Unusual goings on at Orly Taitz website

Orly Taitz

It’s been a slow week for Obama conspiracies so, scraping the bottom of the barrel for material, I went over to Orly Taitz’s train wreck1 of a web site and found a couple of surprises.

The first was a reprint of a spoof, a fake comment by Vladimir Putin about Obama being a socialist. That’s not odd, but the fact that it was labeled “HUMOR” did get my attention. Birthers are supposed to fall for this stuff, not correctly identify it. (One commenter did appear to have fallen for it.)

The second thing was the “outing” of the obot “Butterfly Bieldeburg” [sic], and claims that same is an IRS attorney named [mumble] and that this person threatened to use her government position against Orly, and that Orly would be filing a complaint. That’s not interesting either, except two amazing things happened. Orly petitioned the court to get the sign-in sheet for the Hornbeck v. Salazar hearing, someone raised an objection, and the court sided with Taitz — saying that it was a public hearing. Usually when a judge starts citing rules at Taitz, she loses.  The other amazing thing is that someone left the following comment, and it was allowed to be seen:

What are you? Five?
“This person hurt my feelings! I’m going to sue!”
Go back to where you came from.

The article itself is part of Orly’s vendetta against participants in The Fog Bow forum. Personally, I try to stay out of feuds involving folks like Orly Taitz. Butterfly Bilderberg has a particular sense of humor that has led her to say things that should not be taken literally, like:

Hey, Orly, did I ever tell you that Lisa Liberi is my best friend? Yeah, that’s right. We’ve been friends since before I moved away from San Bernardino. She introduced me to Phil. Did you know that I’ve been working for Berg since 2008? All those pleadings he filed — well, I wrote them. I used to live in Pennsylvania, in 2000 – 2002. When I lived there the court reporter for the E.D. Pa. worked lots of my depositions — I think she is good at her craft. I would vouch for her character any day of the week. I’m heading to Washington DC next week — anything you want me to tell the docket clerk in DC?

Read more:

1There are three huge problems on that site. 1) She uses oversized images that overlay the right sidebar. 2) She doesn’t break her very long articles using the “Read more” feature. 3) the Next / Previous article links seem to be missing so that if you are on the home page you can’t scroll to earlier articles, or if on an article page, you can’t view a previous article. About the only to navigate is to use the topical/archive/calendar widgets.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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15 Responses to Unusual goings on at Orly Taitz website

  1. Bovril says:


    You forgot the main problem with her web site, it’s chock full of batshit insane crap…… 😎

  2. richCares says:

    “…bottom of the barrel for material”
    what an apt description for such a hateful site!

  3. Marshal says:

    Wasn’t it determined that Orly Taitz worked for Israeli intelligence, to be used or misused according to how the Israeli settlements establishment needed to manipulate Obama and American politics?

  4. Majority Will says:

    Wasn’t it determined that Orly Taitz worked for Israeli intelligence, to be used or misused according to how the Israeli settlements establishment needed to manipulate Obama and American politics?


  5. BatGuano says:

    Wasn’t it determined that Orly Taitz worked for Israeli intelligence, to be used or misused according to how the Israeli settlements establishment needed to manipulate Obama and American politics?

    exactly how can incompetent court filings affect presidential decisions about global politics?

    i’d honestly like to know how you believe the chain of cause&affect works in this scenario.

  6. GeorgetownJD says:

    Butterfly was leaving clues but, alas, Orly didn’t pick up on any of them. For instance, the “location” in Butterfly’s profile at The Fogbow is 500 Poydras Street, Room B421, New Orleans, LA. Maybe Orly didn’t notice where the taxi dropped her off the morning of the hearing …

  7. Dave says:

    About your footnote — there is a way to navigate to earlier articles from Taitz’s homepage — a link at the bottom of the page labelled “keep looking.” I should say there is usually a way, because she often breaks her page causing that link to disappear. Which brings up another major problem with her blog, which is a habit of cutting and pasting material in a way that trashes the blog.

  8. raicha says:

    I’m surprised you would post a link to Orly’s website, as it is a haven for malware and hackers.

  9. GeorgetownJD: Butterfly was leaving clues but, alas, Orly didn’t pick up on any of them. For instance, the “location” in Butterfly’s profile at The Fogbow is 500 Poydras Street, Room B421, New Orleans, LA. Maybe Orly didn’t notice where the taxi dropped her off the morning of the hearing

    I caught that one (and Googled the address to see that it was the courtroom).

  10. Dave says:

    I’m surprised you would post a link to Orly’s website, as it is a haven for malware and hackers.

    Google’s “Safe Browsing” page currently warns of a few malware problems with Taitz’s blog, but nowhere near as bad as it used to be. I suppose some care in visiting this site would be warranted.

  11. roadburner says:

    Marshal: Wasn’t it determined that Orly Taitz worked for Israeli intelligence, to be used or misused according to how the Israeli settlements establishment needed to manipulate Obama and American politics?

    i find it quite entertaining that when taitz first emerged on the stage, she was heralded by the birfoons as some kind of godess who would destroy the usurper.

    3 years on, and now having the proof that taitz is a batshit crazy incompetent lawyer, she´s become a mossad mole intent on manipulating obama and american politics.

    honestly, how can someone that ridiculous be so influencial on international politics?

    well, apart from being light entertainment 😀

  12. roadburner says:

    Dave: Google’s “Safe Browsing” page currently warns of a few malware problems with Taitz’s blog, but nowhere near as bad as it used to be. I suppose some care in visiting this site would be warranted.

    first time i visited that site, my antivirus lit up and computer nearly crashed.

    horribly infectious site, and that´s just the content.

  13. Dave: Google’s “Safe Browsing” page currently warns of a few malware problems with Taitz’s blog, but nowhere near as bad as it used to be. I suppose some care in visiting this site would be warranted.

    I use the Firefox browser. Firefox and Chrome both display warning messages before allowing one to visit a site/page flagged by Google. I won’t post a link if I get a warning when visiting the page myself.

    I haven’t seen problems on Orly’s site for a long time. For a few months, she even subscribed to a site scanning service from Network Solutions to insure no malware.

    For more information, see Google’s Online Security Blog


  14. Expelliarmus says:

    Currently, the Google safebrowsing utility reports:

    Of the 122 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 3 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2011-06-01, and the last time suspicious content was found on this site was on 2011-06-01.

    Malicious software includes 3 trojan(s), 2 exploit(s). Successful infection resulted in an average of 5 new process(es) on the target machine.


    As Google reports the malware being hosted on sites OTHER than Orly’s site, then it is likely that there is an iframe exploit — that is, some bit of code inserted into Orly’s site that opens up a window to an infected site, unseen by the user.

  15. Expelliarmus: As Google reports the malware being hosted on sites OTHER than Orly’s site, then it is likely that there is an iframe exploit — that is, some bit of code inserted into Orly’s site that opens up a window to an infected site, unseen by the user.

    Usually exploits come through third-party advertising feeds. Dunno.

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