The jury trial of Darren Huff on charges of carrying a firearm in interstate commerce with the intent to use it in a civil disorder and using a firearm in relation to another felony begins in Knoxville, Tennessee, today. Huff will be defended by Knoxville attorney G. Scott Green.
Huff was traveling to Madisonville, Tennessee in possession of an AK-47 assault rifle that he allegedly admitted was intended to take over the city and make citizens arrests in support of birther Walter Fitzpatrick III. (Fitzpatrick was charged with trying to force his way into a grand jury room to intimidate the foreman in retaliation for the foreman’s refusal to consider Fitzpatrick’s papers claiming Barack Obama is not eligible to be president).
Huff describes himself as a member of the Georgia militia and the “Oath Keepers” group (both of whom have reportedly kicked him out).
Read more:
To add to the “speshul”, Darren has submitted a writ of habeas corpus to have Grand Admiral and Galactic Poo-Bah Walter Fiitzgerald testify on his BEHALF……..
I can see no way in which this is going to anything but “helpful”…. 😎
Don’t be dishonest Doc…(Fitzpatrick was convicted of trying to force his way into a grand jury room to present papers claiming Barack Obama is not eligible to be president).
This is not true. Fitzpatrick was convicted of trying to force his way into grand jury room to effect a citizen arrest upon Foreman Gary Pettway. That incident had nothing to with presenting papers of Obama’s ineligiblity. Fitzpatrick was trying to arrest Pettway because he had been sitting as the jury foreman for 27 straight years.
According to the Associated Press:
While John is correct that Fitzpatrick said that it was his intent to “arrest” the grand jury foreman, this is simply Fitzpatrick’s excuse for pushing his crank theories about Barack Obama. If the grand jury hadn’t refused to consider his claims, he wouldn’t have been after the foreman.
Some observations:
1. Fitzpatrick interrupted a meeting of the Grand Jury while in Session after Pettway had rejected Walt’s request to have his ‘treason’ case heard by the Grand Jury. Fitzpatrick filed with the Clerk a ‘affidavit of criminal complaint’ which is ‘all that he needed’. So the claim that he did not attempt to serve papers needs to be seen in proper context.
2. Fitzpatrick attempted to effect a citizen’s arrest even though no evidence of a felony existed, which is the necessary requirement before one should attempt a citizen’s arrest
3. Pettway’s assignment to be the foreperson of the Grand Jury for 27 consecutive years is allowed under TN law and Rules.
Did I miss something? What’s wrong with putting everyone in City Hall under citizen’s arrest with an AK-47 ?
There are a few too many birther bigots who thought The A-Team was a documentary.
Just so long as they are not wearing a turban or a sombrero its perfectly okay.
Some of ’em wear turbans UNDER their sombreros.
Actually Fitz is less of a birther and more of a common crank with querulatory disorder.
When the Grand Jury didn’t go all “oh yes, let’s issue indictments!” on this Obama derangement syndrome, he decided the GJ must somehow be “illegal” (otherwise it wouldn’t fit in his view of things), so he dug a little and “found” the jury foreman and the length of his service.
As a typical crank, he misunderstood the law (taking “a foreman must possess all the qualifications of a juror” to mean “a foreman must adhere to the same selection standards as a juror”, i.e. is also not allowed to serve consecutive terms), combined this with the generally false notion that a foreman is part of the jury (and its decision process) and made his misunderstanding his gospel.
(That Pettway isn’t white may have helped his brain malfunction, though I doubt it was the main issue for Fitz.)
Which is why Fitz is currently (well, apart from his being jailed and all) entirely consumed with his one-man crusade against the “corruption” (another word for “disagreeing with me because they understand the law and I don’t”) since obviously no-one wants to see it his way, thus everyone must be corrupt and complicit in a conspiracy.
Which is a common crank clinical picture, no birtherism required.
The part I don’t get re: FitzPatrick is why he still seems to believe he’s part of the military, even to the point of repeatedly wearing his old Navy uniform to trials (and wing told repeatedly by the judge to change). He still requests to be referred to by his rank.
Also odd is why the Post and Email have so fervently taken up his cause, with dozens of articles about “Tennessee corruption” over the past year. There are lots of crank birthers, what is it about him that makes them want to cover things? Ms. Rondeau even set up a fund for him and helped pay some of his telephone bills from jail.
