Obama, nearing 50, has senior moment

Yes, sports fans, the teleprompter was off and Obama hit a pot hole, saying on July 15, that we was going to be 50 in a week. But in reality, Obama won’t be 50 for nearly 3 weeks. Was he really born earlier than what his birth certificate says?

Naaah. He was too busy worrying about the deficit.


I’m gonna get my AARP card soon

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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33 Responses to Obama, nearing 50, has senior moment

  1. Majority Will says:

    The chirping sounds you’re about to hear will be idiot birthers everywhere hatching chickens over this simple misstatement.

    “The future will be better tomorrow.”
    — Vice President Dan Quayle

  2. Thrifty says:

    I give it 2 weeks, a month tops, before this is incorporated into Birther dogma.

  3. mikeyes says:

    He should have gotten his AARP card already. I got mine when I was still 49.

  4. Paul says:

    We all know the reason he stumbled; HE WASN’T BORN!!!

  5. Majority Will says:

    I give it 2 weeks, a month tops, before this is incorporated into Birther dogma.

    I’m guessing it will be closer to no later than tomorrow afternoon.

  6. Steve says:

    Paul: We all know the reason he stumbled; HE WASN’T BORN!!!

    The birthers have a spore theory?

  7. Daniel says:

    Surprise! Obama can’t remember his birthday
    President may need to check birth certificate to know date
    Posted: July 17, 2011
    12:42 pm Eastern

    By Joe Kovacs
    © 2011 WND

    Read more: Surprise! Obama can’t remember his birthday http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=323029#ixzz1SaSuUlkc

  8. jahHG says:

    You people are late…….they started talking about it over at free republic the same day, calling it confirmation that President Obama slipped, calling it the big reveal……SEE, we knew that he was not born when and where he said!!!!!!!!!!!

    I swear, if you just look at the postings over there, you can see the birthers getting more and more stupid right before your eyes.

  9. Thrifty says:

    jahHG: You people are late…….they started talking about it over at free republic the same day, calling it confirmation that President Obama slipped, calling it the big reveal……SEE, we knew that he was not born when and where he said!!!!!!!!!!! I swear, if you just look at the postings over there, you can see the birthers getting more and more stupid right before your eyes.

    Geeze, sounds like I was WAY off the mark. Two weeks? What decaded do I think it is, the 80s?

  10. Sean says:

    I saw this and the birthers on the Amazon blogs are holding it up as definitive proof that the birth certificate is a fake.

  11. Paul says:

    Steve: The birthers have a spore theory?


  12. J.Potter says:

    This is a perfect example of the ludicrous level of suspicion a conspiracist nut applies to all things.

    The man approximated a period of time, he didn’t state what date he was born on. Birther nuts are substituting one for the other here.

    Reporting my wit from elsewhere (wouldn’t want anyone to miss it):

    How dare the president make a casual comment? Is he not a serious man? Doesn’t he take running the free world seriously?!? How dare he cite anything less than a precise count of days, hours and minutes to the anniversary of his exact time of birth, as listed on his birth certificate? … so we can all run home and verify his math using our own copies of his birth certificate and a trusty Doctor Reality slide rule? Wait … where are the seconds? What do you mean there are no seconds on this birth certificate? Who can believe such a lousy approximation is a genuine document? THEY have overthrown the government! To arms! To arms!

  13. Bovril says:

    Yep Dr K(H)ates Land O” Insanity had this one withing a hour or so as yet another “ANY DAY NOW”…..OMFG….”WE WUZ RIGHT” etc etc.

    The level of batshit insanity in Birefrstan is only ramping up although it seems the populace has reach a steady state to slow drop in numbers.

  14. Keith says:

    “in a week or so”

    For cryin’ out loud, he said “a week or so”.

    Doesn’t anyone understand plain English anymore? When did “a week or so” become a code word for “I am a lizard alien and hatched from an egg on the planet bltzerfitz in a hatchling club called keeenyeah”.

    How friggin’ clear does he have to be that he was being imprecise?

  15. Majority Will says:

    “in a week or so”

    For cryin’ out loud, he said “a week or so”.

