Obama 1, Osama 0

Osama bin Laden is dead, President Obama announced Sunday night, killed in an attack by US forces in Pakistan. How will this affect the conspiracy theories that Barack Obama is a Muslim? My guess is it will have very little effect.

I was a little miffed to learn that bin Laden was not hiding out in a cave, but living in a mansion. I continue to think that Islamic terrorists are more like organized criminals than religious zealots.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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73 Responses to Obama 1, Osama 0

  1. richCares says:

    while Americans are cheering this news as good for America, the freaks at freepervlile are upset, it’s as if they are cheering for Osama Bin Laden SICK PEOPLE.

  2. Sean says:

    Tomorrow is a big “O” day:

    Osama Dead
    Obamas on Oprah
    Orly’s appeal

    The scuttlebutt is Osama was dead for years, Obama just announced his death to divert attention away from the birther issue.

  3. El Diablo Negro says:

    Obama got that 3 am phone call, and I think he did a great job. I would have called The Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani.

    “Hello Syed, we found Bin Laden, and he will be dead in about….Now”

    But that’s just me

  4. G says:

    Don’t forget the big irony that this big news interrupted the final 15 minutes of Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice show, at least on the east coast…

  5. Slartibartfast says:

    El Diablo Negro:
    Obama got that 3 am phone call, and I think he did a great job. I would have called The Prime Minister of Pakistan Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani.

    “Hello Syed, we found Bin Laden, and he will be dead in about….Now”

    But that’s just me

    It’s unlikely that this happened without a lot of Pakistani help… (intelligence-wise if not operationally).

  6. Slartibartfast says:


    It was never likely that bin Laden was ‘hiding in a cave’ – he did require dialysis after all. This was exactly the kind of place I expected him to be.

  7. Slartibartfast says:

    Don’t forget the big irony that this big news interrupted the final 15 minutes of Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice show, at least on the east coast…

    A cherry on top!

  8. Slartibartfast says:

    Hey Will, hide all of the irony meters!

    From MSNBC:

    “In the wake of this operation, there may be a heightened threat to the U.S. homeland,” a U.S. official said. “The U.S. is taking every possible precaution. The State Department has sent advisories to embassies worldwide and has issued a travel ban for Pakistan.”

    The birthers finally got their Pakistan travel ban! 😀

  9. El Diablo Negro says:

    I can now see the birth (no pun intended) of the…NEW DEATHERS.

    They will want to see Osama’s Death Certificate and then want the Long Form Death Certificate. And the cycle continues.

  10. Sean says:


    It was never likely that bin Laden was ‘hiding in a cave’ – he did require dialysis after all.This was exactly the kind of place I expected him to be.

    CNN said his condition was exaggerated. Bin Ladin’s son said he suffered from kidney stones, but that was about it.

  11. Suranis says:

    Don’t forget the big irony that this big news interrupted the final 15 minutes of Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice show, at least on the east coast…

    Gosh, people will never know who was fired.

  12. US Citizen says:

    Nothing like a GPS coordinate with 666 in it:


  13. Majority Will says:

    Hey Will, hide all of the irony meters!

    From MSNBC:

    The birthers finally got their Pakistan travel ban!

    No irony meter will ever be safe again. A technology expert said so. 😀

    Suck it, birthers.

  14. Black Lion says:

    I am sure we will hear that Donald Trump will be demanding to see a certified copy of Bin Laden’s Death Certificate!….

  15. Scientist says:

    InTrade has Obama at 65.5% for re-election. That’s people betting real money, by the way.

  16. ASK Esq says:

    Since a lot of hard-core birthers are of the baseless belief that, if Obama is somehow removed because he isn’t eligible, then everything he did in office will be nullified. Does that mean that if the birthers win, Bin Laden will come back to life?

  17. Jimmy says:

    They said they already Buried Osama at SEA wow that was fast and cheap just the way we need to be with the USA debt levels like they are . I am wondering though why the conflicting timeline on the event ? http://michellemalkin.com/2011/05/01/reports-bin-laden-killed-a-week-ago-by-us-missile-confirmed-tonight/

  18. Greg says:

    I am wondering though why the conflicting timeline on the event ?

    Because rumor travels around the world before truth puts on its shoes. How did Mark Twain know this before the Civil War but you’ve forgotten it in this age of instantaneous communication?