As others have pointed out, FitzPatrick has tried to take his “illegal grand jury!” stuff almost all the way to the state supreme court, which has said there is no law that says someone cannot be reappointed as foreman. That doesn’t satisfy FitzPatrick, but shrug.
Even if were illegal to serve multiple terms (which it is not, despite what Fitzpatrick claims), the person who would have been the primary offender would have been the judge who appointed him and not the person appointed. In any case, I do not believe the citizen arrest statute was ever intended for such an application. It is there to allow the arrest during the commission of a felony when no other law enforcement was available and the safety of others immediately threatened.
In addition, I do not believe committing another felony to carry out a citizen arrest (i.e. interrupting a grand jury) was ever intended. Unfortunately, Fitzpatrick has, for years, has gone by the assumption that the law is whatever he says it is.
Fitzpatrick has a history of being a crank who sees massive corruption and conspiracy wherever he happens to live at the time. It seems to have started with his court martial, but may have been a character disorder even further back than that.
It should be noted that Fitzpatrick’s true motivation to get Pettway involves a woman. Apparently some woman dumped him for Pettway. The rejection, particularly for a black man, set him off on this more recent venture into madness and incarceration.
Then again, that really seems to sum up a majority of the hard-core Birthers out there.
I suppose that many of them had a long history of problems (or at least ones boiling under the surface) and that their mental issues, personal problems and paranoia drew them to full blown ODS Birtherism like moths to flame.
Those with those tendencies merely boiling under the surface…well, ODS Birtherism was the final Jenga brick to fall and cause them to snap into unrecoverable crazy.
‘Kooky?’ Maybe. But defense attorney says Georgia ‘birther’ no criminal
Quote at the end:
Defense attorney Scott Green: “Is it right to lock up one of our citizens because he doesn’t think like we do?”
Isn’t that what Huff wanted to do to Obama and others, or did my irony meter blow up for no reason?
To discuss Mr. Fitzpatrick with logic and empathy is folly. Just look at the list of his brushes with the law over the last 20+ years. The fact that anyone could champion this bully, this lewd, aggressive, theif and spouse abuser belies their own idiocy. Screw him, Huff, and all of these keyboard commandos who have little education and less common sense. Look at this list of bullshit:
1988-89 – LCDR Walter Fitzpatrick serves as XO (Executive Officer) of the USS Mars (AFS-1). During this time, Fitzpatrick uses funds from the ship’s Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Funds to send a delegation of sailors from said ship to the funeral of the CO (Commanding Officer)’s brother.
1990 – LCDR Fitzpatrick is court-martialed and convicted on one count of being “derelict in the performance of those duties (as executive officer) in that he willfully failed to follow proper procedures for the accounting and expenditure of Morale, Welfare and Recreational Funds” A letter of reprimand is placed in his personal file, and he is “beached”
1991 September 23 – Case 91-2-02080-1, Kitsap County Superior Court. Domestic Violence charge against Walter Fitzpatrick by one Cathleen Marie Fitzpatrick.
1991 November 14 – Case 91-2-02443-1, Kitsap County Superior Court. Domestic Violence charge against Walter Fitzpatrick by one Cathleen Marie Fitzpatrick.
1993 – Fitzpatrick’s court-martial conviction is downgraded to simple negligence.
1993 December 22 – Case 93-2-02837-9, Kitsap County Superior Court. Domestic Violence charge against Walter Fitzpatrick by one Cathleen Marie Fitzpatrick.
1994 July – LCDR Fitzpatrick is mandated to retire from the Navy after having been passed up for promotion to Commander three times, triggering retirement under “Up or Out” guidelines.
1994 September 21 – Case 94-2-02352-9, Kitsap County Superior Court. Domestic Violence charge against Walter Fitzpatrick by one Cathleen Marie Fitzpatrick.
1996 September 4 – Case 96-2-00825-0, Clallam County Superior Court. Unlawful Detainer charge against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick by the Port of Port Angeles
1996 November 19 – Case 96-004625, Clallam County District Court. Case against Walter Fitzpatrick by the Port of Port Angeles
1996 December 5 – Case 96-9-01126-4, Clallam County Superior Court. Judgement against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favour of the Port of Port Angeles.
1996 December 9 – Case 96-2-03601-5, Kitsap County Superior Court. Abstract of Judgement against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick by the Port of Port Angeles.
