KBOA – Swing, miss

I finally got over to listen to KenyaBornObamAcorn’s guest shot on the Andrea Shea King show on Blog Talk Radio because somebody told me that they talked about me on the show. I got quite a bit of air time, but a lot of it was fiction. So to set the crooked straight¹:

  1. She said that I was part of some national effort to make immunizations mandatory. Immunizations are generally mandatory nationwide and have been for years. I have no involvement in immunization policy or advocacy. I just worked on national standards for data quality and exchange.
  2. I don’t think she got the joke about Bank of America Plaza, where I used to work a number of years ago. I called it the “Moire” building because of the appearance of a photo I took, not because I was lying about the name of the building.
  3. She said that I worked “across the street” from Bank of America Plaza  and in a “strip mall.” Both are false. While it shouldn’t matter to anyone the name of the building where I used to work, finding it the Internet should be trivial since she knows the name of the company and the city, so I don’t understand why she got it wrong.
  4. She said that I am a “union thug” but I have never been a member of, nor worked for a labor union. It has been suggested that the “union” refers to the American Civil Liberties Union, but they have never be associated with “thugs” and so such a usage wouldn’t make sense.
  5. She said that I wasn’t retired. Since she knows where I used to work, she could just call them up and ask. It is irresponsible to say that I lied about being retired without doing the basic verification.
  6. She said that I had my hooks into the Hawaii Vital Records system. Hawaii wrote their own system to the best of my knowledge, and I never had any professional contact with the Hawaii Department of Health. I learned recently that the company I used to work for does have a behavioral health contract with the State of Hawaii, as it does with most states.
  7. She made some vague claims about “big wigs”, and “Capitol Hill” and something that sounded like an award from “NACO” and a “voice in Congress.” She makes up a totally fictitious quote from me: “You don’t know what I just won.” Being retired, I wouldn’t have heard about a company award; however, a quick search on Google reveals that it is “NACo” (The National Association of Counties.) Even though KBOA knows my name, I believe she confused me with a current vice president where I used to work who has the same first, but a different last name from me. You have to match the first and last name.
  8. She said that I was “heading this nationwide immunization program with the CDC” that was a “depopulation” program. I never headed a national anything.
  9. She said that I have access to vital records. In my former job I did data conversion work on vital records for some states and as part of that work I handled data. However such access was for a limited duration and was solely for the purpose of fulfilling our contracts. And as I said, I’m retired and that’s all behind me. She says, “It says right in there he has access to the uh, uh, the Obama Certificate.” The only access I have to the Obama certificate is the same that everyone has, through the White House web site.
  10. The one relevant claim she made, that I went around the Internet causing “mayhem,” is false as well. I do comment on web sites on occasion, and on KBOA’s YouTube channel, but I just tell the truth. Note that the “mayhem” comment was introductory to the show and applied to the people who would be discussed. It was not applied to me individually.
  11. She said following 81:00 in the transcript that I don’t post on the Fogbow much (true) but that I post under the handle “BFB” which is false. I post as Dr. Conspiracy. I took a minute to look at posts from BFB and the writing style is nothing like mine, and the things he writes about show a different set of interests. I really don’t see how one could confuse me with BFB.

It appears that the existence of a normal, intelligent and honest person who totally doesn’t buy the birther mythology is beyond KBOA’s understanding. She seems to think that people who disagree with her must be liars and hooligans, and she’s going to make the facts fit that view whether they do or not. The part about parents being compensated by the government for vaccine adverse reactions and then tying me to it  because I worked on immunization data systems is so totally wacko. It appears that KBOA was not interested in accuracy but just finding some information that she could string together to sound bad.

¹[Ecclesiastes 1: 14-15 NASB] I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind. What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is lacking cannot be counted.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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50 Responses to KBOA – Swing, miss

  1. Obsolete says:

    All this rage of KBOA’s became magnified when a Fogbower made fun of her leggings…

  2. richCares says:

    I saw her picture on a LAKIN story, maybe the same one foggy saw, out of respect for Doc C. I did not make fun of her appearance. just her silly ideas. She is a very nasty person.

  3. AnotherBird says:

    A clear case of “she said.” Too bad she couldn’t back them up with facts.

  4. Critical Thinker says:

    Geez, Doc. Are you sure you want to allow comments on this post? In a few days, there will be 50 comments poking fun at KBOA and her bristly responses. What’s the point?