  19. Thrifty says:

    G: Don’t forget the big irony that this big news interrupted the final 15 minutes of Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice show, at least on the east coast…

    That’s what I like to call “bonus points”.

  20. Majority Will says:

    They said they already Buried Osama at SEA wow that was fast and cheap just the way we need to be with the USA debt levels like they are . I am wondering though why the conflicting timeline on the event ? http://michellemalkin.com/2011/05/01/reports-bin-laden-killed-a-week-ago-by-us-missile-confirmed-tonight/

    Are you calling our Navy SEAL’s and military liars?

    Let’s see you do that to their faces, birther coward.

  21. The Magic M says:

    > Does that mean that if the birthers win, Bin Laden will come back to life?

    Sure, the CIA will have to create another clone in their secret FEMA camp labs. Also, since Obama signed off on the monies for Elvis’ life support, it means Elvis will then really, finally, be dead.

  22. Thrifty says:

    Scientist: InTrade has Obama at 65.5% for re-election. That’s people betting real money, by the way.

    I can’t help draw parallels between this and Bush Senior’s* high approval ratings after his victory in Desert Storm. Remember the gap between Desert Storm and the 1992 election was only 1 month less than this. I think Obama will enjoy a few months basking in the glow of this, but it will cool down considerably by the time of the election. Come Election Day, most Americans really don’t care about foreign policy.

    I suppose the case could be made that this is different. Desert Storm was a war on foreign soil. The death of Bin Laden is a victory over the man behind a massive act of terrorism on U.S. soil.

    Good God. The long form birth certificate on Tuesday, Osama Bin Laden dead on Sunday. What a week of news! When did Bin Laden die? Anyone know? I have this feeling that Obama released his long form on Tuesday because he didn’t want the BC issue to still be on the table when he released news of the Bin Laden death.

    *More than I disapprove of George W. Bush’s policies, I hate that he had the same name as our 41st president, thus forcing everyone to make the distinction between the two.

  23. Jimmy says:

    Majority Will: Are you calling our Navy SEAL’s and military liars?

    Let’s see you do that to their faces, birther coward.

    the story has nothing to do with the Military , please get a grip

  24. misha says:

    Jimmy: I am wondering though why the conflicting timeline on the event ?

    Drop dead, vermin.

  25. Majority Will says:

    Jimmy: the storyhas nothingto do with the Military, please get a grip

    Drop dead, vermin.

  26. Jimmy says:

    In DEED Its great that this has been done , and Obama and the Military Brave men and women gets all Credit for a Job well Done !!!!
    The question needs to be asked though why all the conflicting news ?

    Even ABC is questioning their news as if it will have any long lasting unification of the country .

    The Note: Politics Post Bin Laden: Nation Unified For Now, But How Long Will It Last?
    EXCLUSIVE: OBAMA CANCELLED EARLIER RAID, WANTING PROOF OF BIN LADEN’S DEATH ABC’s Jake Tapper reports: Sources tell ABC News that in March President Obama authorized the development of a plan for the U.S. to bomb Osama bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound with two B2 stealth bombers dropping a few dozen 2,000-pound JDAMs (Joint Direct Attack Munitions) on the compound. But when the president heard the compound would be reduced to rubble he chose not to pursue that option. That would mean there would be no evidence bin Laden was dead to present to the world — no DNA evidence, as the administration anticipates it will have. Plus all 22 people in the compound including women and children, plus likely many neighbors would be killed. The president wanted proof. And he wanted to minimize collateral damage.

    So, instead the president authorized this incredibly daring and difficult operation, scheduled for a time of “low loom” — little moon luminosity — so the US helicopters could enter into Pakistan low to the ground and undetected. The operation was authorized Friday morning. It was originally planned for Saturday night but on Friday, for weather reasons, it was pushed to Sunday. The bombing plan was one of many multiple possible courses of action presented to the president in March and then refined over the course of the next several weeks.

    TICK-TOCK: HOW THE KILLING OF BIN LADEN WENT DOWN AT THE WHITE HOUSE: From Tapper, Sunlen Miller and Tahman Bradley: “White House national security staffers had been in the Situation Room since 1pm ET. At 2:00pm the President met with the Principals to review final preparations. At 3:50pm the President was told bin Laden had been tentatively identified. There was jubilation in the White House once the helicopter returned to Afghanistan. At 7:01 pm President Obama was told there was a ‘high probability’ bin Laden was dead.” http://abcn.ws/kSDWcQ

  27. Greg says:

    Where’s the conflicting timeline? Seems to me the only conflict is between stories told before the announcement – based on rumor – and those told after – base on fact. Are you asking why the rumors got the story wrong?

