President clamps lid on release of Social Security information

In a move designed to keep personal social security information out of the prying hands of kooks and conspiracy theorists, the President has signed Executive Order 9397 that effectively means the birthers have no chance obtaining President Obama’s social security application through the Freedom of Information Act and that the Tatiz v Astrue lawsuit is pretty much doomed.

The order reads in part:

NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:

4. The Social Security Administration¹ and each Federal agency shall maintain the confidential character of information relating to individual persons obtained pursuant to the provisions of this order.

Read the full text of the Executive order.


¹ As amended.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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63 Responses to President clamps lid on release of Social Security information

  1. gimmeabreak says:

    Oh, lord. Watch the heads assplode

  2. Reality Check says:

    Feeling frisky today are we, Doc? 😉

  3. Reality Check:
    Feeling frisky today are we, Doc? 😉

    As you know, I try to be scrupulously honest and fair on this blog, presenting the facts, no matter where they lead. I was not looking for anything like this when I stumbled upon this obscure federal web site containing the order, nevertheless I felt compelled to call attention to it.

  4. Bovril says:

    Becoming an ODS conspiracy at WND, Dr K(H)ates, the Pest and Orlys’s in 3…..2……1……

  5. Thrifty says:

    Oh boy here we go…

    So I guess, technically, Obama has “sealed his records”, now?

    I don’t understand Executive Orders. They sound an awful lot like laws passed solely by Presidential fiat rather than Congress. Can someone explain the difference?

  6. Lupin says:

    Another incontrovertible proof of time travel!

    John Connor, where are you?

  7. Thrifty says:

    Also, pragmatically, was this really necessary?

  8. Thrifty: Also, pragmatically, was this really necessary?

    Are you asking if my article was necessary, or the Executive Order was necessary? The article wasn’t, but I think the Executive Order was extremely important. You need to read the ENTIRE ORDER to fully appreciate the context.

  9. Thrifty says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Are you asking if my article was necessary, or the Executive Order was necessary? The article wasn’t, but I think the Executive Order was extremely important. You need to read the ENTIRE ORDER to fully appreciate the context.

    The Executive Order. I think I will read over the order.

  10. Thrifty says:

    Oh ha ha. You got me there. I saw “the President” and, like a birther, immediately blamed the current one. Boy is my face red.

  11. Daniel says:

    This order won’t come into effect until Dec 7, a date that will live in infamy.

    This could haunt Obama all the way to his third term. It may end up being his wheelchair

  12. Bovril says:


    EO’s in general are USUALLY interpretation and specific guidance to federal agencies related to already existing law or laws, they do not cast new law.

    They CAN be see as new law where Congress has specifically delegated some legislative authority to the President.

  13. Welsh Dragon says:

    Nice one,Doc!

  14. mimi says:

    oh noes, Doc. You are helping the birfers as they do their Frogmarch Dance.

  15. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    mimi: oh noes, Doc. You are helping the birfers as they do their Frogmarch Dance.

    Is this anything like the Shire Dance in Lord of the Rings?

  16. Thrifty says:

    I feel like I’ve been Rickrolled.

  17. roadburner says:

    nice one doc 😉

  18. US Citizen says:

    Admit it, Doc.
    You just want to see what legs this article will sprout.
    Heh… I’m curious too.

  19. US Citizen: You just want to see what legs this article will sprout.

    My primary reason is to play clever and see who catches on. But I am curious to see the legs.

    I did see this one:

  20. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross): Is this anything like the Shire Dance in Lord of the Rings?

    I think it is the Danse Macabre

  21. Paul Pieniezny says:

    He was told to do it. Someone who knew his SSN would turn out to be fraudulent, told him to do that, or else face the consequences: a military coup, installing national socialism in Oceania.

    Sounds familiar? George Orwell was on the place sitting behind them when he overheard that conversation.,-EISENHOWER-CHAT-IN-PLANE-NYWTS—BIOG–EISNEHOWER,-DWIGHT

    After visiting Room 101, where I found Orly standing by a dentist’s chair, I know that we have always been at war with Eastasia.

