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Apuzzo misses you:
“I posted this story [that President Obama’s father was Malcolm X] on September 29, 2011, following the lead article that appeared on Terrible Truth.
“It is now October 4, 2011. I am rather surprised that we have neither seen nor heard from Dr. Conspiracy on the issue of Obama’s mother’s photos being fakes. I wonder what happened to him and his Obot followers.
“I know that Dr. Conspiracy loves to analyze and examine every claim regarding computer images. But we have yet to hear a word from him and his Obotic retinue.
“I’ll keep waiting.”
What, his “Someone white, magnified 100 times from a 40 year photo of Malcom X’s funeral, looks (nothing) like Obama’s mother and has short hair” story?
Gee I have no idea why Doc C thought it wasn’t worth discussing.
Ahhhhh, the desperate whine and stench of a Birfoon “leader” ignored, as refreshing as angel tears……… 😎
It’s because Obama’s father was really Darth Vader. Doesn’t Mario know anything about popular culture? Mario should get out more, instead of chasing ambulances.
Must be hard on the ego to be upstaged by the likes of Orly Taitz. But when all he has is Malcolm X rumors, it shows that perhaps Mario has finally used up his 5 minutes of fame.
Even the freekrepublic wasn’t stupid enough to by this nonsense. Here are the comments from the story about Dr. C’s FOIA request;page=51
To: mojitojoe
I’ll be honest, I think that video that is supposedly of Stanley Ann is silly. It looks nothing like her and in fact I don’t even think it’s a female. Looks like a boy to me and he doesn’t seem upset at all, looks like he couldn’t care less X was taken out.[earlier post by mojitojoe]
I agree. What I don’t understand is why Mario Apuzzo would post this on his website. This is too fringy without better proof than has been presented.
86 posted on Tuesday, October 04, 2011 2:02:15 PM by DiogenesLamp
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It’s pretty bad when mojitojoe and DiogenesLamp both say something is a fringe conspriacy theory.
My silence is easily explained: I don’t read Mario Apuzzo’s web site.
Actually, doesn’t Obama look like Mr Clean?
So Mario Apuzzo is trying to make the case that Obama is eligible to be President after all?
So his Dad was Malcolm X. What does that change?
It allows the Putz to indulge in Cirque du Soleil levels of BS verbal contortions and “prove” that even if the Presidents’ father was Malcolm X (and therefore meets the bogus Vattelist criteria) it DOESN’T MATTER AS HE’S A USURPERATOR…
You really can’t make this stuff up…….”sigh”
I think the birther party line on this special item of crapfoolery is something like “his biological father doesn’t matter legally, and since Obama Sr. is on the BC, he’s ineligible by the Vattelist argument”. Though this somehow clashes with the “BC is a forgery” claim (not that that would worry any birther, believing contradicting things is common for them), because if it is, then it doesn’t legally matter what father is on the “forgery”.
I think the “Malcolm X crowd” is a fringe among the fringe; they are the ones who didn’t take the “hide the truth in plain sight” road but the “everything is smoke and mirrors” road which teaches that since Kenyan birth and Vattelism are such obvious issues, the “truth” must be something hidden behind that, such as an “embarrassing” father and/or mother.
(That’s why you have the “radical Malcolm X is the father” school and the “his real father is Dunham Sr. and his real mother is a street hooker” school.)
Hello, my name is bob.
( Hi bob)
I am an addict
( huzzahs, and sympathetic head nods)
I started just merely researching the loopiness from Orly’s site. She was the one who made it real. The televised meltdowns, the Russian, Israeli, Dentist, Real Estate Agent, Lawyer crying for the truth; she made it so open. How could someone who took online law courses pass the bar?
But it was more than that. I am agnostic. Anything is possible is my faith system. Sometimes the raving lunatics made sense. I researched the court cases and the records. I never told my friends. They wouldn’t have understood. I went to primary documents, as much as possible, and I, lazily ,relied on WIKI and a bluff more than once. And at some point it became fun to make fun of a group of people.
I started to imagine sending posts to 3 tooth yokels hidden in trailer parks. Tin hat wearin, Dixie Flag lovin rubes.