1996 December 9 – Case 96-9-03910-9, Kitsap County Superior Court. Judgement against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favour of the Port of Port Angeles.
1997 June 4 – Case 97-2-01631-4, Kitsap County Superior Court. Collection by Bank of Monogram (Credit Card) against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick
1997 June 8 – Case 97-9-02140-2, Kitsap County Superior Court. General Recovery Judgement against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favour of the Bank of Monogram (Credit Card).
1997 July 14 – Case 97-9-00557-2, Clallam County Superior Court. Judgement against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favour of the Port of Port Angeles.
1997 July 17 – Case 97-2-02062-1, Kitsap County Superior Court. Judgement against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favour of the Port of Port Angeles.
1997 July 17 – Case 97-9-02283-2, Kitsap County Superior Court. Judgement against Walter Fitzpatrick and Cathleen Fitzpatrick in favour of the Port of Port Angeles.
1998 March 2 – Case 98-3-00247-1, Kitsap County Superior Court. Marriage Dissolution with Children by Cathleen Fitzpatrick against Walter Fitzpatrick.
1998 March 2 – Case 98-2-00638-4, Kitsap County Superior Court. Miscellaneous court case by Walter Fitzpatrick against Luke Poulson.
1998 March 4 – Case 98-3-00266-8, Kitsap County Superior Court. Divorce and Seperate Maintenance by Cathleen Fitzpatrick against Walter Fitzpatrick.
2000 March 31 – Case 00-2-01014-3, Kitsap County Superior Court. Miscellaneous court case. Trustee is Robin P Church, Grantor is Walter Fitzpatrick.
2000 September 6 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K00-015635 ID# LW 63000 Victim – Miscellaneous
2000 November – Fitzpatrick is elected as a port commissioner for the Port of Tracyton (WA)
2001 May 21 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K0 1-008018. ID# LW 104969 Suspect – Coercion by use of threat
2002 February 21 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K02-003212. ID# LW 145591 Fitzpatrick files a criminal fraud complaint with the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office claiming the Port of Tracyton’s budgets were false.
2002 March 14 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K02-004397. ID# LW 148723. Mentioned.
2002 May 9 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K02-007543. ID# LW 156902 Reporting – Miscellaneous
2002 June 13 – Case Y2-002436, Kitsap District Court. Against Walter Fitzpatrick by Roy Lee Anderson (Roy Lee Anderson was a Port of Tracyton Commissioner)
2002 June 14 – Fitzpatrick demands sheriff’s deputies remove a fellow commissioner (Steve Hoffman) due to Fitzpatrick’s claim the man in question is no longer a port commissioner.
2002 June 18 – Case Y2-002469, Kitsap District Court. Against Commissioner Steve Hoffman by Walter Fitzpatrick
2002 July 1 – A temporary restraining order is granted to Fitzpatrick against Steve Hoffman due to claims by Fitzpatrick that Hoffman threatened him.
2002 October 11 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K02-016254. ID# LW 178929 Victim – Violation of Civil Anti-harassment Order
2002 December 16 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K02-019706 ID# LW 188010 Reporting Party – Harassment
2003 January 31 – Port Orchard Police Department, D03-000237 ID# LW 197605 Suspect – Harassment
2003 April 22 – Walter Fitzpatrick sends a letter to Washington Attorney General Christine Gregoire asking that the Port of Tracyton be dissolved.
2003 May 8 – Kitsap County Commissioner Patty Lent schedules a special meeting to appoint a second Port of Tracyton commissioner. Fitzpatrick threatens legal action if this action is taken.
2003 May to July – Gary Keenan is appointed as a interim port commissioner.
2006 June 17 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K03-008735 ID# LW 230396 Offender – Harassment
2003 July 11 – The Port of Tracyton has problems with finding a quorum. Fitzpatrick sees his 600-page allegation of criminality against other public officials thrown out of court due to lack of evidence. Fitzpatrick at this time is board chairman, and has claimed to have canceled all port meetings for the rest of the year. There are calls for Fitzpatrick’s removal.
2003 July 16 – Fitzpatrick is warned that he will be dropped as a commissioner if he fails to attend any more meetings.
2003 July 30 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K03-011066 ID# LW 240719 Reporting Party – Civil Dispute
2003 August 16 – Fitzpatrick is removed as a commissioner, and attempts to disrupt the next meeting of the port commission. Pat Wright is appointed to take his place.
