Lucas Smith, still trying to recover from the fatal mistake of using the wrong date format on his fake Kenyan birth certificate for Barack Obama, the POSFKBC, wrote a new article where he claims to prove that Kenya uses both MM/DD/YYYY (US date format) and DD/MM/YYYY (most everybody else’s date format).
So I watched a couple seconds of his video, and recognized where he was going. It was a Kenyan Government website, something I had looked at in detail some time back (and I guess never wrote up). Rather than wading through the video, this little screen shot (click to enlarge) should explain Smith’s argument, and mine.
It clearly shows a date in Kenyan format (16/2/2009) and one in US format (8/29/2008) and one in which the reader has no idea at all what the format is (4/2/2009). That last date is the problem. No one would mix date formats on a page intentionally because it is impossible to know which is which.
Indeed, this is why a country wouldn’t mix date formats because people reading them couldn’t be sure what the date means. That would be utter chaos.
I can only speculate why this particular Kenyan web site (the only one I’ve seen with the issue) had some dates in the US format in its calendar, but whatever it was, they changed it after March of 2009. Commenter Paul Pieniezny offers an explanation.
The true official government format from 1961 is easily shown by the official government announcements in the Kenya Gazette where you won’t find any US dates.
One the double down theme, Smith calls his little anomaly “definitive and categorical proof” just as Donofrio calls his inapplicable citation from Happersett v. Minor “binding precedent.” I guess big lies are easier to sell than small lies. The birthers just eat this stuff up, all inflated with false confidence.
Sometimes I think I should be focusing more on propaganda than conspiracy theories.
I found one reference source that says that in Kenya, text written in the Kiswahili language uses m/d/y format. I wrote this up in a later article.
And what have you explained with this new blog report of yours? ….perhaps nothing? Great job at explaing…nothing?
Doc, if this is the best you can do…then well…the fall of Obotopia is surely upon us.
Thanks for the effort though.
There was nothing to explain, so it didn’t take much explaining.
he, convicted forger, made his first “fatal mistake” in getting convicted of forgery.
Lucas did you even check these dates – the Kenya We Want National Conference (4/2/2009) was held in February, 2009 not in April.
Weren’t you in Kenya then. LOL
I checked a few others and they are in the format of DD/MM/YYYY.
Nice screenshot (not). Thanks for being deceptive and not showing the other MM/DD/YYYY that is 5/15/2008, which is directly below the bottom event that is in your screenshot.
Pretty low move if you ask me. I mean, what, you want your readers to maybe think that the 8/29/2008 is a single fluke?
Hey Doc, when Obotopia falls you should just change your online name and then get a job with World Net Daily. You and old Corsi are great at publishing this sort of irresponsible investigative reporting.
Duh. Watch the video. I was clearly referring to the 6/28/2008 and the 5/15/2008.
Lay of the bottle lady. I hope aint driving tonight.
Nice screenshot (not). Thanks for being deceptive and not showing the other MM/DD/YYYY that is 5/15/2008, which is directly below the bottom event that is in your screenshot.
Pretty low move if you ask me. I mean, what, you want your readers to maybe think that the 8/29/2008 is a single fluke?
Hey Doc, when Obotopia falls you should just change your online name and then get a job with World Net Daily. You and old Corsi are great at publishing this sort of irresponsible investigative reporting.
Lucas Smith is in jail……….
You drinking tonight or something? Weirdo.
As soon as Lucas can produce a real Kenyan birth certificate (or any official document from the Kenyan government, for that matter) which shows the date in month-day-year format, he may have something to talk about.
Someone struck a raw nerve . . . with, uh, nothing.
“I guess big lies are easier to sell than small lies.”
Godwin time!
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” –Joseph Goebbels
These are public announcements. Like Public-access TV. They print whatever you give them.
Dolt Lucas Smith posted proof of his travels to Kenya at his blog- photos of his passport stamps!
Oh, wait, no he didn’t because he is full of shit and has grown tiresome.
All he has left is cheap insults, blog whoring, and public hissy fits.
FOAD, Dolt Lucas. Obotopia has kicked your ass. (Say “hi” to your ebay account for me!)
Still waiting for an answer to the question posed bitch.
You really are going to have to do better than that you sad little man,
Here is where I told you to FOAD, which sparked yout infantile tirade
What part of CONTEMPERANEOUS don’t you grasp..?
Come on Lucas Whateveryournameisthisweek Smith answer and do try and keep you infantile homoerotic tirades down to to a low roar this time.
Mr. Smith, or whatever his name is, should want Democrats to control government. A prison system run by Democrats will always be more humane than one run by Republicans. And ole Lucas will eventually, inevitably find himself as a guest of the graybar hotel once more.
Here Doc, get ready to eat dirt, again.
New blog report!
“Part 2 of the Pesky numeric date formats on birth certificates: USA MoneyGram forms and the inevitable fall of Obotopia.”
You been drinking tonight or you just like wishing that people to go to prison? Very democratic of you. Hater.
Such a typical conman. If he just keeps talking, he’s convinced he’ll win.
Lucas: I don”t know whether your birth certificate was made by you or someone else. What I know for certain is that the event it purports to describe did not happen.
Would you like to know how I know that?
You know that you will go back to prison, because you just don’t respect the rule of law. Somehow, you think it doesn’t apply to you.
Great explanation. You are birther now or what?
Everything has an explanation and that is what I have been trying to say from the outset. The problem with you doltish Obots is that your laws state that explantations dont matter, i.e., if it has the ‘wrong’ date format for the country then it is clearly a forgery and a fake.
You understand? Entendiste? Or are you drinking tonight like the rest of these dolts on here tonight?
As long as you aint drinking tonight like the rest of these dolts here tonight. If you have something to say (type) that sounds semi-sober than please proceed.
I understand that you have to keep your lie going and try to defend every improbable part of it. How else can you keep the money coming from gullible stupes like bsteadman? A con finds marks like a shark finds chum in the water.
People like that obviously have a serious problem dealing with reality and the truth or respecting the rights and property of others. Good riddance to rubbish.
It’s pathetic and sad.
New blog report!
“Part 2 of the Pesky numeric date formats on birth certificates: USA MoneyGram forms and the inevitable fall of Obotopia.”
Read it, like it, know it, cry about it.
It’s a good thing you’re not prone to making repeat mistakes, emotionally over-reacting or thinking you’re above the law.
That sorta thing can land one in jail over and over again.
Anyone ever notice Lucas’ resemblance to Lakin?
I am more than semi-sober. i am completely and brilliantly in possession of a razor-sharp intellect. The event your “certificate” purports to describe did not happen. On the date your “certificate” claims that Barack Obama was being born in Kenya, he was actually, in fact, being born in Honolulu, No one can be born twice in 2 different places, So it is not possible, as amatter of logiic and science, that the birth mentioned in your “certificate” could have occurred.
Do you for example have any independent evidence that the President’s mother was ever in Kenya? Do you have any independent evidence that the President was there prior to his visit as an adult? Since I am confident you don’t, your “certificate” is worthless.
Good evening
No, all you have been doing is providing a distraction. Isn’t that in the Forger’s handbook.
Now how about providing a 1961 website that shows mixed date formats. This is the age of globalization or didn’t you know that.
To be fair, Lakin was an upstanding citizen before he got tangled up with the birthers. There are three basic types of people in the birther movement: Scoundrels, lunatics, and fools.
Our Lucas is of the scoundrel variety, along with the likes of Farah, Corsi, and Trump. Orly would be the finest representative of the lunatics. And Lakin’s a pure, 24 karat fool.
Now THAT would be a neat trick.
Guys: The date format is irrelevant since the event it pretends to certify didn’t happen. Suppose Lucas had a certificate that said the Pittsburgh Pirates won the 2010 World Series. The date format, the spelling of Bud Selig’s name, the quality of the paper all would be totally irrelevant, since the Pittsburgh Pirates DID NOT win the 2010 World Series.
Similarly, the date format, spelling of names, and any assorted other details on Lucas’ piece of paper are irrelevant because we already know that Barack Obama was born iin Hawaii, so any certificate purporting to say otherwise is nonsense.
Further discussion is pointless,
Nothing is impossible when you have a top notch forger. All he would need is a community college class in web design.
Very good observations.
I was mostly referring to their physical looks.
You know, if one went to a casting director and asked for a beady eyed ferret faced type or weasel.
I definitely can see the differences in their character.
Lakin actually has some, even if sorely misled.
Lucas is just a classic opportunist.
To him, convincing people he is some special little snowflake is all that matters because once you trust him, he’ll surely empty your pockets the second you fall asleep.
Poor Lying Lucas – here’s another of your many fatal mistakes – you first claimed to have gone to Kenya in “spring,” but later changed your story to “february.”
Like Major Frank “Ferret Face” Burns brilliantly played by Larry Linville.
Who should we believe- Lucas, or all the Hawaiian officials who have never been to jail for forgery? (nor have they tried to profit somehow from having access to Obama’s records).
