So what, exactly, is the impact of Jerome Corsi’s new anti-Obama book, Where’s the Birth Certificate? (WTBC) It may have had a marginal impact here as shown by the following graph.

Visits to Obama Conspiracy Theories
The graph shows visits to Obama Conspiracy Theories. The release of WTBC is concurrent with similar levels of interest to the waning cycle of the Donald Trump shenanigans.
Learn more:
The book release got Corsi’s publicist RIO to come here and start posting advertisements for a ridiculously outdated book.
Of special interest to Retired Intelligence Officer;
While I was at work today, about 12 hours ago, O checked WTBC’s rating on Amazon. It was at number 15.
I checked when I got home, about 5 hours ago, it was at 17.
As I type right now, its at 21.
Still more than enough to put money in Farah and Corsis pocket. Not enough for you lot to celebrate. And it means that indications are that it has peaked.
I wonder how many sales of Corsi’s POS book were lost because the majority of his target audience didn’t order it because they didn’t think it would be delivered in time for today’s apocalypse.
basically, the graph shows AFTERBIRTHERS, a deluded segment of the last of the Birthers, these are primarily residents of BirfirStan which is where ‘enry Higgens lives. Their motto is “Any Day Now” and favorite drink is KoolAid and they love shouting “Usurper” while eating bull.
More evidence uncovered confirming a forgery was made.
“White Copy” not Made Directly from Certified Copy
And also:
White Copy” Not Directly From Certified Copy
This needs to be in a PDF so you can see the images.
When Obama made copies of the birth certificate to distribute to the media, the paper he copied from was thin enough to let print from a page behind it show up on the scan. I and another person tested security paper to see if it is thin enough for a scan to pick up print from a page behind it – mine being my daughter’s death certificate and Danae’s being the actual green security paper that the HDOH uses to print certified copies on. Security paper does not allow this “image bleedthrough”.
What the press was given in their 6-page packet of photocopies was NOT a copy taken directly from the certified birth certificate on security paper. It was a copy taken from a print-out – most likely a printout of the layered, manipulable PDF of the birth certificate.
IOW, not only was the green copy specifically scanned into a manipulable form, but the white copy is from a print-out which also could have been manipulated. Everything Obama has offered is the result of specific steps taken to allow manipulation.
So we’ve got a problem with what is missing, since there is no tangible evidence of a birth certificate with a raised seal. (See )
And we’ve got a problem with what was actually presented, because both the PDF and the white copy were specifically processed to allow manipulation.
the other day I asked a Rapturist if I good have his car, I saw him a short time ago and asked how his rapture went considering nothing happened, he said “…it’s not 5:00 PM yet (it’s currently 4:15 PDT). Was that you RIO?
If RIO has been following birther events for a while, he would know that Butterdezillion is one of the least credible people he could quote.
She is batsh!t insane and I feel very sorry for him if he is going to follow her down the rabbit hole.
“You should care that the Constitution has been violated.”
The only people trying to violate the Constitution are you and other birthers trying to overturn a free and fair election.
How ling before you join other birthers in calling for a military coup to “save the Constitution”?
The Constitution has been violated? Did the birthers actually succeed in getting the courts to remove the President from office? No?
Then the Constitution hasn’t been violated. Do you ever get tired of lying to people that are smarter than you?
The only people following Alinsky tactics are Andrew Braitbart and that guy that selectively edits videos in an attempt to destroy organizations. And Corsi and Farah.
like I said, he’s totally deluded. Beyond help, mostly likely he’s been disowned by his family, really sad.He should climb on his roof and shout as loud as he can “USURPER” for 20 minutes each day untill Obama leaves office in 2016. May be good theraphy for him. But nothing in his life will change for the better, poor guy, his delusions now control him.
What, you mean the vault copy that’s kept in a book with thousands of other vital records and that’s never on security paper?
This reminds me of Polarik making a huge deal out of artifacts he found in the Released and fact check images, only to have it pointed out (my me, here) that all that proved is that the online image and the Factcheck COLBs were of the same document.
If the U.S. Treasury prints the bills, they are Genuine.
If the Hawaiian DOH prints the birth certificate, it is Genuine.
Before proceeding further, RIO must explain to us exactly when he believes the forgery entered the chain. I don’t think he deserves any further dialogue until he answers tis simple question.
RIO, exactly when was the forgery entered into the chain? At what point, exactly?
