Orly changes mind on hunger strike?

You may recall a January, 2011, OC Weekly interview with birther activist Orly Taitz about her favorite Orange County restaurants. Perhaps their appeal has caused Taitz to have second thoughts about aligning herself with Congressman Keith Ellison in a hunger strike over voting rights  for DC residents, or perhaps she found out that Ellison is a Muslim.

The hunger strike announcement was posted on Orly’s web site and reported on the Birthers Are Liars Facebook group. When I went to check out the original article, it had vanished, leaving only the Google search traces shown here:



Thanks to commenters who saw the original message on Orly’s site. It appears that while she was intending to "join" Ellison, the reason was the usual birther nonsense, and not the enfranchisement of DC residents. Here is part of the deleted Taitz article:

Political dissident leader, and US Senate candidate from CA, attorney Orly Taitz is joining Congressman Keith Ellison and occupy DC protesters on a hunger strike for voting rights. While DC protesters and Ellison are on a hunger strike because DC residents cannot vote for a senator of their own, Doctor and Attorney Orly Taitz will be on a hunger strike to protect the rights of all US citizens, not only DC residents, to have lawful elections for a President, who is constitutionally eligible and who has valid identification papers.

Update 2:

It looks like the hunger strike is on based on a comment from Dr. Taitz, left below. The revised hunger strike is not in alignment with Congressman Ellison, but with Russian dissidents. Check out the new article posted on her site today. While she complains of the lack of media attention, as far as I can tell, the announcement of the hunger strike hasn’t even gone out on her own mailing list.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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34 Responses to Orly changes mind on hunger strike?

  1. Lawyerwitharealdegree says:

    No idea Doc. I do know she has put on quite a bit of weight in the past few months. Maybe she realized she couldn’t make it through a day without eating. Or, more likely, someone pointed out to her that Rep. Ellison is a “Muslin”. 🙂

  2. Bob says:

    I saw the announcement. It was in blue, all caps and seemed a little crazier than her usual offerings.

    She could have just said she was on a hunger strike and nobody would have known if she wasn’t really not eating so it must be that she didn’t want to be associated with Ellison.

    She can’t do anything right.

  3. Judge Mental says:

    I read the article and some comments that were made on her site last night. I’m sorry Doc but on this occasion you are quite wrong and your article leaves yourself open to potential criticism from birthers for inaccuracy, which I’m as sure is unintentional as the birthers will be that it is intentional..

    Her article was poorly written but most certainly did not say that she was joining Keith Ellison in the hunger strike over voting rights injustices for DC residents.

    What it actually said, albeit not very articulately, was that she was also going to have her own hunger strike, concurrently with Keith Ellison. However she did say, pretty clearly to be fair, that her hunger strike was over voting rights injustices being sustained because of an ineligible usurper with a stolen SSN etc etc ie nothing to do with Ellison’s cause.

    She was simply trying to be smart in drawing a general comparison of the different injustices that she imagines exist with Keith Ellison’s perceived injustices. I don’t think that she was or is even in any way sympathetic to Ellison’s cause. Furthermore he’s a muslim and therefore worse than subhuman to her.

    One of her supporters also misunderstood her intent in the comments section at the end of the article, before being corrected by another of her slaves.

    I’ve no idea why she gave up her intent, but that intent was never described by her as being what you are describing it having been.

  4. G says:

    I think Judge Mental’s observations should be appended as a supplemental update to the article.

  5. Dave says:

    To whatever extent it matters, here’s the first paragraph of Taitz’s post, retrieved from the Google cache:

    Political dissident leader, and US Senate candidate from CA, attorney Orly Taitz is joining Congressman Keith Ellison and occupy DC protesters on a hunger strike for voting rights. While DC protesters and Ellison are on a hunger strike because DC residents cannot vote for a senator of their own, Doctor and Attorney Orly Taitz will be on a hunger strike to protect the rights of all US citizens, not only DC residents, to have lawful elections for a President, who is constitutionally eligible and who has valid identification papers.

    I’d say this contradicts Judge Mental’s statements.

  6. The Magic M says:

    Dave: Orly Taitz is joining Congressman Keith Ellison and occupy DC protesters

    Obviously Orly realized that siding with a Muslim and the (in Birther speak) Soros-controlled Marxist ODC crowd would deeply confuse her minions.

  7. Thinker says:

    The second paragraph of her post said that her hunger strike–which was to have lasted last only 24 hours–was about birfer nonsense. I didn’t copy it and I don’t see it posted on the Fogbow or Orly’s World, but I read it when it was posted.

    To whatever extent it matters, here’s the first paragraph of Taitz’s post, retrieved from the Google cache:

    I’d say this contradicts Judge Mental’s statements.

  8. SueDB says:

    What an attention whore. She tries to butt in on everything she thinks could allow her to publicly apply the ‘lash’ to President Obama.