One of ’em is lying…
Doc, are you trying to get to 100,000 comments quickly, so you figure poking at Lucas is a good way to stir up some responses?
(I would do that too if I had a blog in Obotopia)
why does he have the name spelled wrong on his fake birther certificate?
He’s never answered this, and this is the only thing he should be addressing.
Well, I don’t care what he should address, because Smith totally lost me when he refused to provide any evidence whatsoever that he ever entered Kenya, or even that he ever entered any country from which one may reasonable travel directly to Kenya. He refused to even describe the trip from Nairobi to Mombasa. If I didn’t know better, I might be inclined to suggest that perhaps he never went to Kenya at all. But I’ll never know because our last (ever, I guarantee) conversation ended with him taking a very hostile tone and was a bit unsettling because he knows my real name and approximately to within a half mile of where I live.
Actually I covered Smith’s web site because he asked me to, and the follow-up article came from reading his site. I don’t get a bonus from hitting 100,000 comments sooner rather than later.
Because you’re a big stupid doodoohead is why!
(Lucas seemed a little stressed out, so I decided to cover this one for him.)
This throw away article is getting a lot more attention than I expected. I guess Lucas Smith just gets people riled up.
Hi Lucas.
I’ve read both your updated posts and am trying to catch up on all the back & forth posts you’ve had with others here over the past few days (oy vey!) *sigh*
You know I appreciate your posts (at least the ones in which you haven’t let others retorts and taunts cause you to fall back into defensive tantrum mode…) but I find absolutely nothing convincing about your infamous POSFKBC. I realize that you’ve got a lot (at least emotionally) invested into this story angle and it appears that it is in your nature to double-down when confronted, even when such action only digs you deeper and deeper…
Some sincere feedback – Your latest 2 posts really come across as nothing more than a cheap con “distraction” play and don’t actually correlate in a relevant way to advance the argument you are trying to sell here. I’m trying to save you from just continuing to waste your time desperately searching for odd date formats on the internet and here’s why:
In simplest terms, in order to bolster your argument angle, any such dates would have to be an appropriate apples-to-apples comparison. In this particular situation, that means a comparible legitmate Kenyan official records document from the SAME historical era.
In other words, if you are trying to make an argument about a “purported” 1961 document to explain away its flaws…then you better have comparible examples to “support” your argument from THAT TIME FRAME. Wasting time digging for examples online from the past decade or so doesn’t really amount to a hill of beans and is immaterial to the matter at hand.
Furthermore, all this effort you are wasting just to try to defend of of several major flaws and errors with a document that has no other support beyond your word AND most importantly, is directly contradicted by the actual document and all evidence and official statements from HI… wow… I mean talk about devoting yourself to a lost cause!
Seriously, stop and take a sanity break here and reflect upon what even your current “vindication quest” efforts would amount to in the “best case” scenario – say you found some other actual 1961 Kenyan hospital or somewhat correlative government document with a possible date format error/divergence At “best” the most that could ever mean for you is that you’ve merely shown that the POSSIBILITY exists and has happened before.
That still has nothing to do to actually validate the legitimacy of your POSFKBC (nor address all the other concerns with it). All you could accomplish was to show that it was possible…to leap to the next threshold of probable…now you’d need mulitple examples…and even then…at best that points to one highly criticized flaw and says that maybe its not a flaw…but that does nothing to make the document any less fake or give it an aura of authenticity.
Of course, if you are, as many suspect, behind this con instead of just being a dupe, I can see where a con artist sees an angle of merely introducing misdirection and confusion for the sole goal of sowing doubt or introducing a loosely related grain of truth to hook the gullible into being open to a possible “sell”….
Either way, it seems you are diving back down a path that really takes up a lot of your time with very little upside or return for you and does next to nothing to help you better yourself or break with the demons of your past.
On a lighter note, I miss getting to see the the nice personal photos from your prior blog entries. 🙂
Aww…not even a gold star? 😉
Lucas D. Smith, who claimed to have gotten the “Kenyan birth certificate” in Mombasa, Kenya, has never shown that you even went to Kenya.
Lucas D. Smith claimed on other sites that he has“African” stamps in his passport, but a stamp from Ghana or South Africa or Nigeria cannot prove that someone went to Kenya. He has also said that he traveled “overland” to Kenya, but that does not explain how he got into Kenya without a Kenyan stamp, or why he would want to do so.
And Lucas D. Smith has not even shown the “African stamps” on his passport.
It seems silly to debate the date format on a “birth certificate” allegedly obtained in Kenya, when the fellow who showed that birth certificate never even proved that he had gone to Kenya.
Why should anyone believe the word of a convicted felon who claims to have gotten a “Kenyan birth certificate” if he cannot even show that he went to Kenya?
That should read: “never showed that he even went to Kenya.”
It’s quite that we would entertain discussing forgeries with a convicted forger and con man who is obviously unredeemable and forges ahead with more cons. It’s like discussing child care with a pedophile. This man deserves only our contempt and nothing more.
There is absolutely no reason to travel to or through Kenya without a valid passport and a Kenyan visa (both are required). In fact, traveling through Kenya without a valid passport and visa is enough to get a person taken in for questioning and kept until a valid passport and visa provided.
This is a direct quote from the Department of State website on travel in Kenya:
In the Banon-Strauss Kahn case, there is talk of using SMS’s on her mobile as physical evidence!
In case you do not know, SMS’s can be forged. Software exists which copies the text and meta-info of SMS on a mobile phone to a file on your computer. You can then copy them back onto another mobile.
Of course, it is fairly easy to change the text of the SMS. If you know some binary, however, you can also change the meta info.
To forge a 1961 website, you would primarily have to ensure all the files are coded with a 1961 date. That may be tricky, because of what happened to most software after and even in anticipation of the year 2000.
1) what are the odds that Smith will get the file dates right, but will use frames or JavaScript on his website?
2) you will not be able to prove with offical data form your provider that the files were uploaded in 1961 – to prove the SMS’s are genuine, Tristane Banon or the prosecution may have to “subpoena” DSK’s provider for their records of 2003, but even that would only prove that SMS’s were sent, not the actual text which was sent. To quote Judge Land, “where is the chain of custody?” (Later, Judge Carter went one further by saying that even if there was an official record in Kenya of Obama’s birth in Kenya, he would still believe Hawaii)
3) I am still waiting for Serengetti photographs with Rothschild giraffes.
I am not following this discussion at all. There were no websites in 1961. Any 1961 website would be prima facie a forgery. The Web wasn’t even proposed until 1989.
Dr C,
I believe a little jovial punking of Lucas Whateverhisnameisthisweek Smith is going on.
The matter is simple enough for even as desperate a birfoon as him, show real live, honest to DoG contemperaneous Kenyan government issued documents that show anything other than DD/MM/YY(YY).
Ideally, why not find a REAL non POSFKBC of the time period of the Presidents birth, I mean, it seemed so easy for you to get the last one……n’est ce pas?
It’s also a bit like finding a Roman coin with a date on it of 36BC.
Sounds like a brilliant spoof to me. birthers would latch onto it and eat it up. by the time they realize there was a shortage of home computers in 1961, they will have already convinced themselves of the indispensable worth of this marvelous bit of archaeology. Even better if presented on a machine styled to match the period. B/w/ monitor in wood cabinet with an assortment of large knobs that click loudly. mechanical keyboard. modem with rotary dial. MIT-style box mouse with one enormous button. reel-to-reel tape for data storage. all mounted on a wood work bench or low coffee table.
Ah!!!!! Grid`caps!
I like that taxonomy. I will be using it widely.
Here is the home office setup for the well styled WebMaster in 1861:
You appear to be another of the Kings of The Google.
For the record: An American can fly to Kenya right now, today, without ever having applied for a visa. Nor will the American (and perhaps other nationalities as well) need to obtain a visa at upon landing at an airport in Kenya. There are plenty of people that can verify this, just ask any American that’s ever been to Kenya as a missionary, for a church, or other humanitarian cause. Many of them have never had visas. I know more than a few such people.
Furthermore, typically its only a person traveling to Kenya via airplane, landing in international airport, that gets their passport stamped.
Don’t waste your time trying to be a keyboard detective. Things out in the field are much different than what you read online.
The, He, Him, King of The Goolge Paul Pieniezny, has has never really said much of anything that makes sense in the real world or in the field.
Pauly probably stumbled upon, during a routine keyboard detective binge with is friend Google, a bit of erroneous data regarding the invent of websites .
I like how everyone here tries to clean it up for Pauly. Yes, of course, Pauly was only have a bit of clever foolery and festivity with us all. There’s just really and truly (Not) a possible way that Paul could have made an empty-headed mistake.
Please don’t think like that. I’m not that sort of person. I’ve personally met other of my online critics and talked with them just like I would talk with any other normal acquaintance.
Secondly, I really and truly don’t remember how you are, what your real name is nor where you live within half a mile of.