I have done a lot of research, but of course that is not 100% fact. Neither is gravity, but as with the former, I will take my chances.
I apologize for the ramble, but whiskey and the lack of an American voice for 2 years makes me crazy. I use to think it was easy to dismiss moon hoaxers, and flat earthers, and birthers. Now they are so much more crazy.
My own motto is: If I am wrong, I swear to fuckin’ god, i will apologize.
All i want from the other side is the same pledge. Is that so wrong?
Thanks for the vent
His Satanic Majesty requests that the miscreant who has stolen his ice skates return them immediately as he has urgent need for traversing his realm…….
It’s true, Fox has just admitted to an actual, real live, honest to DoG, FACT……
In a rare interview with a non-Fox reporter, Roger Ailes made a shocking declaration while defending himself from accusations that his Fox News network was anything but “fair and balanced.”
Speaking to The Associated Press, Ailes argued that he hired Sarah Palin not to promote a political agenda, but “because she was hot and got ratings.”
The interview was intended to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the controversial news network, which Ailes founded with the intention of challenging CNN back in 1996.
“three tooth yokel”
I think those are what you call decidents, i.e. only having one tenth the normal number of teeth.
Also known as the Fox and Friends audience.
Herman Cain has written 113 columns for leading birther website
Cain believes the president was born in the United States, the campaign’s spokesman, J.D. Gordon, told The Ticket in an interview.
But in March, when asked by a conservative blogger what he thought of the people who were demanding Obama release his birth certificate, Cain said he had not thought about it much, and he offered support for those who were raising questions.
“He’s not off base,” Cain said then of Donald Trump’s effort to get Obama to release his birth certificate. “Just like the people who have been challenging his place of birth for the past couple of years. It’s just not an issue that I have studied enough to have a view one way or the other. … I respect people who believe that he should prove his citizenship, that he should prove that he was born in the United States of America, and that’s fine. If I were president, and someone would challenge me on that, I’d produce my birth certificate. End of discussion. . . . But I quite frankly haven’t looked at all the facts to have an opinion on that.”
Why won’t Cain produce his birth records now? Once he is President, it is too late if he is not eligible.
What is he hiding?
Check out the comments from either Farah paid astroturfers or the willfully ignorant claiming WND isn’t a birther site.
Tom Cochrane was a prophet.
He know there would eb birthers from way back in the 80’s, and he wrote a songa about them. Tell me this isn’t dead on the money…
Lunatic Fringe
Artist:Tom Cochrane
Lunatic Fringe
I know you’re out there
You’re in hiding
And you hold your meetings
We can hear you coming
We know what you’re after
We’re wise to you this time
We won’t let you kill the laughter
Lunatic Fringe
In the twilight’s last gleaming
This is open season
But you won’t get too far
We know you’ve got to blame someone
For your own confusion
But we’re on guard this time
Against your final solution
We can hear you coming
No you’re not going to win this time
We can hear the footsteps
Way out along the walkway
Lunatic Fringe
We know you’re out there
But in these new dark ages
There will still be light
An eye for an eye
Well, before you go under
Can you feel the resistance
Can you feel the….thunder
I would have a modicum of respect for people who self identify themselves as birthers if; they would be honest and state that; I don’t like a tanned man with a funny name in the White House.
Cain’s full last name is McCain. He is the illegitimalte son of John McCain’s father.
Just like Glenn Beck is keeping his past hidden.
I got a letter from Andy Borowitz:
New additon to the WND lineup: Jack Abramoff
I read that as “quitting party”.
I liked him better when he was played by Kevin Spacey
With apologies to SNL: I’d like to jack Abram-off.
Coming out of the closet on the Doc’s blog?
Dr. Jerome Corsi: It’s Going To Be Bloody Before It’s Done
What a pablum of paranoid crazy! Corsi & Alex Jones… definite proof that the fevered conspiracy mind is a form of brain damaged mental illness.
Tea Party = Prohibition/Klan/WCTU
The Evangelicals Engaged In Spiritual Warfare
See this:
Yes, the KKK was strongly part of ardent support for the Prohibition movement. Ken Burns awesome “Prohibition” documentary that just recently ran on PBS (and is still showing in reruns – check your local listings) did a great job of covering that aspect.
