obama, is a pretty good indication that he’s a racist to begin with. His anti-black rhetoric since then just clinches it.
But it’s good of him to be honest enough to prove his racist attitudes, beyond a birther of a doubt.
Well I wasn’t born yesterday. It is clear that RIO is [Pejorative description deleted Doc.]. I have gotten my answer from him (a stupid answer, and likely an outright fabrication), and I will discontinue any further discussion.
I’m just waiting to hear about his black friends.
Let’s see where it’s at next week. President Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance” was on the NY Times Bestseller’s list for 30 weeks. When the paperback version of Dreams From My Father was released, it surpassed 81 weeks on the Best Sellers list.
Let’s see if Corsi can top that.
Well all I saw on the news were blacks kicking in windows, looting, setting buildings on fire and bashing a white truckers head in with bricks after being drug out of his truck. I am sure you remember the news clips?
No, that is what the congressman thought and several representatives whom I know on a personal basis.
And, of course, having seen a few news clips, viewed through your racial bias, you consider yourself enough of an expert on the subject to purport that the rioters were all black.
Wow, you really are a birther…
I knew you weren’t really a retired intelligent.
WHY?petitions leave file writ@certioraries@4 district court from US SC@matters:raj rajaratnam&obama BC filedKR?
Again, on the news, all that was shown were blacks with a few exeptions of interviews with Asians discussing their stores being looted and torched by them. Just stating the facts shown on cable and where did I say I was a expert. You assume to much as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates.
Save Darfur Club on campus. I also tutor math for two hours VOLUNTARILY every monday from 3-5. I was runner up for the year’s “Honored Science Athlete” my sophomore year by the Associated Press. I’m also in MUN, and a reporter for our campus’s broadcast journalism class. My mom became unemployed beginning of junior year, my father is permanently disabled since I was young, and our income is around 24,000 even though I put 39,000 on my UC application, but I think FAFSA would let UCI know what my income is. So in my appeal, I provided “new and compelling information” such as including the 50+ hours of community service as part of KEY club (I forgot to include this in my UC application), I launched a campaign for Operation Save Darfur to raise genocide awareness and I’m on my way on becoming a registered Youth Activist under Jewish World Watch because of this campaign (I provided the number and names sponsoring me in my appeal), I included the fact that I was selected to attend an international MUN conference held in Berlin, Germany along with 15 other students. My GPA used to be 3.4-3.5 during the time of my UC application process, but this year it is 3.7-3.8 so I included that I am now on the distinguished honor roll. I thought that my UC application was strong enough with everything I have except for my GPA, but it increased my senior year. However is this enough to get accepted by appeal? I understand that the average GPA for UCI fall admission for freshman 2010 was 3.99… and my current GPA is at most 3.8. However I am not even on the waitlist, so chances are pretty dang low. In addition, my SAT score isn’t even over 1900…however I know people who are getting into schools with less community service or extracurriculars, less AP classes, lower GPA, or better circumstances in terms of family and financial hardship. I know that there was a huge budget cut in education that affected the UC’s drastically, but I still can’t bring myself to believe that all my hard work has gone to waste. It’s the last month of my senior year and I find myself doing way more than friends who are going to UCLA or Berkeley. I was just wondering if anyone had specific knowledge (or maybe faith haha) regarding my chances in getting accepted into UCI with an appeal? Thank you!
Open Question: USA may rebuild achievements@performances,& not depend much/solely@past superior act.Obama be truthful@acts:KR?