The election was not fair. OCON forms were manipulated and omitted the Constitutional elgibility wording allowing a Usurper with born allegiance to the British Crown was allowed to be on the ballot. That was not the founders intent when they formed Article 2 Section 1, especially when we just finished a war with the Brits for our independence. Obama has created a forgery at a desperate attempt to remain in power and undermine the Constitution.
So much delusional ignorance in one post, from the meaning of the word usurper to the meaning of Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution to the mistaken belief that the long-form birth certificate is a forgery despite the fact that the state of Hawaii issued it to him and the information on that birth certificate is as true now as it was when the President was born in Hawaii in 1961.
Like every other birther in existence, you would be funny if you weren’t so sad.
What the hell do OCON forms have to do with President Obama wining an extremely tough primary and then winning a landslide result in an election?
Also, President Obama signed every form he was asked to certifying he was a natural born citizen. When the Oklahoma birther bill is signed Obama will comply with it. There is no there there.
“at a desperate attempt to remain in power and undermine the Constitution.”
silly me, I thought there was an election.
Sob, stomp, sob, stomp…
So why spend all your time bitching about it here when you could be busy winning your case in court?
Why not put your money where your considerable mouth is?
Scared you just might be proven wrong?
You seem to mixing up the ‘born in Kenya’ claim with the ‘British father’ claim. President Obama has never denied his father’s citizenship. What’s your evidence that a British father would disqualify President Obama from being president?
And why would employees of the Hawaii Dept. of Health participate in a criminal forgery scheme? Because the only way that birth certificate could be fake is through the direct complicity of the Hawaii Department of Health.
He cheated the guidelines and protocol to usurp the presidency. Pelosi had a hand in the OCON forms and Hawaii never certified Obama on its OCON form to be Constitutionally eligible like they did Gore and Kerry. The forms are available to see:
Also comparisons. You might have to zoom in.
Form or no form, there is at least one perfectly legitimate form where it is clearly declared under oath that the President was eligible. Your quarrel is with them for swearing a false oath. Prove it, and prosecute them.
besides lining Corsi’s pocket what does Birtherism accomplish, it can’t remove Obama, it can’t affect Obama in any way, all it can do is lline the pockets of Corsi and his ilk, nothing more, so why is RIO so interested in Corsi’s income? Those that dabble in Birtherism will never vote for Obama anyway. It must be frustrating to have no resonable goal.
Because some the Hawaii Department Of Health officials are laced with corruption. It happens. Also they are taking orders from the president to help in the coverup.
[OK. I’m not going to allow you to continue to participate in this forum any more. You just make up stuff, and denigrate decent civil servants without evidence. You bring out the worst in others. That is evil and I don’t want to promote evil. Doc.]
Look, if you are going to make up stories, you have to account for all the facts. What you missed is that Obama offered the original to the press corps and at least one of them took a photo of it. In math, this is the Reductio ad absurdum.
No, Hawaii law states the Constitutional Provisional wording must be included on the Hawaii OCON form. It was omitted and Obama wasn’t certified on the form by Brian Shatz as Constitutionally eligible.
There was no proof it was the original. The reporter who took the picture was not a forensic document attestor. That was not a copy of a fifty year old document.
These baseless speculations and accusations of birthers completely devoid of credible evidence reads more like rambling paranoia motivated by extreme race based bigotry and politically motivated hostility.
There is an ironclad chain of custody between the State of Hawaii and the White House. No birthers have made any argument at all that disproves this. You all just keep attacking the electronic copy.
Where is the evidence of any corruption? Accusing people of crimes without evidence is called libel
Paranoia and bigotry is basically all that birtherism consists of.
I am from Hawaii, though I left in 1969, I visit family every year plus I vist my brothers grave in Punchbowl. I personally resent RIO’s insults and accusations to those hard working Hawaiian civll servants, many of whom I know, if he doesn’t apologize please ban him from this site. He never brings any evidence for his views but accuses people he does not know of fraud. That’s over the top.
What a sad, strange and lonely existence that must be.
And in “Who cares” news, WTBC is now at no 23. More than enough to make Corsi money, sadly.
It’ll drop like a stone when his sugar daddy Joe maxes out his Visa.
it would have to be a 50-year “coverup”, given the fact that the Hawaii DOH transmitted Obama’s birth announcement to 2 local papers of record in August of 1961. Whose “orders” were they following then? JFK’s?