  9. US Citizen says:

    You obviously didn’t see her post that came between those two-

    “Is there anyone out there that can go on a hunger strike for me?
    I am very busy trying to oust the commie usurper. I just don’t have time to honor my promise to Mr. Ellison right now.”


  10. Orly Taitz says:

    This is Orly Taitz and the hunger strike is still on. An extra day of Yom Kipur will not hurt me. I believe an article about my hunger strike will be upcoming, written by an award winning journalist Linda Bentley. It will highlight the hypocrisy in the media. While Ellison’s strike was widely featured and seen as an achievement of near mother Theresa proportions, mine was kept quiet, in order not to draw attention to our Thief -in-Chief in the WH with a stolen Social Security number and a forged BC.
    Have a good day Mr. Davidson, wish me “zom kal”, some of your readers will know, what it means

  11. Judge Mental says:

    Dave: To whatever extent it matters, here’s the first paragraph of Taitz’s post, retrieved from the Google cache:I’d say this contradicts Judge Mental’s statements.

    Sorry Dave. I like to think of myself as very objective and circumspect so rarely close any doors to alternate possibilities, but in this case there’s no other way to say this….you are simply wrong.

    Reading bits of things in isolation can give a false picture. When that para mentioned above is read in the proper context of the remainder of the spiel it is clear that she was only expressing empathy with the rights of DC voters to the extent that the darkie muslim usurper had infringed DC voters’ rights along with everyone else’s rights,and not in any way expressing empathy with the specific DC rights that Ellison is concerned about.

    I read all of it very carefully and all the commenters’ remarks.

    The collective underlying tone was one of being sarcastically dismissive of Ellison and his cause in comparison with hers. It was in the basic spirit and thrust of this kind of thing…..

    …..”Hunger strike for DC voters!!!!.Pah!!! What a pantload!!! I’ll give you guys a proper reason to have a hunger strike!!!! Wake up and worry about that darkie muslim usurper stealing your voting rights in the same way he stole his SSN number and his identity!!”….

    The commenters (with the one exception of a guy who slightly misread what she meant) were on board with this tone. They even remarked about what Ellison was campaigning for being ‘anti-Constitutional’ and against what the founders would have intended the DC voters to have. They remarked how right Taitz was to try to make people like Ellison’s supporters understand how much more important an issue Obama’s eligibility was.

    There’s no question whatsoever that neither Ms Taitz nor any of her site commenters were in any way sympathetic to Ellison’s narrow cause. Furthermore, in follow up of someone else’s loosely related point, there is also no way that Taitz didn’t already know very well that Ellison is a muslim when she wrote her piece……in fact she even hyperlinked her own piece to a third party article which gave more high profile prominence to the fact that Ellison is a muslim than to the actual DC voting rights campaign that it was purportedly about. The irony and impudence of a muslim in campaigning for any kind of voting rights, was one of her snarky, albeit unspoken as such, “points”.

  12. Claude Stapleton says:

    Hoy! You’re completely masuganah, Doc.

    Russian dissident leaders are on a hunger strike over rigged elections. On Tuesday i will be on a hunger strike over our rigged election harware and software and over the presence of an usurper in the WH


  13. Sean says:

    Orly says she doesn’t have time for a hunger strike. But hunger strikes don’t take time, rather they save time. Just stop eating, Orly.

  14. Obsolete says:

    Orly, if you have time to post here, you have time to read here.
    Unless you don’t want to find out that all your beliefs about Obama fraud/fake birth certificates/fake SS numbers are all nonsense….

  15. bovril says:

    Not even vaguely plausible as Mad Ole Orly that one, probably a troll, most likely one of her flying monkeys.

    Grammatically correct
    No profusion of weird punctuation

    Fail post is fail

  16. The IP address of the commenter is consistent with the residence of Orly Taitz.

    bovril: Not even vaguely plausible as Mad Ole Orly that one, probably a troll, most likely one of her flying monkeys.

  17. The Magic M says:

    But still probably not Orly herself. Does her husband write better English than her?

  18. Paul Pieniezny says:

    The Magic M:
    But still probably not Orly herself. Does her husband write better English than her?

    Her husband is from Latvia. I would not be surprised if Russian was the dominant language at her home.

    But it could be one of her sons typing in her place.

    And it is still about HER, HER, HER. So she found out that the DC guy was a muslim, and SO now her posting-fasting (a fast is post in Russian, by the way) is suddenly in solidarity with the Russians protesting against rigged elections. But in fact it is people like Orly who want to set aside a clear election result.

    Now, someone should tell her that the majority of the people on hunger strike in Moscow, are … mooslims!

