Birther summit: mountain or mole hill?

BirtherSummitDean Haskins called for a “birther summit” between a select group of top birthers and Senator Lindsey Graham (and other members of Congress) in an open letter reported here earlier. I don’t know how that’s going, but he is proposing a general “activist meeting” on the Birther Summit website.

The Summit, billed as a three-day event, consists of meetings, a rally, and then a visit to individual members of Congress.

I must admit that until I saw Haskins’ name buried on the About page, I was having trouble deciding whether to believe the website is legitimate, or an elaborate spoof. Working against the site are some comments that I am sure anti-Birthers would consider themselves hilariously funny to have said:

…national leaders and spokespeople of the eligibility movement will hammer out a unified, cohesive message to issue to Congress and every citizen of this country.


DAY 2 will start with a massive rally at which many of the previous day’s conference attendees will address the huge crowd assembled to make our presence known to Washington and the rest of the country.

The obligatory PayPal button is prominently displayed and there is a store for Birther Summit merchandise (mugs, t-shirts, and tote bags).

The only name mentioned as a participant in the summit is LTC Terry Lakin. The appearance of Lakin’s photo in military uniform on this political activist and fundraising site is highly irregular, and against military regulations if Lakin approved it. A hurried reading of the web site doesn’t suggest that Lakin approves of any of this; however, one of the Facebook “likes” for the site is from Marco Ciavolino, the trustee of the Terry Lakin Action Fund.

It sounds to me like Mr. Haskins is trying to make himself into a leader of the birther movement, largely through wishful thinking.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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35 Responses to Birther summit: mountain or mole hill?

  1. Thrifty says:

    If this is in Washington D.C, which I assume it is, I just may have to drop by.

  2. richCares says:

    catering to be handled by Charley’s Hot Dog Stand, he can easily serve 12 people.

  3. J.Potter says:

    Who designed that gawdawful logo? LOL! After all their playing around in Illustrator, that’s the best they can do?!?

  4. Majority Will says:

    Who designed that gawdawful logo? LOL! After all their playing around in Illustrator, that’s the best they can do?!?

    Quick! Check it for layers!

  5. J.Potter says:

    “…one page summary of the summit.” Writing could use some polishing. And a Cafe Press store. Trey professionale. I predict widespread disillusionment and embarrassment on the part of any attendees, as what seems cool, urgent, and acceptable in an online echo chamber is exposed to the harsh reality of spectacle and ridicule in the offline world. That is, unless said conference is held in the safe confines of a crummy, windowless, motel conference room, like a WND press conference.

  6. J.Potter says:

    “DAY 3 will be the day for the Summit’s attendees to deliver our message in a more personal way, by teaming up and visiting the offices of every member of Congress.”

    Good luck with that! Storming into a Rep’s/Senator’s office is a great image, but the odds of catching them there are next to zero. Any visits will be greeted by nonplussed receptionists, and seat and coffee will be offered. In short, the perfunctory blowoff. These don’t sound like the type that will take a hint. They would have more impact by making appointments, but who’s gonna take those calls? same nonplussed receptionsists.

    The Hill is surprisingly sleepy and underwhelming, and is always populated by nuts. If they really do have a summit, and really do get a sizable crowd, and really do decide to “storm the Capitol”, I’d tag along just for the comedy value. A full day of bumbling with possible intervention by Capitol police.

    I think they’d do better to hand out in the tunnels and attempting to flag down passing Congressmen.

  7. gorefan says:

    “It sounds to me like Mr. Haskins is trying to make himself into a leader of the birther movement, largely through wishful thinking.”

    It is running into some resistance at ORYR. Everyhting from the name to the date, to the leaders.

  8. Thrifty says:

    gorefan: “It sounds to me like Mr. Haskins is trying to make himself into a leader of the birther movement, largely through wishful thinking.”It is running into some resistance at ORYR. Everyhting from the name to the date, to the leaders.

    Curse you for sending me down that rabbit hole!

    Nice touch that even the ads are completely nuts.