In other news the Yankees also get to say “We’ll get ’em next year”.
Prediction: Detroit over Arizona in 7 games.
Might as well schedule the parade now, no reason to play the games.
Only if they can come away with more than 1 run (on a walk) from 2 1-out bases loaded situations. I will happily accept 1/10 of A-Rod’s salary to whiff with runners in scoring posiition.
I’d rather be CEO of HP for less than a year, ignore or mishandle huge problems and then walk away with a $10 million severance.
All you need is a really nice suit.
Go TIges!
Can I play? I’d rather be president of a very large nation. Then, I’d have my sidekick who used to be CEO of a large oil company, make up a report about a country that had a billion barrels of crude oil, which showed that country had chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. Plus, for good measure, the report would state that labs which made biological weapons were on tractor-trailers, so they could be moved around and missiles could not hit them.
In my State of the Union speech, I’d tell about this country getting uranium from an impoverished country in Africa. Africa is necessary, because they are so poor they’ll sell anything to anyone – that’s how the narrative goes.
Then, I’d invade and create havoc. After the dust settles, there wouldn’t be any weapons, but it was just as well, because now my buddies are sitting on oil. Then, I would go around telling people my invisible friend in the sky can beat up their invisible friend in the sky, so they should feel good about the lives cut short, and the
pawnssoldiers missing eyes, limbs, and have 3rd degree burns.Then I’d get a fabulous retirement, with lifetime franking. Wouldn’t that be great? I’d never have to go to the post office again and rub shoulders with the common folks, who need a bath.
All I’d need is a really nice suit.
That is all too true of most CEOs (with the notable exception of the late Steve Jobs). Most of them are just ridiculously overpaid bureaucrats in a suit. And that’s why i’m not that impressed with those of them who run, or pretend to run for office (like Trump, Cain, Romney, Fiorina). Now, if Cain had invented pizza and then built the little store where he sold the first pie into a chain of stores that sold really great pizza and then invented calzones and come up with the idea of selling by the slice and been the first to realize that beer went really well with pizza, then I’d be impressed.
By the way, since Mc means “son of’ in Gaelic, if the Republicans nominate Cain, they would have nominated “son of Cain” followed by Cain.
Excellent points. I really wanted to see Trump pick the badger on his head for running mate.
P.S. If Steve Jobs hadn’t sold his Apple stock in 1985 he would have been worth $36 billion today and the world’s fifth richest person on Forbes “Top Billionaire List” (instead of 110th).
“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.” – Steve Jobs (The Wall Street Journal, 1993)
I note the conspiracy theorists who say that Satan was Cain’s father (in Genesis) and that his descendents are liars and murderers by nature.
Another installment of Where Are They Now? Theresa Cao is at the Value Voters Summit in DC:
Too funny! From the report there, sounds like Lakin showed up as well and that there is a whole crop of Birthers infesting the forum to pimp their 2012 Birther Summit. LOL!
Silly Birthers, all they are doing is further delegitimizing the GOP in many folks minds by even being there.
Looks like Orly is still under the delusion that her cases in Hawaii are viable and likely to succeed.
>from her site:
“Update! My hearing in HI, in Taitz v Fuddy, Onaka is in 5 days, October 12th, 8:30 am
Posted on | October 7, 2011”
*facepalm* …then again, what else would we expect, based on her completely delusional past history…
So is the “Occupy Wall Street” (or Phoenix or whatever) movement the counterweight to the “Taxed Enough Aready Party” movement?
I think I’d characterize it differently, in terms that UNLIKE the Tea Party, it appears to be a legitimate grass-roots populist movement angry about the source and cause of our economic collapse, stagnation and high unemployment and fed up that nothing is really being done to address the root causes.
If anything, the Occupy Wall Street movement’s mere existence is a stark reminder of how the Tea Party’s theme rhetoric is nothing but hypocricy and that their claims to be a movement inspired by anger against the 2008 bailouts & resulting economic crisis are nothing but a sham cover story for their true purpose – they are nothing but extremely conservative & anti-government shills & dupes of Fox, Beck & the Koch Brothers who are really nothing but an Anti-Obama movement trying to pretend they are anything other than the same folks who always voted GOP in the past and supported GWB.