  19. Linda Bentley is a writer for the Sonoran News, a conservative Arizona bi-weekly newspaper that has provided friendly to birthers in the past. Her articles include Obama’s birth certificate, real or fake, confirms ineligibility

    Ms. Bentley is a fairly ignorant person, repeating demonstrably false rumors as fact, such as John McCain being born in Panama outside of the Canal Zone.

    The Sonoran News carries ads for the Terry Lakin Action Fund.

    Orly Taitz: I believe an article about my hunger strike will be upcoming, written by an award winning journalist Linda Bentley.

  20. Judge Mental says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Her husband is from Latvia. I would not be surprised if Russian was the dominant language at her home.

    But it could be one of her sons typing in her place.

    And it is still about HER, HER, HER. So she found out that the DC guy was a muslim, and SO now her posting-fasting (a fast is post in Russian, by the way) is suddenly in solidarity with the Russians protesting against rigged elections. But in fact it is people like Orly who want to set aside a clear election result.

    Now, someone should tell her that the majority of the people on hunger strike in Moscow, are … mooslims!

    One more time…….she obviously didn’t change her mind because she just suddenly “found out” that Ellison was a muslim. She herself hyperlinked her original announcement about her original intended hunger strike to an article which made a big deal about him being a muslim. Him being a muslim was an integral part of the usual warped point she was trying to make.

  21. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Judge Mental: One more time…….she obviously didn’t change her mind because she just suddenly “found out” that Ellison was a muslim. She herself hyperlinked her original announcement about her original intended hunger strike to an article which made a big deal about him being a muslim. Him being a muslim was an integral part of the usual warped point she was trying to make.

    She deleted the Ellison post and replaced it by one about the rigged Russian elections. She is trying to blank out Ellison, maybe not because he’s a Muslim, but because people did not understand the point she was trying to make. As if she has a point now.

    I am afraid my joke about the Balkars (yes, a joke, they occupied a Moscow square from July to November 2010, last year, and there was a suspicion that the last four “sitting” had never been on hunger strike) is in bad taste now as the article Orly linked to was about Sergey Udaltsov. He’s hardly the important political leader Orly thinks assumes him to be, rather the leader of a small left-wing group who has been arrested a few times before and gone on a hunger strike. I just read that he is now in reanimation at the Emergency Section of a Moscow hospital.

    Somehow I do not think Orly will be taken to hospital at the end of December 20th.

  22. Judge Mental says:

    Understood Paul.

    Personally I have my doubts that there is any intention for any hunger strike on her part. This one will probably be abandoned too. I think she has been being facetious about the entire subject from the start. She simply thinks that her campaign re ineligibility is the single most important thing in the world and can’t understand why only a handful share her views while others are hunger striking over comparative trivilaities.

  23. A one-day hunger strike isn’t a hunger strike. It’s a symbolic gesture.

    Judge Mental: Personally I have my doubts that there is any intention for any hunger strike on her part.

  24. G says:


    Sounds like something out of HP Lovecraft or The Walking Dead…

    Paul Pieniezny: I just read that he is now in reanimation at the Emergency Section of a Moscow hospital.

  25. jayhg says:

    Orly Taitz:
    This is Orly Taitz and the hunger strike is still on. An extra day of Yom Kipur will not hurt me. I believe an article about my hunger strike will be upcoming, written by an award winning journalist Linda Bentley. It will highlight the hypocrisy in the media. While Ellison’s strike was widely featured and seen as an achievement of near mother Theresa proportions, mine was kept quiet, in order not to draw attention to our Thief -in-Chief in the WH with a stolen Social Security number and a forged BC.
    Have a good day Mr. Davidson, wish me “zom kal”, some of your readers will know, what it means

    No way is this Orly Taters…..there are way too many complete sentences and not one instance of “let me feeeenish” in the whole paragraph.

    This is one of her pitiful, desparate minions. It was funny, though…

  26. G says:

    Agreed. And a pitiful, hollow gesture at that. Orly’s idea of a hunger strike is simply not having one of her gullibly slavish minions paying for her expensive meals…

    Folks as selfish as Orly might be great at pouting, but they utterly lack the empathy necessary to do a sacrificial act for truly selfless purposes…

    Dr. Conspiracy: A one-day hunger strike isn’t a hunger strike. It’s a symbolic gesture.

  27. Jim F says:

    re Orly,
    I’m not so sure myself who wrote that blog. The sentiments are hers but there are way too few commas. I believe that her real objective is to reinstate the comma into its rightful place in the English Language. Perhaps she wants to invent a new idiom called Muldoican and have it recognised as the new national language.

  28. The Magic M says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Now, someone should tell her that the majority of the people on hunger strike in Moscow, are … mooslims!

    It would have been extra-ironic if Orly’s “hunger strike” had fallen within the month of Ramadan. 😉

  29. Judge Mental says:

    The Magic M: It would have been extra-ironic if Orly’s “hunger strike” had fallen within the month of Ramadan.

