The latest in the out and out [pun intended] warfare between KenyaBornObamAcorn and the Fogbow crew is that KBOA’s YouTube video, listing names and employment of the proprietors of The Fogbow forum as well as the names and other personal information of those running web sites (like this one) that are linked to by The Fogbow has been removed from YouTube.
It was hard to take more than a dozen steps down main street here in town without bumping into someone who had flagged that video as inappropriate. It was a pretty obvious violation of YouTube Terms of Service and the Community Guidelines.
Is it fair that The Fogbow can out the birthers, but KBOA cannot out The Fogbow? In fact that’s not the case. Either is free to out the other, but neither can do it on YouTube.
Learn more:
It didn’t just put up personal information about Fogbow members…
For instance, it put up personal information about people who worked with fogbow members (something that Fogbow has never done). One Fogbow member said that it put up personal information about 7 of her co-workers, and that is the reason why she flagged it.
b-b-but-but … youtube can’t take away my constitutional farce amendment rights!
I’m all for one posting information if 1) the information is already public and can be found somewhere 2) doesn’t incite others to harass them/place of work/friends/family etc 3) doesn’t violate the rules of the site that he/she posts that infomration to.
KBOA can post it to her website/blog all she wants (there are several free FLV players out there that she could use on her site), but by posting it to YouTube, it was a violation of their rules and policies. I flagged it for that reason.
I’m not featured on that video but it made me very uncomfortable in that it seemed like an open invitation to harass the individuals who were featured. So that’s why I flagged it.
I really don’t think that anyone whose involvement in the birther issue is limited to posting on the internet should have personal information exposed if they have chosen to post under a pseudonym.
I have spent considerable time with the question of who should be protected from personal identification (on this blog) and who should not be. I concluded that protection should not be afforded to someone who files a lawsuit to advance a birther position — such a person becomes a subject of discussion in their own right and from that any Internet personae they use. I also do not afford protection to some who gives “expert testimony” such as Ron Polland who testified under the name “XXXXXXXXXXXX” in a California case, and certainly not to someone who commits a crime.
I am somewhat on the fence about high-profile Internet characters, or people who host Internet radio programs.
On the other hand, I think that someone who attends a public rally, carries a sign, signs a petition, writes their government, files a FOIA request, donates to a political candidate or blogs should be free from having personal information about them compiled and published.
The division between a public figure and a private person engaging in public debate is not quite clear in my mind.
Thank you, Doc, for your careful consideration of this issue. I agree that someone who merely exercises their Constitutional rights by commenting on the internet (on their own or someone else’s blog) or by attending a rally, signing a petition, etc., should have the right to remain anonymous. Attempts by others to “out” them are anti-American intimidation tactics.
Similarly, those who attend court hearings such as the Lakin trial or any of Orly Taitz’ numerous forays should be protected from disclosure. I think the New Orleans magistrate got this bass ackwards. Persons attending court hearings are protecting the Constitution by ensuring that court proceedings are conducted in the open, fairly, and with due process. Allowing those persons to be identified and pursued for performing this important role is damaging to Constitutional principles.
IMO, internet radio shows are an extension of the right to speak freely on public issues, anonymously. Could you explain why you feel they may be different from the written word?
I also agree with your determination that those who hold themselves out as “experts” actively engaged in the public debate should expect to have their “real life” credentials examined.
With all that said, there is another category of anonymous internet posters who may expect blog owners and other blog participants to expose their true identities – the litigant. On The Fogbow, is it very common for folks involved in various birther-related lawsuits to begin posting at the site in an attempt to persuade the members to join their “side”. This is particularly true for those involved in the sideshow litigation of birther-suing-birther or former-associates-employees-independent contractors-suing-birther.
I don’t know why these folks should care whether Fogbow members or other forum members find their cases compelling, but I do think it is fair to point out that someone is actively attempting to use the site to advance their otherwise publicly available legal position.
Of course, there is a difference between identifying a participant in order to put their views in proper context and identifying a participant so that you may harass them via email, contact their employer, complain to their religious leader or interfere in their social life. I would never condone such activity and if I were the victim of such activity I would take legal action.
Again, thank you for your thoughtful approach.
Let me start by saying that my position here isn’t firm.
One of the things I’m trying to resolve in my own mind is a definition of a “public figure.”
Another area of concern is to what extent advocacy on the Internet is like a political advertisement. We expect to be told who pays for political ads. If Joseph Farah were hosting half of the birther blogs and was paying their operators, that would be news.
What I never want is to intimidate someone who’s trying to exercise free speech.
She posted it back up again today. At a brief glance (skipping through), it looks no different.
There’s a new one up.
If she posts it 3 times, they will cancel the account, but that’s nothing because it’s just a throw away account she created, knowing that the the video violated their Terms and that it would be canceled.
I share the feeling, but I will report that after being outed twice at Orly’s site (including address and phone number) and after this one, I have received a total of one critical (not abusive) email and that’s it. Certainly the potential for harm is there but I probably have more to fear being struck by lightning.
That is good to know. I hope that continues to be the case.
I’d just point out that some of the people outed on the video may be in a more vulnerable position when it comes to harassment. You’re retired, so no one can start a campaign of harassment directed at your employer.
The Fogbow has a tradition of exposing and commenting on birther litigation and other failed efforts to overturn our democratic process, and that will not end because of some sophomoric video. Transcripts of hearings have time and again demonstrated how factual and accurate the reporting of citizen observers from The Fogbow and how prescient their predictions of the outcomes. Look for this to continue.
