Obama serves Trump roast at correspondents dinner

After all the smears Donald Trump has leveled against Barack Obama this past month, I think he deserved what he got.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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46 Responses to Obama serves Trump roast at correspondents dinner

  1. Slartibartfast says:

    This gives me a happy! 😀

    I’ve got Shadenfreude issues again…

  2. richCares says:

    very funyy, “faked moon landing”
    no doubt the light shined and cockroaches fled.

  3. G says:

    Wow…you must have been reading my mind Doc! I was just posting about this event on another thread and suggesting you blog about it…and no sooner than posting, I see you’ve got this new article up!

    I want to post a few of the things I said on that other thread here, since this post now exists and also ask you to add a link to a fuller clip than just the small segment you’ve included in this post, as you are missing most of the great jokes made on the BC issue at both the Birther’s & Trump’s expense.

    In terms of this blog post topic, on what effect the HI LFBC release has done to affect the conversation on the issue, I give you last night’s White House Correspondence Dinner event as evidence that moment was a watershed and the Birthers are forever relegated to being nothing but the butt of jokes:


    Watch the entire main event from the intro of Obama’s speech through Seth Meyer’s presentation – they skewer the Birthers and Trump extremely effectively.

    Truly, last night’s joke fest was the cherry-on-top aftermath to the complete bubble bust that the birthers have been dealt this week.

    The whole show starts out with Hulk Hogan’s famous “I’m a Real American” song playing, with various patriotic montages interspersed with the HI LFBC showing on the screen… and that’s just the beginning!

    Seth Meyers starts of his set with talking about the BC issue too, mentioning how he had all these BC jokes prepared that are now irrelevant. He touches upon this general topic and Trump at several points throughout his presentation and his skewering of Trump is particularly biting.

    Seth Meyers also has a very memorable line, that really gets to the heart of the bigotry behind many of these attacks, in which he comments about Obama’s hair getting whiter during his years in office and makes an extremely clever and poignantly biting quip linking that to the Tea Party…I don’t want to ruin the impact of the jokes, so I’ll leave it to all of you to watch the full event and experience it for yourselves.

    Truly a must watch event and sure to be a hot topic of watercooler buzz for days to come. All the early reviews and “tweets” have been raving about how well both Obama & Meyers nailed it and pointing out how totally pwned Trump was!

  4. Sean says:

    I loved Seth Mayers talking about the fox on Trump’s head that eats leftovers. Trump has a great relationship with the Blacks which is a white family.

  5. obsolete says:

    Birthers will think this proves Trump has Obama “on the run”. I hear Orly will get Obama out of office in 30 days.

  6. misha says:

    Note to the Donald: if you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.

  7. richCares says:

    obsolete says “Orly will get Obama out of office in 30 days.”
    probably sooner, tomorrow is the big day, she will nail Obama in court. Just ask her, she said will, she really didl. The judge will rule in her favor if she promises not to screech, you can put that in the bank. (the one that folded) You will have to wait a bit, Kreep goes out first.

  8. Slartibartfast says:

    obsolete says “Orly will get Obama out of office in 30 days.”
    probably sooner, tomorrow is the big day, she will nail Obama in court. Just ask her, she said will, she really didl. The judge will rule in her favor if she promises not to screech, you can put that in the bank. (the one that folded) You will have to wait a bit, Kreep goes out first.

    And she’ll do it all in 10 minutes (which may be destined to become the most watched 10 minutes of C-SPAN ever…).

  9. Jimmy says:

    Obama COLB was Tampered with JUST BREAKING! The Long Form Document WAS CHANGED! – Expert Analysis! (May 1, 2011)


  10. G says:

    Jimmy: Obama COLB was Tampered with JUST BREAKING! The Long Form Document WAS CHANGED! – Expert Analysis! (May 1, 2011)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_171031&v=6RVEoWfx9Yk


    In other JIMMY breaking news stories:




    Jimmy, your mommy is calling from upstairs. She says it is after 7pm – time to take your many medications and go to bed. No more tabloid youtube video’s from your online pen pal Leo Berman tonight for you, young man…

  11. misha says:

    Jimmy: Obama COLB was Tampered with JUST BREAKING! The Long Form Document WAS CHANGED! – Expert Analysis!

    It’s true. I helped.

  12. Slartibartfast says:

    Jimmy: Obama COLB was Tampered with JUST BREAKING! The Long Form Document WAS CHANGED! – Expert Analysis! (May 1, 2011)

    It must be true – a technology expert said so (and they even gave his name and everything!) he must have used technology! And technology is NEVER wrong!


    The best you can do is a ‘technology expert’ who says that he can’t find any evidence but that the content might have been tampered with? Wow – who knew that the birthers could become even more pathetic than they already were?

  13. Jimmy: Obama COLB was Tampered with JUST BREAKING! The Long Form Document WAS CHANGED! – Expert Analysis! (May 1, 2011)

    It’s remarkable that a video would feature a WorldNetDaily article that debunks the video.

  14. Majority Will says:

    BREAKING! Jimmy is End the Fed! – a desperate, pathetic birther troll just like a handful of fringe lunatics whose paranoid bigotry has become their mental illness.

