The silence of the Kinsolving

Since the release by President Obama of his long-form birth certificate, online news Web site WorldNetDaily has churned out a steady stream of “investigative” reports and fanciful theories all pointed towards denying the birth certificate, and presumably attempting to push up sales of Jerome Corsi’s ill-timed book, Where’s the Birth Certificate?

One voice has not been heard, and that is the voice of Lester Kinsolving, WND’s twice Pulitzer-Prize-nominated White House correspondent who raised questions in White House press briefings about Obama’s birth certificate and other conspiracy-related items. One speculates that Kinsolving, an accredited member of the White House press corps, should have been present when the long-form birth certificate was released. While billions of electrons have been sent racing across the Internet expressing doubt about the electronic images of the certificate released by the White House, did Kinsolving see the original?

At last, there’s word from Kinsolving. “It puts it to rest for me,” he said in a contextually ambiguous explanation of why he’s not going to raise the birth certificate issue again. View the video at

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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13 Responses to The silence of the Kinsolving

  1. Reality Check says:

    WND just named a new Washington correspondent.

    It is not clear whether or not Maloof is replacing Kinsolving.

  2. Joey says:

    Our new Supreme Court, has ruled that rising star Republicans Marco Rubio of Florida and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana are ineligible for the presidency because they are not natural born citizens under the Vattel two citizen parent law.

  3. Whatever4 says:

    I believe Les has been twice-nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, but never actually won any.

  4. obsolete says:

    Well, maybe Corsi’s (or Trump’s) investigators discovered that Lester Kinsolving is “in on it” as well.
    The only question that remains- was he bought off or threatened?

  5. richCares says:

    You must admit, he was using weasle words in his answer

  6. AnotherBird says:

    Our new Supreme Court, has ruled that rising star Republicans Marco Rubio of Florida and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana are ineligible for the presidency because they are not natural born citizens under the Vattel two citizen parent law.

    History isn’t one of WND best suits.

  7. Reality Check says:

    Nice find Doc. I sure wish the Media (L)ite guy would have asked Les if he had viewed the actual document at the pres conference. Les, was completely evasive. He wouldn’t even say the name of Corsi’s book. I wonder if Les understood the irony of his evasive answers.

  8. Whatever4: I believe Les has been twice-nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, but never actually won any.

    Thanks for the correction.

  9. Reality Check says:

    So he saw all the other presidents’ birth certificates? Les must have been smoking his usual that day.

  10. JD Reed says:

    Rubio’s parents immigrated in 1959 and hadn’t naturalized by 1970? So a Rubio who was the son of resident aliens is constitutioinally ineleigble to b e president, while a Rubio in identical circumstances except for having parents who had naturalized would be constitutionally eligible?

    What difference would that make in terms of the loyalty of Rubio to the United States?

    I don’t believe that the founders meant to split such hairs, and I certainly know of no documentary evidence that they did.

    Oh, and I see the great one, Rush, is predicting a liiberal birtherism campaign should Rubio or Jindal make it onto a Republican national ticket. There undoubtedly are stupid liberals, but I can’t see a birtherist jihad against a Repuplican candidate in Jindal’s or Rubio’s situtation exciting even their interest.

    Regarding the Pulitzer, being nominated for this award is no big deal. Just about anyone who writes for publication can be nominated. Doc, I believe, could be nominated for a Pulittzer in a category such as online journalism.

  11. Tarrant says:

    Isn’t it amazing that WND’s “discovery” of Vattel coincided directly with the dashing of their “Where’s the birth certificate” campaign. Man good thing it did, gotta keep those PayPal donations coming…

  12. misha says:

    JD Reed: I see the great one, Rush, is predicting a liiberal birtherism campaign should Rubio or Jindal make it onto a Republican national ticket. There undoubtedly are stupid liberals, but I can’t see a birtherist jihad against a Repuplican candidate in Jindal’s or Rubio’s situtation exciting even their interest.

    No, roly-poly, rotund Rush is wrong.

    Conservatives try to eliminate their opponents by litigating them out of an election. Liberals believe in the common man’s ability to vote.

    Conservatives believe their invisible friend tells them what to do:

    GW Bush: God told me to invade Iraq.

  13. Reality Check says:

    Rush is wrong because progressives have principles and will stick with the definition of natural born citizen that we have known all of our lives. Unlike conservatives like Rush who will abandon principle in a heartbeat for political expediency. I can understand Rush thinking that way because that is exactly what he would do.

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