5.17.011 London uk: Open Question: IN USA DEMOCRACY POWERS@WE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN HIJACKED BY ELECTED LEADERS&BUREAUCRATS:FREE EXPRESSION@JEOPARDY? Festival, Britain’s royals are racist “gangsters in tiaras” and Prince Philip is a womanizing psychopath. The movie “Unlawful Killing” revives claims that Princess Diana – adored by millions as the “people’s princess” but viewed in royal circles as an embarrassing loose cannon – was murdered by the British establishment. The film was screened Friday for the first time at the festival. It bills itself as “the antidote to ‘The King’s Speech'” and depicts the royal family as feudal relics presiding over a network of official cronies at taxpayers’ expense. Director Keith Allen says, however, it’s “not an attack on the monarchy.” Open Question: WHY jungle democratic rules defeat equities of we people@Nations viz usa v.Raj rajaratnam:criminal TRIAL@SDNY? 5.15. 2011@all locations around globe where jungle democratic rules defeat equities of we the people of Nations viz usa v. Raj rajaratnam:criminal action in usdc/sdny ny,ny 10007: wire trap converstions used by govt prosecutors of sdny to deny freedom of expressions of citizens of USA in home, office,private conversations, IN CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. iNCIDENTALLY EX iLLINOIS GOVERNOR WAS COVICTED WITH WIRETRAP CONVERSATIONS,AS WAS IN OCCASIONS OF CONVICTION OF TOP PEOPLE IN USA THE REV DR KAMAL KARNA K ROY AKA& WAS BORN AS JOSEPH GERONIMO JR@ guam,us territory SHALL FILE A WRIT OF CERTIORARI FROM U S SUPREME COURT , WASHINGTON DC TO USD COURT, SD NY, ny, UNDER RULES OF USA FOR FILING FOR LEAVE TO FILE PETITION AS AMICUS CURAE/APPELLANT, TO JUDGE & COURT @ USDC/SDNY CRIMINAL CASE USA,V RAJARATNAM,WHEREIN LATER WAS FOUND CONVICTED BY USE OF WIRE TRAP CONVERSATIONS.tHAT ELECTED LEADERS/APPOINTED BUROCRATS HAVE BEEN CURTAILING RIGHTS OF “WE THE PEOPLE” IN USA@FREEDOM OF EXPRESSIONS TO BE USED AGAINT THEM IN CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS.THIS IS DIFFERENT NAMES&INDONESIAN PASSPORTWHEN USA DIDNOT ABUSE AS IS & MUST BE QUESTIONED FOR VIOLATIONS. PS: usa authorities may not neglect weaker people’ prayers to redress the grievanceas per U s constitutionl amendment law or U S may notabandon need to investigate B rec,citizn.NO excuse.Obama could be British kenyan, noUS?kr?Bur US did not act on enquiry on BH Obama. the rev dr kamal k k roy aka jpseph Geronimo jralleged that US didOFama 5.12.2011 n y city Questio: WHY?PRES OBAMA BUILT STORY@PUBL.VIEW:BHO&E H jR US ATTORNEY GENL mayAPPOINT FED PROSEC INVESTIGATE BC@OBAMA?kr? Crisis@US?OBAMA_B C,CITZN R UNSOLVED.SENATE MAY CHECK@usSOVEREIGNTY&HOLD HEARING@M&B OBAMAS,nPELOSI,HIgov@BC? _ CrisisUS?OBAMA_B C,CITZN R UNSOLVED.SENATE MAY CHECK@usSOVEREIGNTY/HOLD HEARING@M&B OBAMA,PELOSI,HIgov ETAL@BC? OBAMA_B C,CITZN R UNSOLVED.SENATE MAY CHECK@usSOVEREIGNTY&HOLD HEARING@M&B OBAMA,PELOSI,HIgov ETAL@OBAMAbc?KR? 5,9.11 NEW YORK USA**M&B: M FOR MICHELLE USFIRST LADY & B FOR BARACK H OBAMA , THE DEFACTO U S PRESIDENT WEF 1. 20. 2009: US CIV ELEC ACTIONS R PENDING@ u s COURTS ET AL, LAWFULLY,ON OBAMA BIRTH PLACE,IF HE IS AN UNDOCUMENTED ALIEN@us & FOREIGN CITIZEN@BIRTH & ON DAY ELEC NOV 4 `20O8 & 1.20. 2009:OBAMA USED ALLOW DUAL CIZENSHIPS OF USA & Indonesia.michelle obama first lady may know secret of b c obama b h,Pelosi was speaker of us house of rep, now member of house,HI governor cusodian of HI birth records. current HI gov altered statements of former gov preceedinng her in UIgov office about existence of bc for obama. Open Question: ;people_suspicion on Osama laden_death is@wane:b Obama_BC record ,longform release be checked@FEDprosec law?KR? ASSOCIATED PRESS Questions in Open Question: laden OB@history,terrorism STAY@weaker people’s arms v.ruling GOVT;obama&EH jr MAYappoint A prosec@b.c Obama B? 5. u8 .2011 Open Question end@obama 3 Comments Add to my Tracker More World News Discussions A_ Comments Showing posts 1 – 3 of3 concert ACTIVIST Saranac Lake, NY Reply A_ | is losing faith@ acts of democratic law&engage@actions viz end_life@alien:wiretrap v free_speech@trial? 5.15. 2011@all locations around globe where jungle democratic rules defeat equities of we the people of Nations viz usa v. Raj rajaratnam:criminal action in usdc/sdny ny,ny 10007: wire trap converstions used by govt prosecutors of sdny to deny freedom of expressions of citizens of USA in home, office,private conversations, IN CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. iNCIDENTALLY EX iLLINOIS GOVERNOR WAS COVICTED WITH WIRETRAP CONVERSATIONS,AS WAS IN OCCASIONS OF CONVICTION OF TOP PEOPLE IN USA THE REV DR KAMAL KARNA K ROY AKA& WAS BORN AS JOSEPH GERONIMO JR@ guam,us territory SHALL FILE A WRIT OF CERTIORARI FROM U S SUPREME COURT , WASHINGTON DC TO USD COURT, SD NY, ny, UNDER RULES OF USA FOR FILING FOR LEAVE TO FILE PETITION AS AMICUS CURAE/APPELLANT, TO JUDGE & COURT @ USDC/SDNY CRIMINAL CASE USA,V RAJARATNAM,WHEREIN LATER WAS FOUND CONVICTED
With all due respect, I think the coffin has been long shut, and buried. Some mourners are just in denial.
