Orly Taitz: metaphor?
Orly Taitz has garnered a remarkable amount of publicity including numerous spots on national television. Her crazy notions about Barack Obama have been compared to a lot of things (e.g. “too-crazy-even-for-the-Tea Party”). How, however, her antics have become so well known that she is becoming the figure of speech used to illuminate the strange ideas of others. Take this quote from an MLive.com article:
He’s veering into Orly Taitz-like delusions here. Among the myriad of 9/11 conspiracy theories, neither my colleague Jonathan Oosting nor I could find evidence of anyone else even making that allegation.
Sorry, but I can’t find most recent open thread.
If you haven’t rec’d these, here is the Youtube from Monday’s hearing. It’s something to see.
Also, poutine found that Eisenhower has a Pennsylvania address, yet was issued a Social Security Number that, according to birfer standards, relates to California.
It’s also posted at TFB under the SSN discussion thread.
I posted the Ike SS5 link in the Andrea Shea “Editor” King BTR chat last night. I also requested that Andrea ask her boss Joe Farah when he was going to send he check for 15 k to Kapi’olani Medical Center as he promised. They were not amused.
She tells the judges of the 9th Circuit that she sent letters to Congress “before and after” the Keyes/Obama election challenging Obama’s eligibility. Was she lying about the “before” part?
The judge has to ask several times before she finally answers.
Mimi: A million thank yous for that link. This is fantastic!
It also makes me feel a little uncomfortable. It makes me flash back to the time I was in court with a flimsy case and the judge was rather curt with me.
Mimi, thanks for the link
Atfer watching it, it becomes quite obvious what the decision will be
(unless you are a braindead paypal pusher)
Her last name is pronounced “tates”? I’ve been pronouncing it “tights”.
Constitutional scholars may wish to help out tjames46 on this site: http://socialismisnottheanswer.wordpress.com/2010/03/22/this-is-about-a-legal-matter-call-me-a-birther-if-you-like/#comment-4298
Ellen you really are trying to fight the good fight but you cannot convince any fully infected birther to change their minds. It’s a fool’s errand.
Sunstein & Vermeule wrote and excellent paper addressing some of these issues:
“Conspiracy Theories” by Cass R. Sunstein & Adrian Vermeule (both of Harvard Law School)
Many millions of people hold conspiracy theories; they believe that powerful people have worked together in order to withhold the truth about some important practice or some terrible event…Such theories typically spread as a result of identifiable cognitive blunders, operating in conjunction with informational and reputational influences. A distinctive feature of conspiracy theories is their self-sealing quality. Conspiracy theorists are not likely to be persuaded by an attempt to dispel their theories; they may even characterize that very attempt as further proof of the conspiracy. Because those who hold conspiracy theories typically suffer from a crippled epistemology, in accordance with which it is rational to hold such theories,…”
[One click download – I think it’s free]
a FUNNY side note:
Katie Jacobs Stanton didn’t get a job at the White House by being shy.
So when the opportunity to meet Donald Trump at Saturday’s annual White
House Correspondents Dinner came up, she hatched a plan: to find him and get his autograph on a copy of President Obama’s long form birth certificate. He signed, and she followed by tweeting photos of him signing and the document itself to prove that it happened
Alas, “moderation” is in full effect… 8-(
Got a link for that? I’d love to see those images.
Did I really just hear Orly Taitz say that Obama releasing his birth certificate was a Kristallnacht against his opponents? Yipe!
No its a PSYCHOLOGICAL Kristallnacht. You see.
FOIA request sent by certified mail to Alvin Onaka, state registrar of HI
Posted on | May 4, 2011 | No Comments
Dear Mr. Onaka,
For the last three years there were multiple requests made for release of Mr. Barack Hussein Obama’s long form birth certificate.
In December of 2010 a highly Decorated U.S. military officer, bronze star recipient, Lt. Col Terry Lakin, was imprisoned, after he questioned, whether President Obama is legitimate for office in light of the fact, that he does not have a valid long form birth certificate. Lakin stated, that if he as an officer is required to show his birth certificate, so should the Commander-in-Chief. When LTC, Dr. Lakin stated that he would redeploy only after he could see a valid long form birth certificate of Obama, he was court -martialed, stripped of his military pension after 17 years of service and imprisoned. At the time, Mr. Obama ignored all requests from hundreds of citizens, refused to show his long form birth certificate and LTC Lakin was sent to rot in Fort Leavenworth prison.