    I think my favorite comment is the one calling for an honest-to-God violent mob:

    Forget the summit in March. There has to be a march on the capitol with pitchforks and torches. This has to happen now. A spokesperson or, God-willing, a leader needs to announce the date. Early fall is a good time. I’m not interested in a summit. We need an old fashioned march. I’m not interested in whether the media covers the march or not. When we arrest Soetoro, congress, and a few talking heads from the existing media, the citizens will know. Now, lets cut out all this bullshit and get it on.

  9. Do you realize the implications of this? Obama could already be arrested in and in prison and we wouldn’t know about it because of the news blackout.

    Thrifty: I’m not interested in whether the media covers the march or not. When we arrest Soetoro, congress, and a few talking heads from the existing media, the citizens will know. Now, lets cut out all this bullshit and get it on.

  10. Dave says:

    Haskins is jumping right in with this leadership thing, if you take a look at the second Birther Summit press release. First, it declares Two Citizen Parents the official dogma of Birtherdom, and anyone who says otherwise shall go pound sand. Second, Kreep and Berg are excommunicated.

    This is entertaining, but at this rate I’m afraid it’s not even going to finish one season.

  11. Obsolete says:

    I think the birther’s best chance at recapturing media coverage post-Trump is a public display of mass self-immolation.
    I hope the Birther Summit considers adopting my idea.

  12. Maybe we could order some Obot shirts and stage a counter-summit.

    Thrifty: If this is in Washington D.C, which I assume it is, I just may have to drop by.

  13. joyeagle says:

    Sadly, about a week or so ago, I may have made plans to attend. I wrote my three congressman asking for investigations and to stand up to the unconstitutional war in Libya just before diving into this site and changing my mind. I got answer back from one … he didn’t respond to the specifics … just “keep writing, I’m working to make things better” blah, blah, blah.

  14. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Maybe we could order some Obot shirts and stage a counter-summit.

    Wouldn’t a counter-summit be a crevasse?

  15. J.Potter says:

    Just join the general public in pointing and laughing.

    The “Just Get It On” is a hysterical idea. Arresting all of Congress and the President? They are giving the Judicial branch a free pass? Just start working on all the logistics required to literally fulfill this vision. Cordon off the city. Shut down the airports and train stations. Block all roadways. disable communications from all government installations, particularly the Pentagon. Neutralize the FBI, Secret Service, DC police. Prepare to make a stand against the military. Somehow establish a CAP. All this while hoping all the targets are in town at the same time.

    Be a lot easier (and funnier) to just have sit-ins in both chambers. At least it would get some C-SPAN coverage.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Maybe we could order some Obot shirts and stage a counter-summit.

  16. Majority Will says:

    Just join the general public in pointing and laughing.

    The “Just Get It On” is a hysterical idea. Arresting all of Congress and the President? They are giving the Judicial branch a free pass? Just start working on all the logistics required to literally fulfill this vision. Cordon off the city. Shut down the airports and train stations. Block all roadways. disable communications from all government installations, particularly the Pentagon. Neutralize the FBI, Secret Service, DC police. Prepare to make a stand against the military. Somehow establish a CAP. All this while hoping all the targets are in town at the same time.

    Be a lot easier (and funnier) to just have sit-ins in both chambers. At least it would get some C-SPAN coverage.

    Sounds like a Michael Bay / Jerry Bruckheimer production.

  17. ASK Esq says:

    Can anyone check to see if Vegas has established over-unders for attendees (25, tops) and number of times a date will be announced and then changed?

  18. Obsolete says:

    What is different about the Libya war that makes it “Unconstitutional”?

  19. J.Potter says:

    The ORYR comment chain is priceless!

    Advocating revolution
    Much concern over the timing …. March 2012 is 11 months away! Umm, wait, July to March … ohwait, maybe they mean 11 months from BC-Day, 4/27/11. Well, heck, alsready burned 2 months. Why not 11?
    Suggesting enlisting WND’s cavalcade of “experts” to make it look offical
    Much handwringing over the name “Birther Summit” … quashed by Haskins with “please do not question what was secretly ‘set in stone’ w/o consulting the rest of the movement” translation: “Just follow me, sheep!”
    Infighting between Haskins and “Pro Graphic”

    And it’s still going …

  20. Obsolete says:

    I think birthers are like Sith- any more then two together and it spells trouble.