2003 September 4 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K03-012975 ID# LW 249207 Offender – K03-012975
2003 September 5 – Fitzpatrick is escorted from a Port of Tracyton meeting by sheriff’s deputies, to applause from the 20 residents attending.
2003 September 16 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K03-013600 ID# LW 252123 Mentioned in Suspicious Incident / Investigation
2003 October 10 – Bremerton Police Department, B03-009688 ID# LW 258131 Offender – Unwanted Subject
2003 October 14 – Case Y3-003962, Kitsap District Court. By Cheryl Fitz Williams (Staffer to Rep. Norm Dicks, D – Washington’s 6th congressional district), against Walter Fitzpatrick.
2003 October 14 – Case Y3-003969, Kitsap District Court. By Paula Blake (Staffer to Rep. Norm Dicks, D – Washington’s 6th congressional district), against Walter Fitzpatrick.
2003 October 27 – A one-year restraining against Fitzpatrick is obtained by Cheryl Fitz Williams and Paula Blake.
2003 October 31 – Reports are the Port of Tracyton are back on track following the removal of Walter Fitzpatrick. There are also reports that Fitzpatrick’s address changes and his phone is disconnected around this time.
2004 January 30 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K04-001313 ID# LW 286222 Offender – Theft 1
2004 March 11 – Fitzpatrick is cited in an article about a damaged nuclear missle at the Bangor (WA) Sub base.
2004 April 26 – Bremerton Police Department, B04-003919 ID# LW 308380 Offender – Violation of Restraining Order
2004 June 2 – Case 10388406, Kitsap District Court. Defendant is Walter Fitzpatrick
2004 July 27 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office. ID# WA 40101. Violation of Civil Anti-harassment Order
2004 August 29 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K04-011434 ID# LW 343270 Offender – Assault 4 – Domestic Violence
2004 August 30 – Case 10388407, Kitsap District Court. Defendant is Walter Fitzpatrick
2004 August 29 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K04-003738. ID# AR 50933. Arrest, Assault 4 – Domestic Violence
2004 August 30 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office. ID# JM 200406132. Jail Booking
2005 July 29 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K05-009064. ID# LW 425753 Offender – Criminal Tresspass 2
2006 March 24 – Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, K06-487443 ID# LW 487443 Reporting Party – K06-003615
Technically, Fitzpatrick is still a member of the military, since retirees can be recalled to active duty at times. That there is no way in hell the Navy would ever recall him because of his record while on active duty and afterwards doesn’t mean that it doesn’t apply. He’s also allowed, on a limited set of occasions to wear a uniform. However, wearing it to a court hearing because you’re under charges is not one of them.
Wearing a uniform unless it is a dog catcher uniform is a big no no for military retirees who are being charged. The use of the rank should be “in good taste”.
Are you truly this patherit
Are you seriously that pathetic, John? Fitzpatrick?
The man is mentally disturbed. The history is clearly documented (see goodgravy). His court martial, whatever its merits, did psychological damage for which he has never been able to achieve closure. His documented pattern is one of compensatory self-aggrandizement that inevitably leads to failure and humiliation because he’s delusional, coupled with an inability to admit he is wrong about anything. Each incident then provides fresh fuel to start the cycle anew.
There’s a simple reason why no one takes his claim about the jury foreman’s ineligibility seriously. The case he attempts to lay out is legally incorrect, and indeed obviously so. He is a fool, and if you lend him credence, so are you.
Had to have been a documentary the bullets never hit anyone and everyone walked away unharmed
I should have tipped my hat to Mr. McKinnion over at Badfiction for Fitzpatrick’s very, very lengthy list of transgressions…..
It’s a real problem for the prosecution that they are accusing a defendant of having an AK-47 which they don’t actually produce in evidence. The main charge might stick (crossing state lines with the intent to incite a riot), but the weapons charge might not, since the existence of the illegal weapon isn’t supported by evidence, and since the known weapon (Colt pistol) was legal, the defendant had a concealed weapon permit, and the defendant locked the weapon in a steel toolbox with the police officer’s consent.
This is an easy case to make for the court of public opinion and media hype, but in a federal district court, not so much.