Recently a multibillionaire, Donald Trump, raised this issue and quickly rose in polls as a leading presidential candidate for the 2012 election. At the same time 9th Circuit court of Appeals allowed my case Keyes, Barnett et al v Obama to be presented at oral argument, which usually a sign that the court sees merit in the appeal. In this case, I, as an attorney for plaintiffs, demanded release of Mr. Obama’s long form birth certificate, among a number of other documents. In an apparent preemptive strike, just two working days before the court hearing, Mr. Obama released, what he claimed to be a true and correct copy of his birth certificate. (Exhibit 1
Read more here http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=21332
This woman gets more out there everyday..shes just not right.
So basically he tried to extort the CiC.
Orly is just as dumb as a bag of wet mice. Can a person be so stupid as to realize that the State of Hawaii isn’t about to rip out the original copy of the birth certificate and give it away? Is it so hard to understand they copied the document onto security paper, and used the same stamp they do for all birth certificates….that, and for the 100th time, personal documents are exempt from disclosure!!!!
Our good friend Butterdezillion has ripped off poster “NBC” and the “Native and Natural Born Citizenship Explored” blog and posted “Long Form Forgery for Dummies” on her blog and at FreeRepublic.com
I think she deserves some response from folks over here. I would do it but I’m now banned from freerepublic for being a “troll.” In other words, I presented facts that couldn’t be refuted and they couldn’t handle it.
I do not claim ownership to said document. And I am glad that BZ has finally accepted her follies.
I really appreciated the hearing video, at least after Kreep and Taitz were done. The appeals panel and the US Attorney actually discuss the issue, in terms of what the court could do, if it had jurisdiction, the timing, the responsibilities of officials, of Congress, the ability of the court to actually take action after the inauguration, and to me the most important revelation of the entire drama:
“Both houses of Congress have standing committees on eligibility.”
I did not know this before, and have never heard any birther mention it.
I imagine because it does not suit their narrative. Their whole mythology is (put simply) that Obama is a figure that leaped upon an unprepared republic that had no way to actually vet peoples eligibility, and he slithered his way in and now the establishment is too cowardly to admit its mistake and kick him out.
Admitting that there are structures already in place to vet people for office would unnecessarily complicate their narrative and they would have to add yet another bunch of people who have to be in the conspiracy.
What level of delusion is this exchange between dr k(H)ate and one of her hatriots indicative of?
I think the Harridan of Hate could give Queen Orly a run for her money in a crazy-off – and she’s probably got the edge in racism, too…
Wow… Orly is just over the top rephrensible with her hyperbole. I can’t believe she went there.
I wish the courts could add an automatic SANCTION rule on any lawyer that stoops so low as to invoke Godwin’s Law as part of their case…
Pure projection.
Dr. k(H)ate is a textbook example.
You might find the district court transcript also interesting as it touches on a similar topic. http://www.scribd.com/full/21189922?access_key=key-h7ylxmldbo3bs6cpk3m at about 8:49 in the text.
There is no “committee on eligibility” in the legislative branch of government. Refer to the Senate Manual:
and the US Government Manual:
(Who knew the US Government had a manual?)
I left the following comment at BZ’s blog — currently in moderation:
I’m confused here. That document looks like typical birther pseudo analysis, arriving at the absurd conclusion that the long form is a fake.
Yes, that is how she pronounces it.
Are you suggesting that the US Attorney entered perjured testimony?
So I am, I thought it was a different document. I should have looked first.
Actually as Dr. C points out, there is no such committee. The coyote in me really hopes this error provides Kreep and Taitz with another hearing.
From the filing
The Constitution’s textual commitment of this responsibility is a responsibility that Congress has embraced. Both the House and Senate have Standing Committees with jurisdiction to decide questions relating to Presidential elections. See S.R. 25.1n(1)(a)(5), (9) (The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration has jurisdiction over “proposed legislation, messages, petitions, memorials, and other matters relating to . . . Federal elections generally, including the election of the President, Vice President, and Members of Congress[,] as well as “Presidential succession”) (E.R. 572). See also H.R. 10(j)(12). (E.R. 580). Federal legislation further details the process for counting electoral votes in the Congress. Most important for this appeal, after the Electoral College has voted, any objection to a Presidential candidate’s eligibility for office, to the extent such review is required, rests with Congress. See 3 U.S.C. § 15.
Aww, too bad for the Clown Show! Thanks NBC.
Got a link for that? I’d love to see those images.’
here you are
Kristallnacht was the worst pogrom in history. I was raised by survivors, and I cannot tell you how disgusted I am. My mother told me her mother was saved in a pogrom, by being hidden in a trunk in the attic. Vile!
” Her crazy notions” No, just a standard issue refusenik.
