Independent computer consultant tackles claims of birth certificate forgery

imageJohn Woodman created a series of YouTube videos in which he examines some of the birther claims that President Obama’s long-form birth certificate is a fake. I was impressed by his methodical approach to the claims, and the care with which he reached conclusions about them. While Woodman considers himself a “Tea Party Conservative,” he certainly proved no friend of the birthers in his videos.

Now three months of research has resulted in Woodman’s new 221-page book, Is Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate a Fraud? A Computer Guy Examines the Evidence for Forgery. It’s available from in print and eBook formats.

I haven’t read the book yet, so I won’t comment further on it, except to say that I will be reading it shortly. I got the NOOK eBook version from Barnes & Noble – instant gratification, plus it’s only $4.95. [There are PC readers for both Kindle and Nook books.]

Read more:

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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22 Responses to Independent computer consultant tackles claims of birth certificate forgery

  1. Zixi of Ix says:

    I look forward to the accusatory “reviews” on Amazon and B&N from birthers who haven’t read the book.

  2. J. Potter says:

    PDF Madness is now a published phenomenon! Shockingly, the author is not a believer, but a debunker. Typically only believers are driven to publish on these things, unless they become huge. Anyway, glad to see it!

    Roughly a third of the book can be read for free via Amazon’s “Look Inside” feature. A very generous preview. Could be a handy companion souvenir to everyone’s copy of WTBC? How else will you remember teh various facets of this particular delusion?

    Everyone did buy a copy of WTBC?, right?

  3. I bought a USED copy of WTBC?

    J. Potter:

    Roughly a third of the book can be read for free via Amazon’s “Look Inside” feature. A very generous preview. Could be a handy companion souvenir to everyone’s copy of WTBC? How else will you remember the various facets of this particular delusion?

    Everyone did buy a copy of WTBC?, right?

  4. Is that like “reefer madness?”

    J. Potter: PDF Madness is now a published phenomenon!

  5. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I bought a USED copy of WTBC

    Is it still readable? I mean, if the former owner was a birther, he was likely clenching his fists in rage while reading, and if it was an Obot, he was shaking with laughter. Neither of which is good for the paper. 😉 (Or is it an eBook?)

  6. Keith says:

    The Magic M: (Or is it an eBook?)

    I understand that used eBooks can have a lot of torn or missing pages or sometimes the pages are stuck together with coffee or doughnut jelly that the previous owner spilt on it.

    Its really best to stay away from them.

  7. Horus says:

    The Magic M: Is it still readable? I mean, if the former owner was a birther

    I really thought you were going say that the pages are stuck together.

  8. I got the ebook this morning. Doc C is mentioned in several chapters and in a favorable way. He even makes the “cast of characters”. RC Radio and my blog is used as a source in the Irey chapter. The chapter analyzing Paul Irey is particularly interesting because Mr. Woodman seems to have done this work almost as the book was released so it is a new analysis.

  9. obsolete says:

    Doc C,
    as you must know by now, you are one of the mentioned “experts”. I look forward to your article to see if you are given a fair shake.
    I read the preview, I will probably buy the ebook.

  10. roadburner says:

    The Magic M: Is it still readable? I mean, if the former owner was a birther, he was likely clenching his fists in rage while reading, and if it was an Obot, he was shaking with laughter. Neither of which is good for the paper. (Or is it an eBook?)

    it´s easy to identify who owned it before.

    if a birther owned it, it´ll be covered with drool and foam from above.

    if a birther debunker owned it, it´ll have pee stains from underneath and tear stains from above.

    literaly PMSL 😀

  11. Thrifty says:

    Obviously this man is another Soros/Obama paid RINO.

  12. Sef says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I bought a USED copy of WTBC?

    I certainly hope that you have an adequate supply of latex gloves before even touching this “book”. Hopefully, your entire family have been alerted to the dangers of even being in the same room.

  13. I received only minor attention about which I have no complaints.

    obsolete: Doc C,
    as you must know by now, you are one of the mentioned “experts”. I look forward to your article to see if you are given a fair shake.

  14. The used copy I bought is in pristine condition. I doubt it was even read.

    The Magic M: Is it still readable?

  15. richCares says:

    what a great title, Birhers will buy it thinking it is their next OMG moment, with their limited reading skils they wiil think it supports them. 9 out of 10 people buying this book will be birthers, it’s a stroke of genius!

  16. Back to the book … (BTW, Woodman doesn’t mention the two parent citizen nonsense even once.)

    Woodman says Corsi has promoted at least twenty three different theories on the radio and in writing on why the LFBC is either a forgery or invalid. He says every single one of them falls apart under examination.

  17. misha says:

    john: It was discovered by legal authorities like Donofrio

    Donofrio is not even an expert at poker. Do you see him here:

    john: It was discovered by legal authorities like…Apuzzo

    Mario Apuzzo is a third rate DWI lawyer, who makes a tidy living trying to have drunks get back behind the wheel, so they can cause more carnage.

    Watch this:

  18. roadburner says:

    misha: Watch this:

    i read that article, and when i got to…

    “Are we as a society ready to water down what murder is and turn our sons and daughters into murderers who go out and drink and drive and cause a fatal accident?” Lamagna asks. “No matter how tragic these cases are, and they truly are, they’re an unintentional act that was caused by the alcohol. But for the alcohol, this wouldn’t have happened.”

    ….i had the strange desire to hunt down and kick the shit out of that clown.

    this is a classic example of what is all too common in western society today – `it wasn´t my fault, the booze made me do it!´. IMO, you get pissed, go driving and kill someone, then the book comes heading in your direction because there is simply NO EXCUSE.

    `oh dear, little johnny isn´t going to have a very nice time in prison´. tough luck, maybe his example will put the fear of christ up someone else, they won´t drink and drive, someone won´t die and another family won´t be destroyed.

    sorry bout the rant doc, but this is a subject close to my heart. if you want to delete this post now that i´ve vented, please do so.

  19. The Magic M says:

    Horus: I really thought you were going say that the pages are stuck together.

    I was, but then I thought I’d behave. 😉

  20. Terry K. says:

    Copies of WTBC? are still cluttering the shelves at Borders bookstores going out of business around the country, even as the politics books are already marked down to 70 percent off. If you want to get a copy without the fear of WND making money off it, this would be one way.

  21. misha says:

    Terry K.: Copies of WTBC? are still cluttering the shelves at Borders bookstores

    Thanks for the tip, but I am fully stocked on kitty litter.

    I tried something similar with the National Inquirer: I lined Max’s litter box with tabloid pages. Max walked into the main room, and said “I can’t use my litter box. It’s full.”

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