Not content to let the birth certificate issue die a normal death, the Democratic National Committee is mailing copies of Barack Obama’s birth certificate to potential donors, reports CBS News. And they’re blaming it on the Republicans, at least the ones who joined with the birthers.
Is it payback time? More accurately it’s “pay up” time because the this is just another typical fundraising letter. Get the donor angry, and ask them for $44.
Politics ain’t pretty.
I would love to have one of these for my collection … but I really hate being on mailing lists …. priorities, priorities….
Does the DNC copy have layers? Why is it gray scale and not green? Why so many copies? Why didn’t they do this back in 2008!
Good for them!
If any DNC big shots visit here Doc, please ask them to produce more of the MADE in the USA coffee mugs with Obama’s long form. There is still a market for this niche item in Hawaii’s medical & nursing community. I laugh every time I look at mine.
I have my copy! I’m putting it beside my OBOT mug that I had made for the Lakin trial (there are four in existence, you know who you are).
Ha! Ha! When they ask “where’s the B/C” we can say that they can have their very own copy by donating to the DNC.
I got my t-shirt!
Mean old Democrats! It’s clearly their fault that Birtherism became so big. They wanted Republicans to look foolish! It’s just like when my wife burns the roast; the black eye is HER fault!
Kupuna, the DNC wants a $44+ donation to get the mug. But it appears you can get it for $15+ thru Obama’s campaign, here:
I have one of the Obama Made in USA/birth certificate t-shirts. Unfortunately, the BC is on the back so I need to take it off or wear it backwards when explaining to would-be birthers why it’s not a forgery.
Expie, I rec’d the DNC version several days ago and have scanned it to a PDF but my analysis is at a standstill while we try to locate my “PDF Expert” hat. We suspect it was stolen by the neighborhood birther who may need it to prove his theory that Obama is really a woman because his mother was really a man as proven by her real name Stanley, which someone wrote in above her fake signature on the forged birth certificate.
Obama was made in good old U.S.A.
That’s true, but his birthplace is Kenya, ixnay?
Fraudulent document
Poisons our sentiment.
He is but a fraud, that is all I will say..
I think it is great that now they are committing fraud too! They just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper! I love it! When the house of cards comes crashing down, it will fall on them too! A 4 yr. old can see that the bc is fraudulent and when August comes and the Hawaii DOH is NOT able to produce a viable bc, the house will crash! I can’t wait to see this criminal removed from office! He won’t even be running in 2012 so these idiots that pay this money are just giving it away…hey, great idea, send it to me instead so I can use it to pay for stupid Obama Care!
More delusions from the nutcases.
ha ha ha, … why don’t you dispute the facts instead of straw man arguments….
if the b/c was a fraud would you want to know? Have you looked at the information that document experts have provided that shows why they think the b/c is forged?
This page has an overview with links to analysis by document experts….
You can ignore the facts if you want, but don’t pretend to know what you are talking about if you do so.
Document experts? Thanks for the laugh!
Not so fast, Brian, money paid to the DNC goes to support the party and not the man. D’oh!
Have we looked? They’re a main source of entertainment around here! Did you check out this week’s Joker of the Week? The Anonymous Expert, state computer programmer turned wannabe graphologist, whose argument is that the handwriting is too perfect? Oh, how we have looked!!!
Ok, then why are they promoting Osama? Ummm Barry, ummm, what ever his name is? It is going to re-elect him and using a forged document to do it!
Yes, I have looked at the evidence of the forged bc. ALL experts unanimously agree that it is fake. This was not even a good forgery. This idiot is nothing more than a petty criminal and I can’t wait until he is gone! Hopefully in jail!
Of course I would want to know if the birth certificate was a fraud. However, I have looked carefully at all the evidence and concluded that there’s not a chance in hell that it is.
I have looked at most of the WND “experts” in detail (there’s one I haven’t gotten around to) and in every case the argument is no more technical than somebody blowing the document up and saying “this doesn’t look right.” When it comes to a technical analysis of the PDF file itself, the analysis is shallow and often wrong. What I’m saying is that the so-called experts don’t demonstrate any expertise. The other problem with WND “experts” is that they freely go beyond even their claimed expertise, and admit either in their current statements or upon examination of what they have said in the past, they were certain Obama was a fraud before even looking at the document (one even made his conclusion and never examined the document at all).