  22. Ignatz says:

    Doc, I’ll take credit for that “Investorvillage” post.

    That site has more than a few “birthers” and they live for world new daily,orly taitz, and all the rest of those people making up these conspiracy theories.

  23. US Citizen says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: My primary reason is to play clever and see who catches on. But I am curious to see the legs.

    I did see this one:

    Give it awhile to get around.
    Your biggest obstacle is that you may be listed first on a search engine until other higher traffic sites regurgitate it.
    Some people still believe in the Kenya BC.
    Never know how things will be disseminated.
    It just needs a person who reposts things before they read them.
    That shouldn’t be hard in Birfistan.

  24. Critical Thinker says:

    Remember: Orly nevah disappoints. She’ll be on it soon.

  25. foreigner says:

    > In a move designed to keep personal social security information out of the prying hands
    > of kooks and conspiracy theorists, the President has signed Executive Order 9397

    “keeping something out of kooks and conspiracy theorists” is not really a legitimate
    way for political acts like executive orders, is it ?
    Had it happened before ?
    It becomes more and more obvious, that while Obama’s birth in Hawaii seems to
    be true, the whole examination of the story is uncomfortable for him and that’s
    why he was trying to get it dismissed before.
    BUT, not because he may be ineligible rather the thing may cost him voters.
    That’s how things go in USA : smear campaign. Finding something bad
    in the past of the candidates. Even if it is legally long expired, and only
    a wrongdoing of his parents not himself.
    Birthers now turning into these fields indirectly admit that they
    lost on the birth-issue.
    Obama needing “Executive Orders” to protect his personal privacy
    however is a msuse of political power.
    IMO the right thing would be to get a bit away from judging politicians
    about their private life, things of their past, but rather see their
    political qualification and competence for future decisions.
    Their programs and promises rather than their scandals.

  26. So how do we sucker someone into not reading the fine print and sending it on to our good friends…?

  27. Majority Will says:

    foreigner: Obama needing “Executive Orders” to protect his personal privacy
    however is a msuse of political power.

    What are you talking about? I don’t think you have a clue.

    “It becomes more and more obvious, that while Obama’s birth in Hawaii seems to
    be true, the whole examination of the story is uncomfortable for him and that’s
    why he was trying to get it dismissed before.”

    That’s your fantasy with absolutely no credible evidence or basis in reality. I think you misspelled oblivious.

  28. Expelliarmus says:

    foreigner: Obama needing “Executive Orders” to protect his personal privacy
    however is a msuse of political power.

    Actually, I think executive order 9066 was much worse. #9397 is rather innocuous by comparison.

  29. Keith says:

    J. Edward Tremlett:
    So how do we sucker someone into not reading the fine print and sending it on to our good friends…?

    It seems Doc has caught one fish already.

  30. Keith says:

    foreigner: IMO the right thing would be to get a bit away from judging politicians
    about their private life, things of their past, but rather see their
    political qualification and competence for future decisions.
    Their programs and promises rather than their scandals.

    Just curious. Is this your response to your own private Vitter Problem, or are you just crazy enough to think that issues really should be more important than personalities?

  31. foreigner: Obama needing “Executive Orders” to protect his personal privacy
    however is a msuse of political power.

    It appears you didn’t follow the article’s instructions to read the entire order.


  32. nbc says:

    Oops indeed… Oh the follies and so predictable…

  33. US Citizen says:

    This always reminds me of a standup routine by the late comedian, Bill Hicks…..

    Wafflehouse by Bill Hicks.

    After the last show, I went to a wafflehouse.
    I’m not proud of it, I’m hungry.
    I’m eating, I’m alone and I’m reading a book.
    The waitress walks over to me and says “Hey, what are you reading for?”

    Is that like the weirdest question ever?
    I have never, ever been asked that.
    Not “what are you reading”, but “what are you reading FOR?”
    Damn, you stumped me!
    So I thought to myself, why DO I read?
    I guess I read for a lot of reasons.
    You know, one of them is so I don’t end up being a f’ing waffle waitress!