I also think RIO crossed the line accusing Hawaiian officials of criminal acts with no evidence whatsoever. He should apologize, or present evidence the authorities can act on, or be banned.
RIO has reached the point that nothing will ever convince him he is wrong.
Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate has a greater likelihood of authenticity of almost any similar document on Earth. Hawaii’s chain of possession and letters certifying authenticity are ironclad. The only way birthers can try to impeach them are to simply claim that everyone is lying and “in on it”.
That is all they have left.
They are now bigger nutcases than both may21 end-of-the-world people and 9/11 truthers. They are dead-enders.
I already banned him.
I have a copy of my state of Delaware birth certificate right next to me. It contains a raised seal, my name, birthday, gender, state filing number, mother’s maiden name, father’s name, date of filing (10 days after my birth), and date this particular copy was issued. It also has a raised seal, the signature stamp of the state registrar, and a note saying that it is a true and correct reproduction or abstract of the official record filed with the Delaware Division of Health.
For President Obama, I have all that, a more detailed birth certificate, and statements by several witnesses remembering his birth in Hawaii.
Conclusion: I am more sure that President Obama was born in the United States than that I was.
> He cheated the guidelines and protocol to usurp the presidency.
What a pile of poo!
He was born in Hawaii (as proven by both the COLB, the LFBC and Hawaii’s confirmations thereof) and by actual legal standards is a natural born citizen.
“Cheating the guidelines and protocol” would not have sufficed; it would require world+dog to be part of that huuuge conspiracy that you will not convince any sane people of.
Actually, that was how the birfer meme started – with the idea that Obama simply cheated a little to sneak into office. However the more facts surfaced that make this impossible (like his Hawaiian birth, the real definition of NBC and the fact that absolutely no-one who, according to birthers, “would know better” had anything to complain about), the more people and institutions the birfer theory required to be “part of that huuuge conspiracy.” And that’s where the descent down the rabbit hole began.
The whole Trump thingy only worked because it was perfectly normal that the big majority did not know the details of Obama’s birth (just like no significant part of the population knows where Trump, Bush or Clinton were born).
However good luck getting the “the entire world is lying to you” across to people with a brain.
Retired Intelligence Operator tried so sneak in as “Political Operative” with a new email address, but was stopped at the door, arrested, and sent to a FEMA camp for re-education.
Well, well, well. RIO is crying to his buddies over at
“Retired Intelligence Officer said…[Reply]
On a side note, I went over to a site called Doctor Conspiracy and gave em hell by posting pictures of the the DNC and Hawaiian OCON form missing the Constitutional provisional wording for Obama and accused Hawaiian Dept of Health officials of covering for Obama and he banned me.
He said this first:
Look, if you are going to make up stories, you have to account for all the facts. What you missed is that Obama offered the original to the press corps and at least one of them took a photo of it. In math, this is the Reductio ad absurdum.
And then this:
[OK. I’m not going to allow you to continue to participate in this forum any more. You just make up stuff, and denigrate decent civil servants without evidence. You bring out the worst in others. That is evil and I don’t want to promote evil. Doc.]
Read the thread and I encourage any of you to post there and challenge them.
I let him post 116 comments before I banned him after he was caught in more lies than I care to count.
At a guess, 116 lies.
His very screen name was a lie.
I’d point out that it was very obvious that he was here as a shill for Corsi’s book — the timing of his appearance, coupled with his repeated touting of Corsi talking points, and then repeated posts encouraging purchase of the book made that obvious.
I would suggest that you consider a “no spam” policy. Both the repetition of the same points over and over and the repeated linking to and/or encouraging purchase of a specific item would fit that definition. Just because askismet doesn’t catch it does’t make it o.k.
He was probably sensible enough to ask for a flat contract payment up front, just in case.
I’ll probably lose my clearance for telling you this. The FEMA camps are a cover story told to the public to relieve their guilt and keep the real secret. He was sent to one of many Consoyvalent Green processing plant; remember Thursday is Consoyvalent Green day.
Speaking of posting, the cowardly birther nut running that cesspool says:
“I am forced to moderate the comments at this site due to the Obama defenders constant porn spam and threatening comments.”
Yeah, right. What a steaming load of b.s.
More like these cockroaches run from the light. These unAmerican scum fear the truth.
That is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read. The election wasn’t fair? How? Because someone you didn’t like won?
