By the way, if you haven’t seen the movie, It’s Complicated, do yourself a favor and take a look. Perhaps the movie is the reference intended by The Hill in its article: Palin and Trump: It’s complicated. The article examines the political relationship between Donald Trump and Sarah Palin, and the nice things they have been saying about each other lately. Palin blames the media for pumping the birther issue rather than Trump for pimping it. (Also check out how NewsMax spins the story.)
By contrast, the Kansas City Star has a new article out, Media needs to ignore the nutjobs. They raise two questions:
First: Just how bleeping dumb are we, anyway?
Second: When will the mainstream news media do its job and stop enabling these crackpots?
Hmm, Doc wonders if he is enabling crackpots…
Despite Palin’s chiding and the Kansas City Star’s advice, the news media is still talking about birthers.
More recent birther stories in the media:
- Has Trump’s birther campaign backfired?
- The death of birther talk? We’ll see
- A birther debate minus the conspiracy suffers a quiet death
- and lots more
An intriguing article in the Christian Post talks about Donald Trump’s possible connections with Evangelical Christians in a bid for the presidency: Donald Trump, Paula White Rallying Christian Support?
“I can think of few people with the means to be president who would be worse for the country and the world than Donald Trump,” [Brian McClaren] told The Christian Post in an email. “His ‘birther’ talk, his questionable moral history, his love of money, his combative nature, his arrogance, his nationalism as opposed to a more global mindset, his carelessness towards the poor, and his love for power make him, in my mind, a horrible candidate.”
Hmm, Doc wonders if he is enabling crackpots…
Don’t worry, Doc, if it weren’t for guys like you, the intrepid reporters of the MSM would never even ask themselves “When will the mainstream news media do its job and stop enabling these crackpots?”
One portion is over, Hornbeck v. Salazar: Orly Taitz Intervention–DENIED
The crackpots were well enabled before you got here…
What do you make of the birther lull lately? Besides Lucas Smith it doesn’t seem like any of the regular trolls have been around in the past few days. My theory is that they are trying out new memes in their echo chambers (witness the thread on Mario’s site about kerning… and the new birther holy word: “layers”) and will re-emerge in a bit (probably when Corsi’s book is released).
I think they have been hanging out in more protected waters. I don’t think they have abated though. Look at the comments on the YouTube videos pimping the latest WorldNetDaily stories: fake Hawaiian Detective, layers, kerning…
Yeah, I think it’s pretty clear what the various lines of argument will be (my favorite so far is the “technology expert” who Polariks the LFBC – it raises “can’t see the forest for the trees” to a whole new level).
Yeah, but those are dumb and dead arguments. They can try to trot out those zombies from time to time…but it is going to fall flat outside of their echo chambers.
This is too petty and lame of an argument, particularly when compared with the end to end chain of testement to the authority of those documents between the WH and HI.
It is a non-starter. DOA. The paranoid conspiracy crazies and ODS-addicted can babble on about claims of forgery all they want, but that argument won’t succeed in surviving outside of their petty echo-chambers. They truly are in Flat Earther and “Lizard People” territory in appeal of those arguments.
In terms of the blog post, I thought that was a good set of articles in your links Doc and they covered the post-mortem of this issue and Trump from a number of different angles and perspectives.
I particularly liked “A birther debate minus the conspiracy suffers a quiet death”, which provided a fresh reminder of the now flipped position amongst GOP/conservative circles on looser vs stricter NBC requirements.
Indeed, how quickly we forget that this is the direction from which there was once a vocal argument to change our laws so that people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, a naturalized citizen, could become President…