Orly Taitz has done some odd things over the past couple of years, but I never cease to be amazed.
This one comes from her lawsuit, Taitz v Astrue, to compel the Social Security Administration to turn over Obama’s social-security records. As readers may recall, Taitz issued something not entirely unlike a subpoena to the Hawaii Department of Health for a copy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate (apparently not satisfied by the two copies already released by President Obama and posted on the Internet). The State replied that it could not comply as a matter of law. So Taitz has filed a motion with the court in DC to compel Hawaii to comply.
I’m not a lawyer, but 42 pages seems a little long for a motion to compel. Taitz being long-winded is par for the course, but in the way of evidence, I was not prepared for what she submitted as Exhibit 3 on Page 16:
Yes folks, she submitted Paul Irey’s t-shirt. She also threw in Doug Vogt’s paper too. One continues to wonder what any of this has to do with whether the SSA is required by the Freedom of Information Act to release Obama’s social-security records.
For Taitz, however, the most troubling part of her motion is the inclusion of the illegally-obtained employer validation attempt of Obama’s SSN. Somebody at SSA is bound to notice.
Yet another stunning example of the truths the simpleminded believe to be self-evident. They are impressed with something, and assume others will be too. Apparently. Irrelevance be damned!
Listen… I’m sure I’m right. Other people say the same thing.
We know we’re right. Everything points to it as obvious as the nose on your own face.
Why can’t you see it? It’s staring you right in the face!
Open your eyes! Wake up America! This is a constitutional crisis!
A crisis I tell you! Not like the time I locked the keys in my car at the drive-in, but a real, true crisis!
He’s wants to destroy America. Just look around you. Can’t you see it??
Look at all the things he’s done. I can’t even list all of the things he’s done.
He’s done so many!
You can just see the evil by looking at him. Why oh why can you people not freaking see this?!?!
Oh, yes ma’am, I’ve been on hold for 20 minutes trying to get my food stamp card this month. Yes, I’ll hold awhile longer….
It is your second-to-last paragraph that I find fascinating about birthers and their ilk – let us temporarily ignore the fact that the President was born in Hawaii, that both the short-form COLB and long-form certified copies he obtained are self-authenticating documents that would be accepted in any court of law, and that the state of Hawaii has validated the information on the documents and vouched for their authenticity. Also ignore that while Orly continually and emphatically states that this case has entered discovery, it has done nothing of the sort.
Even ignoring all that, it’s amazing to me that Orly actually believes that the birth certificate, original or no, is germane to this FOIA case. Whether or not it even exists (it does), is real or forged (it’s real), it has nothing to do with whether or not SSA properly handled her request.
I’m always fascinated by the birther’s beliefs when it comes to “discovery” – their belief that that this magic phrase “discovery”, plus the existence of subpoenas, means that they can ask for, and receive, anything their heart desires – and furthermore, that even the least relevant action somehow permits discovery of his original birth certificate.
Orly Taitz is fighting a FOIA case about Social Security records? Discovery!
Orly Taitz is sanctioned by a court and fined $20,000? Discovery!
An Army lieutenant colonel disobeys an order to report his commanding officer’s office and is court-martialed for it? Discovery!
Congress passes, and the President signs, a law they don’t like? Discovery!
Mary Smith of Bismarck, North Dakota, gets a jaywalking ticket? Discovery!
They don’t get that just because one has the power of subpoena doesn’t mean you can ask for something that isn’t germane to the case even if you THINK it is – that decision will be made by the court. Discovery is often given wide latitude, but it is not infinite.
They don’t seem to understand that if there is, someday, a hypothetical case where he is required to present some evidence, he will simply submit a certified COLB to the court in question, which will accept it without question as it is backed by the authority of the State of Hawaii (at which point birther heads will explode). And I do believe such cases will occur, as many states have “Any-resident-can-challenge-ballot-access-for-any-reason” laws (generally during a 5- or 10-day period after a candidate files for the general election), and birthers are undoubtedly going to file such challenges in every state they can, and they’re going to request that the “original” birth certificate be submitted. They will be rebuffed, the COLB will be entered into evidence, the President will be judged qualified and eligible, and they will continue to rant about the courts being prejudiced against them.
It’s the Ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiircle of Liiiiiiiiiiiiife……
“at which point birther heads will explode” … I hope they sell tickets!