Blacks rioting (and the subsequent white backlash) would insure that Obama would not be reelected in 2012.
Its obvious that Retired Intelligence Officer knows a couple of members of Congress who are easily intimidated and don’t have the courage of their convictions. “No guts, no glory.”
The National Guard in any state has the manpower to surpress any riots, just as they did during the 1960’s and 70’s.
Where’s the proof that you are a retired intelligence officer? I’ve asked at least three times and you’ve blown me off every time. Sounds a lot like the tactics that NC/Naturalizedcitizen/NC1 uses….
Hi NC1
Well, there goes another Irony Meter down the tubes
We just lost a whole, huge shipment of brand, spanking new irony meters to an enormous explosion.
Off the charts.
So many words…… so little sense….
Did anyone manage to figure out just what language this wonderfully intelligent and successful collegiate was speaking?
You keep practising that backpeddle. It’ll come in handy next election lol
RIO is hilarious….Basically he is repeating the same debunked birther lies pretending that because he has some sort of “official sounding title”, that somehow he is more believable than say NC1 or birthers of her ilk….I love that infamous scare tactic that “Blacks will riot” if Obama is removed….So Herman Cain, Condi Rice, Armstrong Williams, and other Black conservatives will “riot”? Really? And Black soldiers? What about them RIO? Would they riot also? And Black cops? Them too? Your bigoted blather is ridiculous and dumb….You hate Obama because you are guilty of Obama derangement….
It’s important to foment hatred and generalize toward a huge group of people of whom you know none by sealing your confirmation bias with snippets of sensationalized news stories. The lazy research route, the tabloid headlines, the politically biased, anonymous, cowardly and racist online blogs, the whispered gossip from a small group of personally known bigots – that’s the birther’s fountain of knowledge.
If something confirms your personal disgust, fears and hatred, it must be the unmitigated truth. Keep on spreading the fear and hatred. That’s exactly what a smugly moralistic and self-righteous person would do.
Google translate returned a link to the DSM and ICD.
Do you realize that you are not, in fact, “just stating the facts?” You are stating your recollection of the facts, of an event that happened a long time ago.
If you were stating facts, they would, generally, come with a source other than your memories.
You know, RIO, with every post you prove that, if you were an intelligence officer, our nation’s intelligence comment is, or was, in a pickle. What kind of intelligence officer can’t do a Google search to find out that blacks were not the majority of those arrested in the LA Riots?
The concept of race is artificial. See the Human Genome Project:
Soon you’ll claim to be golfing buddies with four-star Generals and privy to everything discussed by the U.N. Security Council.
Doc C- I know we are not supposed to out forum members, but I found Retired Intelligence Officer’s website:
Well, here we’re obviously seeing someone who has reached the bottom of the rabbit hole. Reminds me of the birfer “sky” who’s posting at Dr Kate’s and the P-and-E – mostly random words taken from different conspiracy sites.
These people wouldn’t even pass the Turing test. There are bots who can write more coherent stuff.
It’s schizophrenia.
“Maybe I need to get back to work on my article linking Jerome Corsi to Arab oil interests.”
I’m shocked, just shocked.
Yeah, because those black folks just can’t play by the rules, can they?