Earth to Susan …

Usually when one hears something like the title of this article, it’s one person attempting to give a clue to some they deem clueless. That’s not the case here; I mean it much more literally.

Susan Herbert, someone who has sued the President before (I covered the story briefly in my article, Herbert v Obama, et al), is suing again, this time in the US District Court for the District of Columbia in a case she calls:

The Proof Of Life Cases vs The DC Incorporated Trust, 1871 and Planet Earth

Herbert presents an impressive list of co-plaintiffs including no less than Thomas Jefferson, Al Franken and the people of 7 states and three Indian tribes. The listed defendants include Barack Obama naturally, Bill Ayers, the United States, 6 other countries, and the Earth. Of course Herbert is not literally suing the terrestrial ball itself, but John Does 1 – 6 billion. She’s having some difficulty confirming that the case is on the DC docket yet. I don’t think that I’ll put the complaint online until I get confirmation that it is actually filed. The complaint copy I have is 172 pages and raises 293 numbered points.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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20 Responses to Earth to Susan …

  1. Benji Franklin says:

    What do you bet WND hypes it up? It will run between something like:
    “Corn Seen Planted in Iowa! Could This Be the Wheels Coming Off White House Forgery?”
    “Obama Reportedly Sleeps Like Baby In Bald-Faced Attempt to Suppress Sales of Corsi


  2. DaveH says:

    And birthers wonder why we think they’re crazy.

  3. The Magic M says:

    If it reads anything like this (I suspect this is the same Susan), then maybe forcing someone to read it could replace waterboarding as the cruelest punishment ever invented by Americans:

  4. The Magic M says:

    And she calls herself “The acting, legal President and Commander in Chief”?

    Oh boy this is gonna go somewhere…. NOT.

  5. Sef says:

    The Magic M:
    If it reads anything like this (I suspect this is the same Susan), then maybe forcing someone to read it could replace waterboarding as the cruelest punishment ever invented by Americans:

    “Aiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!!!!!!” I confess. Just make it stop.

  6. GeorgetownJD says:

    Each plaintiff has to sign a verification of the complaint. How she persuaded Thomas Jefferson to do that is a mystery, but I admit I am impressed.

  7. Majority Will says:

    Each plaintiff has to sign a verification of the complaint.How she persuaded Thomas Jefferson to do that is a mystery, but I admit I am impressed.


  8. ASK Esq says:

    I haven’t been served as a defendant yet. Perhaps I’m no longer living on the planet Earth. Which would explain some of the nonsense I’ve been seeing lately.

  9. Arthur says:

    The Magic M:
    If it reads anything like this (I suspect this is the same Susan), then maybe forcing someone to read it could replace waterboarding as the cruelest punishment ever invented by Americans:

    That was incredible . . . how does anyone so disturbed manage to feed herself? I’m going to go do some algebra to drive the crazy out of my head.

  10. richCares says:

    Actually this is no different than any other birther mime. Take for example Susan Daniel’s comment that Obama is using a CT SSN to hide his identity, and birthers shout yah. So Obama as a young teen gets a SSN and uses it all of his adult life, turns in countless w2 forms with it and it has his name on it, all to hide his identity, and they shout YAH in agrrement. WTF! Reasoning skills sorely lacking.

  11. Daniel says:

    Yup, bat guano crazy as it is, it’s no crazier than a Taitz Tort

  12. Wile E. says:

    The Magic M:
    If it reads anything like this (I suspect this is the same Susan), then maybe forcing someone to read it could replace waterboarding as the cruelest punishment ever invented by Americans:

    Gotta love the disclaimers at the bottom….

    “We do not discriminate against the mentally ill!”

  13. The Magic M says:

    I guess this is the fulltext that Doc C mentioned:

    And holy cow, Daniel, compared to this driveling madwoman, Orly is a reasonable competent lawyer and a genius to boot!

  14. The Magic M: I guess this is the fulltext that Doc C mentioned:

    The text you found appears to be an earlier version of what I received. Mine is longer.

  15. Daniel says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Mine is longer.

    Here we go again…….

  16. Arthur says:

    The Magic M:

    And holy cow, Daniel, compared to this driveling madwoman, Orly is a reasonable competent lawyer and a genius to boot!

    I think you’ve identified Orly’s appeal to those who lionize her: she’s a little less unhinged than they are, ipso facto, she’s a paragon of reason.

  17. Prairie Blue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Mine is longer.

    I won’t believe that until I see Brietbart post a screenshot of it from your hacked Twitter account.

    Wow. And I thought David Wayne Miller was not dopping both oars in the water. (He’s part of the sovereign citizens movement, claims he’s invented a new grammar that proves money is a verb — not the word money, actual cash itself — and claims he’s the king of Hawai’i.) See more of him here at

  18. Jules says:

    The Magic M:
    I guess this is the fulltext that Doc C mentioned:

    And holy cow, Daniel, compared to this driveling madwoman, Orly is a reasonable competent lawyer and a genius to boot!

    I think that it’s safe to say that Ms Herbert is mentally ill if she produced that document and takes it seriously.

  19. The Magic M says:

    > And I thought David Wayne Miller was not dopping both oars in the water.

    Actually, I would still put DWM (of whom I also learned months ago thanks to watching the birther movement) above Susan on the crazy scale – and on the “pain to read” scale. At least she can write something that remotely resembles a comprehensible English sentence, it’s just the contents that make no sense.

    And I think that “proving money is a verb” ranks a bit above thinking you’re the legitimate president as well.

    From reading Susan’s drivel, I get the impression she was once deeply shaken by a court order regarding custody of her children (though that might have been due to mental problems already) and since has embarked on the crazy train version of “women’s rights”. Her Obama derangement seems to be just a tiny fraction of her agenda that happens to intersect with the birther idiocy.

    > I think that it’s safe to say that Ms Herbert is mentally ill if she produced that document and takes it seriously.

    Yes, I suppose we don’t need a psychologist to back that up. With Orly, it’s a little trickier.

  20. raicha says:

    Susan Herbert is ill and her disordered thoughts won’t ever add up to anything coherent.

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