Thirdly, and don’t take this too hard or sentimentally, but I don’t care what your name is or where you live. So please pull your skirt down. (btw, that means stop acting like a girl).
Lucas: Once again, while you have shown no evidence that you ever were in Kenya, it wouldn’t matter if you did. The FACT is that the event your “certificate” claims to describe DID NOT HAPPEN. Therefore your “certificate” is a work of fiction, whether you made it at home or someone in Kenya produced it.
Better that, then a keyboard forger.
Relax, we’re just lhave some fun at your expense, you know laughing at you not with you.
So please don’t get your panties in a bunch (btw that means “don’t get so agitated that your undergarments become entangled within your crack.”).
Hi G,
Always a pleasure to hear from you. I apologize that I don’t have time right now to write out a decent and lengthy reply to your thoughtful comment.
I can tell however that I believe that the three blog reports that I have issued regarding ‘date formats‘ have gone, near completely, over everyone’s heads here.
The significance of the three blog reports is that their is an explanation for everything, for ever oddity and every discrepancy.
For example, the Arizona MoneyGram send money form date format is probably listed as DD/MM/YYYY because the form was probably created to be Mexican-friendly. I can tell you for certain that the same MoneyGram send money form in Iowa lists MM/DD/YYYY at the required date format.
The point of all of this that there is an explanation,somewhere out there, for the date formats listed on Barack Obama’s 1961 CPGH Mombasa Kenya certificate of birth.
Perhaps it has something to do with Ann Dunham being an American. I doubt that there were many other American women plunking out babies in Mombasa, Kenya in 1961.
There possibilities are endless.
However, the laws of your Obotopia state that if the date format is ‘wrong’ for the said country then the document which contains the said ‘wrong’ date format is clearly a forgery.
According to the laws of your Obotopia:
1. The Western Union pay out receipt is a forgery/fake.
2. The Kenyan Website is fake or has been hacked.
3. The MoneyGram send money form is a fake.forgery.
Any level-headed person knows that that is not true though. There must be logical explanations for the above listed 1,2,3.
G, out of all the people that post here you appear to be one of the more objective thinkers. I certainly don’t agree with lots of things that you said, and sometime your not always objective, but you appears to have at very least the ability the aptly analyze what you are reading.
If my above supplement does not help with understanding all of this then I am afraid that nothing will.
I am sorry that I cannot write out something more thorough at the moment.
Missionary visas have always been different from other visa. It started in germany, with its cuius regio, eius religio. Traditionally, German states simply did not allow missionaries in. Later, communist countries would do the same: expel any foreigner who as much as hinted about religion on the double, because (s)he did not enter on a missionary visa and at the same time making it almost impossible to get a missionary visa – except for people like Billy Graham who seems at one time to have promised the communist governments that he would not denounce communism and that he would NOT tell people who found God as a result of his speeches to go back to the church they were baptized at – communist governments actually wanted protestantism to grow at the expense of the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodoxy, which they considered too powerfuk and a potential threat to the Party.
You are right, there are no missionary visas for Kenya. Missionaries need a work permit class E (valid for three years) which is of course more difficult to obtain than a visa.
Tourists who arrive in kenya without a visa or work permit typically have to buy it the visa on the spot.
Can you put that in troglodyte language for me? I no understand.
I think I just noticed the pattern. Any source of information you pull from anywhere on the web that contradicts Lucas gets you the sarcastic and and insulting label of “Google King” or something, followed by a curt dismissal and assertion of his own (unverifiable) facts. It’s a sort of innoculation against criticism, since any attempt to verify anything is dismissable under this model.
Pauly knows better Dutch than you. Pauly knows more about missionaries than you. He, I am busy on the paperwork for a Canadian priest to come to our Anglican church.
1961? You were being punked, of course. And where are the Serengetti photographs. Still no evidence you were ever in Kenya.
You’re not done with The Google yet are you?
Do you know anything from real life experience?
Americans cam fly right into Kenya. Americans will NOT be turned around for not having a visa or work permit. You can do The Google all day long. Its not the same thing as doing it in real life.
I know, ever personally, an American missionary who works in Kenya. She aint got not work permit and she aint got no visa. All she has are generic looking Kenyan passport stamps that she got in Nairobi at the airport.
There is no evidence that Ms Dunham EVER set foot in Kenya. In case you are not aware, the entire story of the President’s “Birth in Kenya” derives from a HYPOTHETICAL question posed on a legal blog. Hypothetical means it didn’t happen, but let’s have fun discussing what it would mean if it did.
Your “certificate” is a work of PURE, UNADULTERATED FICTION.
That is why I did not put any addresses for the assertion about work permits for missionaries. Good grief, I am almost sure Lucas got them before me, but he is just putting up smoke – behind mirrors.
Not surprising. You don’t seem to understand very much.
I see you googled troglodyte. Too bad you didn’t google 1961 Kenya date formats.
You ever done anything masculine in your life like say, for example…admit when you’ve made a mistake? I doubt it.
And Pauly, just think of it…..when you learn to translate and speak 3 more languages you’ll be about just as smart as more than half the poor starving people that live in Haiti that can speak 5 to 6 languages fluently.
Lastly, quit making up stuff that you claim to be doing. You’re probably pulling a TV dinner and eating it with a plastic fork in your little one room flat Victory Gin and your Victory cigarettes.
Thanks for your time.
You done with ‘The Google’ yet? How do you do the sex in your world? Virtual? Or is like something in that movie called Demolition Man?
Take a break and venture outdoors once in a while.
What is a scientist doing on Dr Conspiracy’s blog? You here for some sort of controlled study of dolts or are you just here because you like the way my name sounds when you scream it out vehemently at the telescreen during the two minutes of hate?
Lucas D. Smith said this: “Furthermore, typically its only a person traveling to Kenya via airplane, landing in international airport, that gets their passport stamped.”
The above statement is speculation and lies. In most cases (except in the European Union these days) when you drive into a country there is a passport office at the side of the road on the border crossing. And usually cars are asked to stop and people are asked to get out, stand in line and get their passports STAMPED.
Lucas D. Smith has not shown ANY evidence that he was in Kenya. Not the entry stamp. Not the exit stamp. Not a bill from a hotel. Not a photograph of him in front of a Kenyan monument.
And it is likely that he will not answer the question whether or not there was a Kenyan passport office on the side of the road when he drove in BECAUSE HE DIDN’T DRIVE IN AND DOESN’T KNOW WHETHER THERE IS OR IS NOT. He claims to have traveled across Africa from another African country, but he won’t say which one, and he won’t show the entry or exit stamps from it.
Nope, sorry, I can’t seem to ever be able to access the Google website…I keep getting some error messages….something about some guy named Paul Pieniezny clogging up all the Google servers, 24/7.
TV dinner, that is un-Belgian. No plastic forks here, except in a bag to take along on holiday (Argeles in France). I have been living in an actual house with three bedrooms for twenty years now after leaving my apartment in Moscow, having five children, three of whom still live at home. I do not drink, I do not smoke (never have). And I thank you in return, since I now have to prepare for my weekly milonga evening.
You good at ‘The Google’ just like Paul? Wait a minute now! How’d you get onto the the Google website with Paul clogging up the servers?
Lastly, you’ve obviously never set foot in Kenya.
Lucas, how do you explain that the Hawaii Department of Health verified Obama’s birth certificates (both of them) but the Kenyan government has never verified yours?
Wow, for such a busy guy your do have time for conspiratorial websites and not just Doc’s conspiracy website. Over at places like the fogbow as well.
Oh, and ah..Einstein…you forgot to address this one:
Pauly, just think of it…..when you learn to translate and speak 3 more languages you’ll be about just as smart as more than half the poor starving people that live in Haiti that can speak 5 to 6 languages fluently.
Oh no….I can see it coming now…Pauly does ‘The Google’ on Haiti. You going to tell me all about Haiti now too?
Btw, Paul, I’ve been to Haiti and I don’t have any Haitian passport stamps. Care to do The Google on that? Am I lying?
Care to explain why I cant get on Google right now? How is it possible for one little guy names Paul Pieniezny to clog up all the Google servers at once?
Maybe Paul is really just a telescreen robot that can access all Google search data simultaneously? Maybe he’s been doing so since 1961 before there were even any websites around?
Oh no…I’m goes quiet now…my telescreen is watching and I cant be seen writing stuff at a conspiratorial website such as Dr Conspiracy’s. Old Paul will surely have me sent to room 101 for this.
So…you’re saying that you can’t explain why the Hawaii Department of Health verified Obama’s birth certificates (both of them) but the Kenyan government has never verified yours? Very well, I’ll explain it then. It’s because your birth certificate is fake and both of Obama’s Hawaii birth certificates are genuine.
Don’t bother asking. Unless your question is a disguised compliment, the only answer Lucas will provide is a series of childish insults.
We really are a bunch of suckers to be trolled like this.