    Indeed. Unfortunately that irony will be foregone as it will of course be many months before Ramadan comes round again.

    As a general loosely related aside comment, in my 35 years as an expat worker in the Middle East I’ve found that in practice many muslims tend to actually have a higher total intake of food during Ramadan than any other month of the year, albeit taken on board during the hours of darkness.

    Certainly supermarkets, food markets and restaurants in most of the Middle East have higher food sales in Ramadan than in any other month, though in very moderate places like the UAE, Bahrain and Oman, Christmas week always runs any other week in the calendar very close in that respect.

  30. Paul Pieniezny says:


    Sounds like something out of HP Lovecraft or The Walking Dead…

    It did sound funny in English when I wrote it. It is a false friend with both Russian and Dutch, it seems. He was rushed to hospital when he passed out.

  31. G says:

    Ok. Still trying to get a translation that makes sense here. …and I’m a bit further thrown off by what “false friend” actually means n this context too..

    In regards to the term “reanimation”… do you mean to say that he lapsed into a coma and then recovered? Or was it something else… Merely passing out seems, on its surface, far too short-term of an event of unconsciousness to lend itself to any description that might translate into “reanimation”…so I’m left curious here, wanting to know more precicely what actually happened.

    Paul Pieniezny: It did sound funny in English when I wrote it. It is a false friend with both Russian and Dutch, it seems. He was rushed to hospital when he passed out.

  32. G says:

    That makes sense. Similar to how people that eat small but frequent meals or snacks tend to consume less daily. A simple example of how hunger works – if you go most of the day without eating, you have an increased liklihood of consuming more at night, when you actually get a chance to have a meal.

    Judge Mental: As a general loosely related aside comment, in my 35 years as an expat worker in the Middle East I’ve found that in practice many muslims tend to actually have a higher total intake of food during Ramadan than any other month of the year, albeit taken on board during the hours of darkness.Certainly supermarkets, food markets and restaurants in most of the Middle East have higher food sales in Ramadan than in any other month, though in very moderate places like the UAE, Bahrain and Oman, Christmas week always runs any other week in the calendar very close in that respect.

  33. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Ok.Still trying to get a translation that makes sense here. …and I’m a bit further thrown off by what “false friend” actually means n this context too..

    In regards to the term “reanimation”… do you mean to say that he lapsed into a coma and then recovered?Or was it something else…Merely passing out seems, on its surface, far too short-term of an event of unconsciousness to lend itself to any description that might translate into “reanimation”…so I’m left curious here, wanting to know more precicely what actually happened.

    A false friend is something like French actuellement (at the moment) and English actually. Or, of course French parents and English parents. When a certain Prussian wrote parents (actually, at the time it was spelled parens) he meant relatives, NOT parents (though the set of parents is a subset of the set of relatives).

    I got an aha-erlebnis seeing pictures of the guy on his bed. The correct translation in this case is “intensive care”. Bringing back to consciousness is of course a part of what happens there

    The reason why they took him there after merely losing consciousness is simple: he also refuses to drink. His re-arrest on the 9th was because he had ëscaped” from hospital after an earlier detention cum hunger strike.

    I sure would not like to be the doctor in charge of the Intensive Care section who gets a dehydrated hunger striker foisted on me by the police.

    The Russian Wikipedia article on the guy is much older than the English one, and has some more info. Like the fact that he is actually on the left of the “official” communists.

    So not only has Orly broken ranks with Avigdor Lieberman, who pronounced the Russian elections fair and without any irregularities (too bad Zhirinovsky did not do better), she is now at least seen as hunger striking in solidarity with a Stalinist.

  34. G says:

    Thanks for helping to clarify!

    Paul Pieniezny: A false friend is something like French actuellement (at the moment) and English actually. Or, of course French parents and English parents. When a certain Prussian wrote parents (actually, at the time it was spelled parens) he meant relatives, NOT parents (though the set of parents is a subset of the set of relatives).I got an aha-erlebnis seeing pictures of the guy on his bed. The correct translation in this case is “intensive care”. Bringing back to consciousness is of course a part of what happens thereThe reason why they took him there after merely losing consciousness is simple: he also refuses to drink. His re-arrest on the 9th was because he had ëscaped” from hospital after an earlier detention cum hunger strike. I sure would not like to be the doctor in charge of the Intensive Care section who gets a dehydrated hunger striker foisted on me by the police.The Russian Wikipedia article on the guy is much older than the English one, and has some more info. Like the fact that he is actually on the left of the “official” communists.So not only has Orly broken ranks with Avigdor Lieberman, who pronounced the Russian elections fair and without any irregularities (too bad Zhirinovsky did not do better), she is now at least seen as hunger striking in solidarity with a Stalinist.

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