    THEN, this trucker at the next booth gets up, stands over me and goes “well… looks like we got ourselves a reader.”

    What the F is going on here?!
    It’s like I walked into a clan rally in a Boy George outfit or something.
    It’s a book! I read.. there you go.
    Waitress then goes “Why read when you can just flip on the tube?”

    Well it’s not the same.
    What do you think I’m reading? Hee-Haw the book???

    RIP Bill.

  34. Paul Pieniezny says:

    foreigner: It becomes more and more obvious, that while Obama’s birth in Hawaii seems to
    be true, the whole examination of the story is uncomfortable for him and that’s
    why he was trying to get it dismissed before.

    You mean to say that in 1984, George Orwell knew that a brown baby born in 1961 in the Disputed Area of Hawaii and not by artsem (temporary waiver by the Big Brother who was usurping in 1960), would in 2008 try to usurp the role of Big Brother, on the basis of some silly Oldthink interpretation of the constitution ruling Big Brother had to be natural born?

    Better tell the Inner party as soon as possible. Doubleplusgood prolefeeds like this will actually earn you a bonus ration of chocolate, which, as you probably know will be raised to twenty grammes on 1 July.

  35. roadburner says:

    couldn´t resist, chucked a line out.

    let´s see how many bites, and how quickly it gets sussed in 24 hours

  36. Paper says:

    What?! You make it sound like this is a joke, a prank, a trick to fool birthers! But really the joke is on you. Yes, you. Because you miss the big picture, you know, the big picture, because FDR was the first pawn of the NWO, this phase of it, I mean. You guys think you are so smart. You don’t see how far this rabbit hole goes, man. If you were the anti-christ and not just one of the pawns, don’t you think you’d put your plans into place before you were born? Hardy har har, but look who *amended* that executive order. There you go, the last piece put into place just in time. Sheesh, it’s like I personally have to troll the internet and walk everyone through the truth. Wake up people, I need to to take a vacation, and I can’t do that while you all snooze to lose.

  37. Bovril says:


    Reading your babble, I recommend either increasing or decreasing dramatically the medication you are or should be on.

  38. roadburner says:

    Paper: If you were the anti-christ and not just one of the pawns, don’t you think you’d put your plans into place before you were born? .

    i know this is true as i have obama´s REAL birth certificate from hades, printed on real 3000 year old baby skin, showing his father as lucifer, and his mother as the whore of babylon, and authenticated by I, lucas smith.

    i can sell it to you if you want. i accept paypal.

  39. gorefan says:

    Paper: but look who *amended* that executive order

    President Bush?

  40. Scientist says:

    Paper: FDR was the first pawn of the NWO

    What was so all-fired great about the Old World Order that we should be afraid of a new one? Maybe the New one will be an improvement, no?

  41. Paper says:

    @Gorefan – Yes of course, President Bush. I have to teach everyone about 9/11, too? What, you think the Republicans are immune to the NWO? It’s all lockstep. I need to take my medicine to calm down here.

    @roadburner – so cool! I don’t use paypal, though (tool of the tyranny!). Can I send you a money order?

    @Bovril – you selling? I need some sweet nectar of truth. I get all my medicine from Canada, though.

    @Scientist – I admire your logic, but we already launched the NWO with atomic bombs. FDR didn’t want to go that far; he just wanted to hold the cards, not play them (even pawns have consciences sometimes). So he had to be set aside for Truman to pass the buck. We got shiny Apple toys, and the latest refrigerators and Southwest Airlines, all to keep us sleepy sleepy in the better world, while the dominoes got pushed behind the scenes to checkmate the chutes and ladders of capitalism (the one true democracy!)

    But you guys, let’s keep this focused on spreading the word about the social security conspiracy. Read between the lines, guys, read between the lines (of the flickering television set embedded in our brains).

  42. Majority Will says:

    We need more sarcasm meters to replace those exploded irony meters.

  43. Daniel says:

    Paper: it’s like I personally have to troll the internet

    If not you, then who?