Ahhh…the “field.” Mr. Lucas’ lame @$$ excuse as to why he never produces the slighest bit of evidence that he was ever anywhere near the continent of Africa….or why he felt the need to try to pass of pictures and videos of the carribean as being Kenya. Perhaps all your evidence was damaged when you swam across the Atlantic to get back to the US?
Your “field” excuse is just as pathetic as all our other excuses surrounding your POSFAKBC.
Perhaps some of your excuses would be a little more palitable if you hadn’t tried to pass off your your trip to the Islands as Kenya?
I’m saying that you need to put that stuff you is writing for me into troglodyte language for me because I cant understands whats you is asking me, dear kind Sir.
OK, I realize that you are just trying to troll and have no interest in actually answering questions. Glad to see you don’t feel the need to be taken seriously.
What does you mean by palitable? Biggin words like them’ens a problem for me.
Can you have Paul the translator find a more suitable word me?
I would ask one of my Haitian friends but they are busy speaking like 5 or 6 languages.
How’s that Kenya entry stamp/visa forgery coming?
How’s that sex-change surgery coming for you?
Btw, you’re mother makes monster-shaped cookies by shoving her face down in the cookie dough.
Me thinks the convicted forger/admitted child molester is getting a bit defensive.
Ooohhh..I’m sorry that I didn’t think about you too. Here’s one for you my darling friend:
Your mother is so nasty that she pours salt-water down her pants to keep the crabs fresh.
Don’t look at me. I know that palatable means, but not palitable. I know your aversion to Google, but one can get a quick definition (as well as suggestions in the case of misspelled words) with searches like:
define: palatable
You’re in no position to criticize anyone’s spelling or grammar.
Would you like numerous examples of your own illiteracy?
“Its also interesting to note” that many of your grammatical errors are on your own blog such as the quoted part of this sentence.
Maybe you can’t do it just now as that would violate the terms of your temporary release from jail.
That’s because that is that way that I write.
There is something very wrong with you.
Yooho, Lucas Whateverthefeckyucallyourselftoday Smith, still waiting.
Still waiting for an answer to the question posed.
The matter is simple enough for even as desperate a birfoon as you, show real live, honest to DoG contemperaneous Kenyan government issued documents that show anything other than DD/MM/YY(YY).
Ideally, why not find a REAL non POSFKBC of the time period of the Presidents birth, I mean, it seemed so easy for you to get the last one……n’est ce pas?
You do understand the meaning of the big word “contemperaneous” I trust.
Come on Lucas Whateveryournameisthisweek Smith answer and do try and keep you infantile homoerotic tirades down to to a low roar this time.
I believe that the three blog reports that I have issued regarding date formats‘have gone, near completely, over everyone’s heads here.
The significance of the three blog reports is that their is an explanation for everything, for ever oddity and every discrepancy.
For example, the Arizona MoneyGram send money form date format is probably listed as DD/MM/YYYY because the form was probably created to be Mexican-friendly. I can tell you for certain that the same MoneyGram send money form in Iowa lists MM/DD/YYYY at the required date format.
The point of all of this that there is an explanation,somewhere out there, for the date formats listed on Barack Obama’s 1961 CPGH Mombasa Kenya certificate of birth.
Perhaps it has something to do with Ann Dunham being an American. I doubt that there were many other American women plunking out babies in Mombasa, Kenya in 1961.
There possibilities are endless.
However, the laws of your Obotopia state that if the date format is wrong’ for the said country then the document which contains the said wrong’ date format is clearly a forgery.
According to the laws of your Obotopia:
1. The Western Union pay out receipt is a forgery/fake.
2. The Kenyan Website is fake or has been hacked.
3. The MoneyGram send money form is a fake.forgery.
Any level-headed person knows that that is not true though. There must be logical explanations for the above listed 1,2,3.
If my above supplement does not help with understanding all of this then I am afraid that nothing will.
According to the state of Hawaii and backed up by U.S. law (you know, those rules for which you have no respect), the President’s mother was in Hawaii giving birth on August 4th, 1961.
I’m going with believing the state of Hawaii over a convicted forger possibly facing more time in prison.
But cheer up because many birthers have no respect for the law as well. You still have a captive audience (pun intended) there.
Sorry Lucas, you appear to be confused. What I believe Bovril and others are looking for is a GOOD explanation.
Your explanation seems to be that because Western Union and Money Gram use date formats differing from their country of origin, that Kenya did the same for their birth certificates. Further you seem to be under the impression that the Kenyan government would make a special exception for Ann Dunham, just to be nice.
Do you have some childish insult you’d like to hurl now?
No insults, I have no more. All I want to know is how much do you get paid for this?
Hi Lucas,
Are you related to this guy?
[URL edited. Doc]
Well, to be fair, he did also print that “Dear Penthouse Letters – You never would have believed what happened to me in Kenya….” moment as well.
That was a very interesting read. Thanks.
Btw, I heard that your girlfriend has so many teeth missing that it looks like her tongue is in jail. I’m not that that is true. I’m just saying that that is what I heard. Is it true, or not?
No. It’s just we recognize it as more BS from a con-man, that’s all. There really isn’t much point to quibbling over your pathetic attempts to prop up a bad forgery. It comes down to the very real point, that no sane person would remotely rely on the document, and no court would ever let it in as evidence. Besides the date format, the misspelling, the odd measurements, you also have the fact that it looks nothing like any other birth certificate anyone has ever come up with from Kenya. And then there is the issue of authentication….meaning there is none. And then there is the issue that its origins make it wholly unreliable. A nonconforming document, with apparent errors, with no reliable authentication, being offered by a convicted forger whose first move is to plop it on ebay. And finally, there is the issue that it not only contradicts an actual self authenticating document from the state of Hawaii, and the personal verifications of state officials, it also defies logic to think 18 year old white girl from Kansas, being student of limited means taking, a very long and expensive trip to a third world contry, alone, to the country of where her husband’s first, as of yet, undivorced wife lives, then traveling to the opposite side of the country, far away from where even her husband’s family lives, to give birth. The date format is the least of your POSFAKBC’s problems.
Real legal document with a perfectly logical birth story
Convicted forger’s unauthenticated document requiring an impossible and quite insane birth story
gee, which would I chose?
Lucas D. Smith said this about me: “you’ve obviously never set foot in Kenya.”
No I have never been to Kenya.
But then, neither have you.
You have not answered any of the questions and you have not shown proof of having gone to Kenya. You have not shown any entry or exit stamps for Kenya or for any African country. You haven’t even shown pictures of yourself in front of a Kenyan landmark.
And you did not answer whether or not there are passport offices on the side of the highways because YOU DO NOT KNOW despite claiming to have traveled to Kenya “overland.”
So, Lucas are you a check forger or a check kiter? Or for legal purposes are they considered the same thing?
Now there is a blog you should write about, the “How to” of forgery. Something you are familar with. Not this armchair tour of Kenya stuff. If not that than how about an expose on life in county jails.
No, I did not pass any passport office when I entered Kenya in 2009.
Are the same Ellen that is on television? Or are you just the Ellen that posts on Docs blog? If so, you can’t enter Dr Conspiracy’s ugly face contest because professionals are not allowed to enter.
My check was good.
Btw, I heard that traffic slows down when you smile because your teeth are so yellow. Any truth to that?
Still waiting for an answer, do attempt to stay on track, your wandering into thickets of inanity denotes a very simple and troubled mind, an outright bullshitter or both. I’ll repeat for your difficulty in reading.
Remember, the question is KENYA, not Dominican Republic, 1961, not a later date. Can you remember these simple facts or do you need them repeating?
Yooho, Lucas Whateverthefeckyucallyourselftoday Smith, still waiting.
Still waiting for an answer to the question posed.
The matter is simple enough for even as desperate a birfoon as you, show real live, honest to DoG contemperaneous Kenyan government issued documents that show anything other than DD/MM/YY(YY).
Ideally, why not find a REAL non POSFKBC of the time period of the Presidents birth, I mean, it seemed so easy for you to get the last one……n’est ce pas?
You do understand the meaning of the big word “contemperaneous” I trust.
Come on Lucas Whateveryournameisthisweek Smith answer and do try and keep you infantile homoerotic tirades down to to a low roar this time.
Waiting for an on point response
You wrote a lucid and compact summary of all that is wrong with the POSFAKBC. Smith’s silence in the face of your critical examination, and his puerile reaction to the criticism of others, reveals his illegitimacy.
Yeah, I’m sure it was just a big misunderstanding.
You probably have a good “explanation”.
Did you accidental use the wrong date format on the check? You could always show the DA that website from Kenya. Or maybe you misspelled your name, Lukas. Then you could just point them to a website for Lukas Haas. I’m sure the DAs office is just a bunch of gullible yokels, you’ll beat the rap. Good luck.
It does have the one redeeming virtue that since so much has been invested in it by the birther community there can be no others presented. Thanks, Lucas,
What clip art site did Lucas get the footie prints from?