Actually, the video is right here, it’s not gone:
And flagged again for the same reason as before. You are in violation of YouTube’s terms of service.
BTW, keep on uploading it. Everytime you upload the same video that has been posted and removed by YouTube before, you get your account suspended.
And your point is? You can make account after account on YT! DOH!
So you’ve proved yourself to be dishonest, dishonorable, and a thief.
True, but then your dishonesty and willingness to flaunt the rights of others and the requirements of a business that serves you further underscores for reasonable people why birthers cannot be trusted.
I still don’t understand the point of keep on getting your account suspended. It would seem to be better to work within the rules, instead of having to go through all the trouble of re-establish an account. I do remember a “denialist” going through the entire process on YouTube, to just get suspended again. Maybe, the point is that you got to hope that the same people don’t flag the same video.
Yes, I would agree. I certainly felt more intimidated while I was working — especially because a significant amount of our business was with state and local governments. While I’m proud of this site and what I have said, there is always the possibility of something being taken out of context.
You’re really hankering for an IP ban from Youtube.
Over at ORYR, Kerchner has posted a link that he says cannot be removed.
I think that the casual birthers are more able to swallow the idea of an ineligible President without evidence at all, than with “evidence” and a line of reasoning that includes dead babies. You probably get a lot further convincing people with just a suggestion, than if you try to explain. “Obama isn’t even American, he was born in Kenya” went over very, very well without any further explanation. People who needed an explanation of something like that couldn’t be convinced anyway, and probably weren’t birthers to begin with.
But dead babies? I’m sure ORYR loses a lot of steam on that one alone.
He’s mistaken. That will work if the video is taken down, but it will not work once the account is canceled after failing the three-strike rule.
Kerrchner making claims about things he is ignorant of?
Say it isn’t so!!!
> And your point is? You can make account after account on YT! DOH!
If just one person “outed” in that video gets a cease-and-desist order against YT, you bet YT will make sure you don’t upload that video again. With full legal force, if required.
The thrill for KBOA is in the posting of her lifetime achievement video and then daring it to be removed. She will play this game repeatedly because that’s what amuses her. Why do you think she comes here to announce her latest posting?
If the sane folks would stop peeking at the video and desist from trying get it (again) removed, then only the few circle jerkers who believe the crap will be left to watch it until the novelty wears off and the next new shiny bauble catches their eye.
No one is going to lose any job because of the video. No one is going to be arrested because of the video. No one is going to face bar disciplinary action because of the video. No one is going to be investigated for anything KBOA alleges. No Congressional hearing will be held. Bob Woodward is not going to write any articles because of it.
So stop feeding the troll.
Not sure why you call Corsi a “conspiracy theorist.” Conspiracy exists, indeed the world runs on conspiracy–those who conspire together for a strategic goal., and so do theories. Corsi, however, has hard documentation. The “birth certificate” long form was clearly a fraud. Any high schooler can see that. If he’d had it along, why not produce it earlier, before they were up against the wall.
The psychology of liars is that they continue to weave more lies to cover themselves.
You might consult a dictionary for the meaning of “conspiracy theory.” Corsi doesn’t have any “hard evidence” of anything that contradicts the Encyclopedia Britannica version of where Barack Obama was born. If you prefer, you can call him a crank instead of a conspiracy theorist. Or you might avoid all pejoratives against him and just say that his book contains “unsound reasoning.”
The story of Barack Obama’s birth hasn’t changed. And while I don’t want to insult high school students, there is a reason why they can’t vote.
If, and only if, you are prepared to make a criminal accusation of forgery against Dr. Anaka for this fraud, I will pay attention to your claim.
Make no mistake. By stating that the long form was clearly a fraud, you are alleging that a crime has been committed. Your next step should be to enumerate your evidence on which you base this accusation, and that is best done in the form of a sworn affadavit.
Until and unless you take that step, I intend to ignore this and any further claims of “fruad” that you make.
That describes Corsi and Farah to a “T”.
I’m not braking the rules, it’s because they are MASS flagging and YT removes that stuff. Everything in the video is PUBLIC that anyone can find themselves on Google, so why would Google CARE (Google owns YT) if I post info that THEY have listed as PUBLIC?
I could really care less, I have many other sites to display my videos. If it lets others KNOW and be weary of you people, then I have done my job!
BIG F-ING deal Another Paradox!
Who are you talking to?
Ya think so?
Still in denial, eh Doc Kev?
weary of: grow tired of or bored with
Have you considered remedial English lessons?
Come on. Be Fair.
Read the comments, you’ll figure it out eventually!
I used ta be, but got divorced!
Get your flaggin fingers ready Obots and Brown Shirts, the video will be back up in about a half hour or so, WITH new added info!
I belivee the relevant phase is,
“Who the feck cares about Delusional Trace and her insane ramblings?”
I see you deleted my comments when I was beating up on borderraven with facts. If you guys have the truth on your side, why do you need to censor us?
When you look in the mirror, do you see Stalin? God forbid you guys ever “get your country back”.
Oh, and if Obama’s birth place was never the issue, why is your name “KenyanBornObamAcorn”?
(Hint- you are moving the goalposts again as liars tend to do)
Sorry….”borderraven”, the lovely individual whose personal pervey penchant is for videoing underage girls….he supports KBOA…..?
’nuff said really.