  44. Paper says:

    @Daniel – I was so hoping to find “my [new] young apprentice.”–rkssYTE

  45. roadburner says:

    hey, this guy can take a joke in good spirit.

    makes a change!

  46. Scientist says:

    Paper: @Scientist – I admire your logic, but we already launched the NWO with atomic bombs.

    Nuclear (or nucular, if you prefer) weapons have saved many more lives than they have taken. Always in world history, the #1 and # 2 powers have fought horrible destructive wars-Persia and Athens, Rome and Carthage, Spain and England, England and France, England/France and Germany. But the US and the USSR-never. The US and China-probably not. Why? Because people are all of a sudden wise and decent? Nope, Because of Mutual Assured Destruction. Heck, how many wars did India and Pakistan have before they both got nukes? 4, I believe. Since then, none. Do they love each other? Not at all, but they are scared to start an all–out war (rightly so).

    So I vote for the NWO over the OWO. No contest in my mind..

  47. Sef says:

    Scientist: Nuclear (or nucular, if you prefer) weapons have saved many more lives than they have taken.Always in world history, the #1 and # 2 powers have fought horrible destructive wars-Persia and Athens, Rome and Carthage, Spain and England, England and France, England/France and Germany.But the US and the USSR-never.The US and China-probably not.Why?Because people are all of a sudden wise and decent?Nope, Because of Mutual Assured Destruction. Heck, how many wars did India and Pakistan have before they both got nukes?4, I believe.Since then, none.Do they love each other?Not at all, but they are scared to start an all–out war (rightly so).

    So I vote for the NWO over the OWO.No contest in my mind..

    That’s fine until you have a country with nothing left to lose, or run by crazies like N. Korea. Then all bets are off.

  48. Scientist says:

    Sef: That’s fine until you have a country with nothing left to lose, or run by crazies like N. Korea. Then all bets are off.

    I don’t buy the North Korea or Iran are crazy theory. Stalin and Mao killed millions yet neither one started a nuclear war.

  49. Paper says:

    You guys are getting off topic, already. We know Stalin and FDR both had the same master who had them divide up the world, leaving FDR with a list of chores, one of which was the task of preparing the ground to hide the anti-christ’s social security number. Whether or not we prefer peaceful slavery is a different topic. Patrick Henry, of course, said “give me liberty or give me death,” but to each their own, I guess. Look, Jerome Corsi has made it very clear that Obama Sr. wasn’t Obama’s father. But what Corsi himself doesn’t realize is that Ann Dunham wasn’t even Obama’s mother! The social security number would definitely prove that! You would think the master of all such deception could have done a better job, so that there wouldn’t be all these questions about the President’s birth, but the true forces of goodness made sure there were just enough flaws and mistakes that those with eyes to see could hear the smell of garbage!

  50. Daniel says:

    You guys are getting off topic, already.We know Stalin and FDR both had the same master who had them divide up the world, leaving FDR with a list of chores, one of which was the task of preparing the ground to hide the anti-christ’s social security number.Whether or not we prefer peaceful slavery is a different topic.Patrick Henry, of course, said “give me liberty or give me death,” but to each their own, I guess.Look, Jerome Corsi has made it very clear that Obama Sr. wasn’t Obama’s father.But what Corsi himself doesn’t realize is that Ann Dunham wasn’t even Obama’s mother!The social security number would definitely prove that!You would think the master of all such deception could have done a better job, so that there wouldn’t be all these questions about the President’s birth, but the true forces of goodness made sure there were just enough flaws and mistakes that those with eyes to see could hear the smell of garbage!

    Do you really believe this or are you just trying to look crazy for the camera?

    If you do believe this crap, I have some advice for you. There are many religious and secular charitable organizations that can help you with the cost of your medication. Don’t let financial hardship and pride get in the way of getting back to good mental health.

  51. Scientist says:

    Paper: Patrick Henry, of course, said “give me liberty or give me death,” but to each their own,

    Patrick Henry? Who cares? Do you think those dudes in 18th century America were brighter than people today? Not on your life. They were stunted by poor nutrition and toxins growing on grain. Average life expectancy around 45 years. You can keep it and those old guys in pantaloons along with it Give me the New and screw the Old

    Paper: Ann Dunham wasn’t even Obama’s mother! The social security number would definitely prove that!