Did Lucas just discover “1984”?
I have travelled to Kenya several times, mainly to attend inspections of vessels in Mombasa Port. I am British and usually travel there from Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates where I am resident for most of each year.
I’m pretty sure I’ve travelled internationally a helluva lot more than Lucas Smith as it is essential to my job and I probably average 30/40 international trips per year for each of the last 35 years. So I don’t want to hear any of his bs about “what happens in the real world”. I was smuggling whisky across the borders of Yemen and Saudi Arabia through the desert and salt flats years beore he forged his first signature on someone else’s cheque book.
Due to the short notice and urgent nature of the type of work I do (sometimes visiting stranded ships in odd locations etc) I’ve seen all kinds of unorthodox ways of getting in and out of assorted countries, both in a physical and documentary sense, especially in the Middle East and Africa.
A few facts…
1. Holders of passports from certain countries which include USA and UK do not essentially need to obtain a visa in advance of travelling to Kenya. A visa can be obtained on arrival, though obviously the facility to apply for and receive a visa at the nearest Kenyan embassy to your point of departure is open to you.
2. Contrary to what Lucas Smith says, any American entering Kenya legally, whether by road, by sea via a port or by air, will have to either show a visa or obtain a visa at the entry point and the visa will be affixed with adhesive to the passport page (it covers a whole page). Their passport will also receive a dated “entry” stamp at the entry point.
3. On departing the passport will receive a dated “exit” stamp. Unless they have obtained a multi-entry visa (unusual) the visa is from that point null and void. If they wanted to re-enter the next day they’d need another fresh visa via the same procedure.
4. If Lucas Smith entered and left Kenyal without a visa or dated entry/exit stamps he did so illegally and/or with the collusion of corrupt officials. He did not do so as a result of the road travel entry points simply having no set practice of issuing visas and stamping passports of foreigners entering. If that happened at all it happened because he deliberately brought it about, not because there were no visa/passport stamping facilities available.
Personally I think he’s full of it and has chosen the cock and bull story about entry overland to give his story room for wriggling because by road is the only way that there is any realistic hope of bribing officials re the visa/passport issue, though even by road that’s unlikely.
There is also no believable reason why he would not have gone through the proper visa entry and exit procedures in the first place.
Kenya is not like Nigeria for example. They are worlds apart in the attitude of officials to skulduggery. Kenya is actually an important partner to the Western military coalition naval forces for dealing with the incarceration and prosecution of pirates from the area etc simply because of their administrative efficiency and honesty by comparison with other countries in the region. There are many European and American expatriates resident there and some work for the Govt.
I should have made it clear that the visa will sometimes be a piece of paper affixed with adhesive or in stamp form. Either way it takes up nearly the whole page of an American size passport. The entry/exit date stamps are quite small.
Judge Mental,
Yeah right bird face. You just happen to have time with your busy, and oh so important, job of traveling world to post at Dr Conspiracy’s blog around the clock.
My advice to you is too look up Paul Pieniezny and you guys can swap fabled war stories of you travels around the world. Maybe you guys can discuss fusion and physics like all the has beens and never weres in England do every night at the local pub.
Go easy on the bottle tonight, loser.
See, here’s Lucas’ problem. He’s used to dealing with birthers, most of whom have never left Skunk Holler. They’ll believe almost anything (at least if it might harm Obama) . Now, he comes here where he is dealing with world travellers, scholars and people who actually know things. The old song and dance doesn’t work with this audience.
Lucas needs a much better story regarding his travels. He could have simply said,the passport he used to go to Africa expired or was lost and he replaced it, so he doesn’t have the stamps. But he had to make up a cockamamie story.
But the same is true of the birthers in general and the entire bogus “Kenyan birth” story. I happened to know quite a lot of international students during my academic career, a decent number of whom were married (some to American spouses, some to spouses from their home country or a 3rd country) and had children born while they were studying. Every single one had their kids born in the US at the hospital near campus. Not one travelled back to their home country or their spouses home country to give birth. This was, by the way in the late 1970s and 1980s when travel was easier and cheaper than it was in 1961. Why would they make such a trip? International students had good health insurance and usually plenty of countrymen around.
Now what about the grandparents seeing the kid? Yes, some travelled back home AFTER the kid was born. Grandparents want to see the baby, not a pregnant spouse. If they really want to be present for the birth, it’s easier for them to get tourist visas to come to the US than for the foreign student to deal with F-1 re-entries and all that red tape.
Now, maybe the crowd in Skunk Holler thinks that because you marry a Kenyan you go to Kenya to give birth. Anyone that has been around the block knows that is preposterous. Please, Lucas and other birthers, go away and put your heads together and thiink of a more plausible story. If you can, then maybe we can discuss it. But the story you are pushing is just dumb, dumb, dumb.
pot meet kettle
They heard that crazy story of Sister` Sarah flying back to Alaska after her water`broke & think that is what every expectant mother would do.
What a telling response to an intelligent post- one that has obviously intimidated Lucas.
Lucas is upset because the conman found a group of marks who he can’t con. That burns him up. He should leave well enough alone and stick to the easy birther rubes, but he will probably not give up and will wind up undoing himself here. A classic case of the conman becoming the conned.
(Lucas- don’t call me a bird face or make fun of my screenname in your response- I couldn’t handle it and would bust out crying).
If about 30/40 posts in 2 years is your idea of “round the clock” it’s small wonder you have trouble succesfully forging numbers.
Those are the facts about visa procedures for entering Kenya on an American or Uk passport. I have entered Kenya at Nairobi by commercial flights from both UAE and UK and have also entered Kenya directly into Mombasa Port by vessel and by helicopter, on two of which occasions the transport was provided by the US navy. I have never entered Kenya by road but I have met people who have and a colleague who lives in Nairobi permanently has confirmed the procedures.
There’s nothing very important about me, I’m just a marine surveyor who inspects ships and installations that are damaged or in casulaty situations, but I can see how it might seem that way to someone who is so incompetent at his chosen career as a forger and confidence trickster that he hasn’t got two cents to rub together and keeps getting caught and banged up in jail when his schemes go wrong.
Now, without shooting off at another tangent, exactly which of the visa procedures I described do you claim to be inaccurate and why?
Sorry Lucas Whateverthefuckyournameisnow Smith,
If you had ever actually been further abroad than America’s little pond around the Carribean you would have fully grasped this whole “time zone” thing where people in other global locations have a different time to you.
So people can post at times when they’re not working which is DIFFERENT to your time…amazing isn’t it.
So for example if JM is in the Emirates, his time is….wait for it….+8 hours to yours and if he’s in London right now he’s +5 hours.
I mean if you’d been in Kenya, you would know that of course.
I think the spirit of Heltan may have been guiding my fingers when I typed that poor attempt at the word “casualty”.
You probably mean well with your piece here so I’ll spare you any harsh words. You sort of remind of the good people of Iowa.
Talk all you want Sir but just know that your wrong. Your theory is just that, a theory.
Fact is sometime stranger than fiction. You know, I do a lot of writing and I’ll tell you that when writing fiction you have to make a real effort to make it appear as if it something that really could happen. However, when writing non-fiction you just record what really happened, no matter how wild or unorthodox that it may appear. Lots of non-fiction accounts would NEVER make it in the book world if they were fiction because they’d just be to over the top fiction.
So please stop judging my account as if your were writing a review for a fictional book.
Last, Sir, with all due respect, you don’t even know my account of travels in Kenya in 2009. Do you know why you don’t? Because I haven’t told ANYONE ONLINE. I have a book that I intend to publish and Im not going to, nor have I ever been willing to, give away the content of my book for free.
People generally don’t take free information seriously. You can hand out as much free literature as you’d like and just about no one will take it seriously. They’ll think to themselves that if this guy/gal had something tyt was worth anything then he/she would have a publisher and making a profit off of his writing.
So if you the scoop you’ll have to buy it sometime in early 2012. Until then you won’t get much more than what I’ve already written in declarations and affidavits.
I like your style Scientist. You might be an alright person.
Good night.
Err….Mr experienced international traveller Smith….it isn’t a “passport office” that deals with arriving foreigners and their visa formalities…..not in Kenya……not anywhere. How are you ever going to succeed in telling fabricated stories about visas and entry to foreign countries if you don’t even know what a bloody “passport office” is? This gets more absurd by the minute. Half-wits don’t make good forgers and con men.
I guess its better than your stories about spelunking in prison.
I think its time Lucas finds a new profession because everytime he tries grifting he gets caught. Apparently he’s not very good at being a conman.
That’s an interesting question. There was a UN document floating around with matching footprints on the cover, but if memory serves me right it was a fake made to discredit the POSFKBC. For all we know, they are Smith’s own footprints from his own hospital certificate. If so, it would be impossible to prove.
You are forgetting that there is a search function on this site where your little story can be found. Who wants to be first?