Since the Tea Party “formed” and has claimed they’re all about economics & the bailouts, blah, blah blah… I’ve constantly confronted Tea Partiers and asked them why they aren’t protesting the banks or Wall Street….a question which is always dodged. Funny how all the Tea Party gatherings were short stints, often involving sitting in lawn chairs and listening to a few speeches and musicians perform. Heck, their events are more like a local outdoor concert.
Yet here we have a new movement that is *actually* doing what the Tea Party only claimed to be about – publically protesting Wall Street and not just coming for a short picnic – but committing to stay day after day after day.
Dear Obotopians!
I have published a new and very informative blog report at my WOBIK Blog.
‘Barack Obama birth announcements: Gary Ronhovde, Charles Lincoln, sex empress Orly Taitz, Lucas Smith and the California State Library.’
Please read, comment and share. Thanks!
Only in Scots Gaelic. The Irish equivalent is “O” Like in my name, O’Shaughnessy. Though I think “of the family of” is a more accurate translation.
Please ignore the spamming troll.
Your own article clearly shows Obama’s birth listed in the Honolulu Advertiser registry, on page 9 of your pdf copy, just as you state.
For any sane person, that really is the end of it. Only severe ODS and unhealthy paranoia can have someone come to the conclusion, upon finding the answer, that the microfilm must be fake.
Occam’s Razor, dude. He was born there. The records confirm it. End of story. Let it go.
Actually Mc and Mac are Irish in origin. When Irish emigrants in 6th/7th century formed the Dal Riata colony, to start what eventually became the Scotland, they took with them the language and culture of north eastern Ireland, including the family naming convention of Mac.
Everyone’s favorite forger has a new posting with alot of stuff about Orly and Lincoln. I would skip all of that and scroll to the bottom of the page where he has embedded a scribd document.
It contains all of the birth announcements for the Honolulu Advertiser for the month of August, 1961.
On page 37 of 39 there is an announcement for a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. James Ah’Nee, 623-A Kunawai Lane, daughter, August 23rd. (second column, second announcement).
I think this is the announcement for the birth certificate recently displayed on WND.
The one with certificate number 09945.
So, maybe my reading was not so far off.
So, what is the true origin of the “Irish harp”?
So, if this is correct then you have:
Ah’Nee – 09945 – August 23rd
Nordyke, Susan – 10637 – August 5th
Nordyke, Gretchen – 10638 – August 5th
Obama, Barack – 10641 – August 4th
Waidelich, Stig – 10920 – August 5th
Are you referring to the Harp of The Dagda?
Not sure what that has to do with naming conventions.
Which definitely supports the last-name alphabetical sort theory..
Done monthly
Agreed. Sometime on or after the 5th day of the subsequent month (or whatever day it was), that all of the records from the outlying islands are supposed to be submitted.
Expelliarmus: “Which definitely supports the last-name alphabetical sort theory..”
So a smudge that looks like a smiley face at low resolution is all the birthers have left…
And the long tradition of Birthers debunking themselves continues. 😆
As of 2009, three (four if Reagan is counted) out of the last five presidents have been left-handed.[3] Counting as far back as Truman, the number is five (or six) out of twelve. In the 1992 election, all three major candidates – George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot – were left-handed.[2] The 1996 election also involved three left-handed candidates: Clinton, Perot, and Bob Dole, who learned to use his left hand after his right hand was paralyzed by a World War II injury. Additionally, both major-party candidates in the 2008 presidential election – Barack Obama and John McCain – were left-handed.[8] The percentage of the population who are left-handed is about 10%.[3] While some write this trend off as a coincidence, others have tried to come up with scientific explanations. According to Daniel Geschwind, a professor of human genetics at UCLA: “Six out of the past 12 presidents is statistically significant, and probably means something”.
Herman Cain is left handed….
charo, I am left handed.
Astounding theory you have. Voters should care much more about which hand is dominant rather than Cain’s plan to build the Great Wall of the U.S. to keep out scary, foreign invaders from the south.
