The following copied by zillions of right-wing and Christian millennialist web sites describes a massive transfer of funds by Barack Obama to a bank in Honduras:
An entry in the March, 2011 report prepared by the Russian Ministry of Finance for the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) [aka INTERPOL] designed to track major international monetary transactions related to the global drug trade lists a US-EU transfer to Banco Citibank de Honduras, S.A. from Barack Hussein Obama II in the shocking amount of “$73 Billion in cash and US Securities” and “(estimated) $15 Billion in gold and silver bullion” on the same day the American President (March 22nd) was visiting El Salvador on his visit to Central America.
The “report” overlooks little details like, why would the Russians know, and where Obama would get that kind of money, and most of all why none of these reports give a source for the story.
“none of these reports give a source for the story.”
I would like everyone to know, that I am the source. I was chosen by the International Jewish Conspiracy™, to disseminate this story.
It was his share of the hated “stimulus” of course.
This sounds like an adaptation of anecdotes about middle eastern dictators moving billions out of there countries to Switzerland, etc. Hey, that’s it. Maybe this whole Libya thing is actually a case of international armed robbery, one dictator shaking down another. His middle name is ‘Hussein’ after all.
Paranoid nuttery can be fun, so long as you remember it’s just a movie.
Stories like this are no more idiotic than a desperate con artist trying to sell a fake birth certificate, secret Vatican funding or reptilian-human hybrids.
Someone, somewhere told Billy-Bob Jimbo Bubba Redneck that a transaction went from the US to SOMEWHERE in the EU (Yurrup is not a country Billy-Bob)…..whilst in actuality the money went to Honduras…..whilst the President was in yet another country…..?
Wasn’t there a story about the Bush Crime Family™ buying up some property in some South American country that does not have extradition with the U.S.?
Apparently banks in Honduras still give out toasters for new accounts, while banks in Switzerland do not. Everyone knows that. And banks in Honduras will take a Honduran social security number even if that number shows you were born in South Honduras (aka Nicaragua.)
Possible source? Nesara News reported this story (sorry that should read “Nesara” “News” “reported” this “story”) in April.
You know how people have trouble not reading Orly Taitz as Oily Whatever? I keep reading Sorcha Faal as Such-a Fail.
What the H? Somehow he lost $12 billion since April (down from 85 to 73)? Has the dollar depreciated that much that quickly? Love the only comment on that site! Managed to misspell WikiLeaks.
Why the heck would Obama transfer his stolen funds from dollars into euros (“US – EU”, from Doc’s story)? Surely there is a more stable currency.
One amusing aspect to this is that the GDP of Honduras is roughly $15 billion. So they actually believe that Obama deposited into a Honduras bank an amount which is nine times the GDP of Honduras.
And the Clintons are in on this, too.
85 billion! Would you believe it, 85 billion?
I find that hard to believe.
Would you believe 50 billion?
ten bucks and a plug nickel?
I meant to say six times the GDP of Honduras.
The subtext to this is the somewhat racist idea that the Obamas are ghetto drug dealers and heavy users. The fact of the matter, of course, is that this story is what is known as a smear.
……..and what an obvious choice for a money’s no object criminal President to make…Honduras!….obviously!….because in Honduras he’d be really safe from the tentacles of overt and covert US “justice” for his theft. They’d NEVER get to him in that pristine and shipshape bastion of security! (rolls eyes).
I’d believe it if I thought W was half that smart.
Obama has been in bed with Chase Bank and other banks such as Wachovia before even elected. Chase was his major contributor. That’s why when chase had allow Bernie Madoff’s funds, Chase escaped any criminal charges. Wachovia laundered drug money and got a tiny fine, a fraction of its bank profits on drugs. Obama comes from Chicago, a corrupt city government. That banks would wire billions for Obama is very plausible, given Obama’s conntections to banks for campaign contributions and return payoffs to ignore criminal activities of banks. Many banks survived the burst of the housing bubble by laundering drug money.
Interpol is investigating why Obama’s name showed up in the wire transfer to Honduras the timing is suspicious Obama didn’t know if America would buy the forged birth certificate. The Hawaii governor had just said there was no long form certificate. The Corsi book was about to come out. the billions to Honduras was Obama’s insurance, if the media ever checked and realized the long form was forged. Billions for insurance, to keep his family cared for, and billions to pay off local Honduras officials.
I know it’s just racist to ever criticize a black man. Liberals will swallow anything to protect their hold on the presidency.