> OCON forms were manipulated and omitted the Constitutional elgibility wording allowing a Usurper with born allegiance to the British Crown was allowed to be on the ballot.
And then no-one complained during the election race, inauguration etc., making again the entire world complicit in teh ebil huuuge konspeeracee. Yeah right, that’s gonna go over well, just like the lizard people or the hollow world theory which are known to have moved tens of millions to march towards Washington…
In case you didn’t notice, RIO, the “Obama alone or a handful of people managed to deceive everyone” meme is soooo 2008. With all the evidence to the contrary, you need at least 300 million of the 305 million Americans as part of the cover-up.
No doubt, there are many worthy competitors, but I would like to nominate “OCON forms” as the stupidest birther meme of all.
As I understand it, 2 forms were filed, one of which said “Constitutionally eligible” and one of which said “eligible”. But, to the best of my knowledge, the rules for presidential eligibility come from one place and one place only, namely the US Constitution. I mean, it’s not like there are statements about presidential eligibility in the Bible, or the Rules of Baseball or Newton’s Laws of Motion that might confuse the issue. Nope, presidential eligibillity only appears in the Constiitution. So, the statements, “eligible for the presidency” and “Constitutionally eligible for the presidency” are in fact one and tthe same.
While in no way minimizing the stupidity of this issue, I would argue that there are dozens of more worthy candidates for the “stupidest meme” category. One that jumps to mind is:
Michelle Obama Disbarred?
How about a contest (once the haiku one is over)?
Holy cow. I thought we had a lot of birther cranks nowadays. It appears you had a much more severe pest control problem 2 years ago.
> While in no way minimizing the stupidity of this issue, I would argue that there are dozens of more worth candidates for the “stupidest meme” category.
That’s because the “magic words” memes are so beyond stupid they deserve their own category.
How about the “Annual Conspiracy Awards for Birther Memes”? Categories will include “Most Easily Debunked”, “Worst Misunderstanding of the Law”, “Magic Word Games” and “Most Often Failed in Court”.
I presume that your conclusion is not one of conviction. If so, you may understand why I disregard your post.
Putting any notions or political leanings aside, I don’t think your statement is correct. My apologies if I seem confrontational. I’ve come across some
hearsay evidence that relates to the issue of “chain of custody” and goes as follows.
Un-named/unknown person A has access to the facility where Hawaii is supposed to have stored the doc in question. Earlier trip to locate doc yields
nothing. Person A leaves and notes the extreme rarity of doc’s absence.
Even less known person(s) tip off person A that the doc is now going to be publicized. Person A returns and finds doc now exists. Person A notes
many oddities upon visual inspection and decides to leave matters alone.
From my experience, these claims are easily verifiable and warrant further investigation.
I have few heroes, but they are all living and recognized through the commemorative 8×10 prints I’ve made and framed for each. And no, none are
sports figures. This is true. I won’t defend someone unless I’ve been convinced that they are in the right. Less likely to attack others on their behalf.
My opinion of your scathing comment is that it lacks honesty and credibility. I’m sorry to have to say this. Is it possible that you’re no longer
defending Obama and defending yourself, projected through him? I’m seeing this everywhere. Obama is an enduring archetype that serves a wide
variety of cultures, and driven by media storytelling.
Just consider that you know far, far less than any of us will call you to task for. Why be so critical of people you call “birthers” when the phrase
“conspiracy theorist” itself was popularized in the early 20th century as a slight to political enemies?! I think Edward Bernays himself was involved in
that public relations work. It wasn’t a valid arguement. Just another name to sling.
Although possible, do you really think that person was profiting from the promotion of Jerome Corsi’s book? You refer to the timing of his
appearance, although it stands to reason that the book would be up for discussion once announced and published. You also imply that it’s negative
to tout an author’s talking points.
I’m sure that I’m being mostly critical here, but I want to help this place achieve honest discussion and debate. That won’t be possible, even amongst
the denouncers of Obama crime theories if our tolerance for the behavior of others leads us to call for banning them. I suggest checking yourself for
bias, because your arguments were fueled by them in this instance.
Your use of the phrase “civil servant” is misplaced, IMO. RIO was criticizing government bureaucrats who by complicity participate in a brutal gang
monopoly, enjoy freedom from competition and often continue to enjoy the spoils of the extortion by way of their pension.
I think RIO was simply making the assumption that corruption and compartmentalization could occur in Hawaiian government, as it does everywhere
else. The purpose being to connect the dots, although flimsily.