Remind me again how well building a giant, heavily armed wall worked for Berlin?
About as well as praying for rain.
Did Cain choose to be left-handed?
This reminds me of the long list of reasons about why the latest English team is like the 1966 English team, including the same number of I’s in the team names etc.
Of course, the English Team always lose anyway.
I mean seriously, this has got to be the daftest reason why someone is gonna win I’ve ever heard.
It’s just more practice for goalpost moving from a true concern troll.
So in 1992 there were 2 left handed losers. Same in 1996. And in 2008 there was 1 left handed loser.
So I count 5 left handed losers in just three elections. Exactly how does that advance the theory? And what is the theory anyway?
It was a freakin’ joke.
Ok guys, give it a rest. Sadly, you all seem to lately be demonstrating just the type of knee-jerk response thinking that you accuse others of. I’m really disappointed and that lack of simple fair minded rationality on display here.
Nothing in Charo’s post indicated any “theory” or goalpost stated here. Really, you are all overreaching and overreacting. All she pointed out was a simple and interesting statistic that addresses the unusually high proportion of left-handedness amongst presidents and presidential candidates.
Nothing in said analysis makes any logical leap from the mere statistic to saying that people either vote because of someone’s handedness nor that even being left handed will make someone win or more likely to win. Those are all unsupported gaps that you are all filling in yourselves … and not which was stated in Charo’s post either.
The statistic is interesting and unusual. As others have pointed out, many prominent left handed candidates have run & lost. I’m sure there is some fascinating valid find that could be worthy of a good graduate study of someone who looked into it further. Honestly, I don’t think it has anything to do with the likelihood of winning and probably simply says more about the brain structure and internal motivations of those that are merely more likely to undertake a high-level run for political office.
As there are some general neurological differences in how the brain is wired that leads to most left-handedness vs. righthandedness and that this often deals with which areas are more dominent or interconnected, I would not at all be surprised by a simple scientific correlation to an increased liklihood for someone to be driven to pursue certain career paths.
The goalpost moving and concern troll snarks are carry overs from the Herman Cain: Bi-curious? thread.
There is a constantly revolving door of sarcasm. And no one is an innocent bystander here.
I guess they missed the fact that Obama is left handed also. It was intended as a joke, but I did find it kind of interesting.
I see what you are saying G, but it isn’t really true that Charo was not suggesting a theory or proposing a connection.
She quoted “Daniel Geschwind, a professor of human genetics at UCLA” (and I have not verified his credentials) as saying that “Six out of the past 12 presidents is statistically significant, and probably means something” and then goes on to point out that “Herman Cain is left handed…”.
She doesn’t say “hey folks, here is an interesting bit of statistical trivia that may or may not mean anything”. She quotes an assertion that it is statistically significant and adds an assertion of her own.
The two assertions, taken together, without any disclaimer about the motivation for posting the assertions on the thread, are a clear indication that she is drawing a link between them and claiming some sort of statistical advantage for Cain because of his left handedness.
Now I’ll admit that MW probably misread the post, but I think Suranis wasn’t too far off in reading it as proposing a fallacious advantage for Cain (and I of course am never wrong – just ask me 😎 ).
I do think it is an interesting piece of trivia and perhaps worthy of a study to determine why such a high percentage of left handers put themselves in the position to challenge for high office. But I certainly would not attribute an advantage to left handers with the electorate, but if more southpaws make themselves available, then more southpaws will be elected.
It may be worth noting that left handers occupy other positions in greater numbers than their population density would suggest. For example the percentage of left handed pitchers and first basemen in Major League Baseball is much higher than in the population at large. In baseball there is a perceived advantage in a left handed pitcher delivering the ball from a different angle to discomfort the batter, and for a left handed first baseman to have his glove hand toward the infield where the throws can reach him a fraction of a second sooner. How this could possibly translate to a political advantage is beyond me however.
How many presidents have been ambidextrous?
I quoted wiki. You have got to be kidding.
I think I need to contact the Cain campaign. I can take over as Communications Adviser.
Watch for the posters. Maybe he can attract “the left”!
