Supreme Being: Do be careful! Don’t lose any of that stuff. That’s concentrated evil. One drop of that could turn you all into hermit crabs.
Time Bandits
The thought of crazy people walking around unsupervised bothers me a little, and there’s no shortage of crazy sounding people leaving comments over at WorldNetDaily attached to WND’s birther stories. This one just now got my attention:
It is well documented that his mother was in Kenya when he was born, even to the extent there are records showing she was denied travel from Kenya to Hawaii due to her advanced pregnancy.
That’s crazy and even more disturbing are the ones with violent vigilante language that we’ve all seen. The comments are so very emphatic and certain.
The number of birthers and birther sympathizers peaked when Donald Trump championed their cause, but when the long form was released, birther numbers plummeted, leaving only about 5% of the population still convinced Obama was born overseas. The withering fire of evidence and media commentary has driven away all but the hard core true believers, and we should expect birther rhetoric to become more dogmatic and delusional – because only the dogmatic and delusional birthers remain: concentrated birther.
Kevin: Mum, Dad! Don’t touch it! It’s evil!
Time Bandits
That, to me, is one of the strangest things about birthers, and also the thing that makes them impossible to defeat with mere facts. They are, for the most part, willing to accept as true anything that bolsters their position, no matter how ridiculous or even contradictory. Since this person heard this, they automatically accept it. Even though, were it true, the matter would be settled. And if you point out that they’re wrong, they will simply ignore you.
Actually, that’s not unusual in conspiracy fringes.
In general, these people are not motivated by factual analysis. They are motivated by an emotional need. In this case, it is simply emotionally unacceptable to them that Obama can be a legitimate President who will show up on all the lists forevermore. They go down with this birther stuff because it answers that need–Obama is illegitimate, he isn’t actually on that list. That’s what they’re clinging to, facts be damned. The facts will be waterboarded as necessary to maintain the citadel in their minds.
I really don’t have the patience to deal with the WND boards. The amount of abject stupidity that goes unchallenged there is just mind boggling. In my occasional passing though of the place, it seems to be where our favorite paralegal from New Mexico holds court, and actually seems to be treated as an authority. Anywhere that a sometime paralegal lacking any degree from an institution of higher learning (heck even an associate’s degree from community college) is looked to as an authority on the law, is a genuinely scary place.
I recently popped over to see what the talk about crazyland was, and in addition to their normal completely incorrect and unsupported statements of law, our paralegal friend was claiming that “some scholars” (I always loved how some people throw the general “some people say” comments when really they mean “I have no source for this, and none probably exists, but I want to make this wild accusation anyway”) claim that the Democratic party was founded by British loyalists that fled to Canada during the revolution and came back to try to undermine the country. Never mind that the party was formed 60 years after the Revolution…never mind that first Democratic President Andrew Jackson is considered the founder of the party. The same Andrew Jackson that defeated the British in during the War of 1812 during the battle of New Orleans. But hey, as long as you’re operating in a fact free environment, why not throw a few partisan lies in on top of everything.
Genuinely scary the kind of insanity that runs rampent there.
…… great movie tho.
It’s just not as much fun as it used to be. Over at the Free Republic cesspool, Butterdezillion’s nonsense has cooled down considerably, Beckwith seems to have thrown in the towerl, Red Steel’s input is minimal.
Come back, birthers, come back!
Anybody see the latest madness known as the Pitchfork Rally scheduled for Aug 15th in GA?
Basic stuff is below along with many links.
For some of the legal minded here, read about some of the cases the lawyer in charge of this shebang has tried to pull off.
I think Orly has a long, lost brother:
Oops. This is a better link for his cases:
I wrote this before: Larry Klayman literally sued his own mother, and took it to trial!!
Read all about it:
Oh holy Jeebus, Lary Sellin is a freakin madman. He actually tried to friend me on LinkedIn because I had written in to Canada Free Press criticizing him. And when I called him on it, “Ok, I KNOW who you are…” his answer was “Baahhhhhhhhh!!!!!”
He’s like some freakin’ 12 year old. Except a 12-year-old’s balls have probably dropped.
The LFBC popped the bloated red birther supergiant and it’s deflated to a brown dwarf. Does anyone think that anyone has been radicalized by birtherism alone? I don’t. The nuts were already nuts, it’s just one more bell to ring.
I never saw that before. Thanks.
I guess it’s not hard for two people to find the same holes in the cheese.
These people are mad and in every way the term can apply.
They’ll endorse breaking laws from minor ones all the way up to the constitution, while waving their flags and saying the country is being destroyed.
Anyone that doesn’t agree with them has taken some secret oath and all the NWO and Soros stuff.
I bet 99% of them don’t even realize how many people are richer than Soros and donated more money to Obama.
Even with Forbes publishing lists yearly and donations being public record, if Glen Beck said it, it must be true.
And every one of them probably using either Apple or Microsoft products where their owners and leaders voted and supported Obama along with their own homes filled with stuff made in China.
The irony of their comments is sometimes so profound, I sometimes have to wonder if they’re being sarcastic.
Unfortunately, most aren’t. They’re just that dumb and hateful.
I can’t wait to see their heads explode for another 4 years as they try to take back their country!
time bandits: best unofficial Monty Python, kitchen sink sci fi action humor comedy, british who’s-who movie ever.
world net daily: proof that, given typewriters and a mandate to produce shakespeare, monkeys will merely throw poop.
German poet Christian Morgenstern wrote about that state of mind – his “weil nicht sein kann, was nicht sein darf” (“that which must not be, cannot be”) has become a common figure of speech in German. (includes English translation)
Cranks are stuck in their fictional computer-like world, frantically looking for the “undo” button.
But that only reflects the deeper underlying motivation – their fear of things they’re not in control of. That’s what drives every conspiracy theorist (and most religions), their deep emotional need for the existence of a human-based entity that is able to control everything.
I am reminded of this passage from Stargate SG-1 Season 9 Episode 11 (The Fourth Horsemen Part 2):
I meant to put this part in bold:
I’d have put this part in bold, too:
“No, you’re dark-side intergalactic encyclopedia salesmen. Unfortunately, the home office hasn’t been quite upfront with you.”
Nice find.
Oh NOZES………The Birfoons haz found out and interviewed the miscreants of “Operation Barry”…!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(h/t to Mimi of the Fogbow………)
WND’s lawyer Klayman also received sanctions (not directly financial) this week in Klayman v. Judicial Watch.
The DC Federal Court may be down for a while this weekend, so it is possible the link will not work briefly.
That episode happened to be on TV while I was reading the thread. The synchronicity was interesting, I thought.