  5. DaveH says:

    Is anyone surprised about her lying? She is, after all, a birfer and a ‘good’ birfer at that. Somewhere I read some of her posts where she was claiming she was a black woman when she was called out as a racist. She was posting as ObamAcorn if I recall correctly.

  6. KBOA also said she was kicked off the Fogbow because no one there could rebutt her “facts”. That is laughable. She was kicked off for personal attacks against the administrator and attempting to post identifying information. Simply, she failed to follow the rules.

  7. Ballantine says:

    Reality Check: KBOA also said she was kicked off the Fogbow because no one there could rebutt her “facts”. That is laughable. She was kicked off for personal attacks against the administrator and attempting to post identifying information. Simply, she failed to follow the rules.

    That is pretty funny. I remember her over the spouting the usual birther talking points one after another offering no counter when it was pointed out she was wrong. Typical birther style. Present them with facts and legal authority they cannot dispute, they move on to their next point. It isn’t appropriate for anyone to make fun of someone’s appearance. However, her reaction is sad and pathetic at this point if not legally actionable. And why pick on Doc who I can’t remeber ever beiung nasty to anyone.

  8. kimba says:

    Ballantine: why pick on Doc who I can’t remeber ever beiung nasty to anyone.

    Is she picking on people she thinks she’s managed to identify? Especially if she found a picture? Is it a form of “counting coup” ?

  9. Reality Check says:

    KBOA’s only last contribution to Fogbow was “pffft”. That was pretty funny. Otherwise, she was just another deluded Birther pushing the same tired old long debunked lies.

  10. In the early days of the PolitiJab forum, I was an active commenter there. When The Fogbow was created, those comments got moved over, so it looks like I was an active commenter on The Fogbow too, although by then I pretty much had my hands full with this blog. The Fogbow is, I think, fairly characterized as a place where birthers are regularly ridiculed.

    And it is true that I did accuse KBOA of stalking me, and I still maintain that is a fair description of someone on the Internet digging into ones personal details, and making multiple videos “exposing” this information, and issuing threats on multiple occasions that more videos are coming with more damaging information.

    She also said “I’m coming to Spartanburg and it’s going to be a blast” on her YouTube channel, and since I live in Spartanburg County and it is the nearest large town to me, I did take this as a threat — although she later explained that she had family in Spartanburg. I acknowledged on her YouTube channel that I had jumped to a conclusion and was mistaken — but she seems unable to let it go, mentioning this on the Andrea show also.

    I try to be civil to people, but I have a temper like everybody else and I don’t always live up to my own standards. Some people, KBOA foremost among them, are particularly irritating.

    Ballantine: And why pick on Doc who I can’t remember ever being nasty to anyone.

  11. In my book KBOA is old news. The article here is just for reference if anyone has a question about her Internet radio appearance.

    Critical Thinker: Geez, Doc. Are you sure you want to allow comments on this post? In a few days, there will be 50 comments poking fun at KBOA and her bristly responses. What’s the point?

  12. john says:

    “1.KBOA said that I had a video up about her.”

    This appears to be a lie Doc. KBOA said you wrote an article about her which you did but not a video.

    [John, you ignorant slut,

    At 39:30 in the interview KBOA says: “He has a video up right now saying that I’m a stalker. It has my YouTube channel up there and everything.” Doc.]

  13. Lupin says:

    Leaving aside the birther angle, KBOA’s comments about Obama being a socialist and her fears of socialism in general are among the stupidest things I’ve ever read here. She has to be not only ignorant, but also lack the curiosity to learn, even from simple sources such as wiki, and easily qualifies as one if the dumbest person to have posted here.