Many of the WND “experts” have been debunked on this blog.
The people who have expertise and used it objectively to look at the document have found no signs of tampering.
Really? I am an expert and I say it’s real. So you lied…
But you said he won’t be running in 2012, so how can he be re-elected? You make no sense at all..
I’m an expert too and I say that Brian Leffler’s birth certificate is fake!
Why would the state of Hawaii forge their own certified document?
Would the Treasury Department counterfeit bills and coins? Would the State Department issue phony passports?
But of course that statement is false. The most technically competent person to have looked at the PDF file found no signs of tampering whatever:
WorldNetDaily itself quoted Jean Claude Tremblay (this is not Fox news, but WND who talked to Tremblay) as saying:
“For me, what I have seen does not prove that it is legit, nor that it is a fake, nor that there has been any tampering whatsoever,”
And what about John Woodman? He didn’t find anything abnormal.
And what about the fellow at the National Review, Nathan Goulding?
So when you say ALL experts, you just show your own lack of information. Now if somebody had fooled me like that, tricking me into embarrassing myself saying that “ALL” experts agree when in fact it’s not even close, I would seek out that person and buffet them about the head.
I have not seen any expert that demonstrates any expertise in his field saying that the White House long form PDF has been tampered with. I’ve seen a lot of hand waving, a lot of claims of expertise and ZERO science. It’s not a matter of quantity, but of quality, and not one certified document examiner has said there’s evidence of tampering.
I think if I ever find myself particularly bored one day, I’ll grab a birth certificate of some Republican presidential candidate and provide my own expert analysis of it to prove it’s fake. My analysis will consist of blowing up random segments, drawing dots and arrows in MS-Paint, and yelling “this proves it’s a fake!” I’ll be sure to point out that I am an expert because I’ve set up scanners.
None of them have provided a birth certificate. Bachmann’s was found by a reporter because her birth state (Iowa) has open records. Is it real? Who knows? No state official has confirmed it, nor has the hospital. Besides the name on it isn’t even Bachmann (which isn’t even an Ammerican name). Trump showed something (probably fake, since every thing about him, from his hair on down is fake). The rest of them have shown bupkis. Romney was born in Mexico, Huntsmann in China, Palin in Canada. Quite a crew..
I can prove I have one, an official paper one that can be shown. I also have a certificate of live birth. Mine can be shown and put up to scrutiny…mine isn’t some cheap computer compilation of different certificates. I am a real “natural born citizen” of the U.S. and can prove it…for those of you that don’t know what that means, it means I have BOTH parents that are American citizens and I was born in the U.S. I wouldn’t spend millions to avoid showing my bc. I would simply rub your nose in it and prove it to you just like ANYONE with a real one would do.
Brian, when August comes and this doesn’t happen will YOUR house crash? Will you at least come back here so we can laugh at you, point at you, and use other Alinsky tactics on you?
Unless you can produce documents from the State you were born in attesting to its validity (as Obama has) I just don’t buy what you’re selling.
It’s a forgery. All the experts agree.
Has Congress found you qualified to be President? They have not. However, they found Barack Obama so qualified. Come back when they say the same about you.
I can announce here that I have discussed Brian Leffler’s alleged birth documents with 10 current and former CIA agents. All agents agree that there is a high likelihood that his papers are forged. They wish to remain anonymous to protect their safety.
They have heard rumors that Brian Leffler may try and put an “electronic recreation” on the internet, which would consist of a digital file representation of his documents, possibly created on a computer. Agents warn that since the issuing State refuses to link to or confirm the authenticity of his digital files, they are not worth the paper they are printed on.
I have yet to find any experts who are willing to go on record and say his files are 100% authentic.
Have you looked at the experts who show why it is not a forgery.
Wouldn’t you want to know if the President was innocent before you proclaimed him guilty?
If, say, a member of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners said the copies of the birth certificate released by the White House showed signs of tampering, I would get excited. Four-year-olds do not impress me, no more than the current flock of self-appointed experts from WND.