  28. Scientist says:

    Thrifty: I can’t help draw parallels between this and Bush Senior’s* high approval ratings after his victory in Desert Storm.

    Thrifty, I think the parallel is strained for several reasons:

    1. As you point out, Desert Storm was about getting Iraq out of Kuwait, not about getting a guy who attacked the US.
    2. In early 1991, the economy was going into recession, not coming out of one (even if the recovery is slower than most would wish).
    3. Bush Sr won as a sort of Reagan’s 3rd term. 12 years of one party holding the White House is a long time. That’s not the case with Obama.
    4. Bush Sr had a serious primary challenge (Buchanan), while Obama will have none. In modern times, the only Presidents who lost re-election were those who faced a strong primary challenge (Ford, Carter and Bush Sr).
    5. Foreign policy has been decisive at times. I think it won for Nixon and Bush Sr and probably for Bush Jr in 2004. Reagan too, to a large extent.
    6. The calibre of the opponent matters. There is neither a Reagan nor a Clinton among the current Republicans.

    I am not rushing to bet on InTrade at 65%, but if I can get Obama below 55%, I will jump at it.

  29. misha says:

    Scientist: InTrade has Obama at 65.5% for re-election.

    He’s at 62% at this hour.

  30. Jimmy says:

    Where’s the conflicting timeline? Seems to me the only conflict is between stories told before the announcement – based on rumor – and those told after – base on fact. Are you asking why the rumors got the story wrong?

    YEAH ?????

  31. Scientist says:

    Jimmy: The choice Obama made, to get physical identification of the body and avoid civilian casualties was the correct one and of course weather and other conditions have to be taken into account. No one wanted helicopters down in a sandstorm like happened in Iran. There was no rush once the compound was definitively identified and satellites could keep tabs on OBL. Also burial at sea was very smart; no shrine for the faithful to visit.

    It’s totally ungracious and quite typical of you morons to nitpick at a completely successful, well-planned operation. Why do you hate America???

  32. Jimmy says:

    misha: He’s at 62% at this hour.

    If the election was today I bet 100 %

  33. Jimmy says:

    Jimmy: The choice Obama made, to get physical identification of the body and avoid civilian casualties was the correct one and of course weather and other conditions have to be taken into account.No one wanted helicopters down in a sandstorm like happened in Iran.There was no rush once the compound was definitively identified and satellites could keep tabs on OBL.Also burial at sea was very smart; no shrine for the faithful to visit.

    It’s totally ungracious and quite typical of you morons to nitpick at a completely successful, well-planned operation.Why do you hate America???

    Its was well thought out and well executed Plan and rumor has it they cremated Osama with a bunch of pork chops ……

  34. Thrifty says:

    Jimmy: If the election was today I bet 100 %

    If the election were today, I’d ask why the election were being held in May.


  35. misha says:

    Thrifty: If the election were today, I’d ask why the election were being held in May.

    2012 Election Cancelled
    Obama Buoyed by 100 Percent Approval Rating


  36. Jimmy says:

    Thrifty: If the election were today, I’d ask why the election were being held in May.


    * awesome *

  37. Paul says:

    I can already hear the next conspiracy meme. “Osama’s NOT dead! They SAY they buried him at sea so they wouldn’t have to produce a body.” Just watch…

  38. misha says:

    Jimmy: * awesome *

    And you are still an anus sphincter.

  39. misha says:

    Paul: I can already hear the next conspiracy meme. “Osama’s NOT dead! They SAY they buried him at sea so they wouldn’t have to produce a body.” Just watch…

    It’s already happening.

  40. Paul says:

    Yup! From Lucianne.com…

    Reply 4 – Posted by: ladychatalie, 5/2/2011 4:32:37 AM (No. 7592523)

    #1, until I see pictures of Bin Laden parts, I won’t believe this is anything more than another lie to help Osama win reelection.

  41. Jimmy says:

    misha: 2012 Election Cancelled
    Obama Buoyed by 100 Percent Approval Rating


    Thats good that will save us all several billion bucks . Now its time to Bring all the troops home from all theaters , Obama has Proven the job of foreign security can be done with Nato DRONES and Special Forces .

