Liberal spin

There’s this shouting match between Liberals and Conservatives over who spins the news the worst. When I talk about it at all, I point out spin from the conservative side and the reason I do that is because I read conservative sources to go along with this birther business, and I frankly don’t listen to liberal news sources.

Nevertheless, I did happen across a “liberal” article at called: “U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg just can’t let Barack Obama’s birth certificate go” that paints Walberg as a birther. (The reader can visit the MLive site to see exactly what the article says in context.) Personally I think it treats Rep. Walberg unfairly. It turns a failure to state a position into a negative position.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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12 Responses to Liberal spin

  1. JoZeppy says:

    While he arguably isn’t a hard core birther, he is pandering to them. We are not talking about a nuanced question with obscure details that rarely see the light of day except among the most specialized of academics. While they don’t tell us what the actual question was, the answer speaks volumes. There can really be no question where the response isn’t, “you’re daft, there’s nothing there, move on.” If someone asks you why Congress isn’t investigating the faking of the moon landing, you don’t answer, “well, I don’t know if it was faked or real, just we need to focus on the budget right now.” You answer, “don’t waste my time with stupid questions.” If someone asks you what steps are being taken to protect our country from the Jesuit plot to take over our country, you don’t give some line of B.S. about be sure our country is doing everything it can to keep you safe. You say, “you’re a nutter.”

    A failure to state a position when confronted with a rediculous question is giving fuel to those who hold that insane position. He has a record of pandering to birthers, and he continues to do so. It’s no different than a concern troll who shows up and pretends that this issue hasn’t been beaten to the ground.

    Again, what would be your reaction to a Congressman who refused to give a position on the moon landing or the fact that the earth was round?

  2. John__C says:

    Sorry, Dr. C. Have to disagree with your analysis here. Walberg was characterized extremely fairly by mlive.

    The blog cites to the Adrian Daily Telegram, which itself quotes Walberg as saying, “I would like to have that question [about Obama’s place of birth] finally answered as much as anybody else.”

    The cynical suggestion that the release of Obama’s long-form birth certificate didn’t “answer the question” of where Obama was born is the very essence of birtherism.

  3. richCares says:

    As to spin, the right wingers win hands down, as shown by Perry’s recent statement on global warming. He claims that scientists falsify data to insure research funds flow to them, yes, that’s stupid, but it is a major right wing talking point on global warming. They, like birthers, project their shoddy ethics on to their adversaries.

  4. obsolete says:

    The belief that “global warming is a hoax” should be called what it actually is- a conspiracy theory of the highest order. The modern Republicans and conservatives seem to have been completely taken over by conspiracy theorists.

  5. Lupin says:

    As I always say — “Shapes of the Earth; opinions differ” is one of the greatest tragedies of today’s American media.

  6. Rickey says:

    In fairness, spin comes from the left as well. Last night Jon Stewart pointed out how Ed Schultz on MSNBC took a quote from Rick Perry out of context and made it seem that Perry was referring to Obama when he spoke about “a dark cloud over Washington.” If fact, Perry was talking about the debt.

  7. richCares says:

    “when he spoke about “a dark cloud over Washington.” If fact, Perry was talking about the debt.”
    what a spin, almost as good as “scientist are manipulating data to insure research funds keep coming”, same level I guess, do you fall for the African inheritence scams?

  8. Sef says:

    As I always say — “Shapes of the Earth; opinions differ” is one of the greatest tragedies of today’s American media.

    I have been having some amusement at reading posts at . . The thought processes exhibited there are remarkably similar to those of birthers.

  9. Rickey says:


    what a spin, almost as good as “scientist are manipulating data to insure research funds keep coming”, same level I guess,

    The point is that Perry is an ignoramus in so many areas that it isn’t necessary to make up stuff about him. Making things up about him is counterproductive.

  10. obsolete says:

    Sef: I have been having some amusement at reading posts at . . The thought processes exhibited there are remarkably similar to those of birthers.

    Wow, I may buy one of their snazzy t-shirts! And they claim to have donated money to Chicago animal shelters, which need support badly.
    They may have a new member….

  11. J.Potter says:

    I love it when someone says something ludicrous while nodding their head up and down. That kind of debate jujitsu can convince anyone of anything. Well, anything that person wants to believe at least. Otherwise, it just confirms the douchiness of the person doing the nodding (imo).

    Rickey: The point is that Perry is an ignoramus in so many areas that it isn’t necessary to make up stuff about him. Making things up about him is counterproductive.

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