And, if you once knew Jim Jones should that change my opinion of him? Honestly, it could. Still, I’m not sure how much credit should be given to
these civil servants based solely on your recommendation.
Being an independent researcher and journalist, I’m often referred to as a “conspiracy theorist.” Rarely do I reply to that label by labeling them “propagandist.” Some here would be offended if I referred to them as “statist”, even though they are. So, I’m able to answer your question for RIO with a question of my own.
Which is worse in your estimation; being proven wrong about a theory OR being accused of being wrong about everything you suspect is true? This is the world of the “birther”, the “truther”, the Voluntaryist, the skeptical.
In the few short years since I was violently awakened to the horrible tyranny of the ruling class and became ravenously addicted to historical events that bear that out, to my horror I’ve learned something about myself and others who think like me. I did not chose to be kind, or street-smart, or friendly, or generous, or compassionate or honest with myself. I gravitated to these things.
Unknown to most, “birthers” are quiet people from all walks of life that don’t dare speak out on the possible crimes that are the issue. They live to enjoy what isn’t tainted by the despair of suspecting these nasty truths. They don’t really care about Obama being the President. I, personally hope to one day see the office retired. In all honesty, some and maybe most just want to help other people. That’s what motivates me.
You shouldn’t go assuming that I’m a dyed-in-the-wool conspiracy guy, who buys into these theories as a habit. Actually, I have ruled out much more than I’ve adopted. In fact, on the topic of Obama I’m not even able to decide whether he’s a conspirator or the victim of blackmail. Much evidence exists that a very well-established system of blackmailing our leaders has been in place and nearly perfected. So, I don’t know.
In short, I won’t point you to crimes that violate the Constitution. But, in honor of all the hard work that went into it I can’t promise you we won’t learn some awful truth very soon that might cause me to condemn the usurpation of it. And, I don’t care who the hell is lying or if they’re punished. Just so we know what’s going on and whether we should respect our leaders or not.
I just tried to follow Susan Herbert’s ramblings and have come to the conclusion that “TyrannyNews” is a sock puppet for Susan.
And you think you have credibility why?
I’m not sorry at all and your was really funny and pathetic. Thanks for the chuckle.
You have no credible evidence of malfeasance whatsoever but you accuse strangers of projection?
It’s been said here many times . . .
If you don’t want to be ridiculed, don’t be ridiculous.
“I can’t promise you we won’t learn some awful truth very soon that might cause me to condemn the usurpation of it.”
That’s right, muppet. Any day now. (lmao again)
I’m not sorry at all and your was really funny and pathetic. Thanks for the chuckle.
s/b I’m not sorry at all and your post was really funny and pathetic. Thanks for the chuckle.
Good call.
I’ve come to believe that this is a secret agenda of many birthers; to erect so many roadblocks that no one can ever be President, resulting in a parliamentary system by default. Not that there is anything wrong with parliamentary systems. In fact, it’s hard to argue that countries that have one, like Britain or Canada, are worse governed than the US, and a credible case could be made that they are better governed. At least they manage to run election campaigns over 5 or 6 weeks rather than the interminable ones here. Parliamentary systems also have the advantage of clear accountablility. A Prime Minister can’t blame his failings on the other branch of the legislature as Presidents and Congress do.
I just wish birthers would be honest and lay out the case against the Presidency openlly and let people deccide on the basis of facts and sound arguments.
Oy, Majority, that’s my phrase….. 😎
Allow me to clarify and stress the following point. Considering you’re wrong and clueless on Executive Order 13489 and readily and eagerly jumped (and jump) to baseless speculations, fear mongering and inciting delusions, any credibility you might have earned is pretty much non-existent at this point:
From your site – Posted by PeterK on Dec 26, 2010 –
“To the “Birther”, who already questions Obama’s eligibility for office and for at least some who think the majority of his official history is a fable this won’t be surprising. My hope is that publishing this and calling attention to it will cause more American’s to consider the possibility of fraud. I believe that, this act clearly points to a strong interest by some in the current administration to conceal something within Obama’s past. Could it be related to his eduction? Might he have fudged on a student loan application? Or, might these documents he has sought to conceal reveal something much darker?”
