I was looking at my site statistics this morning and saw something that I haven’t seen lately: most of the visitors were returning and only a minority were new. It was also the lowest number of visits (917) in over two months. Those two observations coupled with a sharp decline in the number and quality Google News alerts from birther keywords (most now are from WND) suggests the buzz about birtherism has declined.
Corsi’s Where’s the Birth Certificate? has dropped to #68 at Amazon.com, and is at #313 at Barnes & Noble.
The book has now dropped to #85 on Amazon, Doc.
Declined? I think not. I know I’ve not changed my pov even one little bit. I stopped going to Obama followers sites (such as this one) because as a majority the respondents are not interested in actually discussing the issue and trying to see both sides.
All I get from this blog is name-calling when someone tries to discuss the issue. And yes, I’m well aware that you all think I’m batsh*t crazy and have 15 tin foil hats in my closet (actually 14, as I’m currently wearing the 15th one). I just don’t get why, in your opinion, I’m stupid just because I have a different open than the rest of youf Obama followers who come here regularly to agree with each other and be told what you want to hear. I don’t think you are stupid, in fact, I can see your pov with regards to Obama’s eligibility. I don’t agree with it, but at least I can see where you are coming from and that your thoughts have some validity….just as mine do….yes, yes…I know….I’m stupid and my thoughts have no basis at all in reality or truth in any way shape or form….got it. I’m a moron and am out of touch with reality, so you don’t need to respond to this post in kind. I’ve done your work for you. 🙂
When something new comes up, I pop in to see the Obama followers take on the issue….sometimes I post then leave and don’t visit again until something new comes up. I don’t think the issue has died down…I just think most of us are tired of being called names, told how stupid we are, and have decided you all are more happy when you can sit around and post in agreement with each other reading posts that say only want you want them to say.
An example of birther thinking. “I haven’t changed, therefore the world hasn’t changed.” “I’ve stopped reading this website, therefore, the world has stopped reading this website.”
The fact that dramatically fewer people doubt Obama’s citizenship today than a few weeks ago is demonstrable and is not called into question by your “pov!”
The robo-polls don’t call names, Wild Bill, so your theory about name-calling doesn’t explain the real-life facts.
We have no problem arguing with people on your side if they actually make an honest argument. But when does this actually happen. It is amazing that the people who generally come here repeat the same debunked nonsense over and over. How many times does it have to be pointed out that there was no Pakistan travel ban, that there is no evidence that Obama spent $2 million dollars, that one could lose his citizenship by being adopted and on and on? I’ve never seen a group of people who keep repeating the same claims no matter how much evidence is presented to debunk it and no matter that they can cite no actual evidence to support it. The same goes for their citations of law. No matter how forcefully one points out that the case law says exactly the opposite of what they have been taught on birther blogs, they simply keep repeating their assertions over and over. It really is almost comical. We see it over and over. A birther comes here makes a claim. Somebody points out what the courts or relevant legal authority has actually said. Such birther cannot respond with any legal argument as it really isn’t a matter of debate what these cases or legal authorities have said. Nevertheless, the birther comes back the next day and the next making the same claim. Sorry, such people deserve to be called the idiots they are. Now, if you want to make a real argument rather than just re-hash the same old nonsense, there are plenty of people here who will engage you in a reasonable manner.
So come on “Wild Bill”
Just what EXACTLY are the issues youhave with the President,that makes you a Birther and hasn’t been demonstrated to be a steaming pile of poo?
I have seen it with every single conspiracy believer group I have engaged with. Vaccine-denialists, 9/11 conspiracists, Paul-Wellstone-was-murdered, the Moon Landing was faked, genetically-modified-foods-will-kill-us-all, creationists. (Boy, I’m starting to think maybe I should stop engaging with conspiracists!)
It happens so often that I think it is a defining characteristic of the conspiracy mindset. I’m not alone. Ted Goertzel, a psychologist who studies conspiracy theories, points to conspiracists’ “immunity to evidence“
Are you interested in discussing the flat earth issue, and trying to see both sides?
Probably not, since there really is no issue. The earth isn’t flat, and no amount of discussing is going to alter that one bit. In addition, people who insist that the earth is flat are simply deluded.
The birther “issue” is no different.
So could you give us an inkling of what facts would actually change your opinion? And what would you call someone who on a given question said, “My opinion wiil not change no matter what new facts and evidence come to light?”
#Corsi’s book is now #129 at Amazon, but interestingly it is a pathetic #1157 in Kindle sales. One would expect there to be a closer relationship between book sales and Kindle sales. If you look at other new Amazon best sellers which are available both in print and Kindle, they are selling well in both formats. For example, Laura Hillenbrand’s book “Unbroken” is #4 in book sales and #21 in Kindle sales.
Over at Barnes & Noble, it is #1305 in book sales.
The problem with bulk buying Kindle books is that you can’t re-sell them. The others they just have to turn around and ship out again. But if you think Kindle sales are bad, look at Nook sales, #3,536.
Where’s the Birth Certificate? dropped to #5,062 at Barnes & Noble today. #119 at Amazon.
Joey Mustache must’ve maxed out his corporate credit cards.
Exactly, which explains the disparity in sales. If the hardcover really was #146 (where it is at this moment), you would expect the Kindle to at least be in the top 500 instead of #1190.
There was a story a couple of years about the New York Times contemplating dropping a non-fiction book from its best sellers list because they got wind of the fact that the author was buying his own book in bulk and then selling them at his seminars.
OK, I’m back.
Timor-Leste is a beautiful country. Around Dili and on the island of Atuaro (personal recommendation: stay at Barry’s Lodge on Atauro, you won’t regret it, some of the best reef diving on the planet, but I hope you like mandi baths), Tetun is the first language, many still speak Bahasa-Indonesia, everybody wants to learn English, a few of the old folks still speak Portuguese.
So of course the official language is Portuguese, and half the Parliament cannot understand either the bills they are voting on nor the debate about it.
I couldn’t find anyone who was aware that President Obama once lived in Indonesia, but then why would they? Timor-Leste was still a Portuguese colony when Obama was in Indonesia and had returned to Hawaii before Indonesia invaded.
Oh, yeah. Maybe my absence explains your dip in hits. I do get a bit bored with other stuff some days.