  15. Slartibartfast says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It’s remarkable that a video would feature a WorldNetDaily article that debunks the video.

    I find it remarkable that a WorldNetDaliy article debunks anything…

  16. Joey says:

    I don’t begrudge Corsi his desperate attempt to not have to rent tens of thousands of dollars worth of warehouse space to store all those unsold books! 😉
    Obama has outsmarted the birther fools yet again. “All’s fair in love, war and politics!”
    Where’s the birth certificate? It’s available at a mouse click near you.

  17. Zuzu says:

    I like that Donald told Fox News he thought the dinner was “inappropriate” in light of all the suffering Americans are going through….but of course that didn’t stop HIM from attending.

  18. misha says:

    Zuzu: I like that Donald told Fox News he thought the dinner was “inappropriate” in light of all the suffering Americans are going through

    Since when does anyone at Fox have a social conscience?

  19. richCares says:

    does Jimmy and the hold out birthers not understand that the State of Hawaii certified the birth certificate and put a link to it on the official Hawaii gov site. That makes it not a fraud but what it does do is make it OFFICIAL. (OFFICIAL, OFFICIAL, OFFICIAL, OFFICIAL)

  20. Joey says:

    I like that Donald told Fox News he thought the dinner was “inappropriate” in light of all the suffering Americans are going through….but of course that didn’t stop HIM from attending.

    The Donald and his wife could personally alleviate a little of Americans’ suffering by not employing Chinese workers and employing more unemployed Americans.

  21. misha says:

    Sean: I loved Seth Mayers talking about the fox on Trump’s head that eats leftovers.

    Fox? I thought it was a dead badger. Speaking of badgers, I’d like to see the birth certificate for that thing on his head.

  22. G says:

    !!! BREAKING NEWS!!!

    Turn on your TVs or find an online news stream – President Obama is about to announce that we’ve killed Osama Bin Laden!!!

    …And the biggest irony here is that they interrupted the broadcast of Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice to prepare for this sudden news conference by Obama…

  23. Majority Will says:

    G: …And the biggest irony here is that they interrupted the broadcast of Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice to prepare for this sudden news conference by Obama…

    Trump the Clueless will probably complain on Fox tomorrow about his show being rudely interrupted.

  24. misha says:

    Jimmy: Obama – More Proof of FRAUD

    Drop dead.

  25. Jimmy says:

    !!! BREAKING NEWS!!!

    Turn on your TVs or find an online news stream – President Obama is about to announce that we’ve killed Osama Bin Laden!!!

    …And the biggest irony here is that they interrupted the broadcast of Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice to prepare for this sudden news conference by Obama…

    YES thats GREAT NEWS !!!!!!!!!!

  26. El Diablo Negro says:


    Fox headline “USAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD”

    ….who is USAMA!??!?

  27. Jimmy says:

    Jimmy: YES thats GREAT NEWS !!!!!!!!!!

    I heard Geraldo Grevaria say Osama has been dead a week so why are we just getting the news ???

  28. Izzybella says:

    Jimmy: I heard Geraldo Grevaria say Osama has been dead a week so why are we just getting the news ???

    My guess is they waited until they had DNA test results.

  29. misha says:

    Jimmy: I heard Geraldo Grevaria say Osamahas been dead a week so why are we just getting the news ???

    Because it’s a conspiracy.

  30. El Diablo Negro says:

    misha: Because it’s a conspiracy.

    If I was the POTUS I would make damn sure that It was confirmed he was dead. If it takes a week to identify the piece of trash, so be it.

  31. richCares says:

    most of you have been watching the news
    Obama succeeded, Bi Laden is DEAD!

  32. Jimmy says:

    I thinks for sure the TROOPS DESERVE the BIGGEST PARTY we can GIVE them !!!!!!!

  33. G says:

    Jimmy: I thinks for sure the TROOPS DESERVE the BIGGEST PARTY we can GIVE them !!!!!!!

    Jimmy: YES thats GREAT NEWS !!!!!!!!!!

    Finally! Some things upon which we can BOTH agree! Let’s just all be PROUD to be Americans in this glorious moment for our country!

  34. richCares says:

    that is wrong, he was not in Capones vault, he was found at the leper colony, get your facts straight will ya.

    seriously though, as the State of Hawaii certified and linked to the certificate how can some one be as dumb as Jimmy? just curious. Hey Jimmy can you answer?

  35. G says:

    El Diablo Negro: Rofl!!Fox headline “USAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD”….who is USAMA!??!?

    Actually, due to arabic letters being very different from our alphabet, there are various spellings that you see used for a lot of arabic names. (Look at Koran vs Qu’ran and a few spellings inbetween).

    I think it comes down to difficulty trying to decide what the proper look of the word would be in a PHONETIC translation to English.

  36. Greg says:

    El Diablo Negro:

    Fox headline “USAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD”

    ….who is USAMA!??!?

    I think this might be why they did that:


    Apparently, their spell-check always changes Osama into Obama!

  37. El Diablo Negro says:

    G: Actually, due to arabic letters being very different from our alphabet, there are various spellings that you see used for a lot of arabic names.(Look at Koran vs Qu’ran and a few spellings inbetween).

