So why did convicted birther activist Walter Fitzpatrick III purloin court documents containing personal information on potential grand jurors? Recall that Fitzpatrick was convicted as a result of his previous attempts to forcefully enter a grand jury room after his demands that the grand jury indict President Obama were rejected.
It is certainly a troubling incident. Read about the story from WBIR News and see the photo I wouldn’t publish.
The photo plus the article plus the comments make for a rather depressing read. IMHO.
You want to see depressing, look at the comments section on the WBIR article. (sigh)
I haven’t checked Walt’s cheerleading squad at the P&E yet, but let’s see if I can accurately predict what they’ll say:
1. The video doesn’t show Walt, the TN authorities just want it to be Walt.
2. They had no right to break down his door or take him into custody.
3. The fact they didn’t find the papers shows this was a frame-up.
The comments on that article are just a bunch of ignoramuses.
I see someone mistook Misha’s Kenyan Cat birth certificate as being the Lucas Smith forgery on the comments section
Sylvia is with the light side of the force, I know her from the WND comments section. She obviously mistook misha’s posting as coming from a birther, now you’re mistaking her for one because of her reaction. *lol*
Oh good lord someone just posted a comment linking to the birfer superpac
There was a comment on ORYR by a distressed birther stating that since the documents are owned by the government, and the government is “We the People”, how can he be prosecuted? I recognize this person is trying to find some, any, reason to rationalize why FitzPatrick should not be jailed, but I immediately thought of the ramifications of the theory said idiot was pushing.
*Scenario 1*
“Yes, I took all those birth certificates from the vault, but hey, they’re partly mine! They’re government documents and I’m a citizen! Who cares of there’s no longer any original records!”
*Scenario 2*
Walks into Army base, into arsenal, takes assault rifle, walks out. Alarms start blaring. “It’s cool, I’m one of the People.”
*Scenario 3*
“Hello, Fort Knox? I need some gold bars. Three should suffice. What do you mean ‘No?’ All your gold is belong to me!”
It’s fun!
That’s also taking socialism and common ownership to an extreme. More birther irony.
LOL! Great point!!
Perhaps Fitzy believes the GJ cannot vote a true bill against him because they would have ulterior motives since he has been gathering info to stalk them? Planning ahead for an argument at trial? I wonder what jailhouse lawyer he has been consulting.
Perhaps he was a sacrificial lamb to get info for his cell 9 BFF?
Chapter 20 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure contains information pertaining to the details of a Grand Jury. This involves not only its purpose, but its duty and the mechanics of how it works. While I have referenced some portions of that chapter in this article in order to avoid plagiarizing the text, I also have woven in my thoughts and comments on various parts of the chapter. I did not quote all of the sections but only those that I consider to be more interesting and more commonly misunderstood.
4. This arrest will give Mr. Fitzpatrick the “standing” he needs to sue Obama/indict Obama/subpoena Obama/nullify the 2008 or 2012 elections.
Sorry but no this gives Walt no more standing than the last time he was arrested.
Check your sarcasm meter.
Now, the photo that Doc would not show IS a public record. In fact, Fitzfundfilcher has two mugs shots now: one in a black shirt, and one in black and white prison stripes. The man is a recidivist, plain and simple. The Bad Fiction blog has compiled Fitz’ lengthy rap sheet. It goes back years.