  14. Phil Cave says:

    Two people bloviating about conspiracy in everything. I much preferred the Mel Gibson “Conspiracy Theory.”
    I did not notice they took out the “disbarred” language, or corrected it.
    Just about everything is a conspiracy tied to President Obama. When you have no knowledge about something then it’s easy to find a conspiracy. For example, the whole discussion about the Commander MDW (MG Horst), the convening authority for LTC Lakin’s case in particular shows a profound lack of knowledge or understanding of how Army officers, including general officers, are selected for promotion, nominated to the president, and then have the nomination forwarded to the Senate for advice and consent. (I presume that any senator with knowledge of shenanigans between the President and MG Horst could have done the usual “block” on the nomination, and MG Horst wouldn’t have been promoted.) The COMMDW is considered a plum job in the Army and goes to the best. That’s because of all the responsibilities that go with the job. (And do we seriously think that the Army and the president and the Congress (who gets to vote on the appointment) is going to send MG Horst to CENTCOM if he’s a toady who can’t do his job and is merely appointed as a paypack for doing the right thing on LTC Lakin’s case.) One of MDW responsibilities is to be ultimately in charge of Army ceremonial events in the national capitol region (MDW). So it wouldn’t be unusual at all for the commander, MG Horst, to be seen with the President making nice. Watch the President when he walks from AFONE to the terminal chatting amiably with the Andrews Base commander who meets him each time as a formality. Unlike some, President Obama seems to be a personable kind of person who will chat with the escort. Another area of responsibility for the COMMDW is Arlington National Cemetery. So again, it’s not unusual for the commander MDW to escort dignitaries, especially the president around the AC.

    Aide to MGH: Sir the President will be visiting Arlington tomorrow.

    MGH to Aide: OK, find some flunky captain to babysit him, I’ve got things to do.

    Army Chief of Staff to MGH: Hey, Horst WTFO. Nice way to treat the president, really makes the Army look good. BTW, you’ll be getting orders to Adak, Alaska, in the mail. We are rebuilding there, starting with you.
    [Warning, this is not satire.]

  15. GeorgetownJD says:

    Doc, why should you care that a conspiracy kook has the facts wrong? The only people she has convinced are other conspiracy kooks. Her intent is to spread lies and to paint half-truths in a false light. By giving her the publicity she craves you are furthering her design.

  16. At the most basic level, I guess she got me riled up.

    But your comment might be directed at this entire web site, and The Fogbow, and every other anti-birther activity on the Internet and in person. Do you advocate that every anti-birther web site should shut down and there should be a moratorium on debunking the birthers with the expectation that it will all go away?

    Just remember who started this “outing” war. It wasn’t me and it wasn’t KBOA.

    GeorgetownJD: Doc, why should you care that a conspiracy kook has the facts wrong? The only people she has convinced are other conspiracy kooks. Her intent is to spread lies and to paint half-truths in a false light. By giving her the publicity she craves you are furthering her design.

  17. bjphysics says:

    “1.KBOA said that I had a video up about her.”

    This appears to be a lie Doc.KBOA said you wrote an article about her which you did but not a video.

    [John, you ignorant slut,

    At 39:30 in the interview KBOA says: “He has a video up right now saying that I’m a stalker. It has my YouTube channel up there and everything.” Doc.]

    Correction: She says something like “He has a video, ah, article up…” She first states “video” but it sounds to me like she immediately seeks to correct that discription to “article”. She lies a lot but here I think she misspeaks.

  18. GeorgetownJD says:

    I’m advocating that you should not allow yourself to get riled up by the sloppy research and lies of someone whose opinion does not matter one wit. If not for the attention given here and at The Fogbow, KBOA’s rants would be contained within the echo chamber of several dozen hard-core birthers.

  19. richCares says:

    “of several dozen hard-core birthers.”
    Since when is a dozen less than 12?

  20. You seem to have forgotten the fact the KBOA is feeding her material to Jerome Corsi who has published at least two KBOA-inspired articles on WorldNetDaily, which is in the top 1,000 web sites in the country. I would hardly call WND an echo chamber of several dozen. If I didn’t get riled up by sloppy research, this web site wouldn’t exist.

    This site is about speaking truth to fringe claims, not about trying to “contain” the people I disagree with.

    If you’re trying to say something without saying something, I suggest you would be better served by using the site’s Contact link.

    GeorgetownJD: I’m advocating that you should not allow yourself to get riled up by the sloppy research and lies of someone whose opinion does not matter one wit. If not for the attention given here and at The Fogbow, KBOA’s rants would be contained within the echo chamber of several dozen hard-core birthers.

  21. Well my hearing isn’t the best. I’ll take the item out.

    bjphysics: Correction: She says something like “He has a video, ah, article up…” She first states “video” but it sounds to me like she immediately seeks to correct that discription to “article”. She lies a lot but here I think she misspeaks.