    Social security #s have nothing to do with parents. They prove nada. Go take a flying leap back to the Old order and stay there.

  52. Northland10 says:


    Lacking any other background, I am thinking Paper is either satire or just making it up for fun. Granted, when it comes to thinking something is unbelievable the birthers always surprise, but this one may be too much.

  53. Paper says:

    @Northland10 – I’m glad someone finally gets it!

    First of all, the premise of this whole thread is ironic. At first, I thought I was so obvious and over-the-top, but when the replies started rolling in, I decided I wasn’t just going to cry pardon, but keep playing while trying to drop in obvious signs. In keeping with Doc’s premise for this whole thread in the first place.

    I mean, come on…”dominoes got pushed behind the scenes to checkmate the chutes and ladders?” And, “those with eyes to see could hear the smell of garbage?”

    I apologize @Scientist, but I really thought saying Ann Dunham wasn’t Obama’s mother would be the final straw to break my cover! That it would ironically reveal what I think of Corsi’s vile lies. I wouldn’t put it past him to try to go to that next level, I suppose, but I really thought I was flashing my headlights.

    All good cheer!

  54. Paper says:

    One for the road:

    “President Obama, rip up this forgery!” – Ronald Reagan

  55. Paper says:

    I have to say it was fun being on the other side of the fence for once. You should hear my conversations with some in my family. But you have your own families, I’m sure.

  56. Daniel says:

    Paper: At first, I thought I was so obvious and over-the-top, but when the replies started rolling in,

    “You simply cannot invent any conspiracy theory so ridiculous and obviously satirical that some people somewhere don’t already believe it.” ~ Robert Anton Wilson

    Unfortunately we have learned that Robert was right, at least where Birthers are concerned. Even as ridiculous and over the top as you thought it was, there are people who fervently believe even more ludicrous things about Obama.

  57. Welsh Dragon says:

    Bravo Paper! – that was fun to watch.

  58. Paper says:

    @Daniel – True, very true. This, I know.

    But I also think Doc should start a thread called *Channel Your Inner Birther.*

    Just to let people play and experience the other side, and thus be a little more playful and less caught up in the back and forth.

    I did link to the Emperor’s famous speech in Star Wars, but here it is typed:

    “There is no escape, my young apprentice. … Good. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon and strike me down with all your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete. … Good. Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let your hate flow through you.”

    Or as Nietzsche warned us all: “Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one.”

    Thus, as mentioned, I found it liberating to play the other side of the fence.

    Best to all.

  59. Majority Will says:

    @Northland10 –I’m glad someone finally gets it!

    First of all, the premise of this whole thread is ironic.At first, I thought I was so obvious and over-the-top, but when the replies started rolling in, I decided I wasn’t just going to cry pardon, but keep playing while trying to drop in obvious signs. In keeping with Doc’s premise for this whole thread in the first place.

    I mean, come on…”dominoes got pushed behind the scenes to checkmate the chutes and ladders?” And, “those with eyes to see could hear the smell of garbage?”

    I apologize @Scientist, but I really thought saying Ann Dunham wasn’t Obama’s mother would be the final straw to break my cover!That it would ironically reveal what I think of Corsi’s vile lies.I wouldn’t put it past him to try to go to that next level, I suppose, but I really thought I was flashing my headlights.

    All good cheer!

    I tried to tell them they needed sarcasm meters. (rolls eyes)

  60. Paper says:

    @Majority Will – I loved your comment!

  61. Majority Will says:

    I have to say it was fun being on the other side of the fence for once.You should hear my conversations with some in my family.But you have your own families, I’m sure.

    I’ve seen your posts before and barring an accident on the level of Phineas Gage I thought it unlikely you had succumbed to the curse of the pod people.

  62. Majority Will says:

    @Majority Will – I loved your comment!

    Rock on, Flexible Sheets from cellulose pulp! 😎

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