  42. Jimmy says:

    misha: And you are still an anus sphincter.

    and I love you too , God bless your ways they are special

  43. obsolete says:

    The birthers and tea baggers are livid all over the internet today that Obama got Osama.

    They are now on the side of Bin Laden and Ghaddafy. Their anti-American hatred is on display for all the world to see, as long as their hateful posts remain up.

  44. obsolete says:

    By their logic, the Navy Seals that killed Bin Laden are traitors for following orders from the Usurper.
    They are very, very sick.

  45. Majority Will says:

    Jimmy: God bless your ways they are special

    Why did you stop posting under End the Fed? What other special sock puppet trolls are you using to spam discussion threads?

  46. Jimmy says:

    Majority Will: Why did you stop posting under End the Fed? What other special sock puppet trolls are you using to spam discussion threads?

    how do we not know what you are is the same as what you are calling me out to be ?

  47. Jimmy says:

    God Bless the Troops their families , this president and the Administration and the USA !

  48. Majority Will says:

    Jimmy: how do we not know what you are is the same as what you are calling me out to be ?

    We? How many are you? Is it crowded in there?


    End the Fed:

  49. Sean says:

    I can already hear the next conspiracy meme.“Osama’s NOT dead!They SAY they buried him at sea so they wouldn’t have to produce a body.”Just watch…

    Adolf Eichmann was buried at sea for the same reason. Israel made sure his body was outside of their waters.

  50. Jimmy says:

    Majority Will: We? How many are you? Is it crowded in there?


    End the Fed:

    awesome effort there , that you even took the time tells me that you are a very caring person and God loves you for that one very special reason 🙂

  51. Jimmy says:

    EXCLUSIVE: OBAMA CANCELLED EARLIER RAID, WANTING THE FREEZER BURN ON BIN LADEN TO HAVE TIME TO FADE. ABC’s Jake Tapper reports: Sources tell ABC News that in March President Obama authorized the development of a plan for the U.S. to deploy gamma wave radiation technical support to thaw and reduce the freezer burn so the controversy could be contained to it just being those pesky birthers trying to stir up opposition …. http://abcn.ws/il3y5Q

  52. This is a cute one from EquipaPatriot on YouTube:

    Dude! You’re gullible. [bin Laden] died on December 13, 2001 of kidney failure.

  53. G says:

    ASK Esq: Since a lot of hard-core birthers are of the baseless belief that, if Obama is somehow removed because he isn’t eligible, then everything he did in office will be nullified. Does that mean that if the birthers win, Bin Laden will come back to life?


  54. richCares says:

    today’s Statement by Rush Limbaugh
    “Our military wanted to go in there and just scorch the earth…but President Obama single-handedly understood what was at stake here. He alone understood the need to get DNA to prove the death…it was President Obama single-handedly and alone who came up with the strategy that brought about the effective assassination of Osama bin Laden,” he said, adding, “thank God for President Obama.”

  55. G says:

    richCares: today’s Statement by Rush Limbaugh“Our military wanted to go in there and just scorch the earth…but President Obama single-handedly understood what was at stake here. He alone understood the need to get DNA to prove the death…it was President Obama single-handedly and alone who came up with the strategy that brought about the effective assassination of Osama bin Laden,” he said, adding, “thank God for President Obama.”

    Did Rush actually say that???

    Got a link?

  56. G says:

    Supposedly, Trump too has made a nice statement. Good for him:

    In reality, according to ABC news, Trump said: ”I want to personally congratulate President Obama and the men and women of the Armed Forces for a job well done.”

    If this can be one thing where most Americans can set aside their differences and dislikes and come together and agree upon, then it truly is a very, very good day for America and a positive testement to a redeeming sense of character of anyone able to move themselves past their inner conflicts and acknowledge good things for what they are.

    I for one commend anyone, no matter what previous beliefs or awful things they said, that can move past all that and be both proud today as well as give credit where credit is due.

  57. Jimmy says:

    today’s Statement by Rush Limbaugh
    “Our military wanted to go in there and just scorch the earth…but President Obama single-handedly understood what was at stake here. He alone understood the need to get DNA to prove the death…it was President Obama single-handedly and alone who came up with the strategy that brought about the effective assassination of Osama bin Laden,” he said, adding, “thank God for President Obama.”

    you do know hes already married ?