  22. kenyanbornobaqmacorn says:

    Hey Doc, did you forget that you told me that you won that award?

    LOL, I have a snapshot of the comment!

    You are such a LIAR! Too funny!

    I know I have the truth, you are just trying to worm your way out of it!


    [You are confused. Doc.]

  23. kenyanbornobaqmacorn says:

    Are we censoring again Doc?

    [I was taking a nap. Doc.]

  24. G says:

    Good points. I’m in support of this article being here and that it clearly fits the standard type of information reported on birthers in this blog. The only difference here from covering and debunking the standard birther mischaracterizations and lies is that the subject of the lies happened to also be the blog owner.

    If anything it would be out of character and atypical for Doc to not write an article debunking this and to not write just because he happened to be part of the topic would come across as biased, whereas covering it is just applying the same standards of coverage of birther events as always.

    Dr. Conspiracy: You seem to have forgotten the fact the KBOA is feeding her material to Jerome Corsi who has published at least two KBOA-inspired articles on WorldNetDaily, which is in the top 1,000 web sites in the country. I would hardly call WND an echo chamber of several dozen. If I didn’t get riled up by sloppy research, this web site wouldn’t exist.
    This site is about speaking truth to fringe claims, not about trying to “contain” the people I disagree with.

  25. kenyanbornobaqmacorn:
    Are we censoring again Doc?

    [I was taking a nap. It’s something we retired people do. Doc.]

  26. richCares says:

    [You are confused. Doc.]
    [You are delusional. Doc.]

  27. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Delusional or confused, these people are no longer thinking normally. We should stop treating this as a conspiracy theory and saying those people are birthers, and start saying they are suffering from birtherism, or even that they are on birtherism.

    If Hawaiian BC birferism is a soft drug, Vattellism is a hard drug. Which explains why Orly is confused some times. Or delusional – but as I say, there is really no difference.

    Neither is there an antidote. If President Obama getting two copies of the the original birth certificate as stored in Hawaii and having journalists examine and touch them, does not help, how can you get them off the birfer stuff?

    The doctor in me would prescribe a six months’ cold turkey stay in Timor L’este with no access to English-speaking people, the internet, TV, radio and/or telephone

  28. I think your suggestion is a good one.

    The historian Richard Hofstadter uses the phrase “paranoid style” (acting like paranoids, but not actually being paranoid) to describe the behavior of conspiracy theorists. I don’t think that gets at it so well. Still birthers are just a class of those infected with conspiracy thinking and a general term might be found that fits.

    Paul Pieniezny: Delusional or confused, these people are no longer thinking normally. We should stop treating this as a conspiracy theory and saying those people are birthers, and start saying they are suffering from birtherism, or even that they are on birtherism.

  29. Suranis says:

    Reality Check:
    KBOA also said she was kicked off the Fogbow because no one there could rebutt her “facts”. That is laughable. She was kicked off for personal attacks against the administrator and attempting to post identifying information. Simply, she failed to follow the rules.

    The small fact that she “relayed” a threat of Legal Action from Pamela Barnett didn’t hurt. Threatening legal action against Fogbow is kind of against the spirit of the rules…

  30. Suranis: The small fact that she “relayed” a threat of Legal Action from Pamela Barnett didn’t hurt. Threatening legal action against Fogbow is kind of against the spirit of the rules…

    I forgot about that one, Suranis. I wonder how that is going for Pamela?

  31. Article updated to say:

    She said following 81:00 in the transcript that I don’t post on the Fogbow much (true) but that I post under the handle “BFB” which is false. I post as Dr. Conspiracy. I took a minute to look at posts from BFB and the writing style is nothing like mine, and the things he writes about show a different set of interests. I really don’t see how one could confuse me with BFB.

  32. Please don’t confuse KBOA with the facts right now. She is busy looking for the photos the Obots took at the Blue Falcon’s homecoming. Google is not her friend on that one.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Article updated to say:

    She said following 81:00 in the transcript that I don’t post on the Fogbow much (true) but that I post under the handle “BFB” which is false. I post as Dr. Conspiracy. I took a minute to look at posts from BFB and the writing style is nothing like mine, and the things he writes about show a different set of interests. I really don’t see how one could confuse me with BFB.

  33. Phil Cave says:

    Reality Check: Obots took at the Blue Falcon’s homecoming.