    Doesn’t anyone understand plain English anymore? When did “a week or so” become a code word for “I am a lizard alien and hatched from an egg on the planet bltzerfitz in a hatchling club called keeenyeah”.

    How friggin’ clear does he have to be that he was being imprecise?

    A politician should always speak in precise terms or be able to make immediate corrections.

    For example:

    “The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation’s history. I mean in this century’s history. But we all lived in this century. I didn’t live in this century.”
    — Senator Dan Quayle, 9/15/88 (reported in Esquire, 8/92, The New Yorker, 10/10/88, p.102)

  16. DaveH says:

    Senility started early for me. Back when I turned 44 years old, my brother called me to wish me a happy birthday. When he said I was 44 years old, I disagreed with him saying I was only 41 and I really believed it until he did the math for me.

    Perhaps I was stuck back in the year I turned 41? I don’t know but it was the first sign that I was becoming senile. I have stayed on top of my birthdays ever since then. There are still times I forget what month it is and think it is still earlier rather than later.

    It could be because of my working with test accounting data that is a few months old.

    It is easy to understand why President Obama could make a mistake in saying what he said with everything else he has on his mind.

  17. The Magic M says:

    Keith: Doesn’t anyone understand plain English anymore?

    Judging from my WND comments section experience, the average birther has problems with both reading and writing plain English (which is why I usually mock the extreme examples as being North Korean agents). So it’s no wonder they have problems *understanding* plain English as well.
    For every birther who can spell, there’s three who can’t, five who COMMUNICATE IN CAPS ONLY and twenty who believe “A says B” is a proper paraphrase of the longer sentence “A says C and non-B”.
    To be honest, the itch to just start my own PayPal-supported birther scam is getting stronger every day. It’s just unbelievable how some people actually “think” (if you can call that thinking). It’s like dropping a sober Nobel prize winner in a stadium filled with drunk redneck football fans.

  18. J.Potter says:

    Hey Magic, if you’d like to start a subscription-based Birther spoof newsletter, I can help you out. Have all the tech in place, just supply copy. Probably have to be weekly tho, just to keep pace with the crazy.

  19. I do not hear “or so”.

    Keith: For cryin’ out loud, he said “a week or so”.

  20. Thrifty says:

    J.Potter: Hey Magic, if you’d like to start a subscription-based Birther spoof newsletter, I can help you out. Have all the tech in place, just supply copy. Probably have to be weekly tho, just to keep pace with the crazy.

    How are you going to tell it apart from the real deal?

  21. J.Potter says:

    I assume Magic’s intent was to mock the birthers by pretending to be one, see just how much silly they would swallow. Pretty steep creative challenge tho. Hard to imitate nuts.

    Thrifty: How are you going to tell it apart from the real deal?

  22. Judge Mental says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I do not hear “or so”.

    Got to agree. He does say the word “so”, but it’s being used as the first word of what follows and there is no “or” between “week” and “so”.

    He says “…in a week…” then there’s a short pause and then he continues with…”so I’m starting to think a little bit more about…..”

  23. Majority Will says:

    Judge Mental: Got to agree. He does say the word “so”, but it’s being used as the first word of what follows and there is no “or” between “week” and “so”.

    He says “…in a week…” then there’s a short pause and then he continues with…”so I’m starting to think a little bit more about…..”

    But if you isolate each letter with a sound mapping profile algorithm do they match?

    Yeah, that’s what I thought. Presidential Robot Stand-In.

  24. Judge Mental says:

    Majority Will: But if you isolate each letter with a sound mapping profile algorithm do they match?Yeah, that’s what I thought. Presidential Robot Stand-In.

    If you watch that video wearing those fake x ray specs that used to be advertised on the inside cover of Mad magazine you can see 9 different layers of clothing. What more proof do you need?

  25. Keith says:

    I still hear ‘…or so…’. after another listen. But I’ll listen again after I get home this evening. I agree it is subtle, maybe I’m wrong.

  26. Majority Will says:

    Judge Mental: If you watch that video wearing those fake x ray specs that used to be advertised on the inside cover of Mad magazine you can see 9 different layers of clothing. What more proof do you need?

    That reminds me of They Live:

  27. G says:

    I totally understand what you mean. I’ve often thought the same… it would be so easy to make a small cash cow of off people this terminally gullible. I just can’t lower myself to conning people, even when they seem so ripe and deserving of it.

    The Magic M: To be honest, the itch to just start my own PayPal-supported birther scam is getting stronger every day. It’s just unbelievable how some people actually “think” (if you can call that thinking). It’s like dropping a sober Nobel prize winner in a stadium filled with drunk redneck football fans.

  28. Laurence S. Eraut says:

    July 19, 2011
    The natural father’s name was Barack Hussein Obama 1st . This man was a British Citizen, because he was born in Kenya, which at that time, was a colony of Britain. This man tried to immigrate to the USA, but was denied. If he had been successful in immigrating to USA, he would have been deemed a permanent resident immigrant to USA. However, this man was a British Citizen all his life, not an American, and not even an immigrant to America. “Natural Born” means that both parents have allegiance to America.

    Because he did not inherit “natural born” status from his natural father, Barry Soetoro
    entered the USA under the name of his adoptive father, Lolo Soetoro. He entered the USA in order to study at Occidental College, in California, as an Indonesian foreign student, using a foreign student grant, using the name Barry Soetoro. He remained in the USA as an illegal immigrant to USA. He was not properly “vetted” for the position
    of Senator, and was not properly “vetted” by Nancy Pelosi for the position of President,
    because, according to the US Constitution, only a “natural born” citizen, whose parents both had allegiance to the USA, could run for Senator or for President.

    What we have here, is Barry Soetoro, a ursurper President, who is not even an American, he is an illegal immigrant, posing as a US Citizen. Even his social security
    number is stolen from a Connecticut resident, Ludwig, who died in Hawaii. According
    to this stolen number, his age is now 121 years old.

  29. Laurence S. Eraut: What we have here, is

    another birfer moron.

  30. G says:

    Laurence S. Eraut: What we have here, is

    …every bit of long debunked birther stupid all mashed up in one.

    *yawn* Nothing new in any of your crank nonsense that hasn’t been spewed and discredited repeatedly for years now. Your not just beating a dead horse anymore… even that corpse has decomposed by now.

    Newsflash for ya – Obama’s father’s status as a Kenyan and his childhood in Indonesia were quite out in the open during the entire 2007/2008 campaign and even for well over a full decade before that, as Obama himself wrote about it in his best selling autobiography back in the early 90’s.

    The voters still elected him by an overwhelming margin, both electorally and in terms of the popular vote and there was not a single objection in certifying that election nor in swearing him in as President.

    Your bogus nonsense meant nothing then and it even means less now. But hey, keep tilting at windmills and ranting on street corners…

  31. obsolete says:

    Laurence S. Eraut is a “true believer”, and a true liar. He posts the same debunked lies all over the internet, and yet doesn’t see the irony when he calls Obama “THE DECEIVER”.
    He appears to post on Christian boards, yet repeatedly bears false witness, and has decided that he is the judge of who is a true Christian and who is not.

    A real piece of work.

  32. Wile E. says:

    G: …every bit of long debunked birther stupid all mashed up in one.

    When the kids that work at my restaurant are not diligent about breaking down boxes, we will often run out of dumpster space near the end of the week. This results in someone (usually the newest hire) having to climb into the dumpster and doing the “dumpster dance” in order to make room for more garbage.

    I’ve begun using the term to describe posts like Mr. Eraut’s….one that attempts to cram as many garbage claims into one post as possible.


  33. Majority Will says:

    Wile E.: When the kids that work at my restaurant are not diligent about breaking down boxes, we will often run out of dumpster space near the end of the week.This results in someone (usually the newest hire) having to climb into the dumpster and doing the “dumpster dance” in order to make room for more garbage.

    I’ve begun using the term to describe posts like Mr. Eraut’s….one that attempts to cram as many garbage claims into one post as possible.


    Or the Sewer Stuffer.

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