WND lawsuit garners media attention

Just when media interest in Barack Obama’s birth certificate had shut down until the next election cycle, WorldNetDaily’s lawsuit against Esquire Magazine has sparked some media attention.

Business Insider Wire reports the lawsuit in its new article: 2 Birthers Are Suing Esquire For $200M For Making Fun Of Them.

I left this comment at Business Insider:

The lawsuit should be a publicity boon to both WorldNetDaily and Esquire.

The only mystery here is why some media folks failed to see through the obviously satirical story and thought it was real. Did they really think that Jerome Corsi wrote a book titled: Capricorn One: NASA, JFK, and the Great Moon Landing Cover-up?

Other media coverage of the WND lawsuit:

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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10 Responses to WND lawsuit garners media attention

  1. J.Potter says:

    Farah’s comments at Forbes are worth a chuckle….it’s still going as of this writing.

  2. Unfortunately, my writing and all the time I spend finding and pasting hyperlinks gets in the way of my reading time.

    Farah’s comments at Forbes are worth a chuckle….it’s still going as of this writing.

  3. G says:

    I see it is getting some cable news coverage too. I was flipping through channels a few hours ago (I like to have news or weather on lightly in the background while working) and either CNN or MSNBC was mentioning that 2 birthers were filing a lawsuit against Esquire for making fun of their book.

    Just shows how much of a laughingstock joke that WND, Farah and Corsi are viewed as.

  4. Rob says:

    Doc, it appears that your link in the 2nd paragraph is broken.

  5. I wrote “The lawsuit should be a publicity boon to both WorldNetDaily and Esquire.” before I learned that the Fox News lawsuit against Al Franken catapulted his book from #489 to #1 on Amazon.com.


  6. Nathanael says:

    I think birthers are operating under the mistaken assumption that satire falls under “hate speech”.

  7. Majority Will says:

    A comment on politics.gather.com:

    “Birthers suing for someone making them look ridiculous is like a bunch of Bozo impersonators suing someone for saying they look like clowns.”

  8. Horus says:

    “Did they really think that Jerome Corsi wrote a book titled: Capricorn One: NASA, JFK, and the Great Moon Landing Cover-up?”

    We’re not dealing with Rocket Scientists here Doc.

    In addition, people with psychosis do not understand satire.

  9. J.Potter says:

    Well, he’s written some titles that are awfully close (Black Gold Stranglehold), and endorses those that have written much sillier. Sad to say, that part of the article was the MOST believable!

    “Did they really think that Jerome Corsi wrote a book titled: Capricorn One: NASA, JFK, and the Great Moon Landing Cover-up?”

    We’re not dealing with Rocket Scientists here Doc.

    In addition, people with psychosis do not understand satire.

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