Judge Mental,
You’ll have to ask old Ellen about just what a ‘passport office’ is. You know, because she asked me twice about a ‘passport office’ along the side in the road to enter Kenya.
So I told her no, I didnt see a ‘passport office’ along side the road.
Read before your go all cujo and reckless on me again. Geez, for a world traveler you sure don’t pay attention to detail.
If this is an example of your writing skills, you better provide an English translation.
Exactly, just like you said, ‘little story’. Just like any other writter does, you tell people what you book is about. People buy your book because they know what its about but they don’t know all of the story and certainly not the fine details. Lastly, and sorry to be so blunt with you, but your empty-headed comment makes you look like a dolt.
I don’t really care about where you go. I know that Stanley Ann Dunham was in Honolulu on August 4, 1961, giving birth in Kapi’olani Hospital. You and your pals have failed to provide even the slightest evidence that she was elsewhere nor any motivation why she would travel halfway around the world. The entire story is laughable, whether it appears iin a work of fiction or a putative work of non-fiction.
As for buying a book about your trip to Kenya, why would I waste a penny? Kenya is hardly terra incognita. There are literally hundreds of guide books, travelogs, memoirs, etc. about life in Kenya from people who are far more knowledgeable and trustworthy than are you. No disrespect to your writing, but I have read Dinesen, Hemingway and Naipaul among others who have written about Kenya, and their laundry lists are better literature than anything you have ever penned.
So wait are people going to buy your book or are you giving it away for free?
“Old Ellen” lol that’s so laughable. What was the name of the road to enter Kenya? Which country were you coming from? What was the road you came from immediately prior to that? What was the name of the road you were on when you entered Kenya?
Thanks your Sir for your thoughtful remarks. As is true with just about everyone that posts here you just made it really clear that yiu don’t care about the hearing or seeing evidence. You’ve already made your mind up and you have a blind faith about Baracks nativity story. You are in a way practicing a relgion. I respect your faith and welcome you to keep believing in what makes you feels content.
I one the other hand am an objective thinker. I always willing to hear new evidence.
Its people like you that already have your mind made up that used hang black Americans in their front yard because the little neighbor boy made a remark about the black American making a sexual comment about the good white woman.
Never mind a trial in a Court of law. No, none of that. Just a quick democratic vote of any friends and family that were around at time. Hang him! 10 hands go up. Let him be! No hands get are anywhere to be seen. Nope, reckless disregard for objective thought and a finding of facts. Just a blind faith.
Good night scientist.
Road? Road? Brave adventurers like Lucas don’t need no stinkin’ road. He ran across the savanna with the Kenyan Olympic marathon team, chased by lions and herds of charging elephants. He’s got video that he will share for the right price.
It’s time to ignore this disgusting troll.
Evidence? You have evidence? Where?
As for Barack’s birth, I was there, son. I saw iit with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears.
Lucas how many times have we asked you to present evidence and instead start talking about homosexual fantasies of yours. Seriously prison must have changed you. Why is the wrong Health Administrator on your forgery?
Dear Bob Ross the catamite,
Yes, you know, the Ellen who posts here on this thread.
I’m not sure what is ‘lol’ about this. Go back and read her comments from earlier today.
She asked me about a ‘passport office’ twice.
I feel a bit sorry to say this but guy I think you are really and truly just too old and your brain cannot keep up. I have grandparents whom is gettng to that old age too. So I feel a little bad about sayng it.
Dear Mr Wilson/Smith the epicene there’s no Ellen in this thread. You have grandparents whom is? Did you flunk out of school Lucas? That would certainly explain why you have turned to a life of crime and trying to be an incompetent conman, its obvious no one would hire you. Why is it you keep changing the subject when asked about why you had the wrong health Administrator on your forgery?
Judge Mental,
What’s wrong honey bunns? Why come when you called out for your doltish comment about ‘passport office’ you want to end the discussion.
Pehaps one day you’ll become a man and learn to own up to mistakes.
You know, one time Paul Pieniezny called me out for a mistake I made in translating Dutch. I then owned up to it like a man and I thanked him.
People like you however can’t do that because you have no character.
oh okay the way he said it made it sound like he met ellen on the road to kenya
Funny because that’s not how it played out and you left the thread.
So Lucas are you saying you live in the gutter? What do Black Americans have to do with your continuous diverting of the subject? Again I ask you why was the wrong administrator on your forgery? Its obvious you failed to do your proper research before you created it.
Dr Conspiracy,
It appears that one of my recent comments has been pulled.
I believe that I may have crossed the line and overstepped some boundries with the content in that comment to Bob Ross.
I apologize and I shall retire now for the night.I
English speakers of all races and classes have trouble deciding when to use “who” and when to use “whom.” Bob Ross wasn’t making a racial slur, but pointing out a simple error in grammar. Your response to his post was more offensive than anything Bob said or implied. For information on how to choose between “who” and “whom” consult this site:
Perhaps if there was any evidence remotely supporting a birth in Hawaii, you might have a point. But there is not a shred of remotely credible evidence to even suggest a birth anywhere but Hawaii. Add to that an African birth makes no sense at all and is quite improbable, if not actually impossible. It’s utter nonsense.
No. You are a con-man, a convicted forger, and an admitted child molester. You may be willing to try to manufacture new evidence, but you’re not even good enough to do that. Any real “objective thinker” would dismiss your POSFAKBC out of hand due to its errors, the fact that it looks nothing like any other Kenyan birth certificate, lack of any chain of custody…oh, and the fact that it comes from a convicted forger who tried to sell it on ebay.
The irony is that you are doing exactly what you accuse scientist of doing. For your talk about trial in a Court of law and evidence, your POSFAKBC would never see a court of law. There is now way it would be admitted. It is an unauthenticated piece of meaningless garbabe offered by a convicted forger. AND it contradicts a document that every court in the US would accept the Hawaiian birth certificates as prima facie evidence. And that’s not even touching on the fact that a Kenyan nativity story is not only improbable, but quite nearly impossible.
So it seems not you’re not only the person voting for the lynching, you’re the angry daddy making up stories to fire up the lynch mob after your daughter makes the move on the african american man down the street.
Ironic coming from the guy whose forgery inspires the “Let’s lynch the usurper President!” birther crowd.
How does it feel when birthers like Rev. Manning hold up your work as a reason to convict President Obama of treason and sentence him to hang? You’ve created exhibit number one for their play trials, which may eventually result in real tragedy.
You have fed the racists fire with your fuel.
Is anyone assuming he has a conscience?
You beyond crossed the line. I didn’t say anything offensive, you on the other hand seem to say anything offensive possible when it comes to people questioning your forgery.
At issue is whether or not a web page is proof of the date format a country used on official government documents 50 years ago. What you found isn’t proof for the argument that you want to advance. No, new evidence has been presented to support your arguments. You are holding too tightly on your conspiracy theory. Try letting go.
No. It is not just a theory. It is a scientific theory. Completely different thing.
Why do you guys keep fencing with this contemptible petty sociopath?
Because we don’t have any creditable broad-minded sociopaths to fence with?
That’s very good! Bravo!
Time differences on the planet earth have already been explained to you. I have to sleep occasionally. The notion that there is anything someone of your quite clearly very limited knowledge of the world outside USA and even more limited written communication skills, could ever post that would chase me away from a thread is more than a little unrealistic, though it has some amusement value.
As it happens I am not inclined to believe your implication that you merely followed terminology previously used by another poster while knowing full well it was inaccurate. That isn’t consistent with what you do on here. Normally you would have posted a sneering reply to her.To boot you will appreciate that it isn’t in dispute that you are a proven habitual liar and petty criminal, so the reality is that you do not get the kind of benefit of doubt that others might be given in any weighing up of what might or might not be true when you allege something.
At least as likely as your implied explanation is the alternative that you copied her terminology because you haven’t a clue what a Kenyan border crossing immigration control station looks like or about how they operate.
You really need to lose this idea that on here you are dealing with gullible fools. There’s a zillion petty Lucas Smith wannabee grifters in assorted countries all over the world and God knows I’ve met enough in the Middle East and Africa, most of them considerably better at it than you appear to be, but still very rarely smart enough to fool a gnarled old Scottish cynic who has pulled more than a few strokes in his time.
What you are doing right now, as usual, in attempting to focus attention on another poster’s use of “passport office” is nothing but deflection and not very well disguised deflection at that.
What you are deflecting from this time isn’t a question about one aspect or another of the clumsy and incompetent nature of your forged certificate, it is my question to you regarding your earlier reaction to my description of Kenyan visa entry formalities. I ask you again, what part of what I posted in this respect is inaccurate and why? Clearly this question makes you uncomfortable, because you know damned well that, unlike you, I don’t need google or travel guide books or information supplied via e mail by an Africa based opportunist for the price of a few sandwiches, in order to know from personal experience exactly what happens during entry to Kenya in real life.