Your post was in response to yourself. How many voices are you taking orders from?
KenyanBornObamAcorn June 7, 2011 at 1:34 pm (Quote) #
KenyanBornObamAcorn: I GUESS WE’RE EVEN NOW!
Dude, grow up. I stopped throwing temper tantrums like that after I passed my teen years.
First it was going to be available in the morning. then 2:00, then 2:30…still no sign….meth crash..?
Up annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd……the same old cack, still waiting on the MAJOR NEW EXPOSES….
So, in other words, you do care.
Or did you actually mean to say “I really couldn’t care less”. which actually means there is no possible way you care at all, since there’s no level of caring below what you are experiencing right now?
Hard to take someone seriously who is not “patriotic” enough to even get their native tongue cliches right….
I almost feel sorry for this pathetic lunatic as she hurtles herself farther and farther down the rabbit hole.
If she’s desperate for attention, she will eventually get lots of it but it’s not going to end with the kind of fantasy she’s imagining.
To be fair, while the rest of the world uses the perfectly logical and ‘correct’ expression “I couldn’t care less”, in my experience at least 90% of Americans substitute that with “I could care less”.
It makes no sense and certainly doesn’t acually mean what they are trying to say, but it is nevertheless very much more common for Americans to use the latter as opposed to the former.
Well I guess it’s no surprise, then, that there are as many birthers as there are?
It is sad to see when people get this obsessively disturbed. KBOA really needs to learn to get on with life and let things go. When one holds onto every tiny perceived slight and treats it like an all scale assault, that is beyond unhealthy for that individual, as they have no real release for their anger, except to make their own situation worse and to turn off more and more people in the process. It becomes a viscious circle, continually piling up and growing in its madness and fury.
Unless she can learn to let go and move on from things, she’s going to completely implode and snap under the weight of her own obsessive paranoia and anger at some point.
It is a very sad and tragic thing to watch take place and there is not much any of us here can do to help her. I hope she hasn’t scared off everyone in her personal life and can go to someone (or a professional) to help her find a more productive (and less self-destructive) release valve for her problems. I don’t know how anyone gets through each day weighted down with such compulsive and overwhelming anger…
That’s certainly one way of looking at it!
I didn’t delete anything, the comments are either hidden or it’s a new video. If the comments are open, then it’s a new video and I can’t copy over commnets once I delete a video!
Sorry, YT don’t work that way!
The new additions is up and you can link to it from my video or by going to this link!
That was my issue when I opened the YT channel, but since finding out he is NOT a NBC, over a year ago, WHERE he was born is irrelevant!
Pathetic. She’s also got lousy research skills. At least four persons are misidentified.
Tantrum, sorry dude but I’m laughing MY BUTT OFF at how you people are FREAKING over my videos. What’s the problem?
Can’t handle your own medicine?
Uh huh…you’re paying attention, which means that I am keeping you busy, which is keeping you from going out to bash people! Much better that way, dontcha think?
FUNNY, I was thinking the same thing about the Fogbow Forum!
Not you though eh, [Personal information deleted due to site policy. Doc.]?
They can consider it their lucky day, that I got it wrong, IF it’s wrong!
It’s not looking good for Obama and General Horst!
Can you find the other 6 sites hosting this video?
censor censor censor
What’s up DOC?
[I’m not sure. 4 of your comments were caught by the spam filter. Maybe some other sites (not this one) are flagging your stuff as spam and it’s going into the spammer database. I really don’t know. Doc.]
Notice you don’t deny your obvious drug issues Trace.
Having a browser window open to watch and laugh at your obvious fail really doesn’t equate to your desperate attention seeking pathology.
I really don’t keep track of who’s who.
I was more interested in the “Barbie is real!” link below it.
You noticed that too. She used information for me from a four year old “OKCupid” profile and a five month old screenshot of my blog. Sam Sewell did a better job “outing” me (not that I was ever hidden) a couple years ago, and he STILL got most of his information wrong.
I’m still laughing over Tracy’s attempt. As for her posting the video over and over and over and over again, just another example that for birthers, rules are something to be ignored, overlooked, or explained away as somehow different for them as for the rest of the world.
Doc, I believe that post violates the TOS for your web site. Diisclosure of full name and all that. Perhaps you should moderate posts from KBOA in the future, given her apparent disdain for the rules people set for the sites she abuses.
I don’t think exhortation is going to provide any remedy. It may be that people prone to conspiracy theory thinking may just have brains that do too much of something, or not enough of something else. Telling such a person to get on with life may be akin to telling a left-handed person to just get over being left-handed, or a gay person to get over being gay.
You do know this is also a violation of liveleak’s privacy policy as well. Good luck keeping it up.
No one is freaking. What does what happened at Fogbow have anything to do with here? How is this our own medicine? Where did the fogbowers post personal details like employers, coworkers, addresses, etc? The only one freaking is you because the rest of the birther world isn’t really jumping on your videos.
Actually KBOA is banned, but has slipped in with a new IP address. Maybe I’ll reconsider the ban, but enforce moderation as you suggest.
Wow, just like any typical armchair paranoid conspiricist, you connect meaningless dots and make up some big sinister plot to tie it all together. Anyone can play six degrees of Kevin Bacon, KBOA. As an old saying goes, there simply is no “there” there. In other words, you are merely tricking yourself and seeing what you wish to see and making up bogeyman reasons for mere unrelated coincidences in timeframes and inventing connections between unrelated issues. Standard behavior pattern of the stereotypical paranoid.