Obama is left handed. Where is the advantage?
Please don’t confuse misreading with general annoyance. Thanks.
WND is now proposing an episode of “parks & recreation” is a win for the birthers.
…….. will this be the game-changer?
By your theory, it’s an advantage in getting the nomination over right-handed Rick Perry. (But neutralized when running against the left-handed Mitt Romney)
Well there you go. That is probably why John McCain got the nomination. That has to be it.
Over his opposition, which at this point in time are all Republicans, of which Obama is not. He has a long way to go before Obama is his opposition.
OK. Got it.
From one of Orly’s FB pages:
Listed under Religious and Political Views –
“No matter what your political views are, you have to be a decent human being.”
It burns.
WND has put up a “big list of eligibility proofers”…..
the article is the standard bit of WND comedy but there was one aspect that i did find interesting. of all the people they listed as “eligibility proofers” none of them listed “2 citizen parents” as their reason for questioning with two exceptions, pat boone and new hampshire state rep laurence rappaport ( …… and i’m curious to see if rappaport still holds this belief ).
Wow. WND is engaging in some creative spinning to transform anti-birthers into “eligibility proofers.”
Yeah, they had a lot of stuff that was quite a stretch. However, it was interesting to see their version of a “complete list” and a useful tool, which can easily be used against them and the people listed there in political attack ads.
“Cited as a Birther by World Net Daily”… I can just see the future attack ads writing themselves now.
President James A. Garfield could write in 2 different laguages in each hand at the same time.
Languages, and I meant to write that he could write in a different language ( Greek, [right?]and Latin [left?]), with both hands at the same time. Didn’t proofread well enough. Apologies.
Whatever happened to O RLY Radio that was on mentioned on her site?
She’s now broadcasting WOLD.
For the small numbers who give a cack, Mad Ole Orly has suffered yet ANOTHER smack down in the courts when she….again….went to Hawai’i trying to shoehorn access to the Presidents BC.
Response from the judge……..Denied and case dismissed
Oh, forgot, details at the Fogbow
Purpura v. Sebelius, the lawsuit that seeks to overturn the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) relying in part on birther arguments, just had its dismissal affirmed by the 3rd Circuit. More details at ACA Litigation Blog.
A detailed rundown of Orly’s latest failure in court is recounted here:
A commenter at Ory’s site;
“Thayne Doak
October 12th, 2011 @ 8:09 pm
Dr. Taitz,
This is quite the victory.”
Over at ORYR – Al Hendershot has a two part phone converstion with the press secretary from Congressman Posey of Florida. It’s hard to tell who the bigger moron is Al Hendershot or Mr. George Cecala.
Going through the Orly site is still such a guilty pleasure. Lately it has been a laugh riot. The lemon tree lady, a Serbian American veteran whose family was told the President does not send condolences directly, the russian pop music videos, and of course the commenters. The level of blind crazy is unreal.
Latest example, which I will let speak for itself.
Mom of Two
October 10th, 2011 @ 11:41 am
I’m hoping that Orly, and perhaps others who regularly post here, can help me. I have been searching for a civics text that describes the requirements for “natural born citizen.” One of my kids is in fifth grade and I cannot find anything in her text book that defines the term. My son, who is a freshman in H.S., has a history book that refers to the NBC requirement but does not say what makes a person an NBC.
Every year the Visiting Nurse Association has a huge book sale of books, records, encyclopedias, software, etc. that have been donated. I searched textbooks, some going back to the 1970s, and could not find one that teaches that both parents must be citizens and that the child must be born within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
Please, could everyone check their child’s books and post here their findings? I am constantly bombarded with demands by Obots to cite a book, which I know exists because I distinctly remember being taught that in grade school and high school in the late 1970s through mid 1980s.
Please, Dr. Taitz, stop the nuttiness or your site will make it to my favorites.
LOL! Ah, the frantic search of the desperate birther…on the quixotic quest to justify the revisionist past they’ve created in their own mind… just precious.