Here’s a more rational explanation:
And another:
“President Obama firmly committed his administration to a new policy of transparency by symbolically issuing the executive order on his first full day in office. The issuance of the Obama presidential records executive order ends a nearly eight year effort by historians, archivists, political scientists and other stakeholders in federal courts and on Capitol Hill to have the Bush EO revoked on legal grounds or by statute.
The language in the Obama executive order is similar to Executive Order 12667 issued by President Reagan in 1989 which was also in effect during the presidencies of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. The Reagan executive order was revoked when President Bush issued EO 13233 in November 2001.
The Obama executive order restores the presumption that the incumbent president, not former presidents, their heirs or designees should be the one asserting claims of executive privilege. The executive order states that only “living” former Presidents can make claims of executive privilege. This removed one of the most egregious sections of the Bush EO that allowed heirs or designees to make claims of executive privilege for an indefinite period after the death of a former President.” (source: © 2007, National Coalition for History, 400 A Street SE, Washington, DC 20003)
Yeah it is! Consider it appreciation? 😀
You dance divinely.
You’re internal angst at being shown how wrong you are is of YOUR doing, and not the fault of those who don’t buy into your nutbag conspiracy.
You are not a skeptic. A skeptic is one who questions a premise UNTIL the premise is proven. Every skeptic has a level of proof required which WILL serve to change their mind if it is met. Once the premise is proven, the skeptic stops questioning it. Skeptics no longer question what 2+2 equals, what the shape of the earth is, whether the ocean has a bottom or not.
Conspiracy nutbags continue to question IN SPITE OF the premise being proven. There is NO level of proof that will satisfy a skeptic. That is precisely what you are doing, and precisely why you are a conspiracy nutbag, and not a “skeptic”. The earth IS round, whether you like it or not.
So again, it’s not our problem that you are all sad and heartbroken at the amount of derision you suffer for having adopted a nutbag conspiracy.
If you don’t want to be ridiculed, don’t be ridiculous.
And how, pray tell, do you “easily” verify a hearsay claim about an anonymous third party? I personally find it easy to verify the claim is false because every named person who claims to have looked found the record, and we further know that the same record was in the State’s computer system in 2007 when the COLB was issued.
Strangely enough, every Grimm’s Fairy Tale was a hearsay claim about an anonymous third party.
Proof that the brother’s Grimm were “in on it”
Do you have evidence that Hawaii archives were accessed by unauthorized persons or tampered with, or do you not?
If you do have such evidence, please provide it with a sworn deposition in which you detail the provenance of this evidence.
Shoulda/woulda/coulda does not warrant any consideration at all. neither legally, nor morally.
For instance, it is entirely possible that you are a mass murdere, and have buried hundreds of bodies in your local park. By your own stated critieria, that suspicion is enough to warrant a complete investigation. Please begin by providing us with all your personal details and an account of every minute of your life from the age of 16 until now.
If you have not yet attained the age of 16, then the last five years will be sufficient.
After all these claims are easily verifiable, and warrant further investigation… right?
But that summarizes TN’s entire FUD drenched web cesspool. Now what?
Some people are only interested in fear mongering over all else.
1) What’s with all the funky line spacing? Looks like you got the hang of it by the last part.
2) Is stopping “tyranny” a non-profit or for profit activity? Your site has that “milk this for profit” ala Alex Jones look to it.
3) What is this about the TyrannyNews editor:
“Editor – Peter Klein
He is an entrepreneur, a free thinker and assures readers that he has taken tests that lead him to confidently assert he is not a psychopath.”
What tests did Peter take and why did he need to take them?
I think I tuned out TyrannyNews after the 3rd sentence. A whole lot of words that don’t say anything to give the illusion of a well reasoned argument.
It is a matter of record, reported by the former, Republican-appointed health director to CNN, that Obama’s original birth certificate (and presumably the entire volume in which was contained), was placed in a locked safe fairly early on, for safekeeping.
While I am quite skeptical of Corsi’s claims to have any inside connection, it is plausible that he established contact with some lower level clerical employee who was able to gain access to the area where the volumes of birth records from the 1960’s are shelved or stored, found the records from August 1961 to be “missing” and reported that back to Corsi.
It was the invisible man. Birthers are more interested in picking up a grain of sand and claiming that it is an island. The reason why this person is “un-named/unknown,” is that they don’t exist.
A known person with access to all birth records in Hawaii, has explicitly claimed that the birth certificate exists, and that they inspected it.
Since my comment is the topic of the last 8 or 10 replies, I’ll just address this reply to the group.