Maybe it would be better if we acted freaked.
OK, I’m freaking — ROTFL.
I partially disagree with you and find those comparison’s, frankly unfair (and likely offensive) to those who are either left-handed or gay, both conditions which are unchangeable and that people are born with. I don’t think those were appropriate analogies to make.
I would consider obsessive-compulsive paranoia to be more of a mental condition that can be aided with professional therpy, support and when necessary, medication. More akin to treating drug or alcohol addiction or bipolar disorder.
I don’t think it is wrong to try to encourage those suffering with psychological conditions or addiction to get help. Until they are ready to take help, they likely will totally ignore such pleas, and I fully understand and accept that. They are unlikely to ever realize it on their own and often will only resort to getting the help they need after hearing it from different sources a thousand times.
I do understand your concern that such statements could come off the wrong way to the intended audience and backfire by inflaming instead of helping them. It is definitely a difficult dilemma, I agree and I will reflect seriously upon how I can better convey my intentions in the future. I have no problem being mocking or viscious in slamming someone, when that is my intent. But I tend to only react that way after being provoked. I cleary take a very cynical view of Birthers at this point, but I do have sincere compassion for where I can find humanity behind the other stuff, wherever possible.
Although I view Birthers and in particular, the tactics and statements of KBOA with disdain, I also realize that there is a hurt human being behind those bad actions.
My plea to KBOA to try to “chill out” a bit in life actually comes from the part of me that has compassion for her as a fellow human being and not from the part of me that is disgusted and turned off by her behaviors. I wish she could understand that “I get it” that something that happened over at Fogbow legitimately upset her and that I understand that she has feelings too. I do have difficulty and frustration in understanding why she ever initially brought her problems from over there to here…but at this point, that’s not worth arguing over either. I sincerely wish she could find some better way to communicate or work out her grievences with them and simply accept that we simply do not see the conspiracies that she sees.
I dunno Doc. Maybe you are right and there is no point in even trying to bother reaching out. The compassionate part of me immediately wants to reach out more when I see someone teetering close to the edge and try to save them from falling beyond the point of no return. I’m open to whatever advice you or others have on a better way, but I don’t see ignoring their behavior as helping them either. That might work with certain trolls that just purely troll to seek attention…but this whole bizarre episode seems very different to that….
My point was exactly that being left-handed or gay is a manifestation of how ones brain works, not that either was any kind of a disorder, or something that could be changed by medication. I was suggesting that brain wiring might also be related to a tendency to believe conspiracy theories.
It might be that there is a “cure” for conspiracy theorists (although I don’t think there’s a diagnosis in the DSM -IV for it), and it may be that there is not.
All that said, it has been my experience that anything a stranger on the Internet tells a disturbed person like “get professional help” is always taken the wrong way, not as an attempt to reach out but as an attack.
I also have to fight the all-too-normal impulse to try to overlay a diagnosis (or an evil motive) on everyone I can’t reconcile with how I see things.
You put it in a way that didn’t really occur to me before. I see what you are getting at now.
Personally, I still view handedness, etc. and how the brain drives that to be different than patterns of what I would categorize as simply forms of “thought behavior”, for lack of a better simplistic term.
I’m with you that I don’t know about any cures or formal diagnosis for “the conspiracy mind”, but I don’t need to even go the route at looking into mental illnesses to see some possible areas where they can be helped. For instance, a lot of studies are being done and progress is being made in helping people with various forms of autism in being able to better communicate, cope and function in society and reduce their dependence on others to safely get through the routine of their day. All I can hope is that there might be similar methods to help a “conspiracy mind” cope with the rest of society and not ostrecize themselves as much in the process.
I fear that you are right about this. I wish I knew a better way to try to reach them, when I wish to be compassionate instead of merely dismissive. I’ll try to refrain from such phrasing in the future. I’m sure I’ll forget and fail (or actually lose my patience and use such terminology with intentional derision) from time to time, but I’ll do my best to be more cognizent of this and work to refrain from it.
Glad to hear that I’m not alone in this.
Did you know that Obama is still President? How does it feel to fail every single time? Wake me when you succeed in getting him impeached or he resigns.
Hi freinds…thanks for runnig my videos off YT, it made me find a much better place…
It’s already copied by everyone and they will make sure it’s up ALL OVER! It’s in about a dozen places right now, all with different titles! Getting views out the ying yang!
And that’s why I have a meeting with the Lakin Action Fund and the Post & Email wants to do an interview!
Sorry, Doc. I only use ONE PC and it is the SAME IP! That is a total LIE!
it has nothing to do with that! I want the TRUTH out and you people are hindering that truth! I really can’t see how all you attorneys and well educated people just can’t GET IT. It’s because you don’t WANT to get it! You are Socialists and Communists and that is all you understand!
Pretty Sick!
Kinda funny how you can sit there so sure of yourself calling others names and saying they have disorders when I HAVE the FACTS and you don’t!
You are the ones that need help!
Don’t worry, it’s coming soon. Everyone is starting to know that something is WRONG and with Orly’s SSN case, we are gonna finish him off!
“You are the ones that need help!”
That’s just sad.
Just to be clear, I am not saying you have a mental disorder, nor would I be qualified to make such a statement. I am speaking in general terms about people and online forums and the effectiveness of ways of “trying to help.”