Well, you did not mention work permits, which allowed Lucas to put up a smoke screen about missionaries.
But since Lucas proclaimed me the King of the Goolge (sic), let me state that I did not find anything inaccurate in what you posted.
The funny part was where he claimed to know someone who has been in and out of Kenya for quite some time without visa or work permit, but with the stamps in her passport to prove she crossed the border. Lucas himself of course claims to have been in and out of Kenya without a visa or a work permit, but also WITHOUT the stamps to prove it.
By the way, there could be a reason not including corruption why a missionary can enter and exit Kenya without physically having the work permit in his or her possession. They could have entered the first time with it, handed it in at the administrative center of their church, which from then on takes care of prolonging it – it could be some kind of arrangement between the church and the Kenyan immigration office.
My dear Lucas, where did I ever tell war stories of countries I visited? I only mentioned I was once in Africa. Someone already pointed you to my Wikipedia page, where you can see where I have been. I am not a world traveller and I am not exactly keeping it a secret.
So, where do you pull that tall war stories tale from? I hope it is not a reference to my sister-in-law’s escape from Libya, something I did indeed write about at Fogbow .
So, what did you mean exactly? I am half inclined now to answer every posting by you with a Basil Fawlty.
If Lucas’s book is the quality of porn as was in his affidavit it will increase the rates of celibacy.
Seriously, the only reason this guy is around here is that we are the only people who pay attention to his sad ass anymore. We give him the attention he craves.
This is the reason that I continue to harbor doubts about this web site, as I said in my tongue in cheek article about a joint agreement with WorldNetDaily. The Obots help keep the Obama Conspiracy issue stirred up. The question is whether we provide a moderating influence or a stimulus. Would birthers be quieter if they were ignored than when they are called idiots?
The recent case of Joy/joyeagle (if true) shows the moderating impact of this site. He arrived a “birther” (new to the movement), who had actually sent letters to Congressmen. He left, still a tea party member, but not a birther.
That’s got to be worth something.
Let us set aside missionaries for a moment. The notion of Lucas Smith passing as a missionary is a bridge too far so it is irrelevant.
It is not possible for a foreign national from for example USA or UK to have a work permit in Kenya without having had a visa entitling them to enter Kenya in the first place (obtained either in advance of travel or upon arrival). It is similarly impossible for the same kind of foreign national to have a residency permit for Kenya without first having a work permit. These three things are all inter-dependent. It is similar in other countries in Africa and in most countries of The Middle East.
There is no way other than in the fertile imagination of Mr Smith that he legally entered and left Kenya without a visa and entry/exit stamps. If he did so (which only a half-wit would believe in any case,cos it makes no sense) he did it by circumventing frontier crossing posts and/or by collusion with corrupt officials.
No doubt he will have as big a cock and bull story about his motives for why, instead of indulging in immigration fraud, he didn’t just get a bloody visa, which would have been very easy, as the stories that birthers come up wth as regards the motives for why Stanley Ann didn’t just get her foreign born infant naturalized citizenship instead of indulging in a huge complicated fraud.
I suspect it will be right up the usual avenue for the gullible marks that he has become accustomed to confusing with average citizens ie along the lines of that his “life was in danger” if “they” knew he was in Kenya…..cos the entire might of the USA was reeling from the threat posed by the pettiest of petty and incompetent Walter Mitty liars and forgers. Maybe the lunatics really have made a bid for the keys to the asylum.
No, I don’t think they would be any quieter at all and I don’t think there is any empirical evidence to support that either.
You are not dealing with a rational mentality in the birthers. It truly is a deeply emotional affliction of both anger and a spoiled entitlement/victim mentality that demands that the world immediately conforms to their fantasy views and gives them their rainbow farting unicorns no matter what.
Saying nothing doesn’t quiet them down either, it just emboldens them and allows a lie to be spread and repeated long enough that others become gullible and start to be infected with their wrongful thought patterns and juvenile expectations.
They are going to wail and cry and stamp their feet no matter what. The best thing you can do is not appease them and counter pseudo-claptrap nonsense with well sourced facts, so that confused people who are subject to hearing this nonsense can find the truth and not be snookered into buying this BS, because all they otherwise hear is the bunk.
The birthers will remain riled up no matter what. You should not fall into the trap of believing that they would be less vile and cranky if only you ignored them.
I argue that this site provides a very important service and can be as much as a moderating influence as is possible with this type of sore-loser based phenomenon.
Very good point and I fully agree.
I’m sure there are others on the lesser end of the scale as evidence too.
Charo would probably be full-bore brainwashed birther without this site, instead of just sympathetic to the emotional anti-Obama worldview arguments that birtherism is really just an escapism gateway excuse for. Thanks to the info here, she knows birtherims doesn’t stand up to reality and she’s remained tethered to reality by being exposed to it. She may wish that some bad dirt would surface that could take down Obama, but she knows that the birther arguments don’t have a valid leg to stand on.
Some of the birther posters that actually “moved on” once the LFBC was released may not have done so if they hadn’t been here and confronted with all the other facts, research and evidence that showed their birther talking points were bunk. They probably would have remained gullible enough to continue down the rabbit hole of sad denial excuses (Vattel, stupid PDF arguments, etc.) that the rest of the die-hard birther core are reduced to.
Who knows how many of the unique visitors that have come here over time came here out of curiosity and confusion over an issue, got the answers or corrections they needed and then left satisfied and able to move on with their lives, without ever needing to comment. Most websites I visit for info or updates I never ever comment on. I simply don’t have the time. I go to read and get the info I need and move on.
Bottom line, I invest the time to actually add to the commentary here because I see the value in this site and feel it provides and important service.
Hi Lucas,
Thank you for the respectful response. I truly wish you wouldn’t let others get your goat so much that you lapse out of anger into your old bad and juvenile habits of retort…then they get more juvenile in response and you end up with a viscious circle of tit-for-tat name calling that just looks bad all around and only hurts your own ability to be heard further. My advice in those situations – take advantage that this is an online forum and when you get riled up, walk away and don’t post until after you’ve been able to let go. I’ve mentioned before Lucas, you are just going to have to develop a thick skin (that does not mean falling back to juvenile bravado pissing contests that might have been your defense mechanism in your youth, on the streets or in prison) by trying to realize that you are over 30 now and need for YOURSELF to learn self-control and restraint and not let your impulses keep putting you back in trouble.
Look, as I said, I do understand why you are upset – you get constantly mocked and have your past thrown in your face. I’m not saying it is fair and of course it stings, but it is what it is. You are facing the all too real consequences of credibility that comes with the mistakes of your past and which will continue to haunt and follow you around… It makes it very hard for you to move forward and it is a lot to constantly have to put up with. But unfortunately, that comes with the territory of the nature of forgery/con artist related endeavors – you only have to cross that line once to nearly throw away your credibility for life. It is like a tattoo – doesn’t take too long to put on, but its fairly permanent. But they can eventually be removed with further pain and expense. All you can do is learn to expect you will garnish these reactions and face harsh skeptism and not let it get to you. The worst thing you can do is just repeat old mistakes or let your emotional disappointments drag you down further by making more mistakes in the process. You’re only inflicting more long lasting wounds on yourself.
Next time you are offended by what people say, ask them maturely to please debate you on the issues without having to resort to name calling or slander. Try to elevate the conversation back upwards instead of down.
Now, that being said…
If your stated goal really is to put all this effort just into proving that there can be logical explanations to errors or discrepencies, well of course in any general context that is a truism. But as I and others have pointed out, to *even* do that, you have to provide contemporaneous examples to support your position.
However, I’ll I’ve been respectfully pointing out is that doing so is merely a very time consuming effort on your part with little gain and that the way you are going about it would max out on just that simple concept – that “maybe” there is an explanation for a specific criticism of the POSFKBC.
As I’ve pointed out, that really doesn’t get you any further than where you are now, because even if there were no “errors” in format, none of that translates to legitimacy for the document itself. The problems on that issue are much, much bigger than that and the whole premise of a storyline to lead to a Kenyan birth is quite preposterous and fully contradicted by everything found in HI and fully supported by ALL HI officials and evidence.
Honestly, focusing and obsessing on minor details when the whole premise is unsustainable is at best a cop-out coping mechanism to stay in denial and not see the forest for the trees. At worst, it is an intentional trick of distraction to focus others away from those bigger and more troubling issues. You are obviously emotionally vested to this issue, but I don’t understand why. And I do say that respectfully to you and not as a slam.
This post has already been rather long, so I’ll only do one brief separate follow-up to reference some good points that other have already stated that I agree with.
