Most overhyped story

Donald Trump’s dalliance with birtherism was New Yorker Magazine’s #2 most hyped story for 2011.

I agree. Think back to how much media time Trump got for his questions about Barack Obama’s birth certificate. Even though the media well knows that questions about Obama’s  birth place are nothing more than unfounded rumors, they were happy to give Trump air time, lots of air time, to raise his doubts.

Surprisingly on Facebook, according to the LA Times, birthers were one of the top political topics on the social networking web site, along with the death of Osama bin Laden and Occupy Wall Street.

I’m not going to point the finger at myself because this whole web site is about unfounded rumors. It’s what I do.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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11 Responses to Most overhyped story

  1. richCares says:

    Overhyped? Didn’t you read that report from Trump’s Investigators, the one that “you won’t believe what they are finding”, reading that report will change your mind, that is if there is a report.

  2. BatGuano says:

    a pomeranian humping an oompa-loompa’s head will always command attention.

  3. sactosintolerant says:

    Actually Trump’s investigators couldn’t find what they were believing.

    And by investigators in Hawaii, he actually meant Jerome Corsi in New Jersey.

  4. Steve says:

    In the spring, when Trump started with this crap, I went to his website and sent an email explaining that the birth certificate was released.
    I never heard back from him (no surprise there) but within the last few weeks I started receiving emails from his site asking for campaign contributions. I quickly found the unsubscribe link and used it.

  5. richCares says:

    In the spring, when Trump started with this crap, I went to his website and sent an email gving 20 names of students who knew him at columbia in respose to his “nobody knew him”
    no answer

  6. Whatever4 says:

    In the spring, when Trump started with this crap, I went to his website and sent an emailgving 20 names of students who knew him at columbia in respose to his “nobody knew him”
    no answer

    Can you perchance post/pm to me the list? I’m compiling a couple of pages at Fogbow on the topic, and want to make sure I get everything.


  7. US Citizen says:

    You know, if I had billions of dollars like Trump, I just can’t imagine I’d constantly be as angry and begging of acceptance from others.
    I also imagine I’d be able to afford better hair.

  8. Majority Will says:

    US Citizen:
    You know, if I had billions of dollars like Trump, I just can’t imagine I’d constantly be as angry and begging of acceptance from others.
    I also imagine I’d be able to afford better hair.

    “Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.”
    – Will Smith

  9. The Magic M says:

    Majority Will: “Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.”
    – Will Smith

    Pretty much like drugs.

  10. The Magic M says:

    sactosintolerant: Actually Trump’s investigators couldn’t find what they were believing.

    They couldn’t believe they were finding only proof Obama was born in Hawaii. 🙂

    And this OMG moment is reborn in Arpaio’s posse finding “devastating” evidence – devastating to the birther case, that is.

  11. richCares says:

    WHATEVER4 “Can you perchance post/pm to me the list?”
    article and list of names at ohforgoodnessake

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