That image was a great start to the day, thanks! 🙂
This Tee Shirt needs boobs to be credible evidance.
Sorry to post a WND link on this site, but it is relevant to one of Tarrant’s points, that birthers will try to challenge Obama through some legal means. The sincerity and effort makes it evermore creepy / laughable:
Gawd, they need medication.
They quote heavily from the article by Dr. Vieira, Jr., but he is only conserned with the question of where President Obama is born. He doesn’t even bring up the two citizen parent idea. And never mentions Vattel.
If Orly’s sanity was ever in doubt, this should clear up that doubt.
The article was written in 2008, so doesn’t it predate the now universal birther vogue for Vattel?
Curiously, this quadrupled-degreed scholar didn’t find this supposedly well-known legal fact on his own at that time?
Hmmmmm ;-P
That’s beautiful!
One continues to wonder what any of this has to do with whether the SSA is required by the Freedom of Information Act to release Obama’s social-security records.
Taitz ipse dixits that people with false identity documents also tend to use other people’s social security numbers.
Devvy Kidd wrote: “it is crystal clear the putative president was born with dual citizenship and is forever ineligible to be president.”
Devvy, have you heard that:
1) North Korea has passed a law that all Americans who are not communists are automatically North Korean citizens and
2) Iran has passed a law that all Americans who are not muslim are automatically Iranian citizens?
That means that the only Americans eligible to be president are muslim communists because everyone else has dual citizenship.
It is a “gotcha” moment for Taitz in her mind. She really wants to believe a copy of a copy of a copy out weights the original in a court of law. Technology has left some behind.
“I’m not a lawyer…”
Ok, then what the hell are you besides someone with a fake name and fake credentials who endlessly pulls bullshit excuses out of his ass?
And you complain about people who do not get your background correct???
Uh, where do you hide your real information like your current legal name? I know you said that you are retired and a few other things for which no proof to back it up has ever been offered.
Gotta love it when libtards with user names like Sluggo were saying that “Polarik was a fake name” and then posting a link to “Dr. Conspiracy.”
So tell me, Kev. what exactly is it that grants you the power to demean everyone else in the world while keeping your identity and credentials off limits?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Hey Ron,
Are you losing it completely? Do you see that evil Obama under every bed now? Loren found some choice quotes on your Facebook page:
“Stanley Ann Dunham is not his mother. In fact, Stanley Ann Dunham is a composite character and not a single individual. The story that Stanley Ann’s parents moved from Seattle after she finished 8th grade to Mercer Island in 1956 because a new high school was opening and they wanted her to attend is a lie! Mercer Island High School had already opened in 1955 and was a THREE-YEAR SCHOOL (10th – 12th grade) at the time”
“Everywhere you scratch Obama’s real family tree, you come up with an anti-Israel Palestinian activist.”
You have plunged headfirst into crazyville.
(PS- Did you know that all “current” photos & videos of the White House are fakes? Obama sold the land to the Chinese, who tore it down and built their Islamic missile factory there. Don’t believe me? Go see for yourself. Just don’t be fooled into standing and viewing the hologram of the White House at the approved viewing sites.)
Well Ron, since you called me “Kev” I presume that you know my name already which raises the question of what you’re getting at with your comment. I published my name and credentials in these two articles:
I don’t talk about them, because they are not relevant, no more than your degree in Instructional Media/Systems (whatever) is relevant to the anti-Obama material you publish.
It is the facts and force of argument that give me the right do demean the cranks of the world, not my credentials.
It seems to me that some birthers are getting more and more emotionally tied up in their movement and that the level of hatred in their rhetoric is maintained at a high level, if not increasing.
I on the other hand have become rather ambivalent about the whole thing.
It is called a nickname, you dummy. If you were competent enough to read the site or the about page, you could easily find that out. Never does Doc C. claim to actually have a doctorate and is quite open and clear about that.
Unlike you, he’s always been open, honest and upfront with his qualifications and does not have to resort to pathetic embellishments and lies like you do.
Dr Ron Polland/{Polarik is a computer geek tries fervently to pass himself off as a member of the forensic examiner community.
His entire life has been digitized.
Usually we would call someone like that “Dr. Ron Polarik”.
