Monthly Archives: August 2011

Army veteran loses job after confrontation with birther boss

An Alabama employee of Hawk Enterprises, a defense contractor, complained to his company after receiving a birther email that he considered racist. According to Kerin Kelly, he was confronted by a vice president of the firm who said that it … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers | Tagged , | 11 Comments

Independent computer consultant tackles claims of birth certificate forgery

John Woodman created a series of YouTube videos in which he examines some of the birther claims that President Obama’s long-form birth certificate is a fake. I was impressed by his methodical approach to the claims, and the care with … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Books | Tagged , | 22 Comments

Taitz gets sucky birthday present

Happy Birthday Orly! Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth probably didn’t know  it was your birthday when he wrote a rather unpleasant (from your point of view) ruling today in the case of Taitz v Astrue. It’s not without irony that … Continue reading

Posted in FOIA, Lawsuits, Orly Taitz, Social-security numbers | Tagged , , | 27 Comments

Obama must resign in 90 days

Pastor Manning says so in this January 31, 2011 video. Manning doesn’t explain exactly there the authority for his jury came from, but bear with me. A significant part of this video is various citations from folks like Tim Adams, … Continue reading

Posted in Pastor Manning, Videos | Tagged , | 21 Comments

Disturbing article at the Post & Email

Sharon Rondeau has published an interview at the Post & Email with an unnamed observer1 at the trial of  George Joseph Raudenbush III (2006 Raudenbush photo at right), a case that I have not been following and know little about. … Continue reading

Posted in Crimes, The Blogs | Tagged , , , , | 38 Comments

Disturbing article at the Post & Email

Sharon Rondeau has published an interview at the Post & Email with an unnamed observer1 at the trial of  George Joseph Raudenbush III, a case that I have not been following and know little about. I wouldn’t be writing about … Continue reading

Posted in Crimes | Tagged , | 10 Comments