now nobody’s gonna drink out of that punch bowl
The title of this article comes from talk show host Alex Jones, and I must say it’s pretty ironic.
Jones, a man at war with the New World Order, the secretive cabal that he believes pulls the strings, starts the wars, controls the famines and even choses the President, is quoted by Jon Ronson in his 2002 book THEM: Adventures with Extremists as calling fellow conspiracy theorist David Icke “a turd in the punch bowl.” You see Icke popularizes the same New World Order conspiracy theories as Jones; he just adds that the conspirators are 12-foot lizard people. Icke turns the truth into a joke and folks won’t drink from Jones’ punch bowl because Icke crapped in it. Jones even speculates that Icke could be an agent provocateur from the NWO.
I say this is ironic because Alex Jones is a birther, and has embraced the “birth certificate is a fake” story. Jones and his fellow birthers have crapped in the punch bowl of legitimate criticism of President Obama by espousing crazy theories that no sensible person would take seriously. So perhaps the birthers are really the ones working for Obama, discrediting his opponents and insuring his re-election.. Who knew?
This came powerfully to mind the past couple of days with the presence here of a reformed birther critic of Obama, and an email exchange I’ve had with a hard-core birther. What I have seen in myself is that once I see the stupid birther nonsense start flowing, I’m going to summarily dismiss anything else that person might say about Obama’s policies; the person is discredited in my eyes. I don’t listen to crackpots, and once someone proves themselves a crackpot by being a birther, I’m going to put my attention somewhere else.
Seems like there’s no end to stuff people will believe.
Why, I had a lizard person over today for coffee and he didn’t mention politics even once.
I for one welcome our reptilian overlords.
The article opines, “once someone proves themselves a crank by being a birther […]”
Alex Jones proved himself a crank years before there were birthers.
It is hilarious when nuts squabble over who’s nuttiness is the right nuttiness! And awesome when nuts can recognize the other nuts in the room …. except the one in the mirror. Just like a religious squabble, have to fight for the faith of the faithful.
Who is it that rambles on an overnight show about the green and grey aliens? I spent some years on graveyard shifts, and recall and among the nightwalking zombie crowd, he was pretty popular, for the comedy value alone. Nevermind that he was purportedly dead serious. Can’t remember his name.
Birthers, along with the Tea party, are definitely making it too easy for the Left. If stupid has limits, these groups are hellbent on finding and highlighting them. It is really awkward to have to suffer through such embarrassments that insist on being on your side, I don’t envy the Reds as they reap what they have sown. Not that the more sober Reds are representing themselves well these days either. Reference Ryan “Budget” Plan (yet another “revenue neutral” plan for upward transfer of wealth) which died quite suddenly, not in the face of public outcry, but rather when a reminder of the existence of the deficit and a clash with the debt ceiling went around. Yet again, Reds prove deaf to Main St, but hop to at the slightest wave of Wall St’s hand.
Lots of turds in the national puch bowl!
PS, a great source on contemporary popular nuttiness is I recommend it to anyone interested in conspiracies, when consumed in moderation!
But IMO an abysmally bad website design.
As annoying as I find the birthers, I like that they’re focused on this rather than discussing policy. They have proven they would have nothing to add to any policy discussion, and if there’s less crazy in policy debate, maybe we’ll get slightly more productive policies put in place without them involved.
The impressive thing about Alex Jones in “THEM” is that in a book filled with stories of personal interactions with conspiracy nuts and the like, Alex Jones manages to come off as the craziest of them all.
I disagree, the insane layout reflects the content wonderfully, and the paradoxical navigation makes perfect sense to a certain mindset. It’s the asylum on parade! Slot machine that pays off in mixed nuts.
Loren, thanks for the reference! I must have that tome ….
Speaking of “Epic Fails” it is reported on NBC’s site [] that Leo has to come up with $128K to pay off the lawyers in his windmill tilt. Orly should take note.
Agreed. I actually like the ATS layout, it is perverse, but I like it.
I don’t go there much anymore, I’ve moved the bookmark to my “odd stuff” folder. Small doses can be amusing, even gratifying. But the lizard people invade all the threads about any topic from evolution to 9/11. Its just too tiring after a while.
Hilarious and well deserved that he should be stuck with the bill on that stupid little stunt.
Time for him to hit the high stakes poker tables again…
He’s going to have to play a bit more poker.
The Court probably won’t appreciate it when he asks to go for double or nothing.
Thank you for that imagery Doc. I can no longer drink fruit punch.
I’ve always thought it was George Carlin who came up with the “Turd in a puchbowl” line.
The last purse I heard of Leo winning was less than 10K – it’s going to take a lot of those to pay his tab…
I don’t really understand the imagery suggested by this thread.
Ingesting other peoples turds can be quite beneficial to ones health.