Barkun on Norway killer and conspiracy theories

The Orange County Register, a conservative newspaper in California and the home county of Orly Taitz, published an interesting and detailed story yesterday, and updated today, by Martin Wisckol titled Norway killer’s conspiracy theories bubble in U. S. The article discusses a June GOP Flag Day event at which Bill Whittle gave a warmly-received talk about culturally-diverse socialist conspiracy including Barack (Manchurian Candidate) Obama.

The Register quotes Michael Barkun, the author of A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America, the book that I am currently reading. Barkun compares US extremism with the right-wing views of the Norway killer. Barkun says:

From what I can tell, there is little in (Breivik’s) thinking that would connect him with most American extremists, beyond hostility toward Islam and cultural diversity.

Barkin, commenting on some of the modern conspiracy theories such as birtherism said:

Fifteen or 20 years ago, these issues never would have entered the mainstream dialogue. That’s because the mainstream media censored things that had no discernible evidence behind them.

The Register points out that with Cable TV and the Internet, more people are exposed to these ideas. The article then goes on to discuss conspiracy theorists in Orange County.

In a companion article the Register covers some Top Conspiracy Theories, first of which is “Obama is not a natural-born citizen.”

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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5 Responses to Barkun on Norway killer and conspiracy theories

  1. Bob says:

    “In June 2007, “counter-jihad” blogger Pamela Geller posted the following Email from Norway, from a reader who sounds a lot like the Oslo terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik . . .”


  2. J. Potter says:

    The tapdancing and excuse-making by the right for Breivik, and attempts to blame the victims, is repugnant. And telling. And creepy. Perhaps the fundamentalists on all sides can go elsewhere and have a crusade to the finish? It would be nice to clear all the tension out of the system and just collectively move on. Maybe they could fight for Antarctica, winner keeps.

  3. G says:

    From all the reports I’ve read that delve into such details, the 1500 pg “manifesto” from Breivik specifically mentions Pamela Geller as a source of inspiration.

    Bob: “In June 2007, “counter-jihad” blogger Pamela Geller posted the following Email from Norway, from a reader who sounds a lot like the Oslo terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik . . .”☞ LINK

    Agreed. And despicable. And repulsive. And shameful.

    J. Potter: The tapdancing and excuse-making by the right for Breivik, and attempts to blame the victims, is repugnant. And telling. And creepy.

  4. Lupin says:

    I don’t pretend to read every paper in the world, but it has been upsetting to notice that the only “defenses” I’ve read / seen reported for Breivik’s heinous actions have come from the US. (So far and as far as I know.)

    The comparisons of the victims with “Hitler Youth” are truly beyond the pale.

    Here, even pond scum like Geert Wilders and the British EDL or the French Front National have loudly condemned Breivik, at least in the open.

    I never had much respect for your first amendment which I think is foolish at best and dangerous at worst; I understand the context, and the fact that it is a small (but not tiny) minority who expresses such hateful views, but right now, it makes America look very barbaric.

  5. G says:

    Blame demagogue Glen Beck for that one. I agree. Beyond the pale, even in terms of all the other reprehensible statements that have been made by the RWNJ on this.

    Yeah, I can’t blame the rest of the civilized world for wondering what is wrong with us over here. Those vile people don’t represent a majority of us, of course…but they are the load, noisy ones being heard and trying to make life difficult for the rest of us. Just shameful.

    Lupin: The comparisons of the victims with “Hitler Youth” are truly beyond the pale.

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