What do Jerome Corsi and Tim Adams have in common?

Tim Adams

Jerome Corsi

You remember Tim Adams, an elections clerk in Hawaii, who claimed that someone in the office told him that Barack Obama had no long-form birth certificate? (How’s that working out for ya?) Since then, although he denies being a racist, Adams has been tied to a number of racist statements he made in the past, and Adams first came on the scene through an appearance on an unabashedly white-supremacist radio program, The Political Cesspool, hosted by James Edwards.

Well, Jerome Corsi appeared on the same program, and was scheduled to appear a second time, although he canceled in the midst of a firestorm of criticism following the disclosure of some of Corsi’s prior racist and bigoted remarks.

So what they have in common is this man and a history of racist remarks:

James Edwards, host: The Political Cesspool

Learn more (these are partisan links for the most part):

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I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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11 Responses to What do Jerome Corsi and Tim Adams have in common?

  1. *Reads MMFA investigates. Jaw drops*

    !@#$ me.

  2. obsolete says:

    Beyond being racist, sexist, and bigoted, Corsi’s words show him to be a mean, vicious, and small man with a hate-filled heart. He is brave behind a keyboard, and a coward in person.

    I find solace in the suffering he feels on a daily basis due to Obama’s Presidency and his inability to do anything about it.

  3. Daniel says:

    Beyond being racist, sexist, and bigoted, Corsi’s words show him to be a mean, vicious, and small man with a hate-filled heart. He is brave behind a keyboard, and a coward in person.

    I find solace in the suffering he feels on a daily basis due to Obama’s Presidency and his inability to do anything about it.

    Or perhaps just a money grubbing opportunist. Corsi has the ability to write lots and lots, but his ability to write well is very limited. A person in that situation often tries to find an audience that will lap up anything you write on a subject, no matter how poorly it is written or researched.

    Corsi has made a lot of money writing to the weak-minded WND readership. It’s quite possible he may not even believe a word of it.

    Possible, but still unlikely, I think.

  4. AdrianInEngland says:

    Corsi fits the mold of the other vicious freepers who helped propel his ‘career’ to what it is now. Merely read his past comments in that cesspool, and those written by current freepers, to see that the self proclaimed ‘forum for conservative speech’ is nothing more than stormfront-lite

  5. richCares says:

    Tim has been very quiet on this, is he just lying around? It seems he has no peeps for the sheep.

  6. richCares says:

    Corsi claims he will identify the forger any day now! WOW
    Corsi the scam artist has never had an any day, it’s a scam.
    Corsi Any Day Now, the wolf that cried pig (or is it pig that cried wolf)
    push that paypal

  7. AnotherBird says:

    Corsi claims he will identify the forger any day now! WOW
    Corsi the scam artist has never had an any day, it’s a scam.
    Corsi Any Day Now, the wolf that cried pig (or is it pig that cried wolf)
    push that paypal

    Just another thing in common with Corsi and Adams.

  8. BouquetofRoses says:

    What ever happened to this “Mike” person that Corsi mentioned in a radio interview. I couldn’t help, but wondered if he came up with that name because the first thing he saw was a microphone in front of him. Oops, I think I created a conspiracy. LMAO!

  9. Majority Will says:

    What ever happened to this “Mike” person that Corsi mentioned in a radio interview. I couldn’t help, but wondered if he came up with that name because the first thing he saw was a microphone in front of him. Oops, I think I created a conspiracy. LMAO!

    That’s funny! And probably true.

  10. richCares says:

    “What ever happened to this “Mike” person that ”
    Any Day Now Corsi says “Any Day Now please contribute”
    “Any Day Now” is Corsi’s first name, it’s on his COLB.

  11. Keith says:

    What ever happened to this “Mike” person that Corsi mentioned in a radio interview. I couldn’t help, but wondered if he came up with that name because the first thing he saw was a microphone in front of him. Oops, I think I created a conspiracy. LMAO!

    Good thing he wasn’t drinking tea; we might be looking for Keyser Söze.

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