WorldNetDaily evades the birth certificate issue

While WorldNetDaily has been freely trotting out self-appointed experts that fall apart after first use, and are now scraping the bottom of the barrel with their new anonymous expert, WorldNetDaily has evaded the one step that might actually convince an objective observer.

WorldNetDaily should hire a certified forensic electronic document examiner and publish their report. There are such persons. Is WND afraid that they will say that there’s nothing fishy? Is Farah too cheap to pay somebody?

Why does WND continue to evade the birth certificate issue?

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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7 Responses to WorldNetDaily evades the birth certificate issue

  1. gorefan says:

    Not to over state the obvious, but all three BCs typed on the same typewriter, the same day (8/04/1961), all three were stamped by the same mechanical stamp (probably on the same day), of course the look the same. This looks like the WND guys are realy getting desperate.

  2. richCares says:

    proof tends to make WND look foolish, so they will never seek it!

  3. gorefan says:

    Victoria Nicks has reached a conclusion.

    President Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate: Conclusion

    The changes made to the original document by OCR software and image optimization have rendered it impossible to determine whether these inconsistencies are due to manual tampering, or are simply the result of the optimization and scanning process.

  4. J. Potter says:

    Nicks’ articles are a mess, but at least she isn’t overstating anything. Funny how WND didn’t link to her first, which was more critical of PDF mania. Shame they put words in her mouth about her second. I doubt they’ll be linking to this one, with it’s vague conclusion, but who knows, they are good at spin! LOL

  5. aarrgghh says:

    J. Potter:
    … but who knows, they are good at spin!LOL

    wnd is not good at spin. its readers are good at stupid.

  6. J. Potter says:

    You got me there! I guess I should have kept it to wannabe-spin.

    aarrgghh: wnd is not good at spin. its readers are good at stupid.

  7. Hey, Jerome Corsi’s PhD is in political propaganda. Give them some credit.

    aarrgghh: wnd is not good at spin. its readers are good at stupid.

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