I think you are confusing IP address with MAC address. The hardware network adapter in your computer has a globally unique MAC address, but this address does not cross the Internet. The Internet uses an Internet Protocol (IP) address and that address is assigned to a computer in software. The IP address for most of us is a dynamic IP is assigned by our Internet provider through the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). DHCP leases the IP address to the computer for a fixed amount of time. So IP addresses may change over time, even though we use the same computer.
You have used 8 different IP addresses on this blog.
The Wikipedia has a nice article on IP addresses that explains the process. See:
Now please don’t throw that “LIE” word around carelessly.
Be sure and let us know when the interview get’s posted.
Oh dear. You lied to LiveLeak in order to get that video posted. This from the LiveLeak Terms of Service that you agreed to:
“Many of the blogs and site opposing Terry’s actions have repeatedly accused him of being manipulated or used as pawn. Let’s put this to rest. The decision Terry made to invite his own court martial was his and his alone. Everyone, including the attorneys, cautioned him to reconsider.” See FAQ, TAF.
If the statement about advice from his attorney’s is correct. That means he made a personal and informed decision. That will likely then negate or preclude any claim of IAC or misadvice, during the appellate process.
He plead guilty and admitted under oath that the orders he received were “lawful” orders and that he had a duty to obey them. Those statements under oath directly contradict any claim that he was acting under the belief that the president issued the orders and that he didn’t have authority to issue the orders because of his supposed ineligibility. And (to extent it matters anymore in his case), by implication by his plea LTC Lakin accepted also the “de facto officer” doctrine.
It is unlikely that his pleas of guilty will be reversed. Having been present in the court to hear his providency inquiry under oath I did not hear anything said or not said that would lead to a conclusion on appeal that his plea was improvident and subject to reversal. I hesitate to invoke another’s name, but I believe my companion at the hearing would agree. Because he plead not guilty to missing movement there could be some argument that the evidence wasn’t “sufficient as a matter of fact and law for him to have been found guilty beyond reasonable doubt.” Even if the conviction for the missing movement were set aside, I’m not convinced that the court will find a Dismissal to be an “inappropriately severe” punishment.
I predict LTC Lakin’s findings and sentence will be affirmed on appeal.
Has anyone seen any statistics on how much the TAF has actually raised and reported, and presumably paid income taxes on?
Socialists? Communists??? Really?
Those are the latest meaningless bogeyman terms that frighten you, I take it, so you just carelessly sling them around anytime someone doesn’t agree with you.
*sigh* It is like a 6-year old calling someone a poopy-head. An equally empty-headed and meaningless insult.
Tough, but you have to face reality that “truth” has an actual meaning and that meaning is not whatever your hurt feelings want it to be. You can wish all you want and rant all you want, but you can’t force the rest of the world to agree with you, nor can you magically wish the POTUS away. It is what is is. You simply chose to live in make believe and that is your perogative. No one is stopping you from voting or not voting for who you chose. Your democracy and your rights are just as intact as they always were. No one is forcing you to post and annoy people over here either.
KBOA’s statement is telling. When has an “OBOT” ever prevented her from saying anything to do with the eligibility issue? If she means that some unknown person(s) filed a complaint to YT that she was repeatedly and knowingly violating their TOS that resulted in her poorly made and inaccurate videos being removed then her issue is really with YT and their TOS.
What KBOA really wants is for us to ignore her like 99% over the population does so she can spout her lies like calling Terry Lakin a hero even though he pleaded guilty to criminal actions and took his paid pre leave vacation. He did that even though he knew he was going to screw his comrades in arms. Some of us have chosen to point out the lies like that and will continue to do so.
So do tell Tracy of the mismatched wardrobe and pathetically low self esteem, once you’ve made all your silly little video’s, then what?
Will anyone be actually inconveniemced by you……………….No
Will anyone lose a job……………………………………………………..No
Will the President be “marched out in chains”………………….No
Will Lakin get his charges reversed………………………………….No
Will Lakin still be a cowardly buddy fecker……………………….Yes
Will Tracy still be full of bile and hate………………………………Yes
Will Tracy still fail to grasp the fundamntals of grammar….Yes
Will Corsi and Farah still laugh as they rip of Birfers…………Yes
Will anuthing whatsoever have changed in Tracy’s favor……No
Sad, pathetic, deluded and intellectually incontinent, I would say it’s a shame what people will descend into but I don’t really care.
The truth is out there Tracy, [Personal attack removed. Doc.]. No amount of repeating what you heard from Taitz is going to change that. The President is legally and lawfully the President and you’re just some [Personal attack removed. Doc.] who needs to get a life. [Personal attack removed. Doc.]
Wow who are they again? So you have a meeting with other birthers? Is it AA?
Everyone? No not everyone. I’m sorry but your sock puppet accounts don’t count as everyone. I haven’t seen anyone but you copy it other places with different titles. I think you overstate your own importance.
Dr Kenneth,
Tracy fails to grasp the difference between a LINK to the original and a COPY, just as she doesn’t grasp the difference between ranting conspiracy stupidity from legal facts.
To say anyone is both a socialist and a communist is potentially mutually exclusive. To be a communist one must be a socialist because socialism is somewhere on the continuum between capitalism and communism as a society moves toward communism. But a person can be a socialist without being a communist.
So, it’s better to either call someone a socialist or a communist, but not both. That demonstrates a better understanding, I think, of the broad definitions involved.
In order to comply with your request, she’d have to stop being a birther
No you don’t.