Dr. Conspiracy — Good information. It may be that the doc was there in 2007. I don’t have reason to suspect Obama was Kenyan born, BTW. And, I agree named persons making statements is compelling.
In all of this BC noise, only the long form seems to be an obvious deal-breaker for me. I’m open to everything else.
And, I was referring to my experience when saying this could easily be checked out. Seriously, tracing this to the source is easy compared to some crazy crap I’ve attempted to source. It’s a redacted world, but Corsi seems confidant that these people will go on record.
Majority Will — Kudos for taking the time to dig into my writing. I can appreciate your comments knowing they weren’t knee-jerk, like so many others. Mostly valid points. Still, what in the hell was he doing signing an executive order on inauguration eve?!
One criticism; “clueless” is still pretty much name-calling. That’s what I don’t relate to, but get where you’re coming from.
Scientist — Wow! No kidding, your statement about how I’ve approached this is very accurate. I am a Voluntaryist, the main tenant being the belief that governments are the wrong way to self-govern a society. Very, very interesting since it lacks any attack on me personally and concedes that I may not have a seedy and self-serving agenda cloaked in this birthism. Thanks.
Sef — I don’t know a Susan Herbert. Are you referring to Stacy Herbert of Max Keiser fame? If so, I don’t dig where she stands on AGW. I’m probably missing something. But, if you can believe anything I say I am not very social and very rarely emerge to discuss issues. I’m just interested in recent history. I did live in a basement for a time though. Fully finished and 2,300 sq ft though, with good lighting. I admit it was difficult when hearing basement dwellers were losers.
Majority Will — You’ve called me pathetic, ridiculous, a muppet. Can we not agree that when personal attacks or major exaggerations of my qualities are used the honesty and credibility of the total suffers? Maybe it’s just a relaxed style, but I can’t see past it.
Can’t you read in my comments that I have no underlying bias or racism or distrust on these issues? Why is it so crazy to doubt politicians and official accounts these days? I don’t know how you want me to present my side. However, there’s just no way I’m going to check myself at the reading of an insult. I’ve been insulted before. Do I appear weak to you because I’m open to suggestion and don’t swagger all that much?
Daniel — I’m a nutbag? OK, fine. At this point, I don’t even remember what my reply to your comment was about. What’s at issue here, IMO is you’re assuming that I want to “win” this conversation. Although, I could be wrong. Your comments just read that way.
Did you win? Check the tape. I think I did step out of bounds when I didn’t clarify that I didn’t want to be a part of this game. Can someone please tell me what I’m missing about this whole Obama Conspiracy that has reduced me to the status of a muppet? Oh, sorry — nutbag! Come on, really! I get by, but truthfully opposing the pres doesn’t help to get one laid.
bjphysics — My blog hasn’t even been officially announced yet. No, it’s ad free and I don’t earn anything or have many eyeballs currently. Which is sad, since I’ve been a web developer and search opt. guy. People who know me, know that I obsess about few things. For a few years now, it’s been an awakening to tyranny. On my word, I am actually trying to raise awareness of tyranny. Corny, but I can’t see my guitar work being as affirming.
I was poking fun with my statement about psychopathy testing. I did self-test using a test my friend “The Pragmatist” is pursuing for use to screen bureaucrats for ponarolic psychopathy. Although I test clean, I’d be dead before making decisions for other people. But you’re right to be skeptical of me! Then, less chance of being duped. You’re not theorizing that I’m conspiring are you? Kidding.
You should always keep in mind the possibility that Corsi is lying (or that his sources are lying). A rational way to proceed is to set a date, after which failure to produce the goods (no matter what the “excuse” ) will lead you to the conclusion that he’s a fraud. Otherwise, you might be led into the birther trap of believing ANYTHING so long as the proof is coming “any day now.”
Psychologically, the “any day now” approach requires the believer to “invest” in the belief over time and the more emotional investment is made, the harder it is to shake. It’s like a advance fee fraud when the sucker suspects that they’ve been conned, but keeps putting in more money because they’ve lost so much already.
It would help if more people understood the engineering economy concept of “sunk cost”.
What I noticed is that you didn’t bother to deny that you’re a mass murderer.
I also notice that you have yet to provide us with all your personal details and an account of every minute of your life from the age of 16 until now.
What are you hiding?
After all these claims are easily verifiable, and warrant further investigation… right?