    And what is this “event?”

  34. Bovril says:

    The sad and rather pathetic gathering of some 12-15 people total that met Lakin the buddy-fecker at the airport when he was released.

    Photo’s ONLY provided by Birfoons as no Obot could be assed to turn up for such an insgnificant and value free event.

  35. Phil Cave says:

    Oh that. Thanks. I grew up on Bovril (and baked beans). Actually Dwight and I talked about going but he had something less important to do and I didn’t feel like going by myself. I was already to go to Kinko’s to have “sign” made of the RBC.

  36. In case you haven’t been following closely KBOA chastised the Obots for attending the Blue Falcon’s homecoming at BWI to take photos. She got caught in another lie and is pretending she never made the claim. She wishes this were her Youtube channel where she could hit the reset button about now.

    Phil Cave:
    Oh that.Thanks.I grew up on Bovril (and baked beans).Actually Dwight and I talked about going but he had something less important to do and I didn’t feel like going by myself.I was already to go to Kinko’s to have “sign” made of the RBC.

  37. Bovril says:


    I trust it was real Heinz baked beans and not the sugary sweet stuff we get here. I used to love the Heinz Baked Beans with Pork sausages…… 😎

  38. Phil Cave says:

    Well of course.

    Bovril: real Heinz

  39. Majority Will says:


    I trust it was real Heinz baked beans and not the sugary sweet stuff we get here. I used to love the Heinz Baked Beans with Pork sausages……

    “The Two Infallible Powers. The Pope & Bovril.”

  40. Keith says:


    I trust it was real Heinz baked beans and not the sugary sweet stuff we get here. I used to love the Heinz Baked Beans with Pork sausages……

    I cook my own ‘Boston style’ baked beans.

    Aussie’s only know about the sugar overloaded Heinz (and various local imitations) cans.

    My homemade beans are a revelation to them.

    (I admit I do have two cans of Heinz in the drawer at the moment. They came back with me from a camping trip where they were taken along as emergency rations. Nobody got that desperate.)

  41. mimi says:

    “You have to match the first and last name.”

    LOL! She is a really bad researcher.

  42. She is a poor researcher. Picking on me is pretty safe. I can’t see me ever suing anybody unless I was forced to. However, she mentioned the name of the company I used to work for and the false and negative things she said about me reflect on the company. They’re pretty big and even have in-house counsel.

    If a customer ever raised a question, or the issue resulted in loss of business, they would sue in a heartbeat. Andrea Shea King made one little remark that could make trouble for her, too.

    I just hope this stays as a little squabble and that no one gets hurt. But if WND does a story on me and says something about me that reflects badly on the company, I will be bound to call the in-house counsel and let them know, and that is a conversation that I do not want to have.

    mimi: LOL! She is a really bad researcher.

  43. obsolete says:

    The birthers/birther attorneys seem to come out on the losing side of things when they are up against non-birthing attorneys.
    I foresee this trend continuing indefinitely.

  44. Bovril says:

    Alas for Birfoons, they simply don’t grasp the fundamnetals of risk and how if they are not careful it will bite them viciously

    Particularly with commercial firms, there are (in general) 4 types of risk, Financial, Operationasl, Regulatory and Reputational.

    Of these Reputational is both the hardest to directly quantify and potentially the most lethal to an organization, especialy if it is in an industry where they have to be seen as Caesars wife,

    If the Birfoons publically attack or impugn a firm that has such a need to maintain probity from a commercial perspective they WILL be legally attacked/sued into the ground as an automatic reflex.

  45. Reality Check says:

    How is that proof coming, KBOA?

    Reality Check:
    Please don’t confuse KBOA with the facts right now. She is busy looking for the photos the Obots took at the Blue Falcon’s homecoming. Google is not her friend on that one.

  46. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Fixed link to Moire building:

    An apt description. I have photos of two similar-looking buildings in Las Vegas.

  47. Cat got your tongue Tr—, err, KBOA?

    Reality Check:
    How is that proof coming, KBOA?

  48. Majority Will says:

    Reality Check:
    Cat got your tongue Tr—, err, KBOA?

    It always possible her employer either fired her or revoked her internet privileges for surfing birther sites and posting on YouTube instead of working.

  49. Thrifty says:

    KBOA reminds me of the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

    I suppose all birthers do, really.

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