Well, I’ll just say that I really agree with the points I feel Scientist put best in his comments at:
July 15, 2011 at 8:35 pm
July 15, 2011 at 1:05 pm
July 15, 2011 at 1:27 pm
I really don’t understand your position in your reply to Scientist on July 15, 2011 at 8:56 pm about blind faith and religion vs. objectivity. Honestly, I think you have it backwards and maybe you need to step outside of your own personal shoes, situation and emotional (and otherwise) investments to simply see why people would simply be more likely to accept a long string of corroborating evidence from offficial authorities and documents about his birth in HI vs. a single document by someone with a dubious past and criminal record which includes forgery. A single document that has no corroborating evidence – no officials from Kenya backing it up, no plausible explanation nor evidence for Obama’s mother taking a trip there to have a baby, nothing.
Really, if there was any real possiblity that anyone truly took the POSKFBC seriously (even any of the leaders and money interests behind Birtherism), then Corsi or Apuzzo or someone else would have tried to follow in your footsteps and get an additional copy of themselves to “break this story wide”. No one’s done that. None of that has happened nor will happen…because even those folks know that there is nothing legit to your Kenyan document.
You may choose to disagree with our positions and support birtherism. Fine, that is your right. But to claim that you don’t understand how someone can objectively look at the difference between those two sides of evidence and not be skeptical of your claims is simply not a very sincere position for you to take. And maybe all that means is that you are simply too emotionally invested in this whole POSFKBC thing to be honest with yourself about how the comparison would appear to anybody else.
I’ll end with saying that I also agree with all the really well stated points made by JoZeppy in his reply on July 15, 2011 at 10:18 pm.
Just for interest and by way of nothing much in particular other than highlighting that people using keyboards often type things that aren’t necessarily correct or forget to type things, here is a link to the specific page from the same website for the Mtandarika event shown as scheduled for 8/29/2009 in Doc’s calendar summary screenshot.
It transpires that the actual scheduled date for the event was in fact 18 September 2009, not 29 August and that it appears that whoever keyed in that page update accidentally entered the date on which he/she was keying in the latest update (8/29/2009) instead of entering the actual scheduled date of the event (!8 September ie 18/9/2009 or 9/18/2009). Alternatively perfhaps he/she accidentally left the date of event field blank and a default system automatically then entered the date of the event as being the same date as the page update entry was being made. I’d plump for the latter.
That would explain why the Visa Requirements from Kenya’s Immigration Department require a full clean page.
Out of curiosity, I reread the declaration in US v Cao and then went to see how somebody would go overland from DR Congo (Democratic Republic) to Kenya (a rather involved and time consuming task). Given how Africa was referred to in the declaration (the dark continent) and the possible book of the journey, I feel it may be pertinent to point out, I think Joseph Conrad already did that (
The bottom line is that the document that Smith has circulated simply is not in the format that Kenya uses for official birth certificates (or used in the 1960’s). What he has is the type of document that birthers claimed they wanted to see (with footprints and all, though Smith’s inexplicably has only 1 baby footprint).
So he can go round and round and round about dates and the spelling of a hospital administrator’s name, etc. …. but he still has a document that is as worthless as a $3 bill.
Just to further clarify Northland, Kenyan visit visas have changed in format over the years and not all Kenyan visa issuing offices in the world always used exactly the same format. Sometimes it woud be a visa that was affixed with adhesive but mostly it was/is an ink ‘stamped’ visa with additional adhesive backed stamps attached.
In my personal experience most countries in Africa and The Middle East routinely require a full clean passport page for stamping of a visit visa, irrespective of the size of the actual visa. Kenya is not in any way unusual in that. However the immigration officers of just about all countries will happily stamp your entry and exit date stamps anywhere at all, even partly overlapping with other stamps from elsewhere.
Obviously there are many possible deviations from routines in assorted countries. On request Israel have in past years happily put an adhesive clear film sheet over one of my passport pages, stamped my entry on the clear film and then peeled the sheet off when I exit so that I do not have Israeli stamps in my passport which can give me problems in arab countries. Nowadays on special request, Israel will not stamp my passport at all if I explain the problem politelyespecially when they can see that Ihave a UAE residence visa. However I very much doubt that Kenyan Immigration would buy into any request from an American or UK national not to stamp their passport…..other than via corruption an even that is a little unlikely.
What is interesting is that his declaration has him traveling through at least 3 countries, and possible 4, if I understand correctly that he was in both the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. Yet, he when through all of these countries without ever needing any stamp or visa. Given the length of time it takes to get through these countries, it is quite an accomplishment to make it through all the border crossings and through the countries without ever needing a stamp or getting stopped and questioned. This seems a little odd for somebody who cannot make it through Florida without getting stopped and then getting picked up in Arizona for the outstanding FL (and IA) warrant.
So I am still left with the lack of any trail that would provide a start to the necessary proof that his BC came from anywhere near Kenya. All we have is his say so.
You’ll just have to wait for the book Northland. You can order an advance copy at
G All of Lucas; protestations to the contrary there is simply no way to validate his document. Let’s pretend that it had d/m/y dating, that the Director’s name was spelled right and that Lucas showed passport stamps or air tickets or a photo of himself in front of a recognizable Kenyan landmark. Would that prove the b.c. was valid? Absolutely not-it would simply show that Lucas went to Kenya and someone sold/gave him a document. rather than Lucas making it himself in the US. The Kenyan government denies that the President was born there, nor is there independent evidence that Ms Dunham was ever there-no newspaper announcements of a birth, no photos of her in Kenya, not a shred of evidence that she was ever there. Now argue conspiracies to suppress evidence all you like-the fact remains that unless such evidence is availablle, the b.c. cannot be validated.
Now compare the Hawaiian document. With that we have:
1. Confirmation by several state officials
2. Newspaper announcements
3. Evidence that Ms Dunham lived in Hawaii before and after the date of birth, including photos of her in Hawaii and addresses at which she resided.
Furthemore, the story of birth in Hawaii makes sense and corresponds with the simple fact that the vast majority of pregnant women give birth where they live. I have looked at close to 2,000 birth announcements In my local newspaper and every single one shows a mother who lives in the metro area or surrounding rural communities. So people travelling to give birth is uncommon. Ameriicans travelling to Kenya to give birth would almost certainly be extremely uncommon-very likely never observed in the entire history of the US from 1776 to today. An interesting question-one the US embassy in Nairobi might answer, without giving individual names, is have they ever had a non-resident Amercan (as opposed to resident expats) giving birth in Kenya? A visiting American giving birth in Kenya would be so unusual that someone would be likely to have noted it (as opposed to an American giving birth in Hawaii).
So if Lucas wants an objective discussion of his b.c then show us independent evidence beyond the piece of paper, that Ms Dunham was ever in Kenya.
I completely agree with you. These are exactly the kinds of issues I was trying to point out as well.
Doc, I’ve tried to post about this before but maybe the link I used to a page in the Kenya website in your article sent it into a moderation queue so I won’t repeat the link.
I was curious about what a “Mtandariko” is because I vaguely recall having heard the term before.
This is not a big deal but I did find something slightly curious when I went to the individual Kenyan site page which deals with the actual detail of the “Mtandariko” event slated for 8/29/2008 and shown in the event calendar screenshot. on that page which I’m sure you can find as easily as I did, the body of the narrative descriptive text states quite clearly that the date of the event was actually scheduled for “18 September 2008”, not 29 August 2008, while both the “event date” section and the “date page updated” both specify 8/29/2008.
This might be indicative of a simple administrative error by the person who keyed in the info on the web page typing in the wrong event date 8/29/2008 instead of 18/9/2008 or 9/18/2008.
I don’t have the computer systems knowledge to know whether or not it is also possible that it could alternatively be indicative of the website being programmed to automatically enter any planned event dates accidentally left blank by automatically generating an event calendar date which is the same as the date the page is being updated by the operator, ie in this case 8/29/2008……and in turn possibly indicative that the system is by factory default generating such dates in American format.
As I say, definitely no big deal, it just arouses bit of curiousity. Have a look at the individual page for that event and see what you think.
Lucas D. Smith has repeatedly said that he went to Kenya and got an “Obama birth certificate in Kenya.”
But Lucas D. Smith still has not proven that he went to Kenya.
If Lucas Smith offered proof that he had been to Kenya, that wouldn’t mean the proof was authentic. And if Smith had been to Kenya, that doesn’t mean that he got a birth certificate there. And if Smith got a birth certificate in Kenya, that doesn’t mean that it is authentic.
So I don’t see much value in Smith offering evidence he had been to Kenya.
What would be more impressive would be for Smith to get the Ministry of State for Immigration and Registration of Persons in Kenya to post a statement on its web site that Barack Obama II was born in Kenya.
this is my favourite quote from lucas this week
`i,lucas d smith, international man of mystery´
makes me remember the types i met occasionally in pubs in england who claimed to be `from the regiment´ (said with a knowing wink) , when the reality was that the most military they´d been was as a weekend squaddie.
c´mon lucas – where´s the passport stamp? 😀
I knew there was something about you that couldn’t be trusted.
He doesn’t even know that there are signs that say “Welcome to South Tucson” on the main streets when you cross from the city limits from Tucson to South Tucson. And we now know that he was actually in Tucson because that’s where his most recent bust occurred.