You want your delusions and prejudices to BE the truth… and you will accept nothing else.
Thus you choose to believe that anyone who does not agree with you is “hindering truth”, when the reality is quite the opposite.
The truth, real truth, is not just whatever you decide is HAS to be.
Obama is sweatin’ bullets now that it is on LiveLeaks. Maybe important people will watch KBOA’s video in between watching “Elephant Rampage” and “Drunken Skateboarder in Helsinki”.
Any day now, KBOA! Any day now….
Remind me again — what horrible, awful, bad things are supposed to happen as a result of an amateur video by a conspiracy theorist? I need to know what to watch for.
I think the only question at this point is whether KBOA’s stupid videos are all her own work or are there other Birther practitioners of inept research collaborating such as ORYR for example. Certainly Orly’s crack “professional” private investigators Neill Sankey and Susan Daniels have demonstrated they are capable of this shoddy level of work.
KBOA, I have noticed the video is available on multiple sites. But they all seem to be sites like DrKate, and the like.
In military intelligence this is a form of what’s called circular reporting. An intelligence analyst has to be careful about the truth of reliability of information. Here is a reasonably concise explanation from Wikipedia.
[QUOTE] In source criticism, circular reporting or false confirmation is a situation where a piece of information appears to come from multiple independent sources, but in fact is coming from only one source.[1][2] In most cases, the problem happens mistakenly through sloppy intelligence gathering practices, but in a few cases, the situation was believed to have been intentionally caused by the original source.[3]
This problem occurs in variety of fields, including intelligence gathering[2], journalism, and scholarly research.
This is something we discussed at the Wikipedia regarding the birth date of Barack Obama Sr. (back before the FOIA documents were released). The Wikipedia at one time listed a birth date for Obama Sr. but it was not sourced and there was discussion about whether to delete the date. Two sources were eventually found, but upon examination, they seemed to be derived from the Wikipedia — hence a circular report. The date was removed.
The old Wikipedia date was April 4, 1936. Since FOIA immigration documents have been released, we know Obama Sr. said it was June 18 on numerous application forms, but the year is still up for grabs — 1934 or 1936. The Wikipedia says 1936, which matches his tombstone.
This is also one of the reasons that I rarely read the other fine anti-birther blogs out there — so as to be a more independent source of information, and to have an independent analysis. I think statistically speaking, this increases the number of degrees of freedom in the estimate (apologies if I got that wrong, but it has been almost 40 years).
Odd, I thought I was posting to a KBOA comment in which she brags that at least six other sites now have her video. Sorry for the confusion.
i think you’ve made an common error by not first translating the terms from their birfistanese corruptions:
i hope that clears things up.
Er, huuum, aaaargh. I forgot. I thought we were committing ourselves to having a discussion at an adult level with a view to engaging the intellect. I’m bored with the name calling. I’m traveling to CA in the early AM and wanted to get used to being on a higher plane.
Have you met KBOA?
Since I apparently missed the “any day now” that was supposed to happen on Monday, I checked, and apparently, he was already forced to resign or arrested, or something. From Pinkstaff:
If he was already served with arrest warrents from Manning, why do they need the videos? I’m so confused.
i’m not the one doing the name-calling. i’m merely pointing out who is.
Sorry, didn’t think you were name calling.:-)
I don’t know. Would I have met him/her at Lakin[s trial. That’s the closest I’ve knowingly come close to a bierther
it seems birfers still have a bit of work cut out for them:
looking on the bright side, i guess their efforts thus far have robbed the usurper of triple-digit leads. [rimshot]
She might have been there. She’s evidently one in the handful of Lakin’s groupies.
Nice. The ABC Poll put Romney ahead by 3. The Q-poll puts him behind by 6, so I’m guessing the ABC one is an outlier.
I know my IP address and it’s been the SAME, for as long as I’ve known!
[ June 9, 2011 June 8, 2011 May 17, 2011 May 14, 2011 February 4, 2011 January 30, 2011 January 19, 2011 January 19, 2011
Your next comment on this web site will be an apology, or you will not comment here again. Doc.]
Too bad for you they don’t actually say what you want them to (here’s a little hint….when just about everyone who has studied the law disagrees with you, the odds are you’re the one who is wrong).
Since you seem to have nothing but contempt for America and what it’s laws actually are, rather than what you imagine them to be, perhaps we should be asking you to leave?
If I am wrong then LTC Lakin lied under oath. It was Lakin who testified that he took he pre-deployment leave before missing his flight to Ft. Campbell, KY. Are you saying Lakin lied?
I hope you’ll be on the next plane to Iran, traitor! Don’t think you can try to overturn a free and fair Democratic election, just because your guy didn’t win, without us fighting back.
Lakin the traitor wound up in jail, I expect to see you overstep and wind up there soon.
Nice to know you are as ignorant about IT as you are about the Constitution, and just as arrogant in your ignorance.
Doc, don’t confuse her, ’cause she’s got the FACTS on her side….
(facts, of course, being slang for strong shards)
KBOA is one of a rare breed of folks who are both industrious and stupid. It is a dangerous combination for both themselves and those around them. A certain California dentist masquerading as an attorney also comes to mind.
Thanks but my video is nothing but FACTS from the Founders. Maybe you don’t WATCH and COMPREHEND, but others will!
Both videos are 100% sourced by the founders documents and there is no disputing our founders! Perhaps if you Obots would just sit for 15 minutes and watch the damn thing, then you would GET what we are talking about UNLESS you hate the Founders!