Cue in the birfers calling the VNA a “Marxist organization” that “burned all the books containing our precious Vattelist definition” in 3… 2…
More proof that either all birthers are just parrots using whatever they’ve read somewhere, or, alternatively, that there are people behind the movement feeding the same talking points to everyone:
This “presidential candidate”‘s interview rehashes, almost word by word, the most common birfer “arguments” and images:
“a real-life Manchurian Candidate”
“the illegal use of a dead person’s social security number”
“the election of 2008 will be null and void, and every law, executive order, appointment or international treaty will also be null and void”
“protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic”
“Obama […] spent millions in preventing any document from seeing the light of day”
“Donald Trump was used to help Obama skirt the eligibility issue”
“It does not matter if Barack Obama was born in the White House in the Lincoln Bedroom on the Fourth of July.”
Also funny:
“a nationally-known “birther attorney,” who must remain anonymous for the moment, has agreed to represent me in federal court”
Yeah, who could that be – it isn’t like there’s more than, say, *three* possible candidates?! Oh I hope it is Orly. 😉
He also gets the definition of “US citizen” wrong:
“one merely has to be a citizen of the United States. This means the [person] must have been born in this country or his parents must have been naturalized […]”
So naturalized citizens are not citizens? Is he an “abolish the 14th” guy?
And I don’t get this one:
“Originally the Constitution required that both parents must have been born in the United States or naturalized before any of their progeny could gain the status of Natural Born. When Obama was born, the law of the land required that both parents must have been born on US soil before any of their children were born on US soil to gain Natural Born Citizenship status.”
So what was the mythical change in the Constitution that excluded children born of naturalized parents from being natural born?
I am amazed that my response to Mother of Two was accepted
“Bob J
October 13th, 2011 @ 7:58 pm
Mom of Two,
You can’t find a definition of a natural born citizen as being born to two citizen parents because it does not exist. It never has. NBC is not defined in the Constitution. Critical thinking and looking at the 14th amendment, along with reading the Supreme Court cases dealing with the 14th is a good place to start.
I post on Orly’s site more to vent than to argue, because I am rarely published. My wife thinks my nickname is ” your comment are awaiting moderation”
I enjoy the silliness of the whole thing. I love to go back and forth with people who come up with more outrageous, and get so angry. Arguing sports, politics, religion always turns me off, because in most of life anything is possible. With a laptop, DSL, and time ( I live in small town in South Korea. Okay village.) A search of primary documents is easy. It is fun. Does that make me a terrible person? Actually it is not the arguing with birthers that I enjoy. It is the hope that one of them might read something I wrote and say,
” shit, he’s right. Honey, stop sending Billy’s college fund to Orly Taitz!!!”
I also enjoy birther failing spell check. If spell check doesn’t know, you are not a real cause.
No jack for Jack…
“””The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued an Oct. 11 order instructing Worldnetdaily Books, the Washington-based publisher of the upcoming tome, to turn over any money it owes Abramoff under the book contract or other agreements.”””
The birthers are once again calling for armed insurrection and violence in light of continued failure, as a way to usurp the will of the people
The Horse is Dead, so Stop Kicking It
“Now here it is, three years after the yet-to-be-vetted president took office, and we’re still doing nothing but blowing hot air at one another and expecting something to happen. Well, nothing’s going to happen without some sort of physical involvement, and that’s the bottom line…
…There is no way for America to win her freedoms back unless it is done physically. The enemy will not give up without a fight, and we will not win our country back without one.”
Here is my reply, although I doubt it will make it past moderation. Birthers only care about free speech when it’s THEIR speech.
And people wonder where terrorism begins? One need look no further than this article.
Terrorism has always begun, throughout history, when a fringe handful of nutbags who find themselves frustrated at complete and utter failure to get anyone to believe in their crackpot conspiracy, finally take up violence as a way to impose their will on the sane majority.
Congratulations birthers, this article shows you’re at the cusp of becoming the American equivalent of Al Queda. We can only hope, for our families and country’s sake, that you’re too cowardly to step over it.
Sharron Angle: “And you know, I’m hoping that we’re not getting to Second Amendment remedies. I hope the vote will be the cure for the Harry Reid problems.”
“…if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I’ll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.”
Has this been noted here before?