Subtlety is beyond Orly’s intellect.
She has worked hard have her name become a byword.
The whole “green paper” thing reeks of some bad joke. Is she really that stupid or is she so desperate as to try and pass that off on three highly educated judges?
It’s a freaking certified copy. The background format can easily change over time, although the original source material remains the same. Hawaii uses green security paper. If they wanted to, they could call up Midwest Bank Note and have them produce an engraved border paper for their vital records. She’d probably point out that that’s not typical of period birth certificates either.
How she gets away with arguing so many totally irrelevant details is beyond me. I know she’s been fined before, but how does she escape being in contempt of court?
I suspect that if the judges had been asking her questions like they did Kreep that she wouldn’t have escaped without some sort of reprimand – she’s probably lucky that they knew enough about her to want to listen to her as little as possible and not so much that they realized all of what she was trying to say. I wonder what would have happened if the judges were aware that what Orly REALLY REALLY wanted to do was to introduce fraudulently obtained information into evidence? (meaning the SS# and selective service form – rather than other fraudulently obtained information that Orly has tried to introduce into evidence…)
Bovril, you can break through the barrier using advanced penetrating dumb-dumb and dumber-dumber bombs such as:
That is, if you post something absolutely outrageous but still anti-Obama, it will make it through moderation, as this post did. The post was subsequently removed after somebody informed the site they were being punked. If you attempt to debunk, I think the probability of penetrating the moderation barrier is reduced. One current experiment is to go along and see if it is possible to lead them into the light using reductio ad absurdum. This only works if people in your confidence are not suffering from Stockholm syndrome and attempt to curry favor by betraying your intentions to those seeking to smear Obama; thereby, allying themselves with same.
The judges did ask her a question which she was unprepared to answer despite all her exhibits.
The judge was looking for an answer like “The Sessions letter was received after the election but prior to the electoral vote count and certification.” Instead, she hemmed and hawed and avoided answering the questions directly until a second judge asked her. Then she responded, “”We sent letters before and after the election. Nothing was done.”
Here’s the Sessions letter she was referring to:
“Senate ethics rules preclude me from becoming personally involved in pending litigation[.] I sincerely hope this matter can by fully and promptly resolved by the courts. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future should you have a question regarding an issue over which I have jurisdiction.”
The content of the letter doesn’t match the way Orly Taitz described it.
I find it odd that Sessions (an attorney by profession) would get the little detail wrong about being a resident “for the previous 14 years”. Perhaps he’s been helping to draft some of the birther bills that call for a statement and/or proof of the preceding 14 years US residency. Then again, perhaps a staffer drafted this letter for him.
Of course the Constitution requires that a President must have been a resident of the US for at least 14 years.
I’m working on something you may find interesting – if you’d like to hear more, send me an email at: (first name)@(last name).net
Kevin Kesseler
See, told you, Stockholm syndrome, I’m not completely full of poo….. 😎
Refers to a discussion I’ve been having with Slart about Birtherism as both a virtual and viral cult, mechanisms of enforcement and control and psychological dependencies and isolation…..Or was it beer and broads……
Everyone should read the May 6, 2011 blog report written by Charles Edward Lincoln, III, at his TIERRA LIMPIA blog/website.
The blog report is entitled:
“Understanding the law as it is vs. living in denial (Orly Taitz & Gary Kreep before the Ninth Circuit)”
Mr. Smith,
The link you posted doesn’t work for some reason, but it will get you to CELIII’s blog and one can find the article you mentioned on the list of recent posts. It reinforces the perception that any flashes of sanity in Orly’s legal actions were due to Mr. Lincoln’s influence. I’m not a lawyer, but I doubt a judge would buy Mr. Lincoln’s reasoning (although it’s not complete insane gibberish like Orly’s…).
This Charles Lincoln III?
Charles Lincoln III – A disbarred felon unable to legally practice law in California, Texas, and Florida. Heavy ties with Neo-Confederate Groups and practices mortgage scams in the court. Formerly Dr. Orly’s “law clerk”, but now splitsville after allegations by convicted felon and forger Lucas Smith that he was Dr. Orly’s lover – a claim that CEL3 later confirmed in a court document.
I wonder if CEL III has an ulterior motive? Wondering . . .
Yes, that CEL III. I wont speculate on Mr. Lincoln’s ulterior motives as that road leads to the dental chair O’ luv and I’m out of brain bleach, but I think that it is apparent that Orly’s pleadings became less coherent when he stopped writing them for her.
I’m just glad that I didn’t have anything in my mouth when I read that CEL III is planning a run for the U.S. Senate.