I’m not sure what the significance of August is. The first presidential primary is next February. I feel pretty confident that Mr Leffler will not be back to apologize when his prediction fails to some true.
We’re still waiting for you birthers to produce a real expert!
WND? Yeah…that’s a reliable source…and an expert that can’t even get right which software was used? And btw….how does her knowledge of Adobe qualify her to know things like what terminology were used on birth certificates in the60s, or half of what she talks about (spacing, fonts, seals). She has knoledge in Adobe if I recall correctly (which is odd, since she couldn’t even figure out what software was used to make the documetn), that does not qualify her to make statements on forensic document examination. She’d get testify as an expert in a real court.
Oh please….a birther wouldn’t know what a fact is if it bit him on the back side….otherwise they wouldn’t be birthers.
Birthers have NO facts to support them. Accept it.
Can you cite even one history, civics, social studies, or law textbook which says that a natural born citizen must have two American citizen parents?
I didn’t think so.
And why would the Hawaii DOH be producing anything in August? Please tell me you’re not so mindless to think Orly’s invalid subpoena has a snowballs chance in hell of getting a response any different from her last smack down?
He’s probably thinking of the nominating convention.
So. Where is it?
blah, blah, blah. Just another string of ingorant birther lies.
My guess is he’s referring to Orly’s most recent fake subpoena, in which she commands the state of HI to produce Obama’s original LFBC on Aug. 8. Or perhaps he’s referring to the doomed motion to compel that she submitted to the DC circuit regarding her 1st fake subpoena. I guess he hasn’t figure out yet that Orly is an incompetent lawyer and lunatic who has many times in the past declared that she has Obama cornered–that she is t-h-i-s close to removing from office–and that she has, in every instance, failed, spectacularly and laughably. I can’t wait to see how she embarrasses herself this time!
Yes a 4 year old certainly might think that.
However a competent, reasonable adult would realize that the copy certified by the state of Hawaii is genuine, by default.
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if the TSA didn’t let her get on a plane to get to Honolulu on the 8th.
Getting on a plane will not be an issue for Orly. The subpoena will be toast before August 8th.
Can someone explain what would happen if the State said, “Sure come up and look at it.”? I mean, they can’t let her remove the original, so she could look at it in the DOH offices. Since the paper forms the White House has shown reporters (and from which the scanned files were made) were direct photocopies from the origiinal in the bound volume, we already know what the original looks like (minus the security paper background). What would Orly do then?
I’m sure she would come out screaming fraud, but how that would have no legal standing. The State and the US Attorney could bring a whole team of lawyers, all of whom could testify that the original looked just like the copies, so that could actually make Orly look even dumber than she does allready. The judge could even attend if he felt like it and he would see the same thing. i actually think that could be fun, so I’m kind of hoping that happens (even though I know it won’t)….
Reading today’s posts, I can only assume that the sudden appearance of 3 new posters who talk in such a silly and juvenile style is due to the fact that elementary schools are still out on summer break…
Yes, if you look at a document on a computer screen, it is a document on a computer screen.
Especially if you tape it there with duct tape.
If it walks like a duct, if it quacks like a duct, it is a duct.
Alright. Why a duct? Why that… why a duct? Why no a chicken?
Sorry, too obvious?
It may be that Brian Leffler got confused from watching Duck Soup recently.
Rufus T. Firefly: Why, a four-year-old child could understand this report. Run out and find me a four-year-old child. I can’t make head or tail out of it.
@ Phil Cave…. Duct??? are you talking about HVAC duct work… or are you talking about the water fowl… duck??
Of course, your BC does not prove that your parents are citizens. I couldn’t care less if your parents are citizens, but it seems to be important to you — so you’ll need additional documentation to prove that to yourself. Maybe their BCs, or passports.
ORYR has an amusing article about this campaign fund solicitation. The article asserts that this mailing constitutes election fraud. Best of all, the article is written by Apuzzo, and it’s based on this very posting by Dr. C. He seems pretty sure that everyone behind this mailing will be in jail soon.
to paraphrase ronald reagan………
” how do you know when a birther is at a c_ckfight ? “
There is another explanation.
