Monthly Archives: October 2011

Noted law professor says birther NBC argument not “crazy.”

In an article discussing objections to the candidacy of Marco Rubio that say he’s not a natural born citizen because his parents were not US citizens, United Press International quotes Georgetown law professor Lawrence Solum saying: "The arguments aren’t crazy," … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship | Tagged , | 73 Comments

Government rests. Huff takes the stand.

Darren Huff (pictured right) took the stand today, the third day of his trial on federal weapons charges before U.S. District Court Judge Tom Varlan, charges that could carry a 7-year prison sentence. Huff, who was found carrying a pistol … Continue reading

Posted in Crimes | Tagged | 55 Comments

United States v Darren Huff

The jury trial of Darren Huff on charges of carrying a firearm in interstate commerce with the intent to use it in a civil disorder and using a firearm in relation to another felony begins in Knoxville, Tennessee, today. Huff … Continue reading

Posted in Birther militia, Birthers Behaving Badly, Crimes | Tagged , , , | 21 Comments

The Doctor and the President

Two celebrities appeared at the Asheville Regional Airport this morning. I’m sure the vast majority of the estimated 2,000 attendees were there to see the President, hear his speech on the American Jobs Act, snap a photo, and (for a … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , , | 35 Comments

Tricked out Obotmobile

So the big news around here is President Obama’s visit to Asheville, NC, tomorrow to promote American jobs. The President will speak at the Asheville Airport, and I plan to be there. In order to attend the speech tomorrow, each … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , , , | 13 Comments

Taitz v Fuddy dismissed

Judge Nishimura  dismissed Taitz v Fuddy from the bench in Honolulu yesterday. In the suit, Birther attorney Orly Taitz sought to inspect President Obama’s original birth certificate, waving affidavits from “experts” saying it is a forgery. Response from Orly Taitz … Continue reading

Posted in Lawsuits, Orly Taitz | Tagged | 371 Comments