…The more you censor me, even though you know i am right, the more you get exposed!
[I didn’t censor you, I threw you out of my house for being an obnoxious guest. If you want to apologize for calling me a liar here, and in your video, you can visit again. Until you learn some manners, you are not welcome. Doc.]
Probably the same as mine:
People might not want you around because you barge into their homes, crap on the rugs, blame them for it and then laugh in their faces and leave.
Class act. Is this your whole life now?
I see your point.
It may begin with 192.168 or or possibly 10. Silly things those internal IP addresses.
Ah, the call of the middle school student who is in trouble. The teacher or principal is always “proven” to be wrong and “has been exposed.” After countless repetitions of this statement, I still do not understand what they meant. They still had detention or in-school suspension and I went upon my regular business.
I’m SORRY Doc Kev…Can I PLEASE post again!
Pretty please with sugar on top!
Doc will let me back, he always does…even though he acts like it was an accident! He knows that if he is COOL with me that I will return the favor! RIGHT, DOC?
[I have a forgiving nature, and don’t hold grudges. I’m not looking for any favors in return. However, you got back on before because your IP address AND your email address changed (you used to use a verizon email address and now it’s gmail). Doc.]
Yes, I have several of those. Lots of virtual machines.
Let me offer some advice from someone who has been online since before commercial Internet existed. Politeness, listening, cautiousness and common courtesy go a long way towards facilitating communication. Insults, being hasty, and losing ones temper never accomplish anything in the long run.
Any time you or I lose our tempers we lose. We lose the respect of others. We lose the possibility of having our opinion accepted. We lose quality of life from going around angry and aggrieved.
Even though you are attempting to harass me by posting videos in violation of the terms of service of places where you posted them; I’m not going to flag them or complain about them further. This is because such an action is pointless. People can say pretty much what they want to online, and the mature response is to accept that and not dwell on it. (This of course doesn’t apply to threats of physical violence or actual harm which are police matters — not what we’re talking about here.)
But you should understand that your “outing” videos are as ineffective as people flagging them to keep them off the Internet. In the end, they just lower the qualify of life of everyone that touches them, you included.
Your comments are still being monitored, and any mention of a non-public person’s real name will be removed, just as I remove it from the comments of others.
Generally I don’t like to debate videos because it’s too much work to transcribe them so that they can be discussed in this text-based forum.
The first video opens up with an admission that all the major news organizations, those with legal experts on staff, with correspondents itching to get ahead, with research budgets, those who succeed when they break news that gets the public excited — those news organizations find nothing of value in the argument KBOA advances. In fact, in the 2 1/2 years since CNN senior legal affairs analyst and attorney Jeffrey Toobin called this stuff a “whack job” no one who is an authority on the Constitution agrees.
To suggest that someone just reading stuff off the Internet is in a position to “school” everybody else is a claim I reject.
The video begins with a claim, not supported by history, that the Founders didn’t consider themselves natural born citizens. We can see from the John Jay letter that this is not the case. Jay said that only a natural born citizen should be commander in chief — and he said nothing about exemptions. If Jay (later Chief Justice Jay) meant only people with US Citizen parents, then there would have been no one in the country old enough to qualify! No, it is absolutely clear that the Founders considered themselves natural born citizens and that the constitutional exception was for folks like Alexander Hamilton who supported the Revolution, but was born in the West Indies. I wrote about this in my article, George Washinton – natural born citizen. This is not just my opinion, but that of the history books.
Your next mistake is interesting: you highlight a phrase in the Constitution in red, “Offences against the Law of Nations.” Rather than actually use what you highlighted, which is a titled section of Blackstone’s Commentaries, the most influential legal treatise of the day, you cut off the words “Offences against” and then you capitalize “the” to make it look like the phrase is part of a title. Very poor work there. I wrote about this particular birther fallacy in my article, The Law of Nations and the US Constitution.
So at this point, observing that your views have no support from any authority, and that your analysis itself is demonstrably flawed, I’m going to work on something else.
The “Law of Nations” is in the Constitution is one of favorite examples of birther idiocy. Yes, the framers intended Congress to have the power to define and punish offenses against a particular book. Hard to make this stuff up. One would think they would actually look at how the phrase came about and what is has been interpreted to mean. But, no. They merely make assertions.
“. . . and there is no disputing our founders!”
I guess those pesky amendments to the Constitution including the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote should be repealed since it was obviously never intended by the Founding Fathers.
“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”
However, I have no doubt there are many birthers who would like to see the return of slavery.
And, of course, when they wrote “Offenses against The Law of Nations,” they meant Vattel’s book:
and not Blackstone’s book, which has a chapter titled:
So, you’ve typed out cue cards, and then you pan down to highlighted sections of cases. And you want me to spend 30 minutes of my time reading your video?
I’ll read what you write, if you write it. This isn’t really a video. It’s writing without any of the benefits of writing.
> So at this point, observing that your views have no support from any authority, and that your analysis itself is demonstrably flawed, I’m going to work on something else.
Not just flawed; like most birthers, KBOA intentionally distorts the truth, lies and obfuscates.
Just like Vogt who draws lines in a specific way to show straightness where there is none.
Just like Irey who draws lines in a specific way to show different angles where there are none.
As I always tell the birthers, if you’re after the truth and really have a case, why the need for lies and distortions?