*Nods* Yeah, I’m seeing an increase in the rhetoric and commentary too. Lawrence Sellin has pretty much gone to calling for insurrections and armed coups every other article, and the Pest and eFail isn’t much better. Dr. Orly is getting more and more shrill, and even this “Birther Summit” seems more interested in preserving ideological purity than actual conversation or debate among fellow birthers.
Is this supposed to be satire?
No one must be watching/believing Ron’s stupid YouTube videos anymore, so he is trolling for traffic. As long as he wastes time making amateurish, fictional videos, he is probably not the birther most likely to snap into actual violence.
Hey Ron Babay… how’s that case against Obama going?
No where?
Alllllllllrighty then. You be sure to come back and speak up when you make any headway gettin’ that usurper outtin’ the White House. OK?
History repeats itself.
Birther movement is not very far at all from embracing terrorism to “save” us.
Branch Davidian deja vu?
Your post is dripping with irony Pollarik. Considering how you faked your credentials before you were outed as a turd.
No, just a comment from your average uncultured lout.
Of course it wasn’t intended to be satire, which is precisely what makes the irony meter go *BOOM*.
So who do we bill for the loss of another irony meter — you or Dr. Polarik?
Hmm, I think I was in, oh, about third grade when I figured out name-calling made me look like an idiot with nothing relevant to say. Guess some folk with PhDs still haven’t figured that out.
Anybody who doesn’t know Doc’s real name has just been too lazy to look. And that’s Doc’s fault how exactly?
Which leaves you where?
Agreed! He’s the classic case of a deeply insecure and insignificant person who masks that with ego and is desperate for attention. The term that best sums up poser fakes like him is “wannabe”.
I think Polland/Polarik and Devvy Kidd should lay off the LSD.
PooPooPolarik, I’m touched!
I’ve been SluggoJD online for over 15 years, since the days of “IN” – the Imagination Network. John Dean, Santa Ana, CA. Never been a secret.
Its kind of like how conman’s try to pass themselves off as Inspectors
eek conmen that was bad
What the hell this should mean? Maybe a failed attempt to look smart ?
I was glad when that idiot won last elections. I was naive. Now i’m aware that he’s going to destroy the west, either because he has a secret agenda, or just because he doesn’t want to lose your (i mean libtard) support. By “destroy” i mean Iranian nuclear program. He could resolve the problem by 10 tomahawks, but he stubbornly refuses to do that. So, thanks to your love, we have a nuclear jihad now. He has done his job, now he can go to Indonesia to write a bestseller “How i did it”.
and now we are all a little dumber for having read this. Thank you.
If attacking Iran is such a good idea, free from risk, I’m sure President Bush would have done it.
Wow, that is tortured. Strangely, I said the same exact thing about Bush in 2000. Well, that is everything after “… when …” and before the “Now I’m aware…” part. He’s going to destroy the West to maintain liberal support? The existence of a nuclear program in Iran would automatically destroy the West? The West is weaker than I thought. 10 Tomahawks would permanently end any possibility of nuclear development in Iran? Tomahawks are cool and all, but are the Iranians going to conveniently place all their facilities, material, research, and knowledgeable personnel in convenient targets for us? Tomahawks could set them back, but not “solve the problem”. He stubbornly refuses to just bomb problems being addressed by other means? I will grant you that explosions are more exciting, but explosions are limited in effect, and cause collateral damage of various sorts. Nuclear Jihad …. Pakistan has been nuclear for some time now, why don’t they get any credit? Yes, Obama probably will write several bestsellers post-Presidency. But why would he do so from Indonesia? You think he will become a travel writer? Why not a shout-out to Kenya here? Kenya not Muslim-y enough?
Not 2 worry Octaviand-ole–whin Michale Bachman becomes presid. she’ll use the laser beams built into those xtraordinary eyes of herz to take out Irani missiles the moment theyz launched. Then wheel turn them holy, fire of god, peepers on doz libtards and boom–it’ll be “git ‘er done” time. High five?
Made me think of the board game RISK …. LOL. We have had one heckuva screwed relationship with Iran since, what, 1953? The right has wanted to get them since 1979 … how dare they not be our stooge … how dare they object to outside manipulations. But then the Great Right Grandfather got caught up the the WhatCountryWasIt-Contra Affair? Tangled webs.