    I think it comes down to difficulty trying to decide what the proper look of the word would be in a PHONETIC translation to English.

    Yea, I kind of figured that out over the hours, but however you spell his name…he has been voted off the earth.


    Were you aware that Obama and Elvis are cousins?


  39. G says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Were you aware that Obama and Elvis are cousins?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_of_Barack_Obama

    Wow! That was an AWESOME link!!!

    Neat to see all the direct family info on both him & Michelle as well as the distant “interesting” connections…

    …John McCain, Wild Bill Hickock, Elvis, QEII… really fun stuff.

    Also of significant note in debunking Birther BS – notice that Raul Odinga is NOT listed as his cousin or relation at all…

  40. misha says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Were you aware that Obama and Elvis are cousins?

    From that link: “Fraser Robinson, Sr. (1884–1936) of South Carolina, shown in an old photo along with his wife, Rosella Cohen Robinson, in its background”

    There is a question if Rosella Cohen Robinson was Afro-Judeo. I’m hoping she was, which would give Michelle Obama a Jewish ancestor. It is quite common. Remember Reuben Greenberg.

  41. misha says:

    Trump: “I have a great relationship with the blacks.” He always is surrounded with black people, because he goes to Rent A Negro: http://rent-a-negro.com/

  42. The Magic M says:

    > I think it comes down to difficulty trying to decide what the proper look of the word would be in a PHONETIC translation to English.

    In the English-speaking world alone, I’ve seen Ussama|Usama|Osama bin|ben Laden|Ladin. The French probably write “Oussama”.
    In German, Mikhail Gorbatchev became “Michael Gorbatschow” and we say “Mailand” for Milano where you say “Milan”. It’s complicated and it’s common. 😉

  43. G says:

    The Magic M: > I think it comes down to difficulty trying to decide what the proper look of the word would be in a PHONETIC translation to English.In the English-speaking world alone, I’ve seen Ussama|Usama|Osama bin|ben Laden|Ladin. The French probably write “Oussama”.In German, Mikhail Gorbatchev became “Michael Gorbatschow” and we say “Mailand” for Milano where you say “Milan”. It’s complicated and it’s common.

    It is not just people’s names, but the spelling of places too.

    As another example, if you look at the current conflict going on in Libya, many of the towns and cities are spelled differently on Google maps vs US news coverage vs BBC news coverage…

  44. Paul Pieniezny says:

    The Magic M:
    > I think it comes down to difficulty trying to decide what the proper look of the word would be in a PHONETIC translation to English.

    In the English-speaking world alone, I’ve seen Ussama|Usama|Osama bin|ben Laden|Ladin. The French probably write “Oussama”.
    In German, Mikhail Gorbatchev became “Michael Gorbatschow” and we say “Mailand” for Milano where you say “Milan”. It’s complicated and it’s common.

    It should be noted that the external Passport of Soviet Union citizens (that they had to take along abroad) duplicated their name in the Latin alphabet. Until Gorbachov/Gorbachev/Gorbatchof introduced glaznost, the transliteration used in that passport was automatic, and followed FRENCH (I kid you not) pronunciation rules. So, you need to be careful pronouncing the names of Soviet people who became famous before 1985 – the name in their passport should not be pronounced as if it were an English or German transliteration.

    After 1985, the rules were relaxed and officials would often ask people where they were going to, or even how THEY wanted their name to be transliterated. Recently, however, the Ukraine for instance re-introduced automatic transliteration, a mishmash system of English and German conventions. The result of all this is of course that close relatives often find themselves treated as unrelated by officials in countries which use Latin letters, because their passport uses different names and that is often how they get naturalized in the West.

    Note that linguists would usually talk about phonological transliteration, rather than phonetic, since what we consider to be a “basic sound” (eg the letter “n”) may sound completely different in different contexts: compare the “n” in “hand” with the “n” in “Hank”.

    You do not want to transliterate Gorbachov as Gurbachof, like it would normally be pronounced by Russians. But not by Gorbachov himself, who was from the South of Russia, where they pronounce unstressed “a” and “o” differently than in the rest of Russia.

    Mailand is a nice one, but English has a few of those as well, like Florence. It gets confusing when some languages insist on calling Munich and Monaco by the same name, however.

  45. y_p_w says:

    Remember Obama’s zinger about Jon Huntsman learning English to come to the US from China? Well apparently some reporter from the Salt Lake Tribune went to the trouble of ordering a copy of his birth certificate from San Mateo County. California has open record birth certificates, although he got an “informational” version since he wasn’t a relative or someone with a legal right to order a full version. All the information would be the same as a full version though.


    So I guess back in 1960 the general requirement was that the attendant signs the certificate. That’s not the same as today, where a hospital administrator can certify it without being present. It also doesn’t meet the Georgia birther bill requirement that both parents’ residence be listed; it only lists the mother’s usual address.

    Also – someone is going to need to clean up the various bios on him that list his birthplace as Palo Alto. The birth certificate clearly says he was born at Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City. I probably would have looked for his various bios and went looking at the Santa Clara County Clerk-Recorder’s office.

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