Monthly Archives: July 2011

All the king’s document experts

To listen to a birther, you might get the mistaken impression that a host of document experts have examined Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate image and every one determined that it was a forgery. I hope readers here know … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments

WND trots out another birther “document expert”

Maybe I should keep that headline in a file so I wouldn’t have to keep typing it over and over. The latest in the string of birthers at WorldNetDaily pretending to be document experts is Tom Harrison, someone whose “credentials” … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Debunking, WorldNetDaily | Tagged , , , , | 28 Comments

Obama preparing for hasty departure?

The following copied by zillions of right-wing and Christian millennialist  web sites describes a massive transfer of funds by Barack Obama to a bank in Honduras: An entry in the March, 2011 report prepared by the Russian Ministry of Finance … Continue reading

Posted in Misc. Conspiracies, Old News | Tagged , | 39 Comments

ABA again takes note of Taitz shenanigans

The ABA Journal has a new article titled Scolded by Another Federal Judge, ‘Birther’ Lawyer Orly Taitz Blames Court Clerk for Bad Filing. The Journal wrote: Attorney Orly Taitz "is either toying with the court or displaying her own stupidity,” … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Orly Taitz | Tagged , | 12 Comments

Dr. Conspiracy sued

It was quite a shock to open the obamaconspiracy mailbag just now to find this disturbing statement: This is to notify you that you have been sued. I’ve been sued in the US District Court in Minnesota by Susan Herbert. … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits | Tagged | 28 Comments

Obama’s Connecticut SSN explained

Sometimes you have to think outside the box Birthers have said that Barack Obama uses the social-security number of a deceased Connecticut resident born in 1890. That’s really not a workable theory. The Social Security Death Index lists the SSNs … Continue reading

Posted in Social-security numbers, Wild & Wacky | Tagged , | 67 Comments