WikiPediaThe Dunning-Kruger effect
Perhaps more pithily put here:
RationalWiki: The Dunning-Kruger effect
Explains the efforts of “at least” one of our favorite birthers, I think. Yeah that’s it, just one. Maybe two. OK, three. But no more than five, yeah…that’s the limit though. Tens possible, who knows? Couldn’t be any more than a hundred could it?
Yes, but it’s worth repeating.
Here’s the real challenge for you: try to identify a Birther to which the D-K Effect doesn’t apply…
What up though my darling Obotopia inhabitants!
I have published a new and very informative blog report at my WOBIK Blog.
‘Inside Africa: Near pristine image of Barack Obama’s 1961 baby footprint has surfaced in 2011.‘
Please read, comment and share. Thanks!
Lucas D. Smith
PS- I don’t want your money! I would never put a Paypal link on my website! NEVER!
They might exist. I’ve actually read a couple of them on WND who go “I don’t really understand all these arguments about Constitutional law, and what Wong Kim Ark means and why it refutes Minor vs. Happersett etc., but I want the issue resolved in the open”. Those might not match the Dunning-Kruger definition because they don’t claim they know better than everybody else.
They’re a tiny minority, though. The average birther is all “I knows better how to operate a brain then dem darn surrjenns”.
Yes, but will it match the the Fischer–Tropsch effect?
No offense Lucas, but you suffer from an over desire to desperately find any scrap of information to justify your confirmation bias / POSFKBC. To be kind, the images you have shown don’t come anywhere close to meeting any transitive properties of making analogous connections whatsoever. You’d have better luck playing six degrees of Kevin Bacon.
I must be missing something. What is the evidence this is Barack Obama’s footprint? Were you able to sneak past the Secret Service and take a plaster cast before the next wave came in when the Pres walked the beach in Martha’s Vineyard this past summer?
I take it that your ears started burning when we started talking about the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Too bad, I have an extra couple of thousand to donate. I guess I’ll give them to the Obama 2012 campaign…
Hey Lucas, how’s that “convicted forger desperately trying to get someone to believe his new forgeries are real” thing working out for you?
Just posted this to Orly’s Facebook page
Hi Orly; Just thought you might like to know about Lucas Smith’s article on his blog that details your sexual adventures. Personally I think you should sue him, especially over the “sex empress” thing. You birthers really need to be at each others throats more
“I heard, on different occasions, Taitz talking dirty, i.e., kinky sex talk, to Lincoln in what I perceived as loud feigned murmurs. She appeared to be sexually serenading Lincoln with questions such as, ‘Do you want me to…[REDACTED]‘. I remember thinking to myself that Taitz was being awfully conspicuous and overt in carrying on this sexual liaison …”
Just curious, did the Communist Party USA really endorse Obama in 2012? I can’t find anything on its Web site that says it is. All my friend the Glenn Beck fan could come up with is a WND article about it and all I can find are similar right wing blogs.
He was endorsed by this Tea Party:
“Let me feenish!”
Hi Daniel, saw this article and thought of you:
The whole article is a good read and bravo to Gary Johnson for championing a more inclusive society. Here is just an excerpt:
“When Republicans talk about values — you know what? I bet you and I have the same values.”
Republicans only care about babies until they are born. Then they are a drain on society.
“He said it was important to reach out to voters that fall outside the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths, and slammed his own party for being too beholden to the Christian right.”
Ted Haggard: He moved the church to a strip mall. There was a bar, a liquor store, New Life Church, a massage parlor. His congregation spilled out and blocked the other businesses. He set up chairs in the alley. He strung up a banner: SIEGE THIS CITY FOR ME, signed JESUS. He assigned everyone in the church names from the phone book they were to pray for. He sent teams to pray in front of the homes of supposed witches—in one month, ten out of fifteen of his targets put their houses on the market. His congregation “prayer-walked” nearly every street of the city.
Bachmann, meet Palin:
Michele Bachmann criticized President Obama’s foreign policy during Tuesday night’s CNN debate, saying, “Now with the president, he put us in Libya. He is now putting us in Africa.” Libya, it should be noted, is in Africa.
If it’s not in the bible, it’s not true. What is wrong with these people?