Yep, just like Obama did… twice!
Maybe that’s why birthers have their noses bent out of shape?
Love the Huntsman reference. Wasn’t that at the WH Correspondents’ Dinner?
However – it’s pretty easy for anyone to get a copy of Huntsman’s BC. You want your own version to frame or even have him sign, just send an application and your fee to the San Mateo County Recorder or the California Dept of Health Services.
But will the clerk’s office confirm they issued it? And is San Mateo really in the US? Sounds more like it’s in Mexico or`Spain. As for parent’s race, “White”??? Sorry, only ghosts are white. They are likely of European ancestry and likely are much closer to pink than white. This document is an obvious forgery.
If I were to order and mail one of the BC mugs to my staunch Democrat sister, would I be guilty of fraud, either criminal or civil? That seems to be Apuzzo’s take on the law. What penalty would I be risking? Even if I believed 100 percent in my own mind that the BC is legit, could I still be liable?
OK, turn it around. If the courts were to definitively and finally rule that Mr. Obama’s birth certificate is genuine, and the copies he made public to be accurate abstracts of the original, does that mean that birthers who have been peddling the notion that it’s a fake are criminally or civilly liable for asserting publicly that the document is a fake? Seems that by Apuzzo’s logic, they would be.
I see in birther comments from time to time the theme of holding “obots” accountable for their “misinformation.” However, I don’t see any mechanism for holding birthers accountable with the exception of court sanctions for frivolous lawsuits and possibly a libel suit if one of them goes too far.
Don’t forget Court Martial if they are in the military and use Birtherism as an excuse to disobey orders or deploy.
I think we should throw the birthers in prison or FEMA camps just to be safe…
The FEMA camps are off the books, so adding more birthers to them won’t increase our national debt!
OK, I am sure I should be the one to complete that one.
He’s the one who betes on the duct.
And how do you know the referee is called Mario Apuzzo?
The duct wins.
I wasn’t seriously looking for any penalty to exact against birthers for being so consisistently vociferously and stuboornly wrong. We have free speech, which allows people to cling to believe false assertions of fact, and try to persuade others, as long as they don’t do specific harm such as trashing somebody’s reputation. I really wanted to hear from birthers on the matter of sauce for the gander …
You sheeple sure have alot of free time on your hands, and by ‘free’ I mean, not earned but taken. There’s so many holes in barry’s con, the problem is the sheeple keep pouring water in it. One of these days you’ll partially mature nearing your chronological age.
Hey Illiberal slayer,
Do you mean “taken” as in how I take your hard earned money via taxes and buy iPads for all my cats with it?
I’m sorry… how many court cases have you birthers won? Zero for 80ish?
How many Credentialed Constitutional experts agree with you? Zero?
How many members of Congress disputed Obama’s Election, including Republicans? Zero?
How many State or Federal Attorneys General are willing to go to bat for you? Zero?
In fact what has been your overall success rate in the years since Obama was legally elected President of the United States of America?
Maybe we have time on our hands because we’re not wasting it, like you are, on nutbag conspiracies…
Is there any tapioca pudding left?
I take this as evidence that your view of the world comes from your prejudices and biases, unencumbered by facts and reason.
most amusing.
it´s amazing that despite all the conspiracy theories to date having been dismantled, examined, and thoroughly dismissed as ludicrous, that people such as yourself continue to cling to them.
give us one, just one example of how YOUR democratically elected president and commander in chief is ineligable to hold the post that he currently holds.
direct challenge – go for it.
here on this site we have lawyers, doctors, scientists, and people who understand that independent research into a subject doesn´t mean reading WND. some of them didn´t even vote for your president.
my personal POV of this is that i find it disturbing. a bunch of misguided people who call themselves `patriots´ are trying their hardest to unseat their democratically elected president by claiming fraud. if, in the most infintesimally small possibility they were to be able to prove this, it would destroy the integrity of the american democratic system in the eyes of the american people, and make the u.s. look like a laughing stock to the rest of the world.
what patriot in their right mind would want to do that?
How much are you being paid to post anonymously on blogs?
I resent that remark. I earn every penny that George Soros pays me.