I’ve never dwelt on the slang usage of the word “whatever.” My oldest son used it a lot. The Wikipedia describes it:
Whatever is a slang term meaning “whatever you say” or “I don’t care what you say”. The term is used to dismiss a previous statement and express indifference. In the late 20th century and early 21st century, the word became a sentence in its own right; in effect an interjection, it is used as a passive-aggressive conversational blocking tool, leaving the responder without a convincing retort. Anything they do or say can simply be blocked by the retort of “whatever”.
So if someone wants to talk to me about how great Corsi’s book is, my reply will be “whatever.”
Corsi's May smear book dismissive indifference "whatever," Jerry
Or as my 15-year-old says, “Whatev…”
seems like a good opportuntiy to stick this up.
a bit of humour……
May 21 Rapturists and Birthers share a lot of the same believe structures, so if tomorrow is the true rapture all the birthers will be gone to heaven, if not, they will still be gone, to the insane asylum.
families being torn apart by both (in the same manner), suggesting that all birthers are rapturists. Seeing children being embarrased by their parents is a sad thing.
Corsi’s ‘Where’s The Birth Certificate’ is now ranked at number 18 and moving towards number 1 as a best seller after just 3 days on the market. This is indeed good news. The masses are being informed about the usurper in office.
There’s a phrase about fools and their money, now what was it again..?
I’m glad to see you finallly accept that what the majority says matters. That of course is even more the case with elections, which are solely and completely about determining whoo the public wishes to serve them, The guy with the most votes is the legitimate office holder. End of story….
Area 51 is the 4th most popular book on Amazon. So, Americans can learn the truth about space aliens while learning Corsi’s lies about immigrant aliens!
Considering that it’s the birthers that are buying up multiples of copies and WND itself propping up sales, and being a slow time for publishing….. It’s amazing that it wasn’t number 1 right from the beginning.
It’s a testament to the book’s redundancy that it’s as far down the list as it is.
Latest Fox News Poll, President Obama Job Approval Rating:
Approve: 55%
Disapprove: 41%
It was number 17 yesterday, Nancy. Its peaked.
It’s number 2 in the professional catagory. Outstanding.
It was [#1] in pre-sales before it went to print.
Corsi scams the birthers with his phony book proving true that suckers are born every minute, in other news the Rapture starts tomorrow at 6:00 PM.
See that red arrow beside the 2, that pointing downwards? That means its going down the list.
And your point is………
Proof positive that the word “professional” no longer means you’re good, it just means someone is dumb enough to pay you.
Freaks and Geeks was one of the best shows on television. It was cancelled after 18 episodes.
Meanwhile, Two and a Half Men has done what, 8 seasons? And it’s limping along with a couple more without its star. Also, how famous are those douchebags from Jersey Shore?
Popularity does not equal quality.
Corsi’s book has also shown up as a PDF file on public bittorrent trackers. No word as to how many layers it has, or how phony that makes the book. We must have forensics experts look at it.
Yeah, right behind some book on cancer cells.
How high up it goes is meaningless in the short term. the test is how much it sells over the course of two weeks, then a month.