> However, I have no doubt there are many birthers who would like to see the return of slavery.
I’ve been reading the “women voted mostly for Obama, we need to repeal the 19th” several times. They long for the time when the (male) head of the family was the only one allowed to vote. Of course, after all those “libruls” and “immigrunts” have been abridged of said right.
> and not Blackstone’s book, which has a chapter titled:
> Of Offenses Against the Law of Nations
Maybe Blackstone was talking about offenses against Vattel’s book? *lol* Would make perfect sense for a birfer.
Hmmmmm….who do I believe…a crack pot posting on the internet, or what every real scholar on the law says.
Here’s a challenge for you. Put your videos to paper, submit them to a reputable journal of law, get it publshed, and then I’ll read what you have to say. You see, those of us who actually work in the legal world don’t get our information from 15 minute videos posted on the internet by unknown crackpots. If I have a question, and I feel the need to go to secondary sources, I go to law journal, where the writers identify themselves, and I can judge what they have to say, with the understanding of what their bona fides are. I hate to break it to you, but your videos are meaningless garbage, and I don’t even have to see them to make that determiniation. The fact that it has been pointed out that you’re pushing the Vattel is in the Consitution line, is proof enough that your videos would be a complete waste of time. The Michigan School of Law did a symposium on natural born citizenship a couple of years ago. If I really want to re-visit the question, I’ll go to five articles they published from that symposium. And here’s the kicker…those five articles were written by people who have actually studied the law.
That would be very funny. Could you imagine a law review even reading one of their articles. Seriously, do these clowns interpret even one case they cite correctly? Not even close. We should give a prize to the first birther who can actually figure out what Wong Kim Ark or Lujan actually says. I think we would have a long wait.
> then you would GET what we are talking about UNLESS you hate the Founders!
Is this the “if you don’t agree TV is a bad thing, you hate little children and like to drown kitties” line of argument? I thought they didn’t teach that beyond first grade. Then again, KBOA probably never went beyond first grade.
During my stint on a journal, I was actually on the committee that did the first pass for submitted articles, and whether they went straight to the “thank you for your submission file, but” response, or went to the executive editors for further consideration. During that time, I can’t recall a single crack pot theory article submitted, but I was also on the journal of international law. I don’t know if the Law Review folks got any crazies, but I certainly didn’t. I’m sure if a crazy did submit something, it certainly would get passed around for a laugh.
Gee, I wonder why Appuzzo or Donofrio have never submitted any of their deep thoughts for publication?
They can barely figure out how to properly file a case, how could they possibly submit an article correctly? Who would they mail it to? Maybe you should check with the security guards outside the law school to see if anyone has handed them any weird packages – submissions to be “served” on the journal.
Well, I certainly wasn’t going to add Orly to the list. I don’t even want to imagine what an Orly article would look like.
On a side note, I have been debating writing a short history of junk law how birthers fit into the equation to submit to the Greenbag. It would be a fun way of adding a publication to the resume, but do I really want to deal with the flood of birthers that would then start calling me at work, harassing me, my firm, and possibly my clients? Eh. Perhaps I’ll write the article, and see how happy I’m with it first.
If you want a co-author, PM me on fogbow (gentrfam).
Hmmmm….I may take you up on that. I suppose that will kill my “Obot anonymity”
Guess that means it’s time to get on fogbow as well.
Recent comment from KBOA on her redirect “video”
“@witchtelus You must have forgotten about Orly’s latest case where she is MOVING ON, Man, do we love our Orly. She has done so much for the American people and they don’t even know it!
Search google for Orly’s case and Obama is going down! ”
KBOA actually believes that Orly is winning this time?
The really sad part is that when Orly loses…. again….. KBOA probably won’t even allow herself to be disappointed.
I have heard whispers that Obama will voluntarily leave office on 1/21/17.
No fuss.
That should be “Offences” in each case.
Heeey, Corsi musta been watching my video…
Oh No Foggy…lolol You’re not gonna like this!
My LiveLeak page has had some work done, seen it lately?
ADIOS, [Insult deleted Doc.] !
This is a new low at WND.
One man’s LOW is another man’s HIGH!
They let KBOA breed……OMG, Reverse Darwinism in action
Language betrays the mentality of the people who speak it. The Swiss variant of German does not have a future tense. Emmerich van Wattel was born and dies in Prussian Switzerland, and only worked for German masters. The Law of Nations was never meant for the future.
In fact, The Law of Nations was meant to be a description of an important part of the legal system, it never was meant as a pre-scription. That is why Wattel later says they do things differently in England and one must respect that. Using Wattel/Vatel to explain natural born, is (even not taking into account the mistranslations involved) very unvatellian and downright un-Swiss.
If language betrays the mentality of its people, it is clear why in the Russian language Obama is rodnoy (родной for those who want to check Google translate) , pronounced radnoy, and a dentist with loads of mascara is an urodina (уродина).
Must have been quite the disappointment he didn’t give you any credit or acknowledge your existence then.
I asked him to not use my name for the moment, but he was more tha willing! You will see in the future, WHEN I REQUEST IT, that I will be given the credit! I wanted to see the reaction first! This is just the start, we have way more to go through and I’ve loaded him up with info!
You think I could get in on some of the action?
While I’ve never been disbarred nor even barred (from much) for that matter… would be awesome if you could get Jerry to out me as well. Maybe you could get him to say I have syphilis or something like that. Hit me back channel and I’ll get you my private info.