  21. Well in this particular case, it would be a crack in the sidewalk.

    Majority Will: Wouldn’t a counter-summit be a crevasse?

  22. comicrelief says:

    thanks for the comic relief..i am glad I can always find it here…heheheheh….

  23. Paul says:

    I’m pretty sure the guy who designed that logo is the same guy who does the graphics for South Park.

  24. gorefan says:

    J.Potter: And it’s still going …

    And then there are the freelance summit leaders

    “For all of those readers who want to do something now: meet me for the BIRFDAY PARTY beginning at the SCOTUS on AUGUST 4, 2011 at high noon!!! Look for the INVERTED AMERICAN flag(s). We will speak, shout, sing, throw water balloons, stamp dollars, and march to the White House where we will do it again!!!”

  25. Thrifty says:

    gorefan: And then there are the freelance summit leaders“For all of those readers who want to do something now: meet me for the BIRFDAY PARTY beginning at the SCOTUS on AUGUST 4, 2011 at high noon!!! Look for the INVERTED AMERICAN flag(s). We will speak, shout, sing, throw water balloons, stamp dollars, and march to the White House where we will do it again!!!”

    Birfday party?

    Who wants to bet this guy, if asked, will claim to be a Herman Cain supporter?

  26. Suranis says:

    Obama could end all this tomorrow by simply releasing his long form birth certificate!

  27. You’re joking, right?

    Suranis: Obama could end all this tomorrow by simply releasing his long form birth certificate!

  28. Birther credo: not all men are created equal.

  29. G says:


    Obsolete: I think birthers are like Sith- any more then two together and it spells trouble.

  30. gorefan says:

    latest news release on the summit – the dates are finalized.

    Also there is this great ending

    “If you would like more information about the Birther Summit, please visit our website often at To schedule an interview with the event’s Executive Director, please email”

  31. G says:

    LOL! Now we can update the Birther Calendar to reflect that. Do we really need to list it as Birther Summit, or will just writing EPIC FAIL EVENT over all 3 days suffice… 😉

    gorefan: latest news release on the summit – the dates are finalized.Also there is this great ending“If you would like more information about the Birther Summit, please visit our website often at To schedule an interview with the event’s Executive Director, please email”

  32. gorefan says:

    And it looks like dean has given himself a promotion.

  33. Rickey says:

    You can’t make this stuff up. Haskins has scheduled his “summit” for March 28-30, 2012. Friday, March 30 is the day the birthers are supposed to…well, let me quote him:

    “Friday, March 30 – This third day will be an optional event in the Birther Summit in which the attendees will team up and take the Summit’s Declaration of Constitutional Dependence to the offices of all the member of Congress.”

    Haskins apparently has overlooked the fact that Easter falls on April 8 next year. This means that the members of Congress will be making their way out of town as soon as they finish whatever official business they may have on the morning of the 30th. If there is no pressing business, the odds are that most Senators and Representatives will already be out of town by the time that Haskins wakes up on Friday.

  34. Daniel says:

    Thrifty: There has to be a march on the capitol with pitchforks and torches.

    So will that be two pitchforks and three torches? Or three Pitchforks and two torches?

  35. J. Potter says:

    Congress works Tuesday – Thursday, the weeks that they are even in session. The idea that you will catch a Rep or Senator by randomly dropping in is ridiculous enough, but to pick a Friday is just fail.


    They intend to spin this to the Faithful as Congress “hiding” from them! LOL!!

    You can’t make this stuff up. Haskins has scheduled his “summit” for March 28-30, 2012. Friday, March 30 is the day the birthers are supposed to…well, let me quote him:

    “Friday, March 30 – This third day will be an optional event in the Birther Summit in which the attendees will team up and take the Summit’s Declaration of Constitutional Dependence to the offices of all the member of Congress.”

    Haskins apparently has overlooked the fact that Easter falls on April 8 next year. This means that the members of Congress will be making their way out of town as soon as they finish whatever official business they may have on the morning of the 30th. If there is no pressing business, the odds are that most Senators and Representatives will already be out of town by the time that Haskins wakes up on Friday.

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