  58. Jimmy says:

    Supposedly, Trump too has made a nice statement.Good for him:

    In reality, according to ABC news, Trump said: ”I want to personally congratulate President Obama and the men and women of the Armed Forces for a job well done.”

    If this can be one thing where most Americans can set aside their differences and dislikes and come together and agree upon, then it truly is a very, very good day for America and a positive testement to a redeeming sense of character of anyone able to move themselves past their inner conflicts and acknowledge good things for what they are.

    I for one commend anyone, no matter what previous beliefs or awful things they said, that can move past all that and be both proud today as well as give credit where credit is due.

    here here !!!!

  59. misha says:

    Was Bin Laden’s Death Planned to Distract From Obama’s Birth Certificate?


  60. US Citizen says:

    US Citizen:
    Nothing like a GPS coordinate with 666 in it:


    I was wrong on that coordinate for the house he was in.
    Or rather Google was yesterday.
    Today they changed the coordinate to another location about 1.2 miles away.
    The Bin Laden entry at Wikipedia now has a this coordinate provided and a link to various pics.

    One interesting thing is that when you change the “history” date from 2001 to 2005 or later, the house suddenly appears.

    Also, if someone now calls Obama a Muslim, one can counter that he killed Osama and couldn’t be a Muslim.
    But when they reply that Osama wasn’t a Muslim, you can ask them what their problem is with Muslims in the first place.

    Any Christians who says they won’t believe it until they see photos can be asked if they have any photos of Jesus.

  61. G says:

    US Citizen: Also, if someone now calls Obama a Muslim, one can counter that he killed Osama and couldn’t be a Muslim.
    But when they reply that Osama wasn’t a Muslim, you can ask them what their problem is with Muslims in the first place.
    Any Christians who says they won’t believe it until they see photos can be asked if they have any photos of Jesus.

    LMAO! Great argument points…

  62. El Diablo Negro says:

    Not sure if this is verified or not, could be someone else, but the resemblance is striking.


  63. G says:

    El Diablo Negro: Not sure if this is verified or not, could be someone else, but the resemblance is striking.http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4e2_1304436213&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

    Wow…interesting find.

    We’ll just have to wait to see if there is any veracity to it. It certainly looks like him.

  64. gorefan says:

    El Diablo Negro: Not sure if this is verified or not,

    I don’t know if this is real or not, but there is a report of a fake osama death photo out there.

  65. El Diablo Negro says:

    gorefan: I don’t know if this is real or not, but there is a report of a fake osama death photo out there.

    No doubt. I would think it would be a bit more gruesome if he was shot in the eye

  66. The Magic M says:

    > but there is a report of a fake osama death photo out there

    Surely there’ll be tons of fakes floating around, and it won’t be long until crackpots will base their “he’s not dead” conspiracy theory on the existence of such faked photos.

  67. Bovril says:

    ***Start of Public Service Announcement***

    As a general heads up for folks opening unsolicited emails or being linked to web sites purporting to show video, photo’s, eye witness accounts etc.


    This is a classic spam and malware vector where the intent is to get the recipient to open emails or link to sites that will attempt to infect your PC with everything from adware to targeted identity theft software.

    Unless you have a great deal of certainty as to the provenance of the email or web site, delete the damn thing, just don’t go there.

    ***End of Public Service Announcement***

  68. US Citizen says:

    There are already several very plausible debunking posts to be found of that photo.

    The bottom portion was copied from a photo of OBL and the top part from a photo of another dead person.
    Several other photoshopped details pointed out as well.
    It’s a fake.

    The gov said they may release pics because the Taliban was spreading propaganda that OBL wasn’t killed.
    One idea tho: They should provide the Taliban with the photos directly first, then search for their distribution back to them and around.

    I think it was a great idea to do the raid the way they did too.
    Bush would have just bombed the place, destroying everything.

    This gov went in on foot and was able to take back many hard drives, computers, memory sticks and the like.
    The CIA and NSA must be having a ball right now with all the new info they must have obtained.

    To get OBL’s computers and hard drives is a REAL find.
    Throw the body out; we want the data !!! 🙂

  69. Slartibartfast says:

    US Citizen: To get OBL’s computers and hard drives is a REAL find.
    Throw the body out; we want the data !!!

    I get a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that every member of the al Qaeda leadership has to be wondering if enough personal info was on bin Laden’s computers to earn them a complementary surprise visit from Seal Team 6. I hope none of them get a good night’s sleep until the day JSOC finds them…

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