I usually liken the birthers’ legal attempts to that of someone calling people who bought Beatles records to testify on Paul McCartney’s favourite colour when the opponent side (Obama) can just call Paul McCartney. 🙂
Likewise, birthers believe that non-experts “analyzing” a PDF representation of a scan of a certified copy of a document somehow trump
(a) Adobe core developers testifying what caused the “anomalies” in the PDF
(b) The WH showing the actual certified copy and Hawaii confirming its authenticity
(c) Hawaii confirming the authenticity of the vault document
OTOH, birthers believe some people saying “Hawaii is lying” would somehow move a judge to have his own private army (since the FBI obviously cannot be trusted) to raid the Hawaiian archives to retrieve the vault document.
Since they believe all that, no wonder they go to court with absolutely nothing and wonder why they fail epically.
She’ll bring Armageddon when she’s loaded with painkillers:
“In case you’ve missed the media storm du jour, the Daily Caller reported Monday night that Bachmann suffers from incapacitating migraines, and engages in “heavy pill use” to combat them.”
I just wanted to touch on the summation at the conclusion of the article:
If during his campaign, the public was told of health problems as extensive as reported in this article and shown medical records that backed it up, I highly doubt he would have gone on to win election. That would have been sufficient cause of concern to make a lot of voters nervous about his ability to perform his job…particularly during those tense early days of the Cold War.
Thomas Jefferson
link correction to first page
Presidential health issue have always been interesting and not always well known to the public.
My all time favorite is President Wilson,
“On Sept. 25, 1919, Wilson collapsed after a speaking engagement in Pueblo, Colorado. He quickly returned to Washington D.C., where, on Oct. 2, he suffered a massive stroke that almost completely incapacitated him. He was paralyzed on his left side, permanently blind in his left eye, and confined to a wheelchair for several months.”
“The full extent of his disability was kept secret from the public, and many people now believe that Wilson’s wife Edith, his doctor, and a close friend colluded to hide his condition from the vice president, Congress, and White House visitors. Edith, historians now agree, made all of the presidential decisions from that point until her husband left office in 1921. She herself alluded to it, saying to friends later, “When Woody was ill I had no difficulty running the country.””
In other Orly news…the Government has moved to strike her opposition to the Motion for Summary Judgment because she again has filed unredacted social security numbers, and has made claims as to whom they are associated with. The court has already made Orly filing unavailable to the public.
I recognize that Orly is a horrible attorney (even for a mail order JD), but the entire docket for this case consists of 24 entries, and this is Orly 3rd time filing unredacted number. I would think even she might figure out that perhaps she may need to pay a little more attention to those number things.
Over at Bernie Goldberg’s site, he’s oerforming an experiment by asking questions.
The famous birther “Polarik” is back with a new E-book. The second chapter is FREE!!!
Dr. Ron Polland, PHD
A Lie Is Born
Alias Barrack Obama “A Lie Is Born” Alias Barack Obama: The greatest identity fraud in history confirms what many people thought would be totally impossible: that an imposter could be elected as President of the United States.
After three years of the most comprehensive research investigation ever conducted, I am finally publishing the results in my ground-breaking book series, Alias Barack Obama: The greatest identity fraud in history.
It documents all of the lies, distortions, deceptions, and propaganda put out by the perpetrators as they carried out their fraud and cover up: to fabricate the identity, biography, and family histories of a foreign-born imposter that put him on the political fast-track to the White House.
This COLB convinced millions of people in this country that Barack Obama is a US citizen, born in Hawaii, and eligible to be President of the United States. The roots of this fraud began long before anyone ever heard of Obama. His biography was carefully constructed, perfectly scripted, programmed, and packaged for mass consumption by a highly-malleable media.
LMAO! The birthers are sure peeved about it and buzzing like bees over there. Reading the comments, the birthers truly live in an alternate bizarro universe within their own heads…it is just astounding.
And even though they know answering the questions makes them look stupid – they answer them anyway. Yikes.
One recent respondent is BSteadman touting AKA Lucas Smith.
Isn’t he the convicted forger’s bail money stooge?
YES, I believe so. I believe he’s provided financial support to Lucas on more than just bail money, so you could probably call him his main financial backer… at least as far as birtherism goes.
And yet they couldn’t add just one more and give him a normal name, like “Bill Woods” or something. So close, yet so far.
How about Ed Wood? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Wood