The most minimal employment investigation of a prospective employee would be more than what the media did on Obama. He’s an unsual affirmative action student, and education financed by Arab Muslims. Fans of Obama insult the intelligence of anyone trying to figure out what happened. In fact, supporters of Obama don’t really believe Obama is honest, just as richard Nixon supporters never trusted Nixon, they just liked his policies and overlooked the worst things he did. Obama supporters are lemmings like Nixon supporters.
What a lot of wods without a single truth.
It isn’t necessarily racist when you criticize an African American President, but throw in the claims of “Affirmative action” and Muslim’s and yep- I think you are a racist. Which would explain this whole pile of lies most neatly.
Poor David….I’m afraid your insanity is incurable, please stay away from all sharp objects.
Are you related to Brit? That’s a spectacular find! Maybe you should alert Honduras that their GDP has been more than doubled.
don’t sell yourself short. i’m sure there are plenty of obama detractors that have also insulted your intelligence.
First of all, I’m not a fan of Obama.
Secondly, “what happened” is no longer a question. Nor is the existence of Gravity, or the fact that the earth is round. Just because you don’t like the answers, doesn’t mean the question hasn’t been answered.
Thirdly, if you don’t want to be ridiculed…. don’t be ridiculous.
You’re an insult to the real David Hume
Come on … maybe he is willing to be educated/persuaded like I was?
I just read the whole thread with Brent James and straight shooter in “The Doc got layers” from 12 July to 18 July. It was sad to see my pre-birther-recovery self reflected in these guys. I was rooting for you all to get through to them, but sadly saw it wasn’t so. I now understand more all the comments you shared with me about why it is hard not to respond with sarcasm instead of intelligent counter argument, especially when we do so little effort to follow links/info and answer substantive questions (which is maybe part of why I got “out”). I am even more amazed when I see G or someone taking the time to spell it all out again with hope against hope that it might get through.
The fundamental difference is that you at least ASKED a question or two in areas that arguably could have discussion.
The individual above came in, vomited a swathe of fact free nonsense and has since buggered off, probably to tell his nearest and dearest chums how he stuck it to the Obots.
Yeah, David Hume just came here and posted “Obama is a dumb Niqqer supported by Arab terrorists and drug money”.
How are we supposed to reason with that?
It is difficult to insult the intelligence of people who have failed to demonstrate that they have any discernible intelligence. Just saying.
You are all right … after re-reading his comments, i realize he was just spewing and not looking for facts/truth. A little hard to tell without visual cues to me.
Here’s a funny thought I’ve been having, until Thrifty mentioned he/she was only 30, I envisioned all of you regulars as looking just like the Doc except with longer white beards.
44, short salt-n-pepper goatee ( but i have done work with zz-top )..
I will hit the big 4-0 in just a few months. When I have a goatee or beard, a bit of gray is appearing on the chin, but I usually keep both trimmed fairly short. The hair is pretty much salt & pepper at this point.
I confess to being 63, and I have a beard which is just was white as Doc’s, only fuller.
The face fungus had to go after it went from salt and pepper to salt and salt….
Then again it is a family trait on both sides of my family, you go gray early but you never ever lose your hair.
My maternal grandmother and my paternal grandfather both had cancer late in life, both had chemo, both cases the hair thinned out but grew straight back in after the treatment ended.
57 here here, no beard (or mustache).
Another Gen X, though I chose to stop at 29 y/o around 12 years ago. That may explain the lack of a white beard (and the fact that I still have my hair, which is also not grey).
60 next week. I’ve just applied for my Oldfarts Card.
Beard has been on and off over time, more salt than pepper. Shaved it off in February after 5 years with it on.
I’ve had my mustache since I was 16. Shaved it once, when I was about 25 I think , and grew it back immediately when the mirror reminded me why I grew it in the first place.
I once had a head of hair halfway down my back, but now I have a forehead halfway to the back of my head.
50 odd years old, with a very nice salt and pepper beard. I wouldn’t consider shaving it off, because I suspect my wife only stays with me for my beard….
I now feel young in spite of what I see in the mirror, which is more gray hair than I like.
58, salt and pepper, clean shaven, full head of hair. looks like Leon Trotsky. I sometimes sign my name as Misha Trotsky, because it drives the RWNJ out of their minds. I’m one of those Jewish New York liberals you read about.
Nobody ever reads about middle aged mid-western “moderates.” Probably because we are are a boring lot. Ah well.
One of my best friends is a gay Jewish New York liberal. He lives on the east side and is the same age as you.
Well … thanks to everyone who played in “confirming” my visual bias based on your writing content and styles … I think I hit 50%